2 By 2 Wildlife Art of Karen E Phillips

2 By 2 Wildlife Art of Karen E Phillips

2 By 2 is the home of the Wildlife Art of Karen E Phillips. It will be updated regularly with lates




At age 17, she was rejected from college.

At age 25, her mother died from disease.

At age 26, she moved to Portugal to teach English.

At age 27, she got married.

Her husband abused her. Despite this, her daughter was born.

At age 28, she got divorced and was diagnosed with severe depression.

At age 29, she was a single mother living on welfare.

At age 30, she didn't want to be on this earth.
But, she directed all her passion into doing the one thing she could do better than anyone else.
And that was writing.

At age 31, she finally published her first book.

At age 35, she had released 4 books, and was named Author of the Year.

At age 42, she sold 11 million copies of her new book, on the first day of release.

This woman is J.K. Rowling. Remember how she considered su***de at age 30?

Today, Harry Potter is a global brand worth more than $15 billion dollars.

Never give up. Believe in yourself. Be passionate. Work hard. It’s never too late.

She is J.K. Rowling


One completed golden Clouded Leopard, 12 x 16". Polychromos on Pastelmat. 😊

As you may notice here, I will have to replenish my Polychromo pencils before I complete too many more artworks. So, if you'd like to donate to my pencil pot, this beautiful Clouded Leopard will be for sale shortly and prints will follow soon after😁

Photos by Ashley Vincent Wildlife Photography


My Clouded Leopard, started just recently, but not far off completion now. There are some very bright colours going into creating the wonderful patterns in the fur of this beautiful cat.

Reference Photos by Ashley Vincent Wildlife Photography


Hip hipporay! Something new. My Hippopotamus is now complete and I still like him. I used some bright colours in this one.
Did you know... Hippos spend much of their day submerged in water. They are considered one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. If you are lucky enough to see them on land, don't stand in their way.😊

Reference Photos courtesy of Steve Allen.


I like my Hippo more and more each day. Sometimes it's good to stop and take a look and it's only then, I notice that it's all falling into place quite nicely😁.

Photos from 2 By 2 Wildlife Art of Karen E Phillips's post 17/01/2021

These 3 artworks, 'Watching You, Watching Me', 'Jan Peng' and 'Magnificent Seven' are now on their way to their new homes, 2 originals and one print 😁.

Prints are available of each of these and more via my website. All items purchased via the Elephant Nature Park section of my website benefit the Elephants of ENP 😊


Did you know there's less than 4,000 Tigers left in the wild. What are we doing to these beautiful animals?! This is the latest little update on my Tiger artwork. He's coming along quite nicely.


A little bit of progress made on this one. Lots more to add to it yet, but I think it's going ok. Let me know what you think... 😊

Photos from 2 By 2 Wildlife Art of Karen E Phillips's post 09/11/2020

Who had a busy weekend?
I managed a couple of little updates to these two, the Mandrill and Zebra. Still a way to go on both. Both of these will eventually be available for purchase😊

Photos from 2 By 2 Wildlife Art of Karen E Phillips's post 02/11/2020

Progess photos of a couple of the artworks I am currently working on. More to come over the next couple of weeks 😁


I have been reorganising my website and I have added a new page. It will benefit somewhere that has great meaning for us, whose continuing work and values are to be applauded, even more so, in this current situation we find ourselves.

Elephant Nature Park Art is now live at www.2by2-wildlife-art.co.uk/a1-gallery2.asp?roomID=12376

On our first visit to Elephant Nature Park I said I wanted to do something to help. Art is what I do, it's a start. All artwork on this new page will be Elephant Nature Park related. 50% of all sales from this page, both originals and prints will go to Elephant Nature Park.

This current artwork, Mae Jan Peng, will be added to the existing Elephant Nature Park Art, prints will be available in addition to the original. Please feel free to take a look and/or share.


I'm currently making a few changes to my website in between new drawings, watch this space for news on new exciting pages.

This is Mae Jan Peng, the artwork I am mainly working on at the moment. Mae Jan Peng is one of the beautiful Elephants at Elephant Nature Park.


