Flame Glow "Propane Campfire Rentals"

Flame Glow "Propane Campfire Rentals"

Flame Glow enterprises supplies propane campfires to campgrounds across North America to rent to their customers.

With fire bans being more frequent, there is a large demand for products that do not produce airborne sparks. To filll this demand, Flame Glow offers it's propane Firelite campfire to satisfy the need for a campfire during those months effected by fire bans. The Firelite campfire is a safe, green alternative to wood burning campfires.


Propane campfires with outdoor storage cages are provided to Campgrounds. The campground rents the propane campfires to their customers during fire ban season and as a safe, green alternative to wood burning campfires. Propane campfires are also available for resale. To apply please email [email protected]
