His Poetic Words By Kai

His Poetic Words By Kai

I speak the words of spiritual healing and translate it to wisdom. All is welcome to share �


Kisses Leaves Marks

The skin,
Her skin
Feels so soft, and warm from the interaction between two opposites
Kiss to kisses, multiple marks are imprinted
I’m leaving lip size prints onto your body like tiger stripes
Marks like polka dots tells a story from love notes
How do I write them if pens or black ink sharpies isn’t involved
I am in gulf by the flames of passion
So soft as my lips gets tangled in between your flowers
You smell so delightful
Expressions are bloomed out like rosebushes,
Breaking away from not expressing thy thoughts
Almost impaired of not able to see what’s in front of me, so I close the lips of these eyes and started seeing visions that’s been blessed upon me
Feeling is way better than seeing
I rather be a blind man than a def one
Pecks into your epidermis while these lips are reading imprinted hieroglyphics, mastering braille
Chapped lips usually is a fail trying to touch smooth surfaces
And soft ones leaves memorable marks
Genuine kisses leaves marks
Stained with love…

By: Kai Da Infamous


She Is Her

She is not how people see her to be
Despite having scars and small pillows tugging underneath her eyes
She has the ability to destroy and to love
Chaos was born from a woman’s despair
Understand her momentum when she shifts through the wind
Her options to be around spectators become slim
Mindset had already set at a standstill looking above hills
Spectating the next movements carrying faith on her chest
Involving no pills to swallow
She’s numb from the fingertips and almost hollow in the roots
Too exhausted trying to give her self away
What is her purpose If life is just giving her lessons
and knowingly having another chance to breathe
Sighing with the slightest facial reaction
Understand who she is now

By: Kai Da Infamous


What Are Friends For

I almost forgot about you
I almost forgot about you when you were thinking of me and my well-being while I was trying to focus to become a better version
I almost forgot your faith that uplifted me while I was stuck in a mental asylum
You are one of the few I could rely on but if the table was turn, would you be able to rely on me
Expressions are pouring out like a cup of water not knowing if I could drown it
So I sat, and think while the top half of my body is dampened sitting on my own sweat
Frustrations is forming in the cranium leaking out steam throughout the earlobe
Why am I not listening to the cries of equivalent exchange?
I am no friend if I don’t realize that I’m not putting enough effort in while my soulmates are donating there helping hands
I’m at a distraught
I need to do a better
It’s not whether I do more or less
understanding can come easy to the ones that cherishes who you are
It’s easy to be carefree when things go your way
Selfishness comes in many forms
if we’re not careful, it can certainly take our identity away and transform us into loaners
What are friends for?
What kind of friend am I considered as?
Selfless or selfish

By Kai Da Infamous


My Loss Is Someone Else’s Treasure

I can’t help feeling in a way on what I have lost.
I can’t say I’m not heartbroken,
Wherever I lost you at is a great backlash for I
I try to move on and trying to look pass it, and it’s distracting me from sleep, I am at a lost

Trying to Get used to you giving away your aroma to something else has my mind in the deep end, I can’t smell what you use to where, aroma so sensational with a foreign dip rapped with caring roots, I remembered
I tried to get comfortable dipping in infidelity and at the end, it made me feel corrupted
It now makes me feel like I’m about to end in the abyss
Dark wholes blocking vision of memories becoming toxic
I am losing it
The precious that was once in my grasp is probably in another's pawms

“Please help me heal, help me find my precious
Somewhere in my heart, there’s a leak, a broken faucet”
Not a cry for attention,
Mind splitting in sections
I am at a loss of connection
I am being tormented
I am

I use to say, I would treasure you
How we should treasure water
Beautiful to look at, and no need to add extra

I hope wherever you are, you’re treated fine like royal blue
I still have flashbacks how we were once two laying inside royal blue, old home, not much to view
You were my

Just confessions lingering like unwanted opinions
I am battling with myself
Eyes burning just to show strength
Evaporating tears, I’m not in the right place to be emotional,
I recognize long ago, if I don’t pursue
It will be forever be gone

I lost my treasure ……

By: Kai Da Infamous


War Of Man

After a soldier dies, We honor them smoke powders and teardrops beside just gravestones
Impacted by different emotions makes faces stay low
Keeping your head high makes it impossible when invisible chains are connected from the ground to eyelids
You’re finally in

Rest in peace to love ones that’s no longer suffering
You are One of many who will be missed
Played by the system
I’m convinced

I’m convinced that we’re part of a bigger game to the system, ignoring my permission to get involved or can Execute me with a pushed of a button
For the right calls, you can make faces that looks like mine
And going against or shut down my pride
Why kill brothers where we can unite like hives
Individually we are targets

There’s less bull’s-eyes in red and white colors
More are trying to hit targets with the shade from black to light cream
If I shut my eyes where I can’t see
Does that means I can’t no longer see Faces thats trying to blind me
If I cover my ears does that mean I can’t no longer here mothers screaming through technical Devices
Phone calls are uncomfortable to bear

Just imagine getting an unexpected visit By the people in blue telling you that your boy ain’t coming home
Stillness in the air before reactions of bodies dropping
What happened to growing old

Nowadays being pierced becomes more common
By burning metal, wounds expanded like melted wax
spilling precious DNA on concrete floors
People with similar complexion are labeled By certain categories
What am I labeled if I get caught in the crossfire
Don’t know what happened but assumptions Rise like just another figure trying to gang bang in the streets
Before any investigations

Rest in peace to my brothers and sisters
Your voice isn’t going unnoticed even if cold hands are covering natural plump lips
We the people Will speak your truth like translating the hieroglyphics that’s been set by scars and black ink

