
livingmaxwell -- I write about the organic food industry.




The smartest policy to come out of New York City in a long, long time!!!

In the today.


LOVE this tagline!!! From at the Summer Fancy Food Show.


I am at the Fancy Food Show in New York City. Follow along on my IG Stories to see the new organic products that I discover. Very excited for the show!

Photos from livingmaxwell's post 15/06/2023

Organic Certifiers Take An Unprecedented Stand Against the USDA: 🌱How Hydroponics are threatening organic 🚨

The USDA allowing hydroponics and aeroponics to be classified as certified organic growing methods directly VIOLATES the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990, which requires that an organic plan “foster soil fertility.”

Growing plants in a plastic bucket of water has nothing to do with fostering soil fertility, yet because of the pressure from corporate lobbyists on the National Organic Standard Board over the past few decades, it has been kept in organic.

Several leading organic certifiers — OneCert, NOFA-NY, Vermont Organic Farmers, OEFFA and MOFGA, in addition to add-on label — drafted and signed onto the position statement Organic Agriculture is Soil-Based: A Fundamental Principle Underlying Organic Crop Certification. ✍️

For these certifiers, taking a direct stand against the USDA -- the agency that has the power to strip them of their ability to be an official organic certifier -- is a large risk that could put them out of business.

When the rules are bent, creating an unlevel playing field where soil-based organic farmers must unfairly compete against organic hydroponic operators, the system breaks down. This is precisely what is happening today.

“The USDA’s National Organic Program is wrong, and it has to decide if it wants to be relevant or irrelevant. We have a lot of power, and we are not going away.” - Dave Chapman, co-director of the

This info is brought to you by Organic Insider. Sign up for our newsletter via 🔗 in bio for the latest in organic news!

"Sustainable" Certifications are Siphoning Billions from Organic 23/05/2023

"Sustainable" Certifications are Siphoning Billions from Organic

My latest piece in Organic Insider.

"Sustainable" Certifications are Siphoning Billions from Organic The actual environmental benefit may be incredibly different from what consumers are assuming.

Is Your Organic T-Shirt Legit? Integrity in Certified Organic Standards has Never Been Greater 02/12/2022

I am not just someone who writes about the organic industry. I am first and foremost an organic consumer.

So, when the NYT story came out several months completely discrediting the organic cotton supply, it was very jarring, to be honest.

I don't know what the NYT's agenda was, but if its purpose was to raise doubts about the veracity of the organic cotton supply, the newspaper definitely succeeded.

Wanting to better understand the situation, I decided to do my own research, and if you purchase organic clothing, sheets and towels, I urge you to read the latest piece in Organic Insider.

You will get a very different take than what the NYT presented and how to best protect yourself when buying organic clothing and textiles.

YesAnd Textile Exchange Global Organic Textile Standard - GOTS

Is Your Organic T-Shirt Legit? Integrity in Certified Organic Standards has Never Been Greater A counter to the very one-sided NYT story about fraud in organic cotton.

Key Trends and Takeaways from Natural Products Expo East 2022 06/10/2022

Key Trends and Takeaways from Expo East 2022.

And I am so grateful that New Hope Network switched the show to Philadelphia.

I had such an amazing time in the city and ate so well at P.S. & Co. and Vedge. Can't wait to go back!

Key Trends and Takeaways from Natural Products Expo East 2022 Once again, Natural Products Expo East 2022 in Philadelphia was a very impactful few days.

Court Rules QR Codes Alone Unlawful for GMO Food Labeling 14/09/2022

HUGE victory!!!

In its completely flawed GMO labeling rule, the USDA allowed QR codes to be used instead of easy, on-packaging labels.

Center for Food Safety and others sued the USDA, and a U.S. District Court just ruled that the QR code was unlawful and that USDA must instead add additional disclosure options to GMO foods.

"This is a victory for all Americans," said Meredith Stevenson, Center for Food Safety staff attorney and counsel in the case. "Today's decision marks a key step toward ending the food industry's deceptive and discriminatory GMO food labeling practices, which have kept consumers in the dark by concealing what's in their products."

Organic Consumers Association OrganicEye Beyond Pesticides Natural Grocers PCC Community Markets

Court Rules QR Codes Alone Unlawful for GMO Food Labeling Today's decision marks a key step toward ending the food industry's deceptive and discriminatory GMO food labeling practices


Be VERY careful what you eat!

If it is not USDA certified organic or does not have the Non-GMO Project seal, it could very well be GMO 2.0 synbio – – exactly what this food truck was serving.

And, of course, no label saying that it is GMO.



Twice in two weeks!

Awesome catching up with at The WELL Summit in Boston. She is doing such amazing work with and helping to support organic farmers in Africa and Latin America.



Very happy to be back at the Fancy Food Show in NYC!