As lockdown and uncertainty continue around the world and more animals are in need, I have added a new page to my website which will benefit Elephant Nature Park.

50% of all profits from the Elephant Nature Park Gallery will go towards helping the animals rescued by Lek and her team at Elephant Nature Park.


Photos from 2 By 2 Wildlife Art of Karen E Phillips's post 04/06/2020

My most recent artwork, "Pretty Flamingo". A Flamingo is a great way to make the most of pink pencils!.

The original and prints will be available shortly.

Photos from 2 By 2 Wildlife Art of Karen E Phillips's post 04/06/2020

Two photos of my recently completed artwork, called "Good 'ol Chimp". In the first one I had a little helper called Milo. I'm not sure he was impressed with the subject of the artwork😁

This artwork and prints will be available shortly.


Having had a little break from the Flamingo, this happened!
Hopefully you can tell what he is and there is no reason for guesses. You can of course have a guess if you'd like to, but on this occasion there are no prizes😊


A little progress on this pretty pink Flamingo to brighten the page 😊


New drawing in progress. I might have to draw something else inbetween working on this one. There are rather a lot of feathers. I guess that's what happens when you take on a drawing of feathered creatures ☺️


If you would like to treat yourself or someone close to you, there are some wonderful rewards for supporting the Remembering Cheetahs kickstarter, which went live yesteday.

I donated 5 prints of "Windows to the Soul" which I created following a trip to Southern Africa. There is currently just 1 remaining, and 28 days to go. It's fabulous to know this artwork is helping to conserve the beautiful Cheetah.

If you'd like to take a look at all the rewards and support this worthy cause, please take a look, and maybe reserve a copy of the Remembering Cheetahs book, to be released in October.


Remembering Cheetahs Kickstarter goes live in 24 hours. Be sure to take a look at all the items that will be available, from jewellery to safaris.

If you look closely you will find prints of one of my artworks available too. Very happy to be supporting this 5th book in the Remembering Wildlife series, for the conservation of my favourite Wild Cats, Cheetahs.

With this touching image by Ann & Steve Toon Wildlife Photography, we announce this morning another 15 talented photographers who will be contributing to Remembering Cheetahs, taking our initial list to 60.
We're aware there is a lot of uncertainty in the world right now, but have decided to press on with our Kickstarter campaign tomorrow, to enable us hopefully to still produce Remembering Cheetahs this year. We do this because quite simply, the cheetahs cannot wait for our help. The projects we'll be supporting cannot put their work on hold and still hope to save the species. If funding disappears for such projects, goodness knows what will happen. So we hope people will still find love and space in their hearts for the wildlife relying on our compassion to survive.
Including Ann & Steve, the additional contributors are Graeme Purdy Photography, Kevin Dooley, Xavier Ortega, Andy Skinner, Theo Allofs, Roger Hooper, Margot Raggett Photography, Peter Haygarth, Pierluigi Rizzato, Mark Dumbleton, Arnfinn Johansen, Brendon Jennings, James Warwick and Thomas Mangelsen. We thank each and every one of them and all previously announced photographers, for believing in our project and working together for the animals they love.
Our Kickstarter goes live in 24 hours hours, tomorrow morning at 9am UK time, where you can pre-order your copy of Remembering Cheetahs, as well as snap up many other very special goodies, all donated by individuals and organisations keen to do whatever they can to save a species. We hope you will be with us too 🙏


My little Kingfisher is now finished😁. This is coloured pencil. The image size is 13" x 10" on 18" x 12" and will be available for purchase, from my website, soon.

I don't create many bird artworks but I've always liked these colourful little birds and this one gave me the chance to use some different colours 😊



A little update to the Kingfisher. Such pretty little birds. Roughly a wing, and a bit, left to do now😊


New artwork in progress. I've wanted to draw one of these little birds for such a long time.

