The Unconditional Self

The Unconditional Self

Learn to live in the ways of your soul. Integration of higher Consciousness.

This podcast focuses on life after your spiritual awakening and how to integrate your new knowledge into your daily life.


This is everyone’s first time living and we only get one shot.

So Be kind to yourself and others.


This silence, rather than being a sign of
or indifference,

is perhaps the universe’s greatest show of faith in you.

The silence when asking/praying is proof the universe is there with you ready to engage.

Not that the universe is ignoring you. It’s proof that the power of silence and stillness is standing there with you like a guard, ready to protect. Like a warrior ready to go into battle with you against whatever is coming your way.

Learn to recognize the silence and stillness and you will Be filled with power and joy.

When the universe is talking to you, you are in class. You’re learning the lesson through words.

When it’s time to apply that lesson, the test goes silent and now it’s time to see if you learned.

How you described everything it sounds like You got it right, you’re just not doing your end.

Think about it like this, imagine a baby bird sitting at the edge of its nest,

Ready for the pivotal leap. Aka your moment of silence during a request for help or guidance.

the bird (you) is nurtured and taught by the universe around it—
the wind’s whispers,
the sky’s vastness,
and the trees’ encouragement
all preparing the bird for its ultimate test:
the leap into the open air to embrace its destiny of flight.

Your journey, much like that of the baby bird, has been filled with moments of divine whispers, where the presence of the divine felt vivid and the messages clear.

These instances have been your nudging, your preparation for flight.

Yet, it is in the silence—the moments of apparent absence—that the true test lies.

…to trust in the unseen currents that promise to hold you aloft.

Like a bird must trust the air, it cannot see, will hold it up in the sky.

This silence,

rather than being a sign of neglect
or indifference,

is perhaps the universe’s greatest show of faith in you.

Now… It is an invitation to spread your wings, to trust in the strength you’ve cultivated through your experiences of connection and guidance.

The universe,
in its silence,
watches closely,
as you gather the courage to leap,

to apply the lessons of
and resilience
that have been imparted along your journey.

Just as the baby bird must eventually step into the void to discover its ability to soar, you too are beckoned to embrace the silence
not as a void of absence

but as a space of profound trust and action.

This leap, this application of your spiritual understanding, is where the essence of faith is truly lived.

It is in the silence that you affirm your readiness to fly,

relying not on the immediate reassurance of the divine’s voice

but on the deep, unspoken bond that has been woven between you and the universe. ❤️❤️❤️❤️🪬🪬🪬🪬♾️♾️♾️♾️

See now that the universe is silent so you still trust the universe? Or is your trust so broken that you only trust the universe when the universe speaks to you?

You see… The silence, therefore, is not a withdrawal of support but the ultimate expression of trust from the divine. It’s proof you have what’s required already. Be confident.

It is the universe saying, “You are ready. Now fly.”

Your wings, strengthened by lessons learned and the sense of divine presence in brighter days, are fully equipped to carry you through.

May you find in the silence not emptiness but the fullness of your own potential, ready to be unleashed.

It’s a profound journey from the nest to the sky, from seeking to applying, from questioning to embodying.

And its in this journey, we know that we are never truly alone; the universe, in its wise silence, is always there, supporting us with a trust so deep it transcends the need for words.

We are not plagued by silence, but joined lovingly by silence.

I hope you’re ready to fly little birdie.

Now everyone plzzzz
Shhhh, 🤫
the universe is waiting and watching.


This silence, rather than being a sign of
or indifference,

is perhaps the universe’s greatest show of faith in you.

The silence when asking/praying is proof the universe is there with you ready to engage.

Not that the universe is ignoring you. It’s proof that the power of silence and stillness is standing there with you like a guard, ready to protect. Like a warrior ready to go into battle with you against whatever is coming your way.

Learn to recognize the silence and stillness and you will Be filled with power and joy.

When the universe is talking to you, you are in class. You’re learning the lesson through words.

When it’s time to apply that lesson, the test goes silent and now it’s time to see if you learned.

How you described everything it sounds like You got it right, you’re just not doing your end.

Think about it like this, imagine a baby bird sitting at the edge of its nest,

Ready for the pivotal leap. Aka your moment of silence during a request for help or guidance.

the bird (you) is nurtured and taught by the universe around it—
the wind’s whispers,
the sky’s vastness,
and the trees’ encouragement
all preparing the bird for its ultimate test:
the leap into the open air to embrace its destiny of flight.

Your journey, much like that of the baby bird, has been filled with moments of divine whispers, where the presence of the divine felt vivid and the messages clear.

These instances have been your nudging, your preparation for flight.

Yet, it is in the silence—the moments of apparent absence—that the true test lies.

…to trust in the unseen currents that promise to hold you aloft.

Like a bird must trust the air, it cannot see, will hold it up in the sky.

