

The Rebel Fae is a cosplayer that likes to bring her own unique style to cosplay. From taking a genr


"I doubt any target could elude me now. Care to test that theory? I'll give you a head start" - Rook Hunt
Getting closer to finishing up a final piece of a cosplay, I'm gonna unveil at Iskeai this weekend! Can anyone guess who? I'll give yall a hint. The answer is in this post. šŸ˜‰


"You're pretty relaxed around me for a herbivore. Aren't you scared at all? Hah. You got some guts" - Leona Kingscholar
Decided to draw Leona as a kitty and I gotta say, I'm really proud of how this came out! He looks so cute!!! Now who to turn into an animal next hehe...

Photos from the_rebel_fae's post 24/02/2023

Just a reminder that if you ever want an awesome Twisted Wonderland fan fic written by yours truly be it a reader insert, a short story about your OC, or even a ship that you absolutely love, I'm your girl! Just head on over to my etsy and I'll hook you up!
Want an example of how I write? Head to my AO3 account or take a look at the snippets I shared here in this post! You won't regret it my friends!


"Vil says ah need ta wear mah jacket "properly". Ah think it looks jus fine, don't ye?" - Nova Mccallister
I finally did it! I finally made a character card for Nova! Specifically, I created it as if she was the home character you open up Twisted Wonderland to. This was a really fun thing to make! And I'm definitely gonna do more of these. What do yall think?

Photos from the_rebel_fae's post 27/01/2023

No special quote this time cause I don't think anything could possibly capture how bloody freaking happy I am right now. Like, guys, I'm literally tearing upšŸ˜­ My writing. My very own article is up on Weber State's newspaper amd online newspaper: The Signpost. I was expecting it, but I never thought I'd feel so proud and have such a strong reaction. And on top of that I'm able to give a voice to the one I interviewed, and get the word out there of what he does. Honestly, I couldn't ask for more. This is proof that with a little hard work, even a first step towards your dreams can become a reality.


"The names Nova Mccallister, nice ta meet'cha!"
I finally drew Nova! And I plan to digitized this drawing really soon! And as I said in my post with the phoenix, more art is on its way so be on the lookout my friends! Also I had a lot of fun drawing Nova in her signature outfit. She came out better than I thought.
Nova: *scoffs* of course it did. It's me lass.
Fae: No confidence issues here eh?
Nova: *smirks* Nope!


"And still, like air, I rise..." ~ Maya Angelou
My very first post in the new content adventure! One of my first paintings I did a little while ago and definitely one of my favorites. A colorful take on the Phoenix. With the added effect of Maya Angelou's quote from one of my favorite poems of hers.
I love the Phoenix because of not only its ethereal and magical beauty, but it's different meanings. For example no matter how many times it gets beaten down, it'll still rise from the ashes, even stronger each time.
What are some of yalls favorite mythical creatures?


Nova, Nova, Nova. You love giving Vil trouble don't cha?

Nova shrugs. "Eh. 'e tries ta change how ah talk. That ain't appening."

*chuckles* Careful, Vil might curse something of yours.

Nova shivers. "Ugh, don' remind me. He cursed ma sketchbook once...Bloody hell tha wasn't fun."

looks like someone doesn't learn though..

Nova chuckles. "Wouldn't be me if ah did lass."

True enough.


Poor Nova, she got dragged into helping Idia out with his little "ghost situation " when he got captured by the Ghost Princess. And we all know our poor girl hates ghosts with a passion.
"Ye bet yet arse ah do! They freak me out! Ah only go' used ta da cafeteria ghosts an da ones a' Ramshackle.
*snickers* Oh I know, it's just entertaining to watch though.
Nova cracks her knuckles. "Ye wanna say tha again lass?"
Eh heh. Nah I'm good.
"Hmph. Tha's wit ah thought."
šŸ˜‚ I can't be the only writer/cosplayer/artist that makes up convos with their characters. What about yall?


