Blinded By Fear

Blinded By Fear

Michael Hingson, is a New York Times best selling author and motivational speaker. His new course "B


Alexandra Hoffmann has many years of working in the corporate world to help leaders learn how better to manage and deal with crises they and their organizations face.

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Alexandra Hoffmann, the founder and CEO of Crisis Ally, has many years of working in the corporate world to help leaders learn how better to manage and deal with crises they and their organizations face. She says that she began thinking about dealing with crisis management as a child. Not that she faced unusual or horrible crisis situations, but the concept peaked her interest from an early age.

Growing up in France Alexandra wanted to be a police officer. As is required in France, she studied the law and obtained her LLB in criminal law from Parris University. She went on to secure two Master’s degrees, one in corporate security and also one in business administration. Clearly she has a well-rounded knowledge that she decided to put to use in the world of managing crisis situation.

Our discussions range in this episode from topics surrounding September 11, 2001 to how and why people react as they do to crisis situations. Alexandra has many relevant and thought-provoking observations I believe we all will find interesting. On top of everything else, she has a husband and two small children who keep her spare time occupied.

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There is incredible power in being brave enough to be vulnerable!

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Teri Wellbrock will discuss how she overcame her early life and became a successful psychologist whose main goal is to help others.

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I had the pleasure of meeting Teri Wellbrock a few weeks ago and almost at once asked her to be a guest on Unstoppable Mindset. As with all our guests I asked her for a biography. What I received was a story about a woman who, from the age of four years old, experienced a variety of sexual and physical abuses and later was clearly in the wrong place at the wrong time as she experienced two bank robberies. In both robbery cases her life was in danger from gun-toting robbers. She will tell us all about her early life.

More importantly, Teri will discuss how she was able to overcome her early life and become a successful psychologist whose main goal in life is to help others. She has a great deal of experience in dealing with emotional trauma and healing. We will talk about some of the techniques she uses and which were utilized to help her.

Teri is a wonderful and engaging person. I am sure you will find her worth hearing. You also can seek out her podcast which she discusses near the end of our episode.

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Own your story, or it will own you!

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Marsha shows us the value of learning about facing our own inner selves and learning to tell our own stories.

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Marsha Vanwynsberghe grew up in Ontario Canada and still lives there today. I met her a few months ago when I was invited to be a guest on her podcast, Own Your Choices Own Your Life. My team at Amplifyou, located in British Columbia, arranged my appearance and then, as is only fair, I asked them to help get Marsha to join me on Unstoppable Mindset. We had a fabulous conversation discussing everything from why more people don’t share their own stories to how we, Marsha and I, learned to tell our own stories and how we help others to grow as they discover more about themselves.

Marsha worked for a company for some 26 years while, as she discovered, learned a lot about coaching. She also faced her own life challenges as she will tell us. In 2020 the company employing her closed its doors. By that time Marsha realized how much coaching of others she already was doing. She started her own coaching program. As I said, she also has been operating her own podcasts which I urge you to find, of course after listening to Unstoppable Mindset.

Marsha shows us the value of learning about facing our own inner selves and learning to tell our own stories. She discusses how many of her clients, through discussing their own experiences, have become more confident and how they have learned to be better persons in their own skins.

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Hawa shares her #1 piece of advice for anyone!

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Hawa hopes to get involved in a higher education teaching role where she can help teach students with disabilities that they can move forward and succeed no matter what.

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In this episode, I get to introduce you to Hawa Allarakhia. As you will learn, Hawa was born at only 25 weeks, more than three months premature. She lived in an incubator for the first four months of her life but survived and eventually thrived. She has some disabilities, but as you will see, Hawa decided not to let challenges stop her.

She attended college at various campuses of the University of South Florida and has obtained a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree. She is now working in a PHD program and plans to have her degree in two or three semisters.

Hawa’s parents always emphasized to her the need for a good education, something she very much takes to heart. She will tell us how she hopes to get involved in a higher education teaching role where she can help to teach students with disabilities that no matter what they can move forward and succeed. Talk about inspirational, that describes Hawa to a T.

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Prince shares how he uses his unstoppable mindset to be the best he can be for his clients.

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Prince Khan believes we all can develop an unstoppable mindset, and he will tell us how we can make this happen.

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Prince Khan is all the above. Although he started out quite slow in school, he flourished in college. As he will tell us, in college he decided to master his own lack of self-confidence and work at succeeding. He says it was his “unstoppable mindset” that saw him through.

