Arise & Thrive with Rebecca

Arise & Thrive with Rebecca

Helping women of faith transform their lives from struggle to breakthrough


He is always better than we ever can ever imagine!
We are truly blessed and privileged to be called His own.


Be intentional about your tomorrow. ​​​​​​​​​‒​​​​​​​​​‒


The identity you focus on, the one you operate by, will impact your outcomes. This can your social identity, birth/ family name, qualifications, race or ethnicity etc. Or it can be your highest identity, your God given identity, who He says you are in Him… whichever identity you live by, you will experience the benefits, challenges and limitations that come with that identity. But your divine identity breaks-through limitations it transcends the challenges and limitations that come with any lower identity. ​​​​​​​​​‒​​​​​​​​​Who do you say that you are?
This post also has a two fold meaning… keep an eye out for part two. β€’


πŸ‘‰Fertility is spiritual before it is physical! πŸ‘ˆβ€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹If you can understand the spiritual nature of fertility, that conception happens in the spirit first, that anything you see in the physical started in the spirit, it is rooted in the spirit, if you can understand this, then you know, *you* can transform your fertility story. ​​​​​​​​​‒
You are spirit, soul and body. And every part of your being has a purpose, every part! BUT, we spend so much time focusing on the physical, forgetting the spirit and soul. And you can do all the physical things but if you’ve had a challenging fertility journey, don’t sleep on the spiritual things. Because Iife begins in the spirit before it is manifested in the flesh. And so does death… (see the fig tree story Mark 11:12–20)
Fertility starts in the spirit before it is ever seen in the physical. This is why you have the ability to transform your story, no matter what it looks like, if you are facing it, you can transform it.
The reason why God will never let you go through more than you can bear, is that He already went ahead and dealt with every issue and made a way for you to come out victorious. In every situation, you ALREADY have the victory! That is why, whatever you are facing, you can surpass (1 Corinthians 10:13).
BUT as long as you remain focused only on what is happening in the physical, your hope will only lie in the physical and you might never see your story transformed.
If you’re facing challenges in your fertility journey, DM to learn more about how YOU can transform your journey.


Becoming a reader incredibly transformed my life. But the​​​​​​​​​Key was getting hold of the right material for my breakthroughs. ​​​​​​​​​‒
When I recount some of my victories, I honestly take a step back and stand in awe of God, to the extent that I now journal my breakthroughs, great and small and am often amazed how much of my life has been marked by faith and miracles! I can honestly, only thank God for the insights that have seen me through many dark days.
Some of these include, going from a completely hopeless situation in a warring home, going through divorce to rebuilding our home in a healthy and loving way, from years of praying and waiting for children to enjoying being a mum, pregnancy journeys that reflected the power of God throughout, seeing healing miracles in my life, financial breakthroughs, employment breakthroughs, job creation, relationship issues transformed, having to leave everything and successfully rebuild our lives from scratch and so so so much more. My life is truly a catalogue of favour, miracles and blessings and I have learned a lot along the way. 😊️
But there is nothing special about me in the sense that unimaginable blessings and victories are available to all of us EVERYDAY. And that is what I’d like to share with you.
Introducing my Life Transforming Bookclub where I will share some of the Bible teachings and books that changed my life. Per the majority response, it will include both Bookclub and Bible Study.
For me, the content here is indispensable and I wouldn’t exchange it for the world. So I’m inviting you to join this bookclub and allow yourself an opportunity to learn and apply proven life changing principles. This Bookclub will only be available for a limited time, so you don’t want to miss it.
See link in bio. β€’


β˜„οΈWhen the Israelites came to the Red Sea, they didn’t know a path already existed for them, for that very moment. β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹πŸ‘‰β€œYour road led through the sea, your pathway through the mighty watersβ€” a pathway no one knew was there!” ​​​​​​​​​Psalm 77:19 NLT
β˜„οΈA path already exists for you. Your miracle is not out of reach. Your breakthrough is already there. Only your cooperation is needed for you to release your breakthrough into existence. It’s about youπŸ«‚


β˜„οΈYour miracle is within reach.β˜„οΈβ€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€’β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹Why?
Well, because God has placed everything in you to unlock your breakthrough. Christ finished His work.
His promises tell you what is available to you, what is yours. For instance, the scriptures promise children. 2 Peter says by these promises we partake of the divine nature. God’s promises are a part of how we come to know and experience Him. The enemy doesn’t want that. But God wants you to know Him and experience His favour and blessings, including a fruitful womb, because children are a gift from God and He gives freely and shows no favouritism.
β˜„οΈGod wants you to have children, He promises so and He did all that there was to do, to ensure you can have those children if you desire to.β˜„οΈ
Whatever God promises, He has already supplied and made available to you.
Yours is to receive and appropriate what He has done.
Changing your thinking is a key step towards that.
Why? Because your thinking can actually stand in the way of receiving what’s yoursπŸ”₯. We see this with the Israelites outside the promised land, we see this with those who could not accept Jesus and so He couldn’t do miracles there- it stemmed from their thinking. We see this throughout the Bible. Your thinking is key to believing right, acting on your faith and bringing your vision to manifestation. This is why Romans 12:2 says be transformed by renewing your mind… and why Joshua 1:8 meditate on the Word day and night… and tou will cause your way to prosper… your breakthrough starts with your thought life.
You are promised children and yes, you can have children. This is one truth you’ll have to embrace as you walk towards your victory.


Self care must be physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It is an essential part of your breakthrough. ​​​​​​​​​‒​​​​​​​​​There are so so many amazing self care habits. Some of these include meditating on the Word, this is basic Biblical self-care, quiet time/ being still, that inner work, creating and maintaining healthy relationships (you always feel better after a good laugh, wise counsel, prayer etc), physical activity, gratitude etc and these are only a few of those powerful ways we can care for ourselves.
What are some of your best self care practises?