"It's a blatant disregard of the rules, so put your jacket back ON little flower bud! You will not look like an unkempt little potato."
We all know that Nova would drive Vil nuts. Especially since she basically refuses to wear her school uniform properly.
"Wit? It's bloody uncomfortable. Ah hardly like wearin' me vest. An no, ah don't wear it jus cause Leona wears it like tha'."
Whatever you say Nova, Whatever you say. *chuckles*
"Wit do ye mean by that lass?"
Hehe nothing, nothing at all...Anyhoot! First post of the year! Little late, but eh. One of my goals for this year is to make even more and even better content! What's some of yalls goals for this new year?


"You're pretty relaxed around me for a herbivore. Aren't you scared at all? Hah. You got some guts" - Leona Kingscholar
Ta-daaa! Fae finally makes another design plan for her Overblot Leona cosplay project! And let me tell yall, doing something that does NOT involve eva foam--at least the accessories will so yay. Anyhoot doing something that isn't eva foam as I was saying, is not easy in the slightest. At least for someone who hasn't sewn a single bloody thing in her entire life. So this is definitely a learning experience for me!
But honestly, I'm glad I'm doing this. I'm learning how to do new cool things and seeing how things work with fabric and designing at each step! For example this one. Yours truly thought it was gonna be some type of belt or skirt. Cut to some frustration on measurements and how the hell I was even gonna put it together I learn that it's just basically a waist sash! So woot! Helllooo easy as hell project! Like I said guys, with new things you learn something at every step!šŸ˜


Ever get tired of inaccurate reader inserts that just don't sound like your own point of view so it makes it hard to get into the story or you're tired of seeing fics with y/n in them? Or even stories that just don't have what you're looking for? Well look no further you've found what you're looking for my friend! I will write you a 500-word long personalized Twisted Wonderland story just for you! Be it a reader insert, a pairing between your OC and a character from Twisted Wonderland, or a ship that you really wanna read between two of the characters!
That's right y'all! I'm starting story commissions!!! So if you guys want something written just pop by my etsy page, click on the twisted wonderland story icon, and I'll help you out! Amd soon enough I'll be offering commissions for other genres so be on the look out!!!

Photos from the_rebel_fae's post 14/12/2022

"Even if I'm in Pomefiore, I'm!" - Epel Felmier
It is finally complete! And looks pretty damn cool if I do say so myself! I like this method I used to create this armband. I may play around with it when I make another one, but so far I really like this one! Shows what a little perseverance can get cha!


ā€œStrength is what makes one beautiful. Allow me to present my power to you - Vil Schoenheit
I am actually really proud of this! It honestly started out as a complete train wreck and I was really close to throwing it away but then I tried pushing forward and voila! It looks amazing now! Worbla works wonders I swear. Ahhh I can't wait to put this on for Nova! This is gonna be fun!

Photos from the_rebel_fae's post 09/12/2022

"You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." - Maya Angelou
Houston we have a creation! Sheesh I swear I went too long without making jack squat. I was in the worst creating funk ever but now I think I'm finally out! And we start that off with making the Pomefiore Dorm arm band! I'm making this for Nova cause I wanna put together her school outfit! So I'm trying a different tactic than what I did when I made the Savannah Claw one for Leona. I can't wait to see how this turns out! And so I can show yall!
First I the pattern, and that little bu**er wasn't easy lemme tell ya. Then I cut out the foam and next comes the part that I most excited about...but yall will have to wait to find out!


No quote cause I don't think anything can describe the happy squeals I have for this thing right now. I come home from work and what does my mom surprise me with? This magnificent sucker! It's for the both of us of course, but stilll!!!! This thing is gonna make my life a hella lot easier for my upcoming cosplay and future cosplays! I am a very happy Fae.šŸ˜Š

Photos from the_rebel_fae's post 17/11/2022

Yes, it's still November. No, I don't care that I set up my tree early xD got this tree a few days ago, kept forgetting to post about it šŸ˜… But I really like this tree. Usually me and my mom get a small whooville but this time we got a cool snowflake tree and I got to put one of my favorite Twisted wonderland keychains that one of my best friends got me in it!

Photos from the_rebel_fae's post 15/11/2022

"For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned." ~ Benjamin Franklin
Now, I don't really like Benjamin Franklin, but this quote is perfect for this post. I've been mia with posting cause this big freaking project that's is organizing my room/cosplay and writing workshop. Everything's labeled, things like swatches and tutorials are in their perspective binders, and there's a place for everything and everything is in ots place! Ahh organization feels good. It definitely makes my mind clearer. Now to finally get back to working on my cosplay project and that one secret project I talked about a few weeks ago!


