Deuces Podcast

Deuces Podcast

'Love God and Love People'


To Family, Friends and Future Brothers and Sisters,

We were extremely blessed to be raised by parents who introduced us to the Lord at an early age (Thank you Gary and Bernadette Waters. The Best Parents Ever!!!). We attended Church regularly and were educated at St. Peter Lutheran School. Our early childhood experiences and schooling introduced us to Christ, but we had different pathways on how we developed a relationship with Him. Through our journeys, we have learned that it is one thing to know the Word of God, but an entirely different thing to practice its teachings.

Many people today, struggle with how to apply the principles of God’s Word to their daily living, which prompted the conception of Deuces – “Love God and Love People”. We wanted to develop a platform for those brokenhearted, confused, frustrated, fearful or even struggling with their Faith. The bible says, “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard”- Romans 3:23. NO ONE is perfect, especially not the both of us! But we wanted to create a community where truth is spoken, chains can be broken, and people can walk in the freedom and assurance that Christ intended ALL of us to experience. We welcome all to walk on this Journey with us and we look forward to insightful and impactful dialogue. As Christ stated, “Love God and Love People”.

Abundant Love,

(Sean & Seena)
