Jeff Harmon for Public Defender

Jeff Harmon for Public Defender

Reelection page for 12th Judicial District Public Defender Jeff Harmon


The results are in and it didn't go my way. I am so appreciative of everyone who supported me and for all my family and friends who worked so hard.
I have had the privilege of serving others in a job where I feel that I made a difference. I will see what God has planned for me next. I am blessed.


After leaving the Whitwell Senior Citizens today I looked in the back of my old work van and saw that I had three of my 4 foot banner signs left. My mom very much preached "waste not, want not", so I ended up on the side of busy roads in Whitwell, Jasper and South Pittsburg pounding metal fence posts into the ground--the last one in a rain shower.
I bought 70 big banner signs earlier this year and I personally put up 80% of them. The ground was so hard earlier this summer that I bought a carbide tipped masonry bit to drill a pilot hole in the ground to be able to get the poles started. I have been on the side of roads in all 6 counties of our district taking care of what needed to be done. There were times that sweat was running down my back and times that rain had me soaked. My hands have callouses--old friends that I have not seen in years.
I would like to compliment the parents of Ted Engel. I have seen them in all 6 counties putting up his signs for him. They are very hard workers and I believe in giving credit where credit is due.
I was raised to work hard. I have worked long summer days in a huge garden so that we had food for later in the year. I have hauled in firewood and carried out ashes so that we would be warm. I am thankful for not having it easy growing up because it makes me a better worker today. If you will have me I will continue to apply the work ethic my parents taught me to continue working hard for the people of the 12th Judicial District.
God bless you all.

Photos from Jeff Harmon for Public Defender's post 03/08/2022

Today my last campaign event of this entire season was spent with the nice people at the Whitwell Senior Citizens Center in Marion County. We shared cookies and I had a good time telling them the history of the public defender's office and my experience in that office. When they found out that I had been on Jeopardy we spent the last 30 minutes talking about that and they really seem to enjoy hearing about how I ended up on the show and was lucky enough to win.
I am thankful for these nice ladies. Even though the latest covid worries kept the crowd small, I could not have been happier with my visit!

Photos from Jeff Harmon for Public Defender's post 31/07/2022

Yesterday our last event on the last Saturday of the campaign was at the Swiss Heritage Festival in Gruetli-Laager in Grundy County. I appreciate members of my team attending the festival and greeting folks until we could get there. I highly recommend visiting this fascinating historic site!

Photos from Jeff Harmon for Public Defender's post 31/07/2022

After early voting ended today in Franklin County we drove to Pelham and up Highway 41 to Monteagle and the Mountain Market for Arts and Crafts that is going on this weekend. Crossing over into Marion County we parked and were joined by my sister Mary and her husband Tim. There were many, many vendors and exhibitors and the level of talent was incredible. Unfortunately, while there the skies opened up and the rain was coming sideways. Everyone gathered under the main pavilion and we hung out together for over an hour and I had several great conversations that I might not have had if the rains had not come. The market is going on tomorrow as well and I highly recommend that you go!

Photos from Jeff Harmon for Public Defender's post 31/07/2022

After the farmers market this morning we sat by our canopy and waved at people as they were going in for early voting. The best part was hanging out with a whole row of other candidates and their families. We had a great time sharing food and sharing stories. The people of Franklin County have been good to me and I appreciate them so much!

Photos from Jeff Harmon for Public Defender's post 30/07/2022

We got up nice and early this morning and drove to Franklin County and shopped at their Farmer's Market Pavilion. What a selection! We loaded up on peaches, banana bread, flowers, zucchini, tomatoes, and pickled eggs. It was a bit muggy so our hand fans were a hit. I definitely recommend a visit!

Photos from Jeff Harmon for Public Defender's post 30/07/2022

We closed out today by attending the Summer Block Party at Central Baptist Church in Spring City. There was food fellowship and fun. What a crowd!

Photos from Jeff Harmon for Public Defender's post 30/07/2022

Today we traveled to Franklin County to Wi******er City Park for the ribbon cutting at the Tale Trail. Every 100 feet or so around the walking path is mounted an oversized page from the children's book Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon. A full lap around the path allows the young--and the young at heart --to read the entire book.
The installation was the result of the hard work of the local library, friends and sponsors. It is such a good idea, I hope other communities in our district can start one too!

Photos from Jeff Harmon for Public Defender's post 30/07/2022

Last night we visited with the folks at the Senior Lighthouse Center in Spring City --and we had a blast! The band was playing classic country and the people were up and dancing. We also shared a covered dish meal with them.
The people there could not have been friendlier and I am so glad we went!


Video #13: The established relationships I have in your district are invaluable and have taken many years to build. Let's use my experience to continue moving forward.


Video #12: If you found yourself needing a public defender, wouldn't you want one with the most experience and best outcomes trying trials like yours?

Photos from Jeff Harmon for Public Defender's post 27/07/2022

This evening we traveled up the mountain in Rhea County back to the Walden's Ridge Community Center. Once again, we were treated like family by those present. I thank them for hosting and feeding us once again and for letting the candidates have a few minutes to share our stories and vision for the future.