"You're just about the only one who wants to practice magic with me. Most tuck their tails and run."- Leona Kingscholar
More designs have been created! This time the collar! So far its going pretty well! Can't wait to finish's surprising what you can learn by just making these.


"I love gettin' tribute." - Leona Kingscholar
And so the designing continues! Thought to design a small shirt that will go underneath the fur collar that he has so, one. I have something to attach the fur too, and two. I have something skin colored to cover my chest. More designs on the way! Though, I can honestly say this, I have mad respect for those who make these things on the daily for their job. It takes time and it ain't easy. It's rewarding though, and I can't wait to show yall more!

Photos from the_rebel_fae's post 26/10/2022

"You wanna see me get serious? Heh heh... A herbivore like you wouldn't be able to handle it."
I'm ba-aack! After like a whole week of not posting I'm back guys! I just had to recover from con and a few things that happened too, but I'm doing better and back in action! And the very first thing that I the announcement of the cosplay I'm gonna be working on for the Anime Banzai cosplay contest and the first steps of it woot!
So *drum roll please* the cosplay I'm gonna endeavor to do is....Overblot form Leona! And may the seven help me cause holy hell this is gonna be one hell of a project! But I'm excited for it!
And for the first steps I've begun drawing out the different parts so I can get my head around what the entirety of each part will look like and what I should do for them! Starting with his jewelry that he's wearing in this form! I can't wait to make more progress on this. It'll definitely be a wild ride!

Photos from the_rebel_fae's post 15/10/2022

Day one of Banzai! Got there late and didn't really take any pics other than the one with one of my besties Brooke. Love ya hun, so glad we got to hang out!!! And I got some pretty cool twisted wonderland loot so I'm pretty content with today. But I bet tomorrow will be even more bad ass especially since I'll finally debut my leona cosplay! Eeep! Can't wait! See yall there!!!


You must be pretty fearless to call on me.
I never let my prey escape. But I'm in a good mood right now, so I guess I won't eat you this once - Leona Kingscholar
Finally...fluffing finally! The damned thing is finished! Not bad for my first try at styling a long ass wig. Not the best but after con I'm gonna wash it and restyle it to make it look even more bad ass! But from the little wispy things I made from the short cuts my momma helped me do--anime gods bless that woman I swear, to the wavyness in the back, I'm pretty impressed with the first time round! Can't wait to put it all together and show yall AND debut it at Anime Banzai! This is gonna be fun!!!!


I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. - Thomas Edison
This quote couldn't be more true when it comes to this wig. I'm gonna be honest with yall, if I didn't go and see if my mom could help, this wig would have been a disaster. This is probably the reason why I haven't been so active lately, I was trying to figure out a way around the inevitable style and shorter hairs leona has for his hair.
Cut to a few panic attacks later I asked for help and low and behold, I have an extremely talented mother who saved my behind! She was able to make the cuts on the wig perfectly and the braids as well cause apparently yours truly was braiding completely wrong. But now, I know what doing, I'm gonna practice on another old long wig later. But right now, I have this wig already to make a few curling and slight spiking adjustments and boom! It is complete! Can't wait to show yall the finished product!!!


You can't be good at something unless you give yourself the chance to be blegh at it - Professor Aiden - Project Adam
As I've done things for my twisted wonderland cosplays I've noticed the severe lack of tutorials and hints on how to do just the simplest things, like the characters wigs. So! As I go through my learning experience of figuring out Leona's hair, yall will be learning with me!
Now! The first thing that I've done aside from comb it out... alot--I recommend using a detangler spray as you do this guys else it ain't fun. Anyhoot aside from that, I've began braiding the back and working my way to the front. Only two braids so far, but slow and steady! I'm trying to see if I can make it wavy by doing that and then fluff it out. If all else fails I have my trust straightening and curling iron! So let's see what happens from here eh?

