Unstress Health

Unstress Health

Building Individual Health to Transform Collective Health.

Unlocking human potential by delivering holistic health solutions in collaboration with some of the greatest minds and clinicians in health!

Preventing Heart Disease - One Of The Biggest Life Threatening Conditions 30/11/2022

The two biggest life threatening diseases in Australia are heart disease and cancer. Both diseases share many of the same risk factors – lifestyle and diet.

Changes to lifestyle and diet supporting heart health and preventing heart disease may also reduce the chance of some cancers.

Preventing Heart Disease - One Of The Biggest Life Threatening Conditions Heart disease is one of the biggest killers. Changes to lifestyle and diet are key aspects to preventing heart disease and improving health.

3 Health Tips To Live A Life Less Stressed 11/11/2022

Want to live a life less stressed?

There are so many health challenges in our modern world.

Here are three simple strategies that can help you to reduce stress, improve your health and ultimately live a less stressful life ⤵️

3 Health Tips To Live A Life Less Stressed Want to live a life less stressed? There are so many health challenges in our modern world. Here are three simple strategies that can help you to reduce stress, improve your health and ultimately live a less stressful life.

The Link Between Poor Quality Sleep And Alzheimer’s Disease 08/11/2022

Studies have linked sleep disturbances earlier in life to the development of Alzheimer’s disease. That doesn’t mean your risk of developing dementia is definitely increased if you struggle to get a good night’s sleep; the research is still inconclusive. But developing a good sleep routine has numerous benefits for brain health.

Sleep supports your memory and concentration. It also helps to keep your moods stable and prevent depression and anxiety. When your sleep quality is poor and you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep on a regular basis, you will find you struggle to pay attention and solve everyday problems. Memories are consolidated during sleep, so when you don’t get enough deep sleep, you may find yourself struggling with recalling information and events.

It is not a big leap for researchers to consider whether poor quality sleep increases your risk for dementia later in life, or if insomnia is an early sign of Alzheimer’s disease. Either way, there is a link between poor quality sleep and Alzheimer’s disease.

The Link Between Poor Quality Sleep And Alzheimer’s Disease Studies have linked poor quality sleep earlier in life to the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

The Number One Factor Determining Your Ability To Fulfil Your Potential 24/10/2022

What is the meaning of life?
It’s most likely safe to assume you have asked yourself this big and important question throughout some stage of your life, or you will at some point in the future.

Unstress Health’s CEO & Founder, Dr Ron Ehrlich offers one possible and insightful answer to this complex question…

The Number One Factor Determining Your Ability To Fulfil Your Potential How can you fulfil your potential in life? There is one thing that will determine this. We explore how to achieve it.

Why The Size Of Your Mouth Matters If You Want A Healthy Body 14/10/2022

The evolution of the human mouth is interesting. Human teeth were originally simple conical structures, similar to those of reptiles and amphibians. As time went on we developed bicuspid teeth, teeth with two cusps. And then teeth evolved to have three cusps, the trigon, and then four cusps, the talon. Modern human teeth have five cusps.

We now have the biggest teeth in human history, an increased number of teeth, more cusps on our teeth, and the thickest enamel compared to our body size. Yet why are our jaws so small and the vast majority of people in society have teeth crowding?

Why The Size Of Your Mouth Matters If You Want A Healthy Body The size and shape of your mouth is important. If you have a narrow airway, you're more likely to experience dysfunctional breathing and poor sleep.

Only 1 In 8 People Have Good Metabolic Health 11/10/2022

Research Paper: Metabolic Health
Despite the fact that we are all living longer, our overall health appears to be declining.

In Australia for example, 67% of adults are overweight or obese (an increase from 63% in 2014-15)1 and 47% of Australians have one or more chronic conditions (an increase over the last decade from 42%).

Many of these worsening chronic conditions are caused by metabolic dysfunction and our declining metabolic health.

To have good metabolic health your blood sugar, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, blood pressure, and waist circumference will all be at ideal levels and not managed with medication.

All of these factors directly relate to a person’s risk for heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. If you score well on the five measures, you are more likely to have a high degree of health and are at a lower risk of developing serious diseases.

If metabolic health is compromised, this is known as metabolic syndrome.

Specifically, Metabolic Syndrome is characterised as having at least three of those symptoms i.e. high triglyceride levels (body fat), increased waist circumference, hypertension (blood pressure), low levels of HDL cholesterol, and elevated fasting glucose.

Metabolic syndrome is linked to a higher risk of diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases.


Only 1 In 8 People Have Good Metabolic Health Our collective health appears to be declining. Only 1 in 8 American's have optimal metabolic health.

