

Loving father and husband in need of life saving liver.


It’s that time again .. Another EGD for Esophageal varices banding.. hoping to stay out the ICU for this one 😀.

Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and has also developed liver cancer. Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.

Photos from Liver4Trini's post 07/05/2024

Was finally able to get into Houston Methodist for their transplant evaluation. two days of appointments and test ..
so far 26 viles/ CT/ Nuclear medicine/ heart scans .. today bone scan / Nutrionist/ cardiologist/ echo and MRI.

Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and has also developed liver cancer. Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.

Photos from Liver4Trini's post 22/04/2024

Back at MD Anderson after surgery for more tests and imaging to see how everything is looking. Have an appointment with oncologist tomorrow to review results.

Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and has also developed liver cancer. Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.

Photos from Liver4Trini's post 13/04/2024

Surgery lasted close to 6hrs. Surgical procedure seems to have gone well and now in recovery. Will need to take it easy for about 4 weeks… Thats going to be a challenge but will try my hardest 😀.

Photos from Liver4Trini's post 12/04/2024

Round two , back at MD Anderson for another surgery to remove another tumor from my liver.

Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and has also developed liver cancer. Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.

Fear is an obstacle
Failure is a detour
Pain is temporary


This has been a tasking 6 weeks in this fight.
surgery on April 1 to remove two tumors .
Procedure on torn rotator cuff due to muscle atrophy. ( lack of protein and vitamin absorption due to liver condition)
EGD banding 3/29
complication of EGD banding 3/30 ended up in ICU with internal bleeding until 4/3.
6 Epidural injections for a fractured back likely from being moved while in a coma in 2021 and lack of protein and vitamin absorption.
Now existing tumor grew more than double its size so back to Houston Thursday 4/11 for surgery on 4/12 to remove a section of the liver.

If I can ask please see below and share If also possible please ask your friends to also share, so on and so on. The more folks I can reach the higher the probabilities of finding a living donor that might want to donate part of their liver. Truly appreciate it 🤗 ❤️

Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and by has also developed liver cancer. Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.

Fear is an obstacle
Failure is a detour
Pain is temporary


Update- been released and at home. I will be on meds at home for two more weeks..

Update - I will have to be monitored for 72hrs and on drip medication to help stop the bleeding.

Well the Easter Bunny decided to send me on an Easter egg hunt..and not a fun one 🤪.. Was not holding anything down and then the color of roses came up and sounded the alarms in my head. A little after mindnight was in the ER and then moved to the ICU. They believe this might be a complication from my procedure Friday. They performed and EGD about 2 hrs ago and now waiting for doc to come and explain what they found. Based on what the nurse read from the docs notes they are looking to keep me in the ICU another 24-48 hrs.

Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and by has also developed liver cancer. Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.


Well the Easter Bunny decided to send me on an Easter egg hunt..and not a fun one 🤪.. Was not holding anything down and then the color of roses came up and sounded the alarms in my head. A little after mindnight was in the ER and then moved to the ICU. They believe this might be a complication from my procedure Friday. They performed and EGD about 2 hrs ago and now waiting for doc to come and explain what they found. Based on what the nurse read from the docs notes they are looking to keep me in the ICU another 24-48 hrs.

Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and by has also developed liver cancer. Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.


It was that time again for another EGD for varices banding.. They had to band 3 veins this time. Feeling really sore with discomfort with this one. I know the worst will be today and will be much better tomorrow.

Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and by has also developed liver cancer. Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.


Update- wanted to provide an update on how everything is coming along .
Recovery from surgery is going well. Have another two weeks before I can really start being more active.
First MRI on 3/8, after surgery shows an existing tumor growing double in size. Will need further imaging and will discuss a plan with Oncology Surgeon on how to approach this next week.
Chemo plan will not be reviewed until 6 week post op imaging.
Started weekly albumin infusion again for the next 12 weeks..
I’m in great spirits and enjoying life every moment I can. I was really happy I took a couple days off with the family during spring break.. Needed a nice break away from all these appointments..

Thanks everyone for your continuous support, thoughts, and prayers.

Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and has also developed liver cancer. Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.


Surgery went well.. Recovery taking a bit longer than planned. Likely staying another night … that means more meals in bed.. warm blankets, and great company…what else can you ask for .. 😀

Fear is an obstacle
Failure is a detour
Pain is temporary

Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and has also developed liver cancer. Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.

Photos from Liver4Trini's post 01/03/2024

Ok.. today is the day.. getting two tumors removed from the liver .. got exception points at University Health in San Antonio .. Methodist accepted the images and once approved they will also submit for the points. BSW another story but still listed.. thanks everyone for the kind words and continuous support ..

Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and has also developed liver cancer. Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.

University Health Transplant Institute 09/02/2024

Update - Surgery is scheduled for the end of the month to remove two tumors. Will then follow a chemotherapy treatment plan.. oh this is going to be a fun time 🤪

Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and has also been diagnosed with liver cancer. Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.

University Health Transplant Institute

TikTok · Motivation 31/01/2024

TikTok · Motivation 792 likes, 11 comments. “I WILL NEVER QUIT - Best Motivational Speech”

TikTok · Motivation 29/01/2024

When things are bleak, when you are struggling and you feel hopeless.. Remember never settle, never give up hope, never strop fighting and never quit..

Just wanted to share a video ..
Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and has also been diagnosed with liver cancer. Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.

TikTok · Motivation 792 likes, 11 comments. “I WILL NEVER QUIT - Best Motivational Speech”


My latest update - met with the doc from MD Anderson and he confirmed I have stage 2 cancer now. The positive side to this is that two tumors could qualify for exception points on the transplant list. His report and CT images are being sent to BSW, UHSA and Houston Methodist Transpalnt teams for evaluation. Hope they approve my exception points as then we can start treatments on the tumors and hope for a liver transplant sooner..

Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and has also developed liver cancer. Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.

Photos from Liver4Trini's post 17/01/2024

Time again for the experts here at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston to do more follow up labs and scans. Hoping for optimistic news.🙂

Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and has also developed liver cancer. He is need of a lifesaving liver transplant.
Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.


One more infusion to go.. Fun drive in today weather was 17 degrees with slight snow and ice in the road’s .. Everyone be careful out there today if you are having bad weather in your area.

Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and in need of a lifesaving liver transplant.
Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.


Ok only two more infusions left.. Looks like the next round is being postponed at this time. Docs want to review labs longer to see if this had a real impact on my condition.. I can say it felt like it did help.. We will see as I discuss this further with them..

Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and in need of a lifesaving liver transplant.
Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.


Received a call earlier today that I was approved for transplant evaluation at Houston Methodist. Evaluation process will begin in March.

Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and in need of a lifesaving liver transplant.
Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.


Wishing everyone a Happy New Year. May the New Year bring you joy, health, happiness and prosperity. I truly appreciate everyone’s support as I continue this fight.

I also want to take this time to thank all the donor families who made that hard choice to give the gift of life to many. Some will have an empty chair for the first time or in other cases many times during these holidays.. thank you.. know that your loved one is a hero and has given many a second chance at life.


At the hospital waiting on paracentesis procedure for fluid removal.. Hopefully will be minimal or even better none at all 😊

Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and in need of a lifesaving liver transplant.
Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.


My break was none existent for the year end, but that’s ok .. last infusion for the year today ..tomorrow will be a new exciting day - CT scan from Chest to Pelvis to make sure cancer hasn’t spread with a follow up in North Austin Seton for a fluid drain due to fluid retention ( Paracentesis ). So much fun 🤪

Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and in need of a lifesaving liver transplant.
Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.


2023 Holidays are going to be memorable… 🤪Avoiding ER this time and at urgent care to see why I am running a fever of over 102.. The smallest thing can turn into something big with my condition, so I have to take many precautions.

Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and in need of a lifesaving liver transplant.
Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.


Last albumin infusion for the year… it will be nice to take a small break before beginning new treatments in the new year..

Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and in need of a lifesaving liver transplant.
Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.

University Health Transplant Institute 21/12/2023

Latest MRI shows that two lesions have grown. We will see if these will result in exception points on the Transplant list.

Trini Gutierrez is in liver failure and in need of a lifesaving liver transplant.
Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.

University Health Transplant Institute


Trini Gutierrez, graduate of Willow Glen High School Class of 93 in California is in liver failure and in need of a lifesaving liver transplant. Please help us spread awareness by clicking "Share". Visit if interested in becoming a liver donor.


It’s that time again for my routine 3 month MRI. Let’s hope all is stable with the HCC tumors.

Please help share! Trini’s needs a living liver donor to survive. If interested in donating a segment of liver to help save Trini Gutierrez, visit To learn more about liver donation visit


Weekly albumin infusion - So far Albumin levels have increased and we may pause the treatments after two more infusions. Will then monitor the levels on a month to month basis.


An early fun thanksgiving day began with a visit to the ER with severe pains and going to the bathroom room with a concerning color. After 6hrs on morphine, blood work and CT scan I have a 3MM kidney stone to pass.. I had already had the pleasure of passing one 1.5MM in the ER. At home waiting for next one to leave this body.. Oh I just can’t wait.. Thx Hugo for being here to help me out ..