Photos from the_rebel_fae's post 03/10/2022

"I told myself I wasn't gonna hang around with herbivores, But I've been getting interested in you. I'll keep looking after you if you don't cause me trouble." ~ Leona Kingscholar.
Guess who has most of her first cosplay for Anime Banzai done! Yours truly! And this also explains why I haven't been the most active the past week. Eheh. That an pure exhaustion from Fanx. But I'm back now!!! And can't wait to show yall the finished cosplay. Just have a few more pieces and it's finished! I can't wait! Especially since Leona is my absolute favorite character in Twisted wonderland šŸ˜Š

Photos from the_rebel_fae's post 22/09/2022

No quote this time cause my con crunch anxiety ridden brain can't come up with anything at the moment xD šŸ˜… But the final parts for the surprise cosplay for Saturday at Fanx is finally done! Of course when I do this again I'm fixing a lot of things but for a first time through, I'm pretty damn proud of it! I can't wait to show yall who it is!!! Stay tuned my loves!


A break in Nova content to show yall what's to come! A new Twisted wonderland character coming in!!! The cane is supposed to be different if you know who the character is, but I wanted to do my take on it! It's also not finished yet but it will be soon!šŸ˜Š Can yall guess who? I'll give you a pretty good hint: Contracts.


The fact that I can shine even brighter than I have before is because of your dedication, isnā€™t it? Heheh. Watch closely. Iā€™ll show you I can be even more beautiful.ā€ - Vil Schoenheit
I think these are the most perfect that I have ever made! This time I used a syringe so I was able to fill the mold perfectly! I wanted ot to come out more purple, looks pinkšŸ˜… ehhh a "unique" take on Pomefiore's magestone. Eheh definitely trying again. But now I know the syringe works perfectly!


"Show me a person who has never made a mistake and Iā€™ll show you someone who has never achieved much." Joan Collins
This definitely optimizes my trip with working with Resin and what I'm gonna say to. Lot of yall may have noticed that I've been poofing in and out of posting existence and I feel like I haven't been doing as much as I used to--those of you who have been following me have seen my content come daily almost twice per day. And don't even get me started on how active I was on my stories. But lately I've been really burned out. But I see that I'm getting a bit better, and the heat is finally letting up, so I'm back and better than ever! At least I'm gonna do my best!
That includes the cosplay and stuff for my soon to open shop that I'm working on! So be prepared--eheh bad pun--yall will know what I mean so enough xD
Well, that's all from yours truly. Thank you guys for all the wonderful support yall show me. It really means a lot! See yall next post!


"I love it when a plan comes together." ~ Captain Hannibal Smith
Next part applied! Although, a tough decision had to be made, I'm deciding to enter the cosplay contest next year so Celty's cosplay is gonna take a longer time and probably be put on hold for a bit. Theres just too much stress at this current time and i feel like i wouldn't build it to my absolute best ability, so its beter to not rush amd make this awesome! And new projects are on the horizon too! So look forward to that my loves!

Photos from the_rebel_fae's post 01/09/2022

ā€œWhat you see isnā€™t necessarily reality. Everyone has secrets, things they feel that they canā€™t tell anyone. Thereā€™s no such thing as a normal person.ā€ ā€“ Celty Sturluson
Bit by bit it's coming back together! Soon it'll be covered once more! My goal is to have both scythe and helmet done by mid September! Fingers crossed, the crunch is real!

Prince of Thieves Ch. 3 Excerpt 01/09/2022

You. Are. A. Bloody. Moron!" I huff out with what breath I have left as I try my hardest to race through the tangled vines and mud while dragging along an unconscious Prince of Glomas.......

Prince of Thieves Ch. 3 Excerpt You. Are. A. Bloody. Moron!ā€ I huff out with what breath I have left as I try my hardest to race through the tangled vines and mud while dragging along an unconscious Prince of Glomasā€¦.

Photos from the_rebel_fae's post 24/08/2022

"You are a strange one. The others fear me, but you aren't fazed in the least. Not that I'm rebuking you for it, mind you" - Riddle Rosehearts
So the tint finally works! And it made these little guys really pretty! I love how the red looks in it. Looks like I got some for the Heartslabyul dorm now! Woot!

