Bjoern Eser

Bjoern Eser

The Active Amputee: A resource page for people with limb differences. A page to inform, inspire, and


Good company!


Great day out at in Wuppertal.


A well-deserved lay down after a hike in the mountains.


What a great day it was. .kampfsport .cbo


Please keep on donating for the people in Syria and Turkey. Please use your reach to encourage others to donate.

Photos from Bjoern Eser's post 23/01/2023

Mensch, was ein cooles erstes Jahr für den deutschen Podcast. 12 Folgen seit April. Gut 500 downloads. Und Hörer*innen aus über 20 Ländern (und das bei einer Sendung auf Deutsch). Wie cool ist das denn!

Wer mal reinhören will, der Link ist in der bio.

Photos from Bjoern Eser's post 12/12/2022

ANATOMIC STUDIOS and their amazing prosthetic covers..
"My top pick is the APEX-design from our Sporty collection. It’s cool and stylish, but most of all I really love the addition of the textile string in the back. It gives a fashion feel and I also like the possibility to change the string and in that way being able to vary the color combination of the cover in a simple way." Anatomic Studios..
Read the full article about this pioneering company from Sweden on

Photos from Bjoern Eser's post 08/12/2022

New on The Active Amputee (link in bio)..
I am more than thrilled about the beginning of a new partnership with ANATOMIC STUDIOS in Malmö/Sweden. After having been in contact on and off for the last five years, we managed to finally meet in person earlier this year. After a few discussions and plenty of cinnamon rolls later, we moved our collaboration into a new phase. ..
As part of this new collaboration, there will be more information about how prosthetic covers are designed, produced, and customized for individual customers. There will be detailed insights about how advances in 3D printing have directly impacted the confidence with which amputees wear their prosthetic devices and stand proud and strong. And there will be more talks exciting new developments in this field and what this might mean for people affected by limbless...
But before we dive into the details over the next coming months, I want you to meet the team of ANATOMIC STUDIOS. For this first get-together, I asked them to choose their favorite model from among the wide range of prosthetic covers by ANATOMIC STUDIOS and tell us why it's special to them. So, here are their top picks. Enjoy the full article on my blog (link in bio)...


People sometimes ask, how I lost my leg and how my life has changed since the amputation. Well, here is the first part of my story. Parts two and three will be shared over the next couple of days...
It All Started With Bone Cancer
My journey to being an amputee has been a long one, in several stages, drawn out over almost two decades. In this first part, read about how it all began: A bit of pain in the knee, a cancer diagnosis, and a year-long fight. ..
As a kid I loved sports. Track and field, skiing, skateboarding, surfing, volleyball - you name it and the chances were high that I liked it. You normally found me running around somewhere. And in my teens, this somewhere often meant on the volleyball court. That‘s what I was really passionate about...
"A Bit Of Pain, That's All", So I Thought
Until one day when my left knee started to hurt. Initially nothing too annoying. The pain only occurred when I was very active and trained a lot. At that time - I was fifteen - I was still growing. And so the doctor wasn‘t too worried. At my age, given all the sports I played and still growing, so he said, the joints sometimes find it hard to keep up. „Just take it a bit slower for some time and the knee will sort itself out!“, so his advice...
Read the full article at


Today's focus will be on Blesma, an organization that has been supporting veterans after limbless for almost a century. Blesma, The Limbless Veterans is a unique association of 3,000 Members with a defining commitment to help them live independent and fulfilling lives. Blesma is one of only 10 or so charities that still exist from the 18,000 born out of World War I. Although medical practices have come a long way since those days, there is still a great need to support those who experience the impact of their life-changing injuries on a daily basis...
For more stories about limb loss, please visit


Klettern für alle zugänglich machen - das hat sich Paradox Sports auf die Fahnen geschrieben. Und genau das machen sie. Und sie machen es enorm gut, drinnen wie draußen, im Sommer wie im Winter, und für Leute mit ganz verschiedenen Einschränkungen...
den vollen Artikel auf Deutsch findet ihr hier:ür-alle-zugänglich/


What's in my emergency kit for longer hikes..
I love traveling. Full stop. And while the last two years weren't much in terms of spending time away from the safety and comfort of my home, I used to travel a lot. Often in far flung places, off the beaten track, and far away from any prosthetist. As I never take crutches on oversee trips (and hardly on any of the trips around Europe) my prosthesis is the key to my mobility. If it fails, I am stuffed. So I like to be prepared for a range of situations in which I might have to fix my prosthetic leg or foot or socket myself. At the same time I like to travel light; i.e. everything needs to fit into my backpack...
Read the full article on The Active Amputee


New on The Active Amputee ): You'll Never Know How Strong You Are Until Being Strong Is The Only Option
The days are getting longer, the summer is approaching quickly, and with it there are more and more opportunities to explore Mother Nature all around us and be outdoors and active. After weeks, months, years of Covid19-induced lockdowns and the long winter months, this is a welcome change for many of us. Good for the body, a treat for the soul. And - as we learn from Tiina today - people in Finland have a special word for this special bonding between people and the surrounding nature. ......
read the full article by on The Active Amputee

Timeline photos 26/09/2022

My Amputee Life In Pictures
Back in April 2017 when I launched The Active Amputee, I kicked off with a series of articles called ,My Journey To Losing My Leg‘ describing the long battle between first being diagnosed with cancer in the mid-1980s to finally making the decision to have my leg amputated in late 2005. A lot has happened since. And as many people asked how the journey continued, here are some snapshots what my life is all about. Enjoy!..

