Your Golden Hour
Your Golden Hour is your place to find support and information about peri-menopause and menopause. W
"The situation has become tragic. I've always struggled with weight issues, but I've never reached this stage before! I've gained 25 kilos in the past three years!"
Menopause Weight Gain: Hormones hit pause on your metabolism, muscles shrink, and suddenly your body thinks it's a storage unit
Lift weights to rev up calorie burn
Watch portions, prioritize protein
Get moving daily - dance it off!
علشان تعرفوا ازاي تتعامله مع المواقف دي تقدروا تشتروا كتاب "بس ما تقولش يأس" من
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"Suddenly I felt a 'whoooosh' and so much blood came down , down my legs and soaked the chair I was sitting on!"
Surprise heavy bleeding hits 25% of women in perimenopause (usually at the worst possible moment!)
Why? Your hormones are playing musical chairs - estrogen builds up extra uterine lining, then progesterone shows up uninvited for a major clean-out
When to call doc: If you're soaking through protection hourly or feeling worried
Pro tip: Keep emergency supplies everywhere. And maybe skip the white pants for a while! 😉
Note: While common, always get checked if bleeding is concerning you. Your doc has seen it all!
علشان تعرفوا ازاي تتعامله مع المواقف دي تقدروا تشتروا كتاب "بس ما تقولش يأس" من
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اول مره اكتب ......موضوع غريب جدا عمري ما تخيلت ان انا ممكن اكتب كتاب ولكن زي ما بنتكلم دايما في الصفحه بتاعتنا ما فيش حاجة مش ممكن نعملها . كلمتني و قالت لي محتاجين نكتب كتاب عن المينوبوز ! طبعا أنا ضحكت و قلت لها اكيد بتهزري... قالت لي لا بتكلم جد و أنا عارفة انك حتقدري تكتبي كتاب يساعد ستات كثير. انا؟! اكتب كتاب ؟! و لكن واضح أن مي شافت فيا حاجة أن ما كنتش شيفاها و قررت اني ضروري احاول علي الأقل. مش حخصر حاجة. و اهي تجربة جديدة. و فعلا اشتغلنا كثير قوي و عيدنا الكتاب أكثر من مرة و لكن مع المساعدة الدائمة لرئيسة التحرير وصلنا لنتيجة ارجو انها تعجبكم.
دلوقتي تقدروا تشتروا كتاب "بس ما تقولش يأس"من .eg
فكرة و اشراف عام :
رئيس التحرير:
تصميم غلاف:
صورت دة من ٣ شهور و نسيت اتفرج النهاردة
دة كمان من اعراض المينوبوز..... النسيااااان 🤣🤣
ستايل توك مع شيرين حمدي - جلنار عصمت بتحكي عن تقلبات فترة انقطاع الطمث #Style_Talk
انا هبدا بالاجابه على الاسئله دي من اخر سؤال.... ايه اهم حاجه اتعلمتها في السنه اللي فاتت ؟
اتعلمت ان انا ما اعرفش قدراتي الحقيقيه ايه... وعمري ما هعرفها غير لما بتحط في المواقف اللي بتستدعي ان انا اعمل حاجات ما كنتش متخيله ان انا ممكن اعملها .
اتحطيت في تحدي ( تحدي جميل اي نعم ولكن تحدي ) والحمد لله قدرت اقوم بيه وقريب جدا هتشوفه نتيجه التحدي ده!!.
وبعيد عني انا اتعلمت من كل الاحداث اللي دارت في اخر السنه دي ان الظلم مهما طال اجلا او عاجلا الحق بيبان واصحاب الحق هيرجع لهم حقهم! و اتعلمت ان الجيل الجديد ممكن يكون اقوى مننا . احنا كنا فاكرين انه مش مهتم غير بمشاكله الشخصيه ولكن مع احداث غزه ظهر هذا الكم من الشباب و حتي الاطفال اللي حسوا بانتماء لقضيه فلسطين و من ده اتعلمت ان الحق عمره ما بيموت.
نفسي ايه يتغير في حياتي؟ نفسي ابقى ملتزمه اكتر. نفسي اني ما ابقاش بسيب كل حاجه لغايه اخر لحظه 🫣 نفسي اثق في قدراتي اكتر . نفسي اعرف استغل وقتي بشكل احسن!
واخر حاجه بتمنى ايه في السنه الجايه.؟.. بتمنى اني اكون راضيه عن نفسي. بتمنى ان يكون ليا دور ايجابي في حياه ولو شخص واحد بس. بتمنى ان كلنا نسعى ان يكون لينا دور ايجابي ولو في مجتمعنا الصغير و في الدواير بتاعتنا الصغيره . نفسي ان نبطل نقول انا ما ليش دعوه ده ما يخصنيش. نفسي اتعلم اكثر من الشباب ومن بناتي ازاي احط هدف قدامي واوصل له واني ما اخافش.