Photos from the_rebel_fae's post 22/08/2022

"I told myself I wasn't gonna hang around with herbivores, But I've been getting interested in you. I'll keep looking after you if you don't cause me trouble." ~ Leona Kingscholar.
Magestone progress, this time with liquid polymer clay! And this time I made Savannah Claws! I actually really like the color to this and how it turned out! I'm probably gonna use this one for the pens I'm making. Heh a little bit of experimenting can get you a long way šŸ˜Š

Photos from the_rebel_fae's post 20/08/2022

Don't have any quote for this because I'm just floored at how this turned out!!!! I was legit expecting a disaster, but these turned out beautifully! I wasn't trying to make the pyramid shaped ones--the ones on the bottom cause the resin leaked into those molds. But wow! I also tried making the Savannah Claw ones but it came out as Octavinelle...kinda--there's a yellowish tint on one of them. But now I can repat the process and make things better. Or use another process all together. But still, this is still pretty awesome and quite possibly usable!


I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. - Thomas Edison
This...might turn out a total disaster but hey! I would have found a way to not make the mage stones! Yep! That's right guys yours truly is in the process of making the twisted wonderland mage pens! And I'm starting with the magestones. Let's see how this resin try works out eh?

Nintendoā€™s New Games: Pokemon Violet and Scarlet 18/08/2022

Gotta Catch Em All, Pokemon! That phrase has been known around the world for about twenty-six years now. The phrase that you always associate when thinking about Pokemon. And theyā€™ve been creating the games many know and love for generations and generations to come. One of those games that are coming out is Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet....

Nintendoā€™s New Games: Pokemon Violet and Scarlet Gotta Catch Em All, Pokemon! That phrase has been known around the world for about twenty-six years now. The phrase that you always associate when thinking about Pokemon. And theyā€™ve been creating ā€¦

Rebel Faeā€™s Top Ten~ Favorite Disney Villans! 14/08/2022

Hey everyone! Rebel Fae here once again to bring Yā€™all this week's Rebel Faeā€™s Top Ten! This time itā€™ll be Rebel Faeā€™s top ten favorite Disney Villians! I thought itā€™d be pretty fitting considering last month was a top ten on my favorite Twisted Wonderland characters. So letā€™s get started, shall we?...

Rebel Faeā€™s Top Ten~ Favorite Disney Villans! Hey everyone! Rebel Fae here once again to bring Yā€™all this weekā€™s Rebel Faeā€™s Top Ten! This time itā€™ll be Rebel Faeā€™s top ten favorite Disney Villians! I thought itā€™d be pretty fitting consiā€¦

Photos from the_rebel_fae's post 11/08/2022

ā€œWhat you see isnā€™t necessarily reality. Everyone has secrets, things they feel that they canā€™t tell anyone. Thereā€™s no such thing as a normal person.ā€ ā€“ Celty Sturluson
Using Celty's quote again caose I just love her, she's so awesome. Anyhoot I decided since my deadline for my cosplay is coming up why not switch back and forth from Scythe to helmet? It'll give me a nice break in between each time I switch off so why not? Might even make it go faster fingers crossed!

Videos (show all)

I've gotta admit seeing a lot of my past cosplays up-to nowadays, I've come pretty far and I'm not half bad at what I do...
Nova: *Miff Mifflin Mifflin Mifffin* Translation: I didn't do anything!.Iris: I know, but you will!.This has to be one o...
"Miss me, miss me, now ya gotta ki---šŸ˜³".A certain somebody messed up with her teasing hehe.Nova: *grumbles* shut it lass...
"I didn't do anything! .....I know, but you will!".Quickest way to prevent you from getting into trouble eh Nova?.Nova: ...
Okaaay who gave Nova coffee again?.Nova: Pfft, oh please as if ye don' drink mo' coffee than ah do..Fae: šŸ˜… eh heh. Ya go...
"Which one is Vil? Marry a nice lad, o someone like Azul?".More Nova content woot! See, I told yall I'd still do cosplay...
Nova, Nova, Nova. You love giving Vil trouble don't cha?Nova shrugs. "Eh. 'e tries ta change how ah talk. That ain't app...
Poor Nova, she got dragged into helping Idia out with his little "ghost situation " when he got captured by the Ghost Pr...
"It's a blatant disregard of the rules, so put your jacket back ON little flower bud! You will not look like an unkempt ...
I am your master now!
Celty Scythe work