Prince refers to his personal unstoppable mindset many times during our conversation. This is not something I even knew he was planning. You will hear for yourself that he believes we all can develop an unstoppable mindset and he will tell us how we can make this happen.

After college Mr. Khan began working for a company first briefly in sales and then in other more business related capacities. As he will describe, in college he discovered not only that he had an aptitude for business, but he actually liked the subject.

After working at a company for five years he began teaching entrepreneurial concepts to others especially in the small business arena. You can hear the passion about this in his voice. Prince offers us many invaluable life lessons we can all use in our business, life and personal worlds.

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Jack discusses why he chose to create a board game over something virtual.

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Podcast – Michael Hingson 04/11/2023

Jack Kountouris discusses the many challenges he faced as a new entrepreneur and gives us some good lessons about how to move forward during trying times.

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Podcast – Michael Hingson I absolutely love hosting Unstoppable Mindset. I, and thus you, get to meet so many interesting and fascinating people. Jack Kountouris was born in London to a North Carolina mother and a father from Greece. He lived there until he came to the United States to attend college at Wake Forest. While in...


I absolutely love hosting Unstoppable Mindset. I, and thus you, get to meet so many interesting and fascinating people. Jack Kountouris was born in London to a North Carolina mother and a father from Greece. He lived there until he came to the United States to attend college at Wake Forest. While in his Master’s program he met a friend who had an interest, like Jack, in board games.

After college Jack and his friend decided to become business partners and formed Dimension Board Games in 2021. For a bit, Jack lived again in London while his friend lived in Denver Colorado. Jack took up a full-time career as an executive recruiter while working to help start the company. Life became easier in May of 2022 when Jack moved to West Los Angeles. Now at least the two partners were pretty much in the same relative time zones.

My time with Jack was especially interesting as Jack discusses challenges the two friends faced while starting and working to grow their business. He discusses openly the many challenges he faced as a new entrepreneur and he gives us some good lessons about how to move forward during trying times such as when the pandemic was at its height. I think you will find our time with Jack helpful and certainly inspiring.

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Madilynn describes how she uses her personal experience in her writing.

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Podcast – Michael Hingson 01/11/2023

Madilynn Dale describes herself as “an author, blogger, freelancer, podcaster, producer, reader, mother, outdoors enthusiast,” and so much more.

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Podcast – Michael Hingson Growth and resilience are only two of the words I think of when I talk about our guest, Curtis Pipes. Curtis always has been a dreamer. He even says that as a child his dreams went much further than his “stateliness”. Nevertheless, he kept on dreaming. Curtis began life in Columbia Missouri. He ...


Madilynn Dale describes herself as “an author, blogger, freelancer, podcaster, producer, reader, mother, outdoors enthusiast” and so much more. I met Madilynn when I was invited to be a guest on her podcast, “The Chapter Goddess”. Of course, I also had to have her as a guest here. She consented and here we are.

She always wanted to write, but never did anything seriously about it until after her son was born. She will tell us the story and describe why writing has become so important to her.

To date Madilynn has written and self-published 19 books with at least two more on the way to come out this year. Prolific by any standard since she has only been publishing books for three years.

Her story and insights are not only inspiring, but Madilynn offers some good advice using her life experiences. She offers us all some good ideas of how to live and function better.

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Tessa shares how she helps women step into their feminine power

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Tessa Alburn has a successful coaching business helping women to learn and gain confidence.

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Like many people we have heard on Unstoppable Mindset, Tessa Lynne Alburn had some challenges growing up. She frankly discusses them, especially issues she had with her parents who, as she describes it, did not really understand how to give her the kind of love she wanted and needed. This is no criticism as she points out, but simply the way things were. She also talks about a near drowning experience and how that effected her and her attitude for years.

With all her challenges she did finish high school and then went to college.

Tessa loves many sporting activities and, for a time, she was a musician. She learned to play the flute and to sing. She says she still uses singing today sometimes with clients.

Today, Tessa lives in Steamboat Springs, Colorado where she has a successful coaching business helping women to learn and gain confidence. She helps them to learn to discover themselves and to become better in the world. She will tell us some stories of how she has helped women to learn how to be better and more progressive leaders, especially in a world that doesn’t always appreciate what white bright intelligent women can and do bring to the table.

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Podcast – Michael Hingson 26/10/2023

Curtis shares with us his mission to help people gain self-love.

