

PlanetHop! is the one-stop portal for travelers where the motto is: Let the Journey Begin, but never end!


Arrived in Metung on the Gippsland lakes (Victoria, Australia) for a well earned holiday. The weather is perfect for some kayaking on the lakes. Looking forward to the next 4 days!


Double rainbow over Melbourne, Australia.


Did you know that Emperor Shah Jahan had planned to construct another Taj Mahal in black marble on the other side of the river but a war with his sons interrupted his plans.

If you've visited the Taj, claim this destination in your PlanetHop! Passport at:


PlanetHop's cover photo


PlanetHop! Passport Top 1001 Travel Destination Stamps
#956 - The Isle of Man (United Kingdom)
Explore the craggy coastline of an island that many believed was the inspiration for the mystical island of Avalon from the King Arthur legends. A visit to Pell Castle is sure to make you believe that perhaps this is indeed the mythical home of Camelot...

Explore all of the UK's top destinations at:


Did you know that the upper span of London's Tower Bridge was closed to the public in 1910 due to it being a hangout for local thieves and prostitutes...

Find out more about one of London’s most famous (and infamous) sites @:

Photo: Tower Bridge Olympic Lighting, London - July 2012 by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0


One of Sydney, Australia's many beaches...

This is what Sundays look like at Gordon's Bay. It's one of the 100+ beaches in Sydney, this one is located only 8km from the city centre. - Hourglass Photojourney


The distinct colors of Yellowstone's Morning Glory Pool are due to a unique form of bacteria that inhabits the water. Consider it Mother Nature's special blend…

Read about all the wonders of the world's oldest national park at:


This big fellow found the perfect place for an afternoon snooze… it just happened to be under a tree at one of Yellowstone's largest visitor centers! Come on, dare you to move him along!

Read about all the wonders of Yellowstone National Park at:


With landscapes reminiscent of the apocalypse, Yellowstone is located directly on top of a 34x45 mile "super volcano" that scientists believe erupts about every 600,000 years. The only problem is that its been over 640,000 years since the last eruption!

Read about all the wonders of the world's oldest national park at:


Arriving at Yellowstone National Park from the south takes you through the lesser know Grand Teton National Park, which offers views that only Mother Nature could provide…

Read about all the wonders of the world's oldest national park at:


Yellowstone National Park is the most geothermally active place on the entire planet where the might of Mother Nature is literally bubbling away right under your feet!

Read about all the wonders of the world's oldest national park at:


I’ve climbed Mt Kilimanjaro, rafted the Zambezi and watched the sunset over Angkor Wat, but in the end nothing can compare with sharing an adventure with one of my kids! Who do you reckon was having more fun…?

Read about our adventure at:


Legend holds that the fate of the English empire is intertwined with the fate of a small flock of ravens who call the Tower of London home… for if they ever leave, the kingdom is destined to fall…

Find out more about one of London’s most famous (and infamous) sites:



For anyone visiting London, this is the one sure way to gain a perspective on one of the world's coolest cities… read more at:


Where's your favorite place to skydive?

Discover the world's coolest adrenaline activities at:


Wanderjahr - Day 1
After months of planning, my around-the-world adventure has finally begun! Find out where my first stop was and how I got my bearings in one of the world's coolest cities...



PlanetHop! Passport Top 1001 Travel Destination Stamps
#957 - Fisherman's Wharf (USA)
Find a seat overlooking San Francisco Bay to enjoy the view and partake in a menu of seafood designed by Poseidon himself. Then when you've gorged yourself you can either head inland (via cable car) to explore the city or head out to "The Rock". Any way you look at it you can't lose...

Claim PlanetHop! Passport stamps for all the cool US destinations you've visited at:


Wanderjahr – a period of travel during which time one gains life experience and comes to understand their place in the world…

Read my Top 10 tips to a successful Wanderjahr at:


Kids + animals = life-long travel memories…

Experience the Mornington Peninsula's Moonlit Sanctuary Wildlife Conservation Park @:


If you've visited the Louvre… claim this destination stamp in your PlanetHop! Passport today!


Enjoy the adventure!

I quit my job today to go traveling for 12 months. Has anyone out there done the same?

You can follow my adventures @:


What's your favorite beach in the world? Here's one of ours...
#958 - Anse Source d'Argent (Seychelles)
Located on the stunning island of La Digue, this stretch of soft white sand is the perfect place to ease back and let your cares melt away...

See more of the world's best beaches at:

Photo: Source d'argent by Waltermera182 via Wikipedia Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license


This photo reminds me of how I felt when I finally arrived back home after 2 years on the road… seem familiar?

Read about my adventures at:


PlanetHop! Passport Top 1001 Travel Destination Stamps
#959 - Hobbiton (New Zealand)
Journey into Middle-earth with a visit to the enchanting vale of Hobbiton. As the real background for Peter Jackson's epic Lord of the Rings Trilogy, it's a must for anyone who loves the JRR Tolkien classic... and even for those who don't...

See all of New Zealand's top travel destinations at:

Photo: Hobbiton by Rob Chandler (Rob & Jules) via Wikicommons Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license


PlanetHop! Passport Top 1001 Travel Destination Stamps
#960 - Royal Gorge Suspension Bridge Bungee (USA)
As one of the highest suspension bridges in the world, it provides the perfect backdrop for the plunge of a lifetime. If you've got the guts, your life's just waiting to pass before your eyes... it's a long, long, long way down...

See more of the world's top adrenaline activities at:

Photo: Royal Gorge by Michael Murphy via Wikicommons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license


Decisions, Decisions, Decisions… where's your next trip?

Be inspired at:


Take a journey above the trees on one of Brazil's coolest journeys (along the Rodovia dos Imigrantes) . It'll make you realize how (with a little thought and effort) we can avoid destroying our natural resources…

See more of the world's classic journeys at:



There are a few places around the world where you can get a cool photo of yourself at the equator. Here's one of me from Uganda.


The Crimson Forest (Poland)
The yellow brick road has nothing on this place...

See more of the world's natural wonders at:


PlanetHop! Passport Top 1001 Travel Destination Stamps
#961 - Cerro Chirripó (Costa Rica)
Trek to the top of Costa Rica's highest peak, where you'll find yourself with unobstructed views across one of the world's most lush, green and ecofriendly countries in the entire world. It's a 2 day climb, but in the end you're guaranteed to consider taking up hiking for a living...

See more of the world's great treks at:

Photo: Costa Rica Chirripo paramo 26 by Poutine via Wikicommons Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license


3 Nepalese Street Urchins
Always remember how lucky you are to have the freedom to travel the world…

Check out our Nepal Quick Travel Guide at:


PlanetHop! Passport Top 1001 Travel Destination Stamps
#962 - Leptis Magna (Libya)
Locked away for generations behind Libya's political facade, this "lost city" represents some of the most extensive and best preserved Roman ruins in the Mediterranean. The fact that NATO once (not too long ago) considered an air strike on this UNESCO-listed complex is enough to send a chill down the back of the entire travel community...

Explore all the world's top ruins at:

Photo: Forum Leptis Magna by Sasha Coachman via Wikicommons Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license


The start to another perfect African day… don't you wish you were here?

Explore more of Africa's great travel destinations at:

Photo: Sunrise Matobo Zimbabwe by Macvivo at en.wikipedia via Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license