Be sure to follow along on IG Stories to see the cool new organic products that I find! 🙏


Original Red Belly Honey 22/04/2022

A new study out of Poland just came out and showed that bees that are fed h**p see an INCREASED LIFESPAN and an INCREASE IN ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY. Meaning, they are much healthier.

So, wouldn't it make sense that if you are consuming honey, your honey should be from bees that are fed h**p?

That is precisely what Red Belly Honey is.

And it is no coincidence that people are buying this honey by the caseload.

**p **pcbd Red Belly Honey

Original Red Belly Honey The only raw h**p honey infused by bees, not humans. Two incredible functional foods brought together by bees.

Regenerative Organic and Synthetic Biology Each Had a Real Presence at Expo West 2022 17/03/2022

Why is New Hope advocating for GMO 2.0 food technologies at its "natural" trade show?

It is the question that MANY people in the organic community are asking themselves, and I have heard from a countless number of individuals who are incredibly alarmed about this disturbing development.

Read all about it and my full recap of Expo West 2022 in this week's Organic Insider.

Center for Food Safety Real Organic Project Regeneration International Regenerative Organic Alliance Rodale Institute The Organic & Non-GMO Report Environmental Working Group Pesticide Action Network North America US Right To Know

Regenerative Organic and Synthetic Biology Each Had a Real Presence at Expo West 2022 The growing presence of GMO 2.0 technologies at Expo West 2022 left many people upset.

Photos from livingmaxwell's post 13/03/2022

An amazing end to an epic Expo West 2022 — in Newport Beach with and new & old friends.

Can’t wait for 2023!!! 🙏🙏🙏

Mandatory ESG Reporting Standards Will Be the Most Important Development Ever for Organic 03/03/2022

This is a HUGE, HUGE piece of news for organic.

How big?

"This development is so game-changing that it could be compared to the emergence of the internet," said Elisa Turner, founder of Impakt IQ and an expert in ESG.

Mandatory ESG Reporting Standards Will Be the Most Important Development Ever for Organic The impact of these new requirements will be enormous.



Unlike other honey products that simply add CBD to the honey, Red Belly uses a proprietary method to feed its bees full-spectrum h**p.  So, the honey that gets deposited into the honeycomb contains bioavailable, fully digested cannabinoids and terpenes.

People are buying dozens of jars at a time. It impacts them so much. I noticed it the most was when I did a teaspoon under my tongue at night.  That is what really improved my sleep the most. 

🌱 Glyphosate Residue Free certified.

Link to purchase is in my bio above.  🙏🙏🙏

**pcbd **p

Organic in 2022 06/01/2022

Key Organic Trends in 2022

CEOs from several of the leading organic suppliers give their take on what is to come in the year ahead.

Organic in 2022 Along with continuing supply chain challenges, closer relationships with both farmers and employees top the list for organic this year.



The EPA is taking comments until September 30th (tomorrow) on a proposed rollout of genetically-engineered mosquitoes in 12 unnamed California counties.

These GE-mosquitos were approved in Florida and is a science experiment that is BEYOND RISKY.

You can read all about these GE-mosquitos here:

We cannot let this happen in California. A few action items:

1) Easy but not as effective: Sign your name to the e-petition to the EPA.

2) Much more effective: California residents should contact their local, state and federal officials directly and tell them “No” to GE-mosquitos in the state.

3) Share on social media to raise awareness: Social media kit is here:

Time is limited, as comments are due tomorrow, September 30th.

Again, to read all about these very risky and unproven GE-mosquitos, visit:

Thanks for your support and please share this post with your network.

-- Max

Danone serves a devastating blow to small organic farmers and their communities 16/09/2021

When we continue to allow growing operations that do not follow the organic rules, not only do we eliminate choice for consumers but we are left with a very sobering reality: nutritionally inferior food.

And that is not what consumers expect when they are paying a PREMIUM for organic food.

Real Organic Project Beyond Pesticides Organic Eye

Danone serves a devastating blow to small organic farmers and their communities We are getting an organic food supply that eaters do not want.

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MONSANTO DOES NOT WANT YOU TO SEE THIS — ONE NIGHT ONLY, THIS TUESDAYThe documentary Into the Weeds: Dewayne “Lee” Johns...
Learn about this very important product from  @goodsamfoods and how female farmers in Colombia are brave enough to perse...
This is so cool!  My friends @drbronner have come out with a NEW SOAP REFILL CARTON — made with 82% less plastic than it...
Not all organic is created equal. 🌱🚫 There are massive discrepancies in the quality of practices under the organic label...
How hydroponics are threatening organic 🌱The USDA allowing hydroponics and aeroponics to be classified as certified orga...
Just another reason to eat organic.
Be VERY careful what you eat!If it is not USDA certified organic or does not have the Non-GMO Project seal, it could ver...