This silence,

rather than being a sign of neglect
or indifference,

is perhaps the universe’s greatest show of faith in you.

Now… It is an invitation to spread your wings, to trust in the strength you’ve cultivated through your experiences of connection and guidance.

The universe,
in its silence,
watches closely,
as you gather the courage to leap,

to apply the lessons of
and resilience
that have been imparted along your journey.

Just as the baby bird must eventually step into the void to discover its ability to soar, you too are beckoned to embrace the silence
not as a void of absence

but as a space of profound trust and action.

This leap, this application of your spiritual understanding, is where the essence of faith is truly lived.

It is in the silence that you affirm your readiness to fly,

relying not on the immediate reassurance of the divine’s voice

but on the deep, unspoken bond that has been woven between you and the universe. ❤️❤️❤️❤️🪬🪬🪬🪬♾️♾️♾️♾️

See now that the universe is silent so you still trust the universe? Or is your trust so broken that you only trust the universe when the universe speaks to you?

You see… The silence, therefore, is not a withdrawal of support but the ultimate expression of trust from the divine. It’s proof you have what’s required already. Be confident.

It is the universe saying, “You are ready. Now fly.”

Your wings, strengthened by lessons learned and the sense of divine presence in brighter days, are fully equipped to carry you through.

May you find in the silence not emptiness but the fullness of your own potential, ready to be unleashed.

It’s a profound journey from the nest to the sky, from seeking to applying, from questioning to embodying.

And its in this journey, we know that we are never truly alone; the universe, in its wise silence, is always there, supporting us with a trust so deep it transcends the need for words.

We are not plagued by silence, but joined lovingly by silence.

I hope you’re ready to fly little birdie.

Now everyone plzzzz
Shhhh, 🤫
the universe is waiting and watching.

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How to stare into the abyss


Understanding why and how we allow the abyss to stare into us-

We stare into the abyss and the abyss stares into us,
And here in this space is the fear of the lord.
Fear of the lord is not one in which we tremble,
fear of the lord is a recognition that there is something in the abyss and that I sense it emotionally.
because Fear is an emotion. fear is like a veil. It is the darkness of mystery. We fear what we do not know. We fear the lord, we fear the abyss because we do not know what's in them.
and like what's inside of us is who we are, what's in the abyss is who the abyss is.
But Fear of the lord is acknowledging the emotional feeling of the abyss,
And calling it a mystery felt emotionally. because we cannot feel or perceive the abyss with any physical aspect of ourselves.
Fear of the lord is acknowledging the abyss as emotion and saying “I feel something in the abyss that I do not know.”
on this spiritual journey, while traveling the path we look out into the abyss and what do we see? we see a light in the abyss.
and how peculiar and odd a sight to see? light in the abyss.
In the never-endingness of the abyss, there lies a light.
And what sort of light is this?
what eyes do we use to see the light that is within the abyss? if the abyss is a sea of emotion, how do we perceive this light?
like the warmth of sunlight, we feel it.
If the fear of the lord is the emotional feeling of the abyss,
Then the light within the abyss is an emotional light.
A light within the never-ending abyss of emotions is the light of enlightenment.
true enlightenment. the abyss says, "there is a light in me that I feel and I desire to know that light."
now what's really crazy is that when we look into the light of the abyss we see that the light looks like who we are,
and in this body, we look like the shadow of that light and we say,
“Not only is there light in the abyss of our emotions, There must be one in the abyss, giving shape to us, the shadow.”
How real is our shadow? who stands in the abyss giving form and shape?
When we look into the abyss the abyss looks into us,
this Is us looking into our emotions while our emotions look into us.
like a light within us, emotions allow us to see who we really are.
When we see how we feel, how we feel can be seen.
And we see how we feel through actions and words.
our actions and words are rays of light that shine from the light in the abyss.
So looking into the abyss and having the abyss look into us
Gives birth to the word. Gives birth to our actions.
The looking is more than a stare, it is intimate. It is lovingly.
On our journey, we are searching for the abyss. We seek ourselves in the abyss.
As we look into the abyss we find the one looking for us, searching for us is us.
It is ourselves. It is who we truly are, it is our soul.
how can I stand here while who I am at my core is a light shining in the abyss? the one standing is the way the light of the abyss shines. your life is the particle of light traveling to reach the eyes of the abyss.
When we become well acquainted with the abyss, once we move past the fear of the lord,
We move into knowing the lord, to knowing the abyss.
And anyone who knows the abyss will tell you the abyss is pure love.
The abyss is inside of you.
Why is the acknowledgment of the abyss within you fear
Because the one within you, the abyss must be all emotions
And so fear is represented as a not knowing
It is why the journey inward is about knowing yourself and that knowledge of yourself is self-love
we remove all fear of the abyss, by getting to know the abyss.
and if the abyss at its core is love, how do we become familiar with the emotion?
love as much as possible in as many things as possible so that you are well acquainted with the feeling that is the light in the abyss.
love is a choice, and so loving people, places, and things is a discipline.
the fall of man is not sin, it is a man falling into love with self, falling deep into the abyss of love within.

