e3 Sudan

e3 Sudan

e3 Sudan is overwhelmingly focused on making disciples and planting churches in Sudan.

Orders - New — Pure Charity 03/03/2020

Dear friends,

Our e3 Sudan Team has a unique giving opportunity to make an even greater impact through the month of March! An anonymous donor is matching 75 cents to every dollar, up to $10,000! These funds will be strictly used for the training of partners with the goal of reaching the UUPGs (unreached, unengaged people groups) of the Nuba Mountains of Sudan. Remember that 40% we talked about in the recent post? These are the tribes we are focusing on to reach with the Gospel!

Will you give today?

Click the following link and share with others you know who may care:


Thanks from the e3 Sudan Team!

Orders - New — Pure Charity e3 Partners Ministry, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to financial integrity and transparency. e3 is a longtime member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), Excellence in Giving, and regularly submits to an annual audit.


People are LITERALLY standing in line to share the Good News!

As you’ve seen, God began stirring up a bigger plan for us and Sudan starting last spring. For months we have been praying over what this looks like, and we can now tell you a bit more as has been revealed to us.

As a strategy team, we are now focusing specifically on the people groups of the Nuba Mountains (those who live there as well as the diaspora who are living in other parts of the world). We are seeking No Nuba People, No Nuba Place without a healthy, reproducing church! And God is moving mightily! The picture was taken this week by our South Sudanese partner at a camp near the Nuba Mountains. This line was formed as Nuba Christians (many of them new believers) prepared to be divided into small groups to go out and share the Good News of Jesus.

A little background: the Nuba Mountain area of Sudan is home to 40% of Africa’s population of unreached and unengaged people groups (UUPGs)—Sudan is home to 64% total. What an incredible need for the Gospel and opportunity for Kingdom expansion! WELL, new doors are opening for unprecedented sharing of the Gospel for the first time in our lifetime! PRAISE GOD!

What does that mean for previous work? In short, the strategy director for e3 Uganda has answered the task of fully taking the South Sudanese refugee camps located in Uganda under their team’s plan, and will also assume responsibility for South Sudan as the refugees in Uganda hopefully return to their homes to live in peace.

God is surely up to something! We would love to have you join us in a prayer movement as we seek No Nuba People, No Nuba Place without a healthy church. If you are interested, join us by visiting http://www.agoodsudan.com and signing up!

Thank you again for your support and partnership as we move forward together for God’s glory in Sudan.


The e3 Sudan Team


I woke up this morning to learn a friend had passed. He was young!
Maybe late 40s? He is even now celebrating His life with Jesus.

I met Juma on my first trip to the North Uganda Refugee camps in Nov 2016. Since that time I have witnessed this man plant over 36 churches, minister to countless widows and orphans, and broker the placement of two food containers from Southeast Christian Church, just for starters.

Africans don't have Social Security or savings account. There is no nest egg to care for his widow and children. His "bank" is the favors he has done for others. My hope is that all he has done for others will now return to his family seven-fold. I am working on a reliable source to give financial support to Juma's widow. If you would like to donate to Juma's family, please make a donation here and put Juma in the comments section. https://allegrosolutions.org/donate/AGoodSudanTDC

Here is a video shot in October 2019 of Juma telling the story of just one of the miracles God has done in his life.



Give some extra love today. Donations will be matched so everything you give will be worth 175%! https://www.purecharity.com/sudannubamountainpeopleprojectmatch

Timeline photos 23/10/2019

Check out the new article posted in A Good Sudan for updates regarding yesterday's rallies in Sudan!

Thousands gathered in Khartoum, Omdurman, Madani, Al-Obeid, Port Sudan and Zalinge on Monday in support of the new authorities tasked with the country's transition to civilian rule, according to an Al Jazeera article (link in bio). The rallies also took place in order to shed light and demand justice for those killed during this past year’s uprisings.


Sudan's first cabinet since Omar al-Bashir's removal sworn in 09/09/2019

Check out this news article for information regarding the new cabinet!

Sudan's first cabinet since Omar al-Bashir's removal sworn in The 18-member cabinet, which includes four women, took the oath at the presidential palace in Khartoum on Sunday.

Timeline photos 09/09/2019

Woohoo! News article link to follow!

Yesterday, Sudan’s new 18-member cabinet was sworn-in. Members, including 4 women (BIG MOMENT!) took an oath to lead in the everyday decision-making processes as the nation moves forward under a Transitional Government Council. Along with Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, the cabinet’s top priorities include maintaining + growing existing peace and stabilizing + strengthening a shaky economy.