There’s no body shame after being dead
We’re all the same after the last heartbeat
We are at war with ourselves
Killing each other we are both the same under the eyes of God
Why can’t we stop
With bu****it interaction. It’s easy for most of us to get distracted
We are the true pawns
The first to go like movie disasters
By: Kai Da Infamous


I have something in my chest I want to let out and that is I can’t wait to see you win today, tomorrow, and the near future. You deserve to be in the spotlight, you were meant to be applaud, you are worthy to be on the highest pyramid with successful people. Just remember the most powerful beings end of falling at some point and rises again. So whenever you feel like you can’t get things done or can’t complete a task and also you feel like you’re on your lowest point. You are not alone. You are part of a generation with royalty and wealth And all of that realization will come sooner than you think. And just remember you are an inspiration to people that looks your way. I hope your day Shines throughout the day while you’re succeeding To complete your task. Have a glorious day.
By: Kai Da Infamous


I hope you sleep well
I hope you sleep well enough at night where the blanket is pursuing to give you a loving hug like a protective cocoon and when the the sun rises, you’ll have beautiful wings that will spread far apart enough so strangers across the hemisphere will witness how confident you’re day has started.
I hope you sleep well enough knowing that your body, mind, and soul is being protected by the most high through the spiritual realm and the physical world.
I hope you sleep well enough knowing that you have a great head on your shoulder where your neck is being supported by no other body type incept your own.
The aura that you give off is a truly an authentic one
The blessing that you will receive will truly be a blissful one
The message that will be brought to you will truly be one that will never be forgotten.
I hope you sleep well enough knowing when you wake up the next morning, you have another chance in life to conquer the challenges that awaits for you, deep down you are strong and you are a prime example to the ones that couldn’t make it as far as you gone and the ones that just trying to tear you down. They envy your courageous smile.
A delightful smile shows strength no matter the cause
I hope you sleep well enough knowing that you have love ones that supports you and want to see you achieve because you deserve it.
Sometimes I wish I had the opportunity to witness you sleep just because I want to protect you to get you to your dream world where you feel the most self.
I just hope you do sleep well
Sweet dreams.
By Kai Da Infamous


X I Suppose (Poem)

Months have passed by,
It started from the day you lost trust when a teardrop left your eye
And it was a second time I was put on spotlight
I was…
I wasn’t scared if I got caught
Saying to myself, I’m not that kind of guy to risk it all
But if I’m not careful, I could really trip and fall
Before what happened to you and I, I was hoping to never hear a ring when the midnight calls
But I got lost

I lost myself after I let the devil play with my thoughts
I heard him whispering unlawful words into my cerebrum
Where it changes my perspective of the opposite s*x
I was so immature how I went about it
I guess I wanted to gain and feel to know how to flex
What a mess

No question about it, you’re the one I love, and want to continue loving
And you don’t feel the same
Sometimes I say it’s ok when it’s really not
I could move on but you make it so difficult, Seeing you every day because we live in the same spot

There’s a lost connection in the atmosphere where hearing each other became difficult
There’s a wide deception that can make me feel irritable
But I can’t deny that you’re the one I want in my cubicle

What does it mean to think you forever lost the love of your life
To miss a chance of have a potential wife
By Kai Da Infamous


Quote Of The Day - March 18, 2023

Grand Awakening
Whenever you feel defeated, I advise you not to give up just yet but to turn around for the moment, and look upon the trail you left behind. You are leaving histories of what you went through. It’s no different from your next unexpected journey that will continuously develop your growth. You are the hope to many faces, and even to the faces of doubt. Just remember, you’re not alone, and the decision you make will continuously lead you to a path that’s moving forward.
By Kai Da Infamous


Quote Of The Day - March 16, 2023

Grand Awakening
I hope today is a prosperous day, even though it might be a challenging one. The best way to get where you want to be is not to overthink, but to think over obstacles, meaning to have a better understanding of what is shown upon to you. Just like cloudy days, understand its direction, feel the pressure that’s coming towards you then let it pass by like a wondering river.
By Kai Da Infamous


Quote Of The Day - March 6, 2023

When life hits you unexpected, hit it back with an unexpected welcome, you decide to choose when to reject your blessings. If today put you in an uncomfortable situation, it’s because the most high wants you to become knowledgeable on disassembling your situation, and from the situation, you can turn it into a solution. Not all things are considered to be put in a bad position. The greatest feeling is knowing how to finally turn things to your favor.
By Kai Da Infamous


Essence To My Sun-Day

Thankful for the opportunity where I could wake up to see sunshine and cloudy days
The gift of feeling joyful when sun rays kiss my melanin skin to make me smile
Oh, how I feel special, but not just on this day,
It’s every day, and not just every other day

The essence of being alive makes me bloom like a young rose in the bush
Or a dandelion in the open Spring fields,
Dancing in the wind makes me believe I am being carried away, how the palm of air are to whittled leaves
Graced by mothers natures love

The beauty inside each of my bloods cells makes me jittery and causes reactions of mini earthquakes trying to rise under my delicate epidermis
What an amazing way to describe goosebumps

Apparition with wings glowing like halos
They are who is Protecting my authentic aura
Guidance to a righteous path,
Noble figures leading towards spiritual connections
Becoming one with self
Aware of who I am
Not mentally fragile but beautifully unstable

Sensing through deep thoughts, trying to make some sense
Of what is trying to catch my attention
So I stop at a stand still while the pressure of the wind is dancing through my earlobes.
Filling up my cranium like bees to hives
Creating honey that fuels my motor vortex
Exchanging a speechless voice to love languages
quietly shouting out that, I am here

Worries are not my concerns
Making it less noticeable throughout my desires
This vessel that I carry with me
Everyday is being cared for
Gifted by the most high, packaged with love and authenticity
I am not worried
I am true

By Kai Da infamous