نفسي في السنه دي نشوف فلسطين حره!
A question we get asked a lot. How do I know if what I'm feeling is actually perimenopausal symptoms or not?
Firstly we need to answer the question of what is perimenopause?
Perimenopause is the period that precedes the cessation of menstruation completely and we consider a woman to be menopausal or having stopped menstruating when there has been 12 consecutive months without a period full stop .
Perimenopause is the time that proceeds this it usually lasts from four to eight years before your final period and the majority of symptoms that we associate with menopause tend to happen during this period.
But again how do I know that I'm currently in perimenopause?
Since this stage tends to have a lot of symptoms that can be overlapping it's important that we first start by asking five questions that could help us figure out if this is perimenopause or something else.
Q1. Are you in your 40s or 50s? Perimenopause usually starts during your 40s but that does not stop the fact that sometimes women can experience peri menopause starting their late 30s up to their late 50s.
Q2. Is your monthly period irregular or it has changed in any way?
Having an irregular period is one of the earliest signs of perimenopause. Also changes in the period itself meaning the flow could be heavier or lighter than usual is also a signal.
Q3. Do you suffer from hot clutches and or night sweats? hot flushes and night sweats are two of the most common symptoms of perimenopause and it usually happens because the hormonal changes affect your bodies ability in regulating its temperature.
Q4. Are you having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? Sleep problems is another common symptom that many women suffer from during perimenopause. The hormonal changes can cause either difficulty in falling asleep or if you wake up you find difficulty falling asleep again.
يعني ايه ٩ من كل ١٠ سيدات مش بيربطوا بين الأعراض اللي بيعانوا منها و مرحلة انقطاع الطمث ؟ بكل بساطة لأن اعراض ما قبل انقطاع الطمث كثيرة و متنوعة و لأن ٩٠ ٪ من الستات ما عندهاش معلومات كافية عن هذه المرحلة و اعراضها ، نجد أن كثير منهم لا يربطون بين اللي بيحصل لهم و المينوبوز. انا شخصيا بدأت الاعراض عندي قبل انقطاع الدورة بحوالي ٤ سنين بمشاكل في النوم و قلق ، و لم يخطر علي بالي ابدا ان دة ممكن يكون بسبب المينوبوز.ى
الحل ايه؟ أننا نزيد الوعي بهذه المرحلة و بالاعراض اللي ممكن تصاحبها!
هل تجربتك كانت مماثلة؟ هل عانيتي من اعراض و ما كنتيش عارفة أن دي اعراض ما قبل انقطاع الطمث؟
اكتبي لنا تجربتك في الكومنتس.
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Menopause Q and A : Things you really need to know
What is menopause: menopause is the time when periods stop because the ovaries have stopped producing eggs for fertilization and this usually happens to women between the ages of 45 to 55
Is menopause only one stage: menopause is broken up into three stages. The first stage is perimenopause and this lasts between four to 10 years before your period actually stops and the majority of symptoms happen during this period.
Menopause is when you have had no menstrual period for 12 consecutive months
Post menopause is basically the rest of your life. Usually a lot of the bothersome symptoms tend to improve in post menopause but you still need to be aware of maintaining a healthy lifestyle to avoid problems later on in life.
What are the signs and symptoms of menopause: there is more than 32 different symptoms for menopause. Some of them are physical like hot flushes, migraines, irregular periods or mental and emotional symptoms like difficulty sleeping, anxiety, mood swings and difficulty concentrating.
Do you have any questions about menopause write to us in the comments or send us a DM and keep following us for more information.
10 steps to re-ignite your love life
1. Think and fantasize about s*x more visualize s*x with your husband for women their brain is their most important s*x organ.
2. If you suffer from va**nal dryness and pain during s*x you can try using a va**na moisturizer in addition to using a va**nal lubricant before and during your s*xual relation.
If the moisturizers and lubricant are not enough to solve your problem you can go to your doctor and he could prescribe an estrogen va**nal cream and you can also have laser therapy or fillers or plasma in the va**na which helps improve the va**nal tissue.
3. Spice up your Life, change your routine go ,out on a date ,have a weekend trip.
4. Foreplay, foreplay, foreplay . Take your time.
5. If va**nal in*******se is still painful even after using lubricants ,you can also have an intimate relation without pe*******on. You can have a warm bath together, give each other massages or have oral s*x.