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Podcast – Michael Hingson Growth and resilience are only two of the words I think of when I talk about our guest, Curtis Pipes. Curtis always has been a dreamer. He even says that as a child his dreams went much further than his “stateliness”. Nevertheless, he kept on dreaming. Curtis began life in Columbia Missouri. He ...

Podcast – Michael Hingson 25/10/2023

Curtis Pipes has always been a dreamer and shares his unstoppable journey of finding his life’s purpose.

You can catch the full episode on Apple Podcasts/iTunes at: or on our website at

Podcast – Michael Hingson Growth and resilience are only two of the words I think of when I talk about our guest, Curtis Pipes. Curtis always has been a dreamer. He even says that as a child his dreams went much further than his “stateliness”. Nevertheless, he kept on dreaming. Curtis began life in Columbia Missouri. He ...


Growth and resilience are only two of the words I think of when I talk about our guest, Curtis Pipes. Curtis always has been a dreamer. He even says that as a child his dreams went much further than his “stateliness”. Nevertheless, he kept on dreaming.

Curtis began life in Columbia Missouri. He tells us about his life including many bumps along the way as he progressed through college. It was growth that finally caused him to focus and get college degrees in two majors.

Work eventually took Curtis to New Zealand where he again had to grow a lot not only to survive but to find his way. He will tell us about his time living as a homeless person in New Zealand and why no one even knew of his challenges.

Today, Curtis lives in Australia where he owns his digital marketing and coaching business. His company is called Peanut Butter Digital Marketing. Why “Peanut Butter”? I’ll let Curtis tell the story.

Curtis is clearly an unstoppable person. Stubborn yes, but also he is confident and he understands where that confidence fits into his life purpose. I hope you enjoy hearing Curtis’ story as much as did I.

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Alex reminds us that “reporters are human,” too.

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Alex Achten tells us about identity theft, journalism and leadership coaching.

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The title above does not do justice to today’s guest, Alex Achten. Alex is from Kansas City, where he grew up. After college, he spent time in Texas where he worked as a news reporter for several years. We talk quite a bit about news reporting and what makes a good reporter.

As Alex explains, he finally felt that the stress of the reporting job caused him to want to go more into the communications and public relations aspects of media and media relations. His parents had moved to San Diego several years ago and so Alex decided to moved to San Diego as well. He joined the staff of the national nonprofit agency, Identity Theft Resource Center, where he directs media relations.

Alex tells us some about identity theft although he says he is not an expert. Even so, he has some excellent ideas about identity protection he passes along.

I asked him about his college minor in Leadership Studies and a certificate he recently earned in “Coaching as a Leadership Tool.” As you will hear, he is quite passionate about this topic and offers some great ideas about good leaders and quality leadership.

In all, there is no doubt that Alex is quite an unstoppable person. I am sure you will see why by the end of our conversation.

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Podcast – Michael Hingson 16/10/2023

Robert shares how he stays relentless and unstoppable.

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Podcast – Michael Hingson I rarely have met someone who, throughout his life, has been presented with so many challenges but always moves forward with strength, poise, and vision. Robert Schott and I first met 27 years ago when Karen and I moved to New Jersey for a job. Robert immediately took a liking to both of us as […]

Podcast – Michael Hingson 14/10/2023

Robert Schott’s story, both in the work he has done for others and his inventing mindset, is well worth hearing.

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Podcast – Michael Hingson At 26 years of age, Jeri Perkins already has a Master’s of Social Work Policy, Administration, and Community Practice degree and has her own business and coaching program. She also works as a councilor, so actually, she has two jobs. Jeri helps clients and students to understand that while all of ...


I rarely have met someone who, throughout his life, has been presented with so many challenges but always moves forward with strength, poise and vision. Robert Schott and I first met 27 years ago when Karen and I moved to New Jersey for a job. Robert immediately took a liking to both of us as we were asked to help our church, also the church Robert and his wife Erica attended, design wheelchair access both for Karen and others. As I got to know Robert I recognized that he was quite a determined individual who worked hard to bring success to whatever endeavors he undertook.

Robert’s story both in the work he has done for others as well as his own inventing mindset are well worth hearing. In fact, as you will hear, he has designed a new toy currently looking for a manufacturing home, but that already has been described as the first invention creating a new way of play for children.