Timeline photos 27/06/2022

Klettern für alle zugänglich machen - das hat sich Paradox Sports auf die Fahnen geschrieben. Und genau das machen sie. Und sie machen es enorm gut, drinnen wie draußen, im Sommer wie im Winter, und für Leute mit ganz verschiedenen Einschränkungen...
den vollen Artikel auf Deutsch findet ihr hier:ür-alle-zugänglich/......

Timeline photos 22/06/2022

Assisting Amputees To Pursue Their Sporting Dreams
The START foundation empowers amputees in life through sport, by providing grants to purchase sports prosthesis or adaptive equipment to help them achieve their sporting dreams. So if you are a resident of Australia, if you are looking for financial support to pursue your dreams, and if you want to be part of a wider supportive community, the START Foundation is a great one to talk so.......

Timeline photos 22/06/2022

The key to an active lifestyle as an amputee depends a lot on the level of trust you have in your prosthesis, on the confidence you have in walking in different terrains, and on the necessary skills to take on more and more demanding environments. Walking is a great way to build up the necessary trust, the confidence, and skills. Here are some of the lessons I have learned over the years. Coupled with some hands-on advice.

Timeline photos 20/06/2022

Today I want to draw your attention to an article that has been on my blog for some time, but is still a real joy to read: Let's give each other a hand, an interview with Adenike Oyetunde, a lawyer and radio presenter from Nigeria‘s economic and cultural powerhouse Lagos. She lost one of her legs due to bone cancer when she was in her early twenties. Adenike, always full of ideas, recently founded Amputees United, an initiative to assist cancer patients and amputees. "I want to help them wade through the storm, because honestly, I went through this, that I may help them on their journey. We at the Amputees United Initiative would love to help them come to terms with their new reality." ..
Here is the link to the pull post:

Timeline photos 20/06/2022

Neu auf The Active Amputee: Was ist drin in meinem Notfall-Set?..
Ich liebe es zu reisen. Und obwohl ich in den letzten zwei Jahren nicht viel Zeit außerhalb der meines Zuhauses verbracht habe, so bin ich doch früher sehr viel gereist. Oft an weit entfernte Orte, abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade und weit weg von jedem/jeder Orthopädietechniker*in. Da ich auf Überseereisen nie Krücken mitnehme (und auf den Reisen durch Europa nur in ganz seltenen Fällen), ist meine Prothese der Schlüssel zu meiner Mobilität. Wenn sie versagt, bin ich verratzt. Daher möchte ich auf stets auf alle möglichen Situationen vorbereitet sein, in denen ich mein prothetisches Knie, meinen Fuß oder meinen Schaft selbst reparieren muss. Gleichzeitig reise ich gerne mit leichtem Gepäck, d.h. alles, was ich eventuell für die Reparatur brauche muss auch in meinen Rucksack passen...
Den ganzen Artikel mit etlichen life-hacks findet ihr auf meinem Blog

Timeline photos 10/06/2022

Inspiration Straight From YouTube -
Sometimes even the most active of amputees needs a bit of couch potato time. A day off at home. A big mug of steaming coffee. A fire burning in the fire place. And some videos to watch. Here are my top picks for the week. Lean back and enjoy!

Timeline photos 08/06/2022

A story about resilience and hope. A great book to let children know about big challenges in life, about disability, about resilience and hope, about the beauty of diversity and inclusion.

Timeline photos 03/06/2022

New on The Active Amputee ): You'll Never Know How Strong You Are Until Being Strong Is The Only Option
The days are getting longer, the summer is approaching quickly, and with it there are more and more opportunities to explore Mother Nature all around us and be outdoors and active. After weeks, months, years of Covid19-induced lockdowns and the long winter months, this is a welcome change for many of us. Good for the body, a treat for the soul. And - as we learn from Tiina today - people in Finland have a special word for this special bonding between people and the surrounding nature. ......
read the full article by on The Active Amputee


Some time back I tested the 3R80 from Ottobock. And while this test is a bit older, the results are still valid and helpful for other amputees to make informed decisions. So here are some of my thoughts on this very knee...
So, what do I think of the 3R80 from Otto Bock? If you are looking for a sturdy workhorse that performs well in a wide variety of conditions and off the beaten track, this knee is worth looking into. The fact that it is waterproof is another added bonus which I really enjoyed. It makes life for an active amputee so much easier. So does the fact that it is a mechanical knee. No need for charging. Again something I really like.

If you are willing to put in the work and do not mind taking a fall or two when working on the ideal settings for all your adventures, this might be the knee for you. Given the comparatively low price tag (as compared to the waterproof Genium X3 and others), the 3R80 is a great option.

Having said all that, I don’t think I will settle on the 3R80 as my next prosthetic knee. While I really like the idea of a mechanical leg that allows me to be off-grid for as long as I chose to, I think it needs a real good socket to go with. With volume fluctuations and a rather ill-fitting socket the knee can be pretty unforgiving.......
read the full article on The Active Amputee


A new month, a new round of relevant information for people with limb differences. So let me kick off this month's posts with one about making informed decisions. Here is your simple guide to doing just that:

Making informed decision as an amputee..
Most above-knee amputees know this problem: Finding the right prosthetic knee is not an easy task. For most of us it means working out the right compromise between our day-to-day needs, our spare time interests, and our ambitions for the next couple of years on the one hand and our health insurance plan or financial means on the other hand. This in itself is already rather complex. Things get even more complicated if we take into account that even the best of knees can only unfold its full potential if mounted under a well-fitting socket, combined with a good foot that suits our activity level...
So much for the theory. But what does this actually mean in practice? Well, there are several ways of dealing with this challenge. And there are significant differences depending on the country you live in and the health service that applies to you. So…here we go....
read the full article on my blog.

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