6. If you are suffering from anxiety or depression due to menopausal symptoms you need to go to a therapist who can help you handle these symptoms .It is very difficult to have s*xual desire when you suffer from depression or anxiety.
7. Take care of your health. Eat well and play sports regularly because the healthier your body is the easier it is for you to have a satisfying s*xual relationship.
8. Talk to your husband honestly about everything you are experiencing so that you can both navigate this stage together.
9. Do not stop having s*x because 'use it or lose it 'is very accurate regarding s*xual relations.
10. Make a point to cultivate your intimacy daily away from s*xual relations. Hold hands give, each other hugs.
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شهر أكتوبر هو شهر التوعية بمرحلة انقطاع الطمث(المينوبوز) و ضروري نستغل الفرصة دي بحيث صوتنا يكون مسموع.
مش معقول أن في مصر سنويا هناك حوالي ٤ مليون امرأة تدخل في مرحلة المينوبوز و ليس هناك اي دعم طبي أو نفسي او حتي مجتمعي لما نعانيه في هذه المرحلة. و التغيير لن يبدأ إن لم نقم بالمطالبة بحقنا في رعاية و علاج (إن لزم الأمر).
و لكن قبل أن نطالب بذلك، يجب أن يحدث التغيير فينا احنا كسيدات. ضروري احنا نتوقف عن التعامل مع انقطاع الطمث علي أنه عيب ! ضروري نتكلم عنه و نتعلم هو ايه و أعراضه ايه. ضروري نبدأ بنفسنا . و لا تنسي أن .
October is Menopause Awareness Month and we need to use this opportunity to make our voices heard.
It's not logical that Egypt alone has around 4 million woman annually that enter the menopause stage and we receive no support wether medical or mental or even societal. Change will not begin until WE start demanding our rights in adequate support and care.
But before we start demanding we need to make sure the change starts with us first. We need to stop regarding menopause as a taboo. We need to talk about it and learn about it. We need to start with ourselves!
Where has my s*xual desire gone?
Around 50% of menopausal women experience a decrease in their s*xual desire.
The main culprit is the decline in both estrogen and testosterone which are largely responsible in maintaining a healthy libido. With declining levels most women find that their arousal and libido fall quite drastically.
Another reason due to declining estrogen levels is dry va**nal tissues. This can lead to discomfort and pain during in*******se.
Other reasons related to menopause that can also be a contributing factor in lessening s*xual desire are:
Emotional and mental changes like anxiety and depression which affects the vast majority of menopausal women, can make the idea of intimacy daunting.
Chronic fatigue and problems sleeping.
Menopausal weight gain, which can affect a woman's self image and confidence.
Night sweats.
If you like this content and would like to see a post on how to manage and navigate this relationship challenging symptom , comment 'interested ' and share with your husband or friend who would benefit from this insight.
We need to change the concept that s*xuality and intimacy between couples has an age limit.
September is s*xual health awareness month and thus we need to normalise that intimacy and s*xual relations between couples is a taboo subject or concept.
Having a regular intimate relationship in every stage of your married life , whatever shape that might be for you, is crucial in maintaining both the psychological and physical health of both spouses.
*xualhealthawarenessmonth *x
Falling in love with yourself and all your imperfections is your first step to happiness!
مشكله السلس البولي في مرحله انقطاع الطمث مشكله للاسف لا نتكلم عنها بسبب الخجل والشعور بالعار. هذه سبع نصائح ممكن تساعدك في التعامل مع والتغلب على مشكله السلس البولي في مرحله انقطاع الطمث. لو عجبك البوست اعملي like save and share.
Do you find yourself struggling with urinary incontinence during menopause ? Do you feel too ashamed and embarrassed to talk about it. This is normal a large percentage of women suffer from incontinence during menopause due to declining hormone levels. These are seven tips to help you deal with this this bothersome symptom .
Pelvic floor exercises are a must to strengthen your pelvic floor and help you better control your urethra and your bladder there are different types of pelvic floor exercises you can find some on YouTube or in books but we recommend that you consult a pelvic floor therapist to help you choose the best routine for yours specific needs
Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Both caffeine and alcohol cause irritation to the bladder as well as being diuretic drinks so this can exacerbate your symptoms.
If you need try and lose a bit of weight as excessive weight specifically in the abdominal region tense to put pressure on the bladder which makes incontinence worse.
Make sure you sleep seven to eight hours daily as having a healthy sleep routine lowers stress levels in your body and this helps to lessen the severity of incontinence symptoms.
Do not hold your urine in. If you need to go to the bathroom, go NOW . Holding in urine causes irritation to the bladder as well as weakening of the bladder muscle.
Avoid movements that can increase the incidence of leaks, such as jumping ,running or carrying heavy things.
