Will Kingz Marketing ent

Will Kingz Marketing ent

Welcome to my page

If your wondering or watching what I am doing and your curious about it. Let me


It ain’t over !!!!!!!

You may of taken a loss that was hard to bounce back from .....
but it ain’t over .....

You might feel at this time in life nothing is working....
But it ain’t over.......

You might feel your out of your league and you can’t do it,
but it ain’t over......

If you woke up today....
Then it ain’t over......
He has a plan and isn’t finished with you yet !!!!!
Destined to rise
Give thanks


Don’t forget where you come from....
Plus the people that was there wit you,when you ain’t had none.
I have to give thanks!!!


The past is history,
The future is a mystery,

The present is a gift, and is why we call it the present.
Seize the day.

And give thanks and all praise to the most high


I stay surrounded with people that keep throwing wood on the fire to perpetuate the flame!!
Appreciate yous all


Give thanks for another irie day!!!

Your inner conversation becomes your outward manifestation.
Remember thinking right is praying right.
Morefire all praise to the MOSTHIGH.!!!


It takes negative and positive for electricity to work!
It takes darkness and light to make up a day.


Looking forward
not back


Signs I’m on the right track
Gratitude given


In order to succeed in life,

You must take risks.
The reason people never experience better
Living is because they refuse to let go of the life they currently have.
TAKE A RISK! Insanity is doing the same thing
Over and over and expecting new results.

I changed my water it changed my life.


The magic is where ever the water 💦


Plant the seed watch it grow........

You know I reap what I sow........

When it come back tenfold.......
That’s how you know.

Who got that g***a
Who got that green
Oh that CBD I mean Hahahahahha


Blessup give thanks
and praise to the most high.
I appreciate everyone


Don’t give self doubt an environment to grow or thrive within you.It’s Alguds to fall just remember to get back your grind and shine.Thanks and praise to the most high for what I have.❤️👌🏽👊🏾


You will never convince anyone about your projects or goals until you fully convince yourself .Do not present yourself or your project to those in positions of authority until you are convinced that it is fool proof !Become fully confident about who you say are and how great your project is,and others will agree.
People see you as you see yourself.
Birds of a feather flock together.


Thanks and praise to the mosthigh
Anything you achieve will come from hard work and dedication .
Check your goals constantly and make sure you are still excited.


You gotta learn to follow if want to lead

But with the right product,right people and the right mindset.Your limitless to the places you can go.
There ain’t no difference from me to you on what WE can do, on what YOU can do.
My team stay hungry watch how we do.

Give thanks and all praise to the most high


Life is a thing where we learn and we grow
Thanks and praise to the most high


It’s always too soon to quit!

Let your plans be your template, use them to guide you but be flexible.

Note.. sometimes we must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us!

*Doing a common thing in an uncommon way*

You are the answer.


Give thanks to the Mosthigh,
Have no room for negative thoughts.
If you want positive results,
wish for everyone what you want for yourself.picture what you want to happen to until it happens.


Let your actions be your words..

Make good choices, take a chance and embrace the changes that follow.

There is always something to be grateful for! Don’t let the stress of day to day blind you of the blessings in front of you.

The people who have been there truly supporting you want nothing more than to see you rise up.

Show your gratitude by being the best version of you, that you can possibly be right now..

By starting, small steps become small achievements as soon as you start..


Be a product of your decisions not your circumstances..

The only person you are destined to be is the one you decide to be.

Take note, people give away their power when they believe they don't have any.

Why be sorry later, just make the choice to be better now.

That "thing" you want to start.. it's time. You are the motivator, you are the power source!

As Tony Robbins, says “if you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten”



Turning up is key to anything .Stay up Blessup


Dream and manifest
1st things 1st you gotta believe..........
But until we tier up .....