Riek Machar back in S Sudan for rare talks with President Kiir 09/09/2019

Follow-up article for the news posted earlier 👇🏼👇🏽👇🏾

Pray over the next two days as President Kiir and former rebel-leader/VP Machar meet to discuss Peace Deal specifics. Pray for a common vision, a God-centered vision with a heart for all South Sudanese at its core!


Riek Machar back in S Sudan for rare talks with President Kiir Meeting in South Sudan capital raises expectations for the implementation of stalled peace agreement.

Timeline photos 09/09/2019

Riek Machar, former South Sudanese rebel leader, arrived in Juba this morning. Meetings are set with South Sudanese President Salva Kiir for continued talks to move forward with a Peace Deal that was agreed upon last September. Machar hasn’t been in Juba since the celebration of the Peace Deal last October, and the two leaders last met in April at the Vatican. A November deadline for settling specifics of the deal is fast-approaching.

Riek Machar, former South Sudanese rebel leader, arrived in Juba this morning. Meetings are set with South Sudanese President Salva Kiir for continued talks to move forward with a Peace Deal that was agreed upon last September. Machar hasn’t been in Juba since the celebration of the Peace Deal last October, and the two leaders last met in April at the Vatican. A November deadline for settling specifics of the deal is fast-approaching.


Did you know?

This week in Sudan:

•4 Sudanese school-aged kids were shot and killed during a protest on Monday, along with 2 adults and 62 injured.
•More instability now surrounds Peace Talks set just around the corner.
•School has been suspended nationwide.
•A 1 million man march was called in response, and once again the youth stepped up to claim a voice in their country’s future.



Exciting news for our e3 Sudan family!

In obedience to an overwhelming call to prayer, we invite you to join us in a prayer movement: A Good Sudan.

Imagine with us what could happen if Sudan + South Sudan were nations led by God. We believe A Good Sudan would be one that values life, desires truth and justice, rallies for unity, and ultimately follows after the heart and plan of God.

Knowing that this must be grounded in prayer, we are forming a network of global prayer partners in hopes of catalyzing a prayer movement on behalf of Sudan + South Sudan. If each person currently participating were to invite three friends to join, and those three were each to invite three friends to join, and so forth, our group would have over 1 million voices in under two weeks.

Will you join us in prayer? Follow us at A Good Sudan for news updates and prayer points.

We will still be posting here as well, specifically for our team purposes, but ask that you join us in the prayer movement also at A Good Sudan.

‎Only in America with Ali Noorani: In Their Shoes: Empathy and Immigration on Apple Podcasts 04/05/2019

Good best have a plan, cuz evil sure does!

Here is the story of a woman named Hope=> Rebel militia attacked her Congolese village, killed her husband in front of her, then proceeded to beat and r**e her for 3 hours. She laid in the bush for 3 days, unable to move. Women from a local church found her, provided first aid and emotional support for 30 days, which led to 9 months of support through her pregnancy and birth of her son, David.

You see, the church recognized that the breaking of women was actually a war strategy of the militia. Broken women are unclean and unmarriable. No marriable women=>no village. Also destroying the emotional psyche of a women destroys the generations after. It is an insidious evil plan. But the local church actually trained and sent women out to find women like Hope and nurture and love them back to health.

There really is a love that exists in this world that can actually change things. The church's ministry to Hope spoke to others that Hope was still valuable. The women trained to minister to her poured the grace-filled, life-giving love of Jesus into her and others like her. (Local picture) Do you think how the village views women changes because of this? (Big picture) If violating women ceases to make them useless and unmarriable, does it cease its value as a war strategy? Can a simple plan of a group of churches, carried out faithfully can change a nation? Just thinking...

‎Only in America with Ali Noorani: In Their Shoes: Empathy and Immigration on Apple Podcasts ‎Show Only in America with Ali Noorani, Ep In Their Shoes: Empathy and Immigration - May 1, 2019

South Sudan records higher disease related morbidity than war casualties | Africanews 19/04/2019

What can we do? I'm of the opinion that these things are not revealed to us so we can merely lament. It is not by happenstance that most of us on this page were born in resource-rich countries. So what is God asking of us? Something to ponder during this Easter celebration.

South Sudan records higher disease related morbidity than war casualties | Africanews Statistics from South Sudan shows high morbidity resulting from illnesses such as malaria and pneumonia. Over the years the death rates especially in children has been higher than what was as a result


e3 Partners Ministry

Have you ever wanted training on Gospel-sharing tools? Check out the link to e3 Partners homepage for helpful videos and materials!