And finally do not be embarrassed or ashamed seek the advice of a doctor. There are many ways that can help you manage urinary incontinence. There is medication, there is a exercises and procedures like laser that can greatly help .
When the day comes that every woman can look at her body and not see defects but see beauty and power , on that day every day will be a women's day!
جزئ من حديثي علي قناة bbc arabic اليوم
دة كورس مش لازم يفوتك!
لو انت إمرأة تعديتي سن الأربعين الكورس دة حيجاوب علي كل أسئلتك عن مرحلة انقطاع الطمث و كيف تتعاملين مع اعراضها و اي اعراض تعتبر طبيعية و متي تحتاجين الي استشارة الطبيب.
لحجز مكانك و الدفع
How to overcome sleep anxiety
What is sleep anxiety?
Insomnia and trouble sleeping and staying asleep is one of the frustrating and challenging symptoms of menopause and many women suffer from it from time to time. But if it becomes a recurring problem it is normal to start getting anxious before going to bed.
Will I sleep today
How will I cope tomorrow if I don't sleep
I have so much to do!
Unfortunately this only makes the problem worse .
1. Stop trying to count how many hours are left before you need to get up. This will only stress you more.
Try instead to divert your mind into doing some progressive body relaxation.
Starting from your head, tense and relax every single muscle until the tips of your toes.
2. Keep your room clear of clocks or mobiles or any electronic, time checking device.
3. Do not use the time you are staring at the ceiling and trying to sleep, in going through your daily, weekly and monthly to-do list. This will pass the time but it will also keep your brain working fully.
You cannot sleep with an active brain!
Try doing deep breathing exercises. It helps to calm the nervous system, which will make it easier to relax an drift to sleep.
Inhale for a count of 6
Hold for a count of 4
Exhale for a count of 6.
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تابعوا الهاشتاج و فيديوهاتنا عشان تعرفوا أكتر عن فترة انقطاع الطمث
Your guide to improving your emotional health during menopause.
There are 5 types of neurotransmitters and hormones that are responsible in varying degrees with the regulating our emotions, behavior and feelings.
They are:
To be able to manage and improve our mental and psychological health we need to learn how to boost these hormones.
1. Serotonin: ( happiness hormone)
-Make sure you maintain a healthy gut since 90 % of Serotonin is produced in the gut.
-Go out in sunlight. UV light increases Serotonin.
- Play any kind of sport daily , this helps with the production of tryptophan which is the
Percusor of Serotonin.
2. Dopamine ( reward hormone):
- Make sure you maintain a healthy gut since 50% of Dopamine is produced in it.
- Eat healthy protein as amino acids can help increase Dopamine production.
- play sports daily, as sports increases Dopamine levels
- prioritize healthy sleep
3. Melatonin: ( sleep hormone)
- make sure to go out in early daylight as that helps with regulating Melatonin and thus
helps with better sleep
- stay away from bright lights specially white lights and stay away from screens.
4. Endorphins (feel good hormone)
- play sports daily, as this helps in increasing Endorphins levels , which increase the sense
Of well-being as well as relieving pain.
-eat dark chocolate ( at least 70 %)
-try and laugh a lot. Even if you act it. Your bain doesn't know the difference between real laugh and false one.
5. Oxytocin (love and cuddle hormone):
- hug the people you love .A LOT
- make love frequently and cuddle a lot before and after s*x.
- practice yoga
- listen to loving safe music
- if you have pets hug them and pet them a lot
Disclaimer: this is not medical advice. These are tips to help you improve your mood , b7t if suffer from depression or anxiety, pls consult a licensed therapist.
5 tips to improve your Gut health.
1. Diversify your food intake with a wide range of vegetables and fruits to create a healthier gut microbiome.
2.Eat prebiotic rich foods. These are foods that contain a type of fiber that feeds your good gut bacteria.
Make sure you eat bananas, apples, artichokes, leeks.
3. Eat probiotic rich foods. Probiotics are the good bacteria that our gut needs to work efficiently.
They can be found in fermented foods such as torshy , sauerkraut, yogurt ( specially Greek yogurt), cottage cheese, onions, garlic or you can take a good probiotic supplement.
4. Drink from 2 to 3 liters of water a day. This will help with avoiding constipation and improve all body functions.
5. Walk for 20 to 30 minutes daily. This will help with gut motility and constipation.
We don't necessarily need a super complicated nutritional program or super expensive supplement to help our gut heal. Most of the time all that is required is some small but consistent changes in our system to make a big difference in our gut health as well as our entire well-being.
Disclaimer: This is not medical advice. If you have any pre-existing condition pls check wth your doctor before changing your diet or taking any supplements.