Video #11: Being your Public Defender is more than just a job for me. It is my passion. My guiding verse is Proverbs 31:8-9 "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." I desire to keep doing this and serving the 12th judicial district.


Video #10: I remember when my opponent called to tell me he would be running in this election. He said it was an awkward conversation for him because my office and I do a great job. Don't just take my word about my skill level and how I represent the 12th Judicial District as your Public Defender. I encourage everyone to ask those I have worked with what their opinion is.

Photos from Jeff Harmon for Public Defender's post 25/07/2022

Last week I had the pleasure of speaking at the Franklin County Senior Citizens Center. I told them about the history of the Public Defender's Office and how someone goes about asking for the public defender. The crowd asked several good questions and I enjoyed conversing with them.
One of them had heard that I had been on Jeopardy and that started another question and answer session. They chuckled when I told them I believed the podiums on the show were so high so people would not see your knees knocking!
I had a great time visiting with them and I thank them for their hospitality!

Photos from Jeff Harmon for Public Defender's post 25/07/2022

Yesterday afternoon my wife and several family members joined me at the candidate meet-and-greet at the Grundy County High School. The cafeteria was filled with people and I was extremely pleased to be able to catch up with old friends and make new acquaintances as well.
When it came my time to speak I wanted to make sure the people of Grundy County knew that I had not started coming there because of the election but have been representing the people of Grundy County going all the way back to when Judge Clay was holding General Sessions Court at the old courthouse. Of the 15 people in my office I have seven people who live in Grundy County. They are hard-working and honest and I want to keep them on the job.
In my 36 years as a lawyer, with the last 29 of them being in our local public defender's office, I have handled thousands upon thousands of cases in General Sessions Court and have personally tried over 200 jury trials.
Please talk to your judges, law enforcement and clerks about the quality of representation my office provides. Please ask them about my work ethic and competence. Ask them if there needs to be a change.
I am proud of the work that we put into helping our clients turn their lives around, break the cycle of addiction, and become productive citizens again. If the good people of this District will see fit to return me to this office I promise to keep trying every day to make things a little better. You have my word.

Photos from Jeff Harmon for Public Defender's post 24/07/2022

This morning I was pleased to get up early and go to the Lusk community in Bledsoe County for their fundraising breakfast. I have been to several of these breakfasts over the course of the past year and I never fail to run into friendly people and have great conversations,!


Video #9: Not only does experience matter, but the QUALITY of that experience is of upmost importance. Please watch as I explain the difference between the trials I have handled versus those my opponent has.

Photos from Jeff Harmon for Public Defender's post 22/07/2022

Today I had a great lunch at the Bledsoe County Senior Citizens Center. Joann Britt, the center's director, was very gracious and gave me a tour and introduced me to a lot of people.
I enjoyed talking with everyone and they made it clear that age is just a number and seemed pleased with the number of years of experience that I had in this position. They were really proud of a couple of large puzzles they had just completed and we had fun counting the number of classic television shows that we recognized in the puzzle.


Video #8: Throughout my time as your public defender, I have preferred my visibility in the community to be unadvertised. However, that does not mean I have not been present. I enjoy all that I get to do in our beautiful area!


Video #7: Gun Rights- I own guns and I am supportive of gun rights, staying committed to the Constitution.


Video #6: Have you been misled about the current training not being up to par? Watch and hear the truth about the excellent trial college and other trainings my assistants and I have participated in!


Video #5: My opponent probably isn't telling you that a vote for me will save money for tax payers. Please watch this video to learn how.


Video #4: Watch this video to learn the truth about drug courts! I won't mislead you on the work I will provide for the 12th judicial district.


Want to learn about my vision for helping those that struggle with substance use? Watch this video! #3


Things my opponent probably isn't telling you about my experience. Check out this video! #2

Videos (show all)

Video #13: The established relationships I have in your district are invaluable and have taken many years to build. Let'...
Video #12: If you found yourself needing a public defender, wouldn't you want one with the most experience and best outc...
Video #11: Being your Public Defender is more than just a job for me. It is my passion. My guiding verse is Proverbs 31:...
Video #10: I remember when my opponent called to tell me he would be running in this election. He said it was an awkward...
Video #9: Not only does experience matter, but the QUALITY of that experience is of upmost importance. Please watch as I...
Video #8: Throughout my time as your public defender, I have preferred my visibility in the community to be unadvertised...
Video #7: Gun Rights- I own guns and I am supportive of gun rights, staying committed to the Constitution.
Video #6: Have you been misled about the current training not being up to par? Watch and hear the truth about the excell...
Video #5: My opponent probably isn't telling you that a vote for me will save money for tax payers. Please watch this vi...
Video #4: Watch this video to learn the truth about drug courts! I won't mislead you on the work I will provide for the ...
Want to learn about my vision for helping those that struggle with substance use? Watch this video! #3
Things my opponent probably isn't telling you about my experience. Check out this video! #2