Photos from Unstress Health's post 31/08/2022

In support of our mission, Unstress Health will always strive for our solutions to be in alignment with our values...
⭐️ Accessible & Affordable
⭐️ Achievable & Sustainable
⭐️ Holistic & Science-Based

7 Things You Can Do To Manage Depression Symptoms 25/08/2022

What can the 1 in 10 Australians living with depression do to help them improve mood?

7 Things You Can Do To Manage Depression Symptoms Latest research suggests a chemical imbalance is not a cause for depression. Manage depression symptoms through your choices.

Top 5 Benefits Of Daily Exercise For Mental Health 25/08/2022

It is estimated as many as 45% of all Australians will develop anxiety or depression at some point in their lives. While there are genetic factors that predispose you to mental health issues, most often it is a result of your environment and how well you manage your stress. We don’t have control over everything in our lives, but we can make an effort to take care of our well-being through healthy lifestyle practices such as eating a healthy diet and incorporating exercise into our daily routine.

If you need some more convincing, here are the top 5 benefits of daily physical activity for mental health.

Top 5 Benefits Of Daily Exercise For Mental Health It is estimated as many as 45% of all Australians will develop anxiety or depression at some point in their lives. Discover the benefits of daily exercise for mental health.

4 Greatest Health Challenges To Achieving Good Health 25/08/2022

After hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, homo sapiens can reflect back on that journey with feeling reasonably satisfied.

We find ourselves at the top of the food chain, and despite some commercial arguments to the contrary, impacting our environment in unpreceded ways.

Before we get too self-satisfied, considering the 4.5-billion-year history of our planet, accessing our ‘success’ may still be too early to call.

There are 4 things that have played a significant role in our success, but now may be our greatest challenge to achieving good health in our modern world.

Let’s look at each one as it was, and why it challenges us today.

4 Greatest Health Challenges To Achieving Good Health What are the greatest challenges to achieving good health? Here are 4 health challenges we can address to help us thrive.

10 Sleep Tips For A Consistently Good Night's Sleep 25/08/2022

How well you sleep is a function of quantity and quality. You are meant to wake up feeling refreshed and for 90% of the population, that means 7-9 hours of sleep each night and breathing well while you are asleep.

Below are 10 sleep tips for you to implement to improve your sleep quality and help you achieve a consistently good night’s sleep.


10 Sleep Tips For A Consistently Good Night's Sleep Sleep is a function of quantity and quality, and you are meant to wake up feeling refreshed. Sleeping well is so important for a healthy life; here are 10 sleep tips.

Why Nose Breathing Is Better Than Mouth Breathing 25/08/2022

Breathing happens, mostly subconsciously, twenty-four hours per day, every single day; from the moment you are born until the day you die.

Did you know how you breathe has an impact on the shape of your face, your quality of sleep and your overall health?

Nose breathing is a very different process from mouth breathing. When you breathe through your nose, your mouth is closed and the air you inhale passes through your nasal cavities, passes the sinuses, down your throat and into your lungs. If you breathe through your mouth, your nose and all the structures within it are bypassed.

For something you do all day, every day, it is important to pay attention to how you breathe. The health benefits you receive from breathing properly are significant and can be life-changing.

Why Nose Breathing Is Better Than Mouth Breathing Breathing happens, mostly subconsciously, twenty-four hours per day. Here are some of the many reasons nose breathing is better than mouth breathing.

Why Nutrition Is An Important Step To Feel Your Best 25/08/2022

In the last two years the pandemic has added to mental health issues, increasing numbers of depression and anxiety. The 2021 census revealed mental health was the most reported long-term health condition (2.2 million).

Nutritional psychology is an interesting and important aspect of mental health. It aims to treat the mental and physical root causes of mental health conditions, many of which begin in the gut.
While at its core it considers what is being eaten, it also looks at education around food and nutrition.

Why Nutrition Is An Important Step To Feel Your Best Nutritional psychology is an interesting and important aspect of mental health. Address nutrition to feel your best.


What is your health score?
See how you weigh up against the 5 pillars of health
Sleep, breath, nourish, movement & thoughts.

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7 Easy Steps For Building Immunity & Improving Metabolic Health 24/08/2022

While we are all living longer, collective health seems to be getting worse.

Only one in eight Americans has optimal metabolic health, this equates to just 12% of the population.

The remaining 88% are at an increased risk of developing chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity.

So what does metabolic health mean and why is it important?

7 Easy Steps For Building Immunity & Improving Metabolic Health The prevalence of metabolic health is alarmingly low, increasing risk of developing chronic preventable diseases. Here are 7 steps for improving your health.