Photos from 2 By 2 Wildlife Art of Karen E Phillips's post 23/02/2020

It's been a while since I have had new prints for sale. My 5 most recent pieces of art are now with the printer😊
Prints of each will be available to purchase shortly🙏


My latest drawing is now finished. "Blue Eyed Egret" will be for sale via my website.



***C O M P E T I T I O N...I S...C L O S E D***

The fun competition to raise some funds for the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and win a print of my new artwork is now closed. This little Elephant trio, I'm calling "Three of a Kind", is complete😊!!

The total time taken was 123 hours and 01 minute, which is the most hours I've spent on any drawing, and a little way over my estimate! £91.00 will be heading to the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

With the closest guess, by just 12 minutes, the winner is.... Maria Mossman 👏👏 🎉. Maria will receive an A3 print as soon as they are available.

Thank you to everyone who entered, much appreciated. Prints will be available soon.


I have lots of coloured pencils and the pinks, reds and blues etc rarely get used. I decided to make use of some of them and this happened. A fairly quick drawing, although not quite finished yet, but I've been working on Elephants too😊.


***C O M P E T I T I O N...N O W...C L O S E D***

The competition to win a print of this little Elephant trio is coming to an end very soon.

If you want to get your last minute entries in, just send a £2 donation per guess at the number of hours it's taken from beginning to end. Remember to add a note of your guess on PayPal.

All funds go to The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.


***C O M P E T I T I O N...N O W...C L O S E D***

For those wanting to take part - time is running out.

The prize is an A3 giclée print of this family trio in return for your guess at the number of hours/mins it's taken and a £2 donation via Paypal to [email protected] benefiting The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. Add a note of your guess in PayPal.

Happy guessing


Getting close to finishing this artwork now, so not much longer to enter the competition to win a print.

For a £2 donation, via PayPal, to [email protected] you could win an A3 print and help The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. Remember to add your guess to PayPal for the number of hours/minutes you think this drawing will take from start to finish.

For more info, please see 'competition time' post. 😊


**** C O M P E T I T I O N .... T I M E ****

In Aid of The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

There's still time to enter to win an A3 print of my latest drawing, once complete.

All you need to do is have a guess at how many hours/minutes you think this artwork will have taken from start to finish, and make a £2 (or equivalent) donation per guess, in aid of The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

The winner will be the person who guesses correctly or closest to it. If more than one person guesses correctly they will be asked to complete a tie-break question. The winner's name and guess will be posted on my 2 By 2 Wildlife Art page.

Please make your donation, via Paypal to [email protected] using friends and family, and please remember to add a note on Paypal stating the number of hours/mins you think it will take to complete.

The competition will stay open until the artwork is complete. Please share with friends/family etc to raise as much for The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust as possible.

Many thanks


Photos from 2 By 2 Wildlife Art of Karen E Phillips's post 19/01/2020

**** C O M P E T I T I O N T I M E ****

For those that are following progress of my latest artwork, I mentioned that I would be doing a raffle like competition, so here it is, in aid of The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust..

Guess the total number of hours in which this artwork will be completed. Entry requires a £2.00 donation and in return the person who guesses correctly or closest to the correct answer will receive an A3 (approx 16 x 12") print of the completed artwork, once finished and scanned. If there is more than one person guessing correctly they will be asked to complete a tie-break question.

To take part please make donations, via Paypal to [email protected] using friends and family, and please remember to add a note to Paypal stating the number of hours/mins you think it will take to complete.

The competition will stay open until the artwork is complete. Please share with friends/family etc to raise as much for The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust as possible.

Many thanks



I'm thinking of running a little competition involving my latest artwork. It would run something like a raffle/lottery until the artwork is finished. I would be asking for minimum donation of approximately £2.00 per entry and profits would be donated to a Wildlife Charity. Watch this space for further info.....

Photos from 2 By 2 Wildlife Art of Karen E Phillips's post 29/12/2019

For those who are awaiting completion, progress is slowly being made on my Elephant trio💕🐘
What do you think so far?



A little collection of some of my artwork. Some of which are currently on my website, some are yet to be added. There are still some originals and prints available for purchase. Please feel free to visit.
