Ruby Cat Farm

Ruby Cat Farm

Learning how to program while helping cats run a farm. We start at the basics, so the goal is to be approachable by everyone from kids to whimsical adults.

We're using Ruby on Rails. Starting as a series of blog posts, we want to be a book when we grow up


Oh hi! You can get the book now!

It's a silly introduction to building serious web applications with Ruby on Rails.

Keep the humans out 11/05/2020

Keep the humans out! Adding authentication to our Rails app with Devise.

Keep the humans out Keep the humans out! Adding authentication to our Rails app with Devise.

I’d like some pictures, please 09/05/2020

Cats don't all read very well, so let's add some pictures. An introduction to Active Storage.

I’d like some pictures, please An introduction to Rails' Active Storage.

Sending e-mail in Rails 02/05/2020

Sending e-mail in Rails so boss cat George knows when we add new vegetables.

Sending e-mail in Rails We’ll start sending e-mails from Rails using ActionMailer so that boss cat George knows whenever we add a new vegetable.

Models in Rails: Vegetables and the Database 19/04/2020

Let's explore ActiveRecord by creating, updating, and deleting vegetables.

Models in Rails: Vegetables and the Database Models in Rails: Vegetables and the Database. An introduction to using ActiveRecord by exploring storing vegetables.

Rails scaffolding for fun and maybe profit, but mostly just for vegetables 06/04/2020

So now that we've installed Rails and generated our application, let's make it actually do something. I'd also recommend get introduced to Git first so we can save our place as we go along. Before starting this lesson, commit the generated Rails app so you can see what changes. We're going to use a bit of Rails magic to generate a lot of code without actually writing a line ourselves, and then we'll just look at what it does. [ 897 more words ]

Rails scaffolding for fun and maybe profit, but mostly just for vegetables So now that we’ve installed Rails and generated our application, let’s make it actually do something. I’d also recommend get introduced to Git first so we can save our place as we…

Git: Keeping track of changes to your cat-related poetry 03/04/2020

Git: Keeping track of changes to your cat-related poetry

Git: Keeping track of changes to your cat-related poetry Before we jump into building anything, let’s take a step back and think about how we keep track of changes. We want to be able to undo mistakes and look back in history to figure out what the…

Cats on Rails 28/03/2020

Cats on Rails: An introduction to Ruby on Rails

Cats on Rails All right, so now that we’ve got a passing familiarity with Ruby and HTML, let’s get introduced to Ruby on Rails. Ruby on Rails is a framework that enables making web applications super…

Ruby Cat Farm 23/03/2020

What's a cat farm? Well, it's a farm run by cats, of course. We're going to learn how to make web applications using Ruby on Rails in order to help them out. Follow along:

Ruby Cat Farm Building a website to help cats run a farm