You can never stop learning
Have you ever heard of the 4/7/8 breathing exercise I’m practicing it now Biggup to Adrian Wesley 👊🏾🤙🏾💯💯💯💯


I’ll be doing demos on the business and the water beast in a week to show you what I have to offer you, if your interested linkup or pm me if we get 30+people I’ll bring in the bigg guns to show you .know this ain’t a joke. It takes money to money right !!!so the only thing your doing is investing in yourself .BLESSUP


In times of stress, be bold and valiant!

If you want to be better and do better, then you must make necessary changes!

If you do not change your direction, you may end up where you are heading.. be honest and ask yourself where that might be?!

Don't let fear hold you back and remember, failure is success if you learn from it. 🤙🏾🤙🏾🤙🏾🤙🏾


You only get one shot,one shot and that’s it!!!!

-Imagine yourself successful
Always picture yourself successful,visualise the person you desire to become.

-Reflecting on your past successes
Every success big or small,is proof that you are capable of achieving more successes.celebrate
Each success.

-Set definite goals
Have a clear direction of where you want to go.Be aware when you begin to deviate from these goals and take immediate action.

Develop a positive self- image.your image,
Your reactions to life and your decisions are completely within your control.

Photos from Will Kingz Marketing ent's post 02/02/2020

Polo stitch work yessi give thanks and praise to the most high


Where my go getters at!!!!
Give thanks and praise to the most high Blessup.
ACE !!

Photos from Will Kingz Marketing ent's post 31/01/2020

Give thanks and praise to the most high


Where there’s a will there’s a way

Paired with a burning desire to succeed,
You can tell I’m destined to rise
Give thanks and all praise for the life I’m living !!!!!

I made the choice to change now there’s no turning back reach out and I can share the simple steps I’ve taken.

Photos from Will Kingz Marketing ent's post 30/01/2020

Through my side hustle I was able to do this hoodies coming together good


The way to be blessed in life is for you to be a blessing!

You need to ask yourself two questions,
Who am I blessing??

Whose quality of life am I helping to increase??

If you cannot find anyone who you are increasing in life,then that explains why you are not increasing in life.
Make a decision to do the right thing continuously.
Remember if you take shortcuts,you get short cut !

The group and platform I’m affiliated to has changed so many lives and is responsible for bringing
Health and wealth to the table for me and my family .Im at peace knowing that just doing my 9-5 wasn’t all I could do,and the rat race wasn’t my only option .you could say I took a risk but I’ll say I invested in myself and my ability to adapt to my surroundings.
Gratitude given for every day I’m living
Blessup thanks and praise to the MOSTHIGH.

Timeline photos 27/01/2020

Stay focused on the main objective.give thanks and all praise to the MOSTHIGH


Effortless living is never and will never be effective!

Many people believe that we are working hard so we can relax and retire.
The truth is, the only place of true rest is the grave .
We were created for involvement, participation and struggle. We are not supposed to struggle with everything, but we are not supposed to give In easy either!
Keep on keeping on.
Rev Run.

Give thanks and praise daily for the life I’m given.
Was it easy?? NO, but I ain’t quit it!
Destined to rise despite the regulations.


Respond positively to life

Develop a positive self-image.
Your image,
Your reactions to life and your decisions are completely within your control.

My online journey has only just begun,
And already things are moving fast.
I’ve been confronted with some pretty big and intense obstacles that would have made me give up and go back to what I know,the rat race.
But by having faith in myself and believing in what I can achieve,has only push me to deal with my fears and inner demons before proceeding forward.The rewards for not losing my courage out weigh the disbelief feeling of not being enough.
But at the end of the day I know I have a way out,
Just follow the process


Success requires no apologies,

Failure permits no alibis

This dynamic world in which we live is demanding
New ideas,new ways of doing things,
New leaders,new inventions,
New methods of marketing, new books,
New literature,new applications for computers,
New cures for diseases and new approaches to every aspect of business and life .
Behind this demand for new and better things there is one quality one must possess to win and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.


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