Gospel training isn’t just for missionaries. e3 Partners provides videos, materials, and in-person training opportunities for anyone and everyone. Learn how to share the Gospel, disciple others, and plant churches, both in your own town and all over the world. Find out more at https://e3partners.org/training/


Prayer partners, thank you for the conversations you have with the Father on behalf of the people of South Sudan!

Will you join us this week in lifting up the Lingala people? Let us request a swift presence of the Good News among these people, that their hearts are being prepared as our words are being heard, and that equipped brothers and sisters are already nearing an approach with this Word that is LIFE-CHANGING!

Chess, the war game building bridges in South Sudan 28/03/2019

What are the things building bridges among recently war-torn South Sudan?

Check out this write-up about the country's chess team and the way it's bringing people of different backgrounds together!

"Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy! He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him." --Psalms 126:5-6


Chess, the war game building bridges in South Sudan The scorching sun is finally beginning to dip on a late Saturday afternoon in Juba, where a small group gathers to watch a tense battle between two of their...


Worshipping with our South Sudanese brothers and sisters is always a beautiful time!

"Higher, higher every day! I lift my Jesus higher every day!"

"All the other gods, they are the works of men. You are the Most High God. There is none like you!"


As you pray today...

As you pray today, please remember the Beli people group of South Sudan. Another unreached/unengaged people group, the Beli people are devoted mainly to ethnic/animistic religions. They are agriculturalists who also practice goat and sheep herding, and honey-bee keeping.

Pray that the Beli people welcome the truth of the Good News of Christ, and that their hearts are softened to turn from man-made religion to true worship and relationship with the God of all creation.

"For you will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it; you will not be pleased with a burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise."
-Psalm 50:16-17

Situation South Sudan 14/03/2019

Have you ever wondered where all the places are that refugees from South Sudan fled? Check out this map provided through UNHCR.

Would you commit to praying for the refugees in a specific country? Share in the comments or send us a message. We love knowing and speaking with our prayer warriors!

"And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him." 1 John 5:14-15


Situation South Sudan “Uganda represents the Global Compact in action, but the country can’t do it alone. More global support is needed, particularly in the areas of education, economic opportunities and the environment.” Education is a major priority in the Uganda refugee response for 2019 and beyond. More than ha...


Join us in prayer this week for the people of the Suri Tribe. Then stay tuned for another highlight later this week!

The Suri people live in the eastern part of South Sudan near the Ethiopian border. They have difficulties raising crops as they live in an area of many hills and mountains. Please pray that work for the Gospel will be done among the Suri and will take root in their hearts and minds, that they may come to know God as their Creator and the only one worthy of worship.

"Praise the Lord! Praise, O servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord! Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and forevermore! From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised!" Psalm 113: 1-3


We are beginning our week with prayer. Will you join us in praying for the Njalgulgule tribe?

They are one of seven Daju tribes, descended from residents of the Nuba Mountains, and live only in South Sudan. Grain farming is the main source of livelihood, with some of the people acting as hunters and gatherers. Njalgulgule women perform much of the daily work as well as house building. Many have syncretized traditional beliefs with those of Islam, and even build shrines to their high god--Kalge--who is equated to Allah.

Pray for spiritual harvesters to travel to the Njalgulgule, and that this tribe denounces every false god, turning to the only One and True God. Pray for their minds and hearts to be ready upon arrival of the Gospel.

Sudan leader declares state of emergency 23/02/2019

Sudan is in urgent need of your prayers.

Much of our attention on this page is focused on the citizens and refugees of South Sudan, but today we ask that you adjust your attention along with us to their neighboring country to the north.

Follow the link below to read the latest update concerning the political environment of Sudan.

How do we pray?
>Pray for the people, and that they may seek the One and True God (1 Chronicles 16:10-11)
>Pray for the government, and that leaders turn their hearts and minds to the Lord (1 Timothy 2:1-5)
>Pray over how you can respond, asking God to show you what he has in store (Romans 8:26-27)


Sudan leader declares state of emergency President Omar al-Bashir dismisses the federal government and sacks all state governors.


"That Your way may be known on earth,
Your salvation among all nations.
Let the peoples praise You, O God;
Let all the peoples praise You.
Oh, let the nations be glad and sing for joy!
For You shall judge the people righteously,
And govern the nations on earth."

Psalm 67:2-4

His Good News has always been the only way!