If all of us ever encounter through these podcast episodes someone unstoppable it is Robert Schott. I hope his thoughts, life lessons and his enthusiastic mindset rubs off on all of us. His faith and his attitude really do show all of us that we can be more unstoppable than we think we can.

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Tony shares just how vital statistics can be in creating change.

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Podcast – Michael Hingson 11/10/2023

Tony Labillois is a relentless individual who has defied the limitations of his low vision and legal blindness to lead an extraordinary life.

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Podcast – Michael Hingson At 26 years of age, Jeri Perkins already has a Master’s of Social Work Policy, Administration, and Community Practice degree and has her own business and coaching program. She also works as a councilor, so actually, she has two jobs. Jeri helps clients and students to understand that while all of ...

Podcast – Michael Hingson 10/10/2023

Talk about “unstoppable”! Meet Tony Labillois. Tony has been blind his entire life. His parents insisted that he attend “regular school” in Quebec where he was born and grew up. He did not get some of the benefits of some assistive technologies such as Braille that might have better aided him. He saw enough that he was able to cope during school.

After high school he went to university in Quebec City where he majored in Statistics. Why statistics? Because he discovered that he loved mathematics and he felt he had the best opportunity to get a job and advance with this background. He joined the Canadian version of the U.S. census bureau, Statistics Canada, out of college and advanced he did. Today he serves as the Director General of the Justice, Diversity, Population Statistics Branch and co-leading Canada's Disaggregated Data Action Plan.

There is even much more to Tony’s story. He imparts to us along the way some great life lessons. One, and my favorite, is "If you see a door that is a little bit open, go through it." That definitely summarizes Tony.

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Podcast – Michael Hingson At 26 years of age, Jeri Perkins already has a Master’s of Social Work Policy, Administration, and Community Practice degree and has her own business and coaching program. She also works as a councilor, so actually, she has two jobs. Jeri helps clients and students to understand that while all of ...


Jeri tells us what the mission of Impact Action Network is.

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Podcast – Michael Hingson 07/10/2023

Jeri helps clients and students to understand that while all of us may exhibit differences we are really all part of the same race. She fiercely works to promote equity and inclusion.

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Podcast – Michael Hingson At 26 years of age, Jeri Perkins already has a Master’s of Social Work Policy, Administration, and Community Practice degree and has her own business and coaching program. She also works as a councilor, so actually, she has two jobs. Jeri helps clients and students to understand that while all of ...


At 26 years of age, Jeri Perkins already has a Master’s of Social Work Policy, Administration and Community Practice degree and has her own business and coaching program. She also works as a counselor, so actually, she has two jobs.

Jeri helps clients and students to understand that while all of us may exhibit differences we are really all part of the same race. She fiercely works to promote equity and inclusion.

We talk about a variety of subjects around DEI and we even have a discussion about language and why words matter.

Our discussion was not only lively, but it was informative and, to me, inspiring. I hope you find it the same. Jeri will be one of those people who throughout her life will enhance the world for all of us.

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What is the difference between arrogance and confidence?

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Cartwright Morris teaches young executives and leaders to live life as an adventure. He does this to help them learn how to gain true confidence in their personal and professional lives.

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Videos (show all)

There is incredible power in being brave enough to be vulnerable!You can catch the full episode on Apple Podcasts/iTunes...
Own your story, or it will own you! You can catch the full episode on Apple Podcasts/iTunes at:
Hawa shares her #1 piece of advice for anyone!  You can catch the full episode on Apple Podcasts/iTunes at: https://appl...
Prince shares how he uses his unstoppable mindset to be the best he can be for his clients.You can catch the full episod...
Jack discusses why he chose to create a board game over something virtual. You can catch the full episode on Apple Podca...
Madilynn describes how she uses her personal experience in her writing. You can catch the full episode on Apple Podcasts...
Tessa shares how she helps women step into their feminine power You can catch the full episode on Apple Podcasts/iTunes ...
Alex reminds us that “reporters are human,” too.You can catch the full episode on Apple Podcasts/iTunes at: https://appl...
Tony shares just how vital statistics can be in creating change. You can catch the full episode on Apple Podcasts/iTunes...
Jeri tells us what the mission of Impact Action Network is.You can catch the full episode on Apple Podcasts/iTunes at: h...
What is the difference between arrogance and confidence?You can catch the full episode on Apple Podcasts/iTunes at: http...
Ashley offers some advice for making spaces more inclusive.You can catch the full episode on Apple Podcasts/iTunes at: h...