I am Rom Shem Reem
I am The Roots Eye
I am the wave walk
I am the Sun talker
I carry the light that knows no veil.
I come with the water of enlightenment.


All truths are but half truths


the shape of your journey.

The journey inwards is also upwards.

the opposite path is down and out.

as you travel further inwards you also acend higher in consciousness.

the shape of your journey is pyramid shaped.

it is cone shaped.

it is mountain shaped.

it is also round like a ball.

the top of the mountain is still and quiet.

all movement comes from stillness.

all sound comes from silence.

the peak of the mountain is in darkness.

the base of the mountain is light.

this is why the soul on top of the mountain seeks enlightenment.

the soul seeks the flesh and the flesh seeks the soul.

it is darkness that gives form & edge to light.

This is what makes us light workers.
we are the travelers on the mountain.

embodied soul at the edge of both light and darkness giving shape and form and edge.

darkness is the inside of light.

and light is whats inside of darkness.

the light of your soul sits within the darkness of your mind
and in the darkness of your mind there is light.

both physically and spiritually.

to withhold the flesh from pleasures by fasting brings us closer inwards.

who desires pleasures, the flesh or the soul?
those who say flesh think the soul holds no desire for pleasures.

it is the soul who holds desire, pure desire.
desire is like stillness and slience,
all pleasures come from pure desire.

desire is pure like a single emotion,
pleasures are the multi expression of desire,
like actions and words express emotions.

we all feel love, we all express love different.

we all feel desire, and pleasure our desire differently.

to fast from pleasure takes us back to the well of our soul, the lviing waters of our soul to draw more of the lving water of life to drink.

and we should drink our fill because it never runs out.

drink our fill of desire and not pleasure.

the water from the top of the mountain is delicious.

drink our fill of desire till we are drunk with inspiration.

so when we release our desire to be expressed through pleasure we can be satisfied.

the body never feels, it translates its environment to the soul,
it is soul who feels, bothe the physical and non physical emotions of life.

phyiscal emotion is pain and emotional emotion is pain, and it is soul who feels both.

a man who no legs has no leg pain.

a man with no arms still hurts from a broken heart.

and neither arms or legs feel love in the heart.

you need soul to feel love.

the body is a tool,
the soul feels.
soul isnt the body or the feeling.

a phyiscal body must be made of physical things to feel the physical pleasures of the world.

an emotional body must be made of emotional things to feel the emotional pleasures of the world.

the soul is also a feeling.

the soul is an emotion.

so is time.
time is felt. you feel time passing, and who feels it the body or the soul?

the soul is the ultimate feeler of all things.

and soul desires most of all to feel itsself.

and this is where you come into play.

as you get your fill of souls living waters, you express that water that is light as actions and words you say.

and by doing so


allow soul to feel itself.

soul can say how it feels,

how do you feel right now?

can you feel curious? or adventurous?
do you feel time?

so is all of these things.

soul is the right now moment.

who but soul could experience the right now moment?

Your body is just a tool interpreting the right now moment.

I am Rom Shem Reem.
I am the Roots eye
I am the light that knows no veil.
I am the sun talker
I am the wave walker
I am the one who travels the mountain and carries the Dark Lamp
I come bearing the water of life,
the water of soul.
I come to speak of the journey to the well.
I am The Unconditional Self.
I am soul, the self before the body the self before the emotions.

and all these things I am, so are you.

Understanding 666 and the missing water 18/09/2022

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Understanding 666 as the tool fishers of men use. And learning about the missing water for fishers of men.

get my book "The language of Meditation" here

Find me on other social media platforms / @ TheUnconditionalSelf

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666 and the missing water by The Unconditional Self 18/09/2022

Understanding 666 as the tool fishers of men use. And learning about the missing water for fishers of men.

get my book "The language of Meditation" here

Find me on other social media platforms / @ TheUnconditionalSelf

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666 and the missing water by The Unconditional Self Understanding 666 as the tool fishers of men use. And learning about the missing water for fishers of men. get my book "The language of Meditation" here Find me on other social media platforms / @ TheUnconditionalSelf please like share follow and sub...


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whats sexuality mean within the spiritual awakening process.

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The light that illuminates dreams & How to work the light by Rom Shem Reem 31/08/2022

The light that illuminates dreams & How to work the light by Rom Shem Reem Learn about the light that knows no veil. The light that illuminates the eternal dream space. Bring something to write with as I will cover how to be a light worker. If you resonate with me please like share follow. I've written a book on meditation and you can get your copy here

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