Want to learn more about the tribes of South Sudan? This week we pray specifically for another unreached people group, the Nuer. Will you join us?

Ethiopia – Inter-communal fighting in South Sudanese refugee camps (DG ECHO, DG ECHO partners) (ECHO Daily Flash of 21 January 2019) - Ethiopia 07/02/2019

Much discussion surrounding South Sudanese refugees centers on the nearly 1 million who've sought safety and stability in Northern Uganda. However, the crisis is far-spread throughout much of East Africa.

In Ethiopia, over 400,000 South Sudanese refugees have made the Gambella Region a temporary home. Though people have fled fighting in their home country, some of unrest has followed them into the refugee camps.

Last month, inter-community fighting broke out between two sub-clans of the Nuer tribe in the Gambella Region. The Nuer tribe is a UPG (unreached people group) of South Sudan. You can check out the article below for more information.

We ask that you join us in prayer for peace within the tribe, between these sub-clans, and ultimately that the light and truth of Christ takes hold in their lives. Pray that those who are followers of Christ are discipled so that they may reach even further into their own community, making disciples and strengthening the Church.


Ethiopia – Inter-communal fighting in South Sudanese refugee camps (DG ECHO, DG ECHO partners) (ECHO Daily Flash of 21 January 2019) - Ethiopia English News and Press Release on Ethiopia about Protection and Human Rights, Water Sanitation Hygiene and Refugees; published on 21 Jan 2019 by ECHO


Incredible work has been done the last couple weeks among the Toposa of South Sudan! We thank you for your prayers on behalf of the team that has faithfully served them this expedition.

Pictured below are young people learning the story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eu**ch in order to share with others (along with other true stories from the Bible). Praise God for the Good News and obedient hearts!

South Sudanese Fear Leaving UN Protected Camps Despite Peace 28/01/2019

Here is a good status update.

South Sudanese Fear Leaving UN Protected Camps Despite Peace Tracing his fingers over the metal fencing at a United Nations protected site in South Sudan’s capital, Nhial Nyuot Nhial hung his head as he contemplated going home after years of civil war. “At the


Join us in prayer this week for the Toposa tribe! There are over 200,000 Toposa located in South Sudan and they are considered an unreached people group. This precious people are mostly oral learners, and there are great things planned to bring them true stories from the Bible this year. 100 audio Bibles will be delivered, including many stories and songs to go along with them. Later this year, training in Community Transformation will begin to help the Toposa see God's plan for them. We praise God for all he's done and continues to do!



> make an eternal difference?
> find where God is doing big things?
>invest your time, talent, and treasure for God's kingdom?

Join us this summer in Arua, Uganda for an incredible opportunity to serve God among the South Sudanese refugees. Click on the link below to find out more and sign up for a trip that changes lives!


Tracey Clayton


Has anyone else been at this week? What an incredible few days of challenging encouragement to GO & SEND!

“There are three types of Christians: goers, senders, and disobedient.” -John Piper


“And the word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14

We pray the merriest Christmas for you and your loved ones today—the day we celebrate the birth of our Savior!

What a wonderful thought that our brothers and sisters of East Africa were already celebrating Christ’s first coming while we were sleeping, and that the praises continue now with us though their day has come to a close.

May the joy of the Lord continue in your hearts of worship!


Did you know that today is nationally recognized as Giving Tuesday? What an incredible campaign to take part in after Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Today is a day not only to give back, but to also give forward.

Worldwide, there are 3.1 billion people far from God. That's a little over 40%. It takes $13 to equip 1 person to share the Gospel and plant churches.

Will you consider participating in Giving Tuesday by investing in what God is doing among the South Sudanese?

Below is a photo of a sister we have been honored to serve with. From the UNHCR tent in the background, you will understand that she is a refugee. She is also a single mother striving to provide for physical needs of her children as well as safety and hope. But, PRAISE GOD, our sister knows the hope of Christ and is now equipped to share this hope with others and train them to share as well!

By clicking on the donate button at the top of this page, you can continue to equip brothers and sisters of South Sudan with the Good News of Jesus! How many people will you equip today?


Just received from Pastor Jacob via in Arua, Uganda:

"Please pray for us in West Nile, there is a very heavy attack of rain this night and is going on houses collapse on people..children missing..most families are homeless"- Pr Jacob


e3 Sudan exists to equip God’s people to evangelize his world and establish multiplying, healthy, transformative churches among the people of South Sudan.

Videos (show all)

"Jesus Love me"
Rep. South Sudan 1st Independence Day - Ebeneezer Primary Kids