Γ© Γ 


The key thing here is to know that when you allow circumstances to dictate to you what’s possible and what’s not, you’re actually relinquishing your authority to another and it will often be used against you. ​​​​​​​​
Therefore, consider doing this instead: ​​​​​​​​
1. Ask yourself, What seems impossible? ​​​​​​​​
2. Can you find a promise for it in the Word? Use it to build your faith. ​​​​​​​​
3. What action is required for the dream/ for you to achieve the said goal? Do that!​​​​​​​​
Remember that you are a key player in transforming your own life and in seeing your answered prayers. ​​​​​​​​
It’s not God who’s not answering, it’s a receiving issue. ​​​​​​​​
So how you move can either cooperate with God for your answers or cooperate with the problem.

Photos from Arise & Thrive with Rebecca's post 08/03/2023

How you show up, who you show up as will determine whether you see your breakthrough or not. Think about it, Christ always faced situations in His true IDENTITY, never actually bowing to troubling situations. The wrong identity will always bow to circumstances. How you show up, will determine the outcome. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
If you don’t know who you are or you’re not aware of your highest identity and what it means, you’ll never walk in the AUTHORITY that comes with that identity. Authority is a requirement for your breakthrough. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Having faith is pointless if you cannot act on it. If you cannot act on your belief, it’s not a belief at all. You must have corresponding ACTION. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Like, comment, share and save. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Photos from Arise & Thrive with Rebecca's post 08/03/2023

How you show up, who you show up as will determine whether you see your breakthrough or not. Think about it, Christ always faced situations in His true identity, never actually bowing to troubling situations. The wrong identity will always bow to circumstances. How you show up, will determine the outcome. ​​​​​​​​
If you don’t know who you are or you’re not aware of your highest identity and what it means, you’ll never walk in the authority that comes with that identity. Authority is a requirement for your breakthrough. ​​​​​​​​
Having faith is pointless if you cannot act on it. If you cannot act on your belief, it’s not a belief at all. You must have corresponding action. ​​​​​​​​
Like, comment, share and save. ​​​​​​​​


When you learn to work the principles, you’ll change your life.
Learn and cooperate with God’s principles and there’ll be no situation that will not ultimately work out for your good.
Like gravity and other laws of nature, God set life principles that we all apply daily, knowingly or not and they govern our lives whether we know/ believe in them.


Healing is a Biblical thing.
Pursuing healing is a Biblical thing (as we see the people taking their sick to Jesus).
It is a Godly pursuit.
Jesus wanted people to come to Him for their healing and when they did, He healed them.
He healed them all. Every kind of sickness, disease or paralysis,


Doubt can exist with faith. πŸ˜‘
It can be subtle! It likes to subtly attach itself somewhere and go unnoticed.
Someone put it this way, if a horse pulls something with great force, there’ll be movement. But if you attach another horse in the opposite direction, the force of the first horse will be impacted by that of the second.
So, you can have faith but if doubt exists, it will serve to counteract faith. So, get rid of the doubt and faith will operate freely.
Comment below or DM to know more about how you can detect doubt even when it’s subtle.


Thoughts are so powerful that they can determine the direction of your life. ​​​​​​​​
But here’s the thing, not every thought that lands in your mind is for you, from you or for your good. Thoughts are inspired and can be accepted or rejected. Jesus said β€œTake no thought saying…” because the worries/ fears/ anxiety/ what ifs etc will come but you can CHOOSE to take the thought or not. Some thoughts simply need to be rejected.​​​​​​​​
Because thoughts can direct the course of your life, it’s so important to guard your heart ie, don’t allow every thought that comes, to stay. Guarding your heart includes your mind, will and emotions and you are to guard them with all diligence because the issues of life flow from the heart.​​​​​​​​
Not every thought that comes is for you to receive and hold. No, some thoughts simply need to be cast down, rejected and replaced. ​​​​​​​​


It’s been said: many people die at 25 but aren’t buried until they’re 75! ​​​​​​​​
This ladies, is what my heart for Arise and Thrive is about! Somehow, through life’s challenges and struggles, we learn to let go and give up on who and what we truly are inside. We learn to let go of pursuing our purpose and true call. We stop dreaming, it’s like something inside has died. Were tempted to give up those hopes and dreams we have, perhaps because it got too tough or took too long. ​​​​​​​​
I was in that place for a long time. But what changed for me, was accepting the truth of Christ’s words, no matter how painful... β€œin this world you will have many troubles...”. Those words were hard to swallow. And often I wanted to give up because I was just tired of fighting, of battling. I just wanted a normal, trouble free life... as if that even exists! πŸ˜‚β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹
Thank God for His grace because He didn’t stop there. He continues β€œ... but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” He has overcome and in Him, we share that victory because He always leads us to triumph. (2 Cori. 2:14). So although troubles come, we are led by the One who has never lost a battle. And it is for that reason that we can get up and take the next step... β€œfor though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again...” Prov. (24:16).​​​​​​​​
And so ladies, take courage, victory is yours! Whether it looks like it or not, it’s is yours! ​​​​​​​​
So, begin to dream again, begin to hope and believe again and remain open to God working out those dreams for you, in and through you. Never ever give up, breakthrough is in the air!


Love is the catalyst for making faith work. Regardless of your breakthrough need, love is essential to faith.


Never allow the circumstances to dictate to you what’s possible and what’s not. ​​​​​​​​


If our past was held against us, not one person would qualify for a single blessing.
It is by grace that we are blessed, not because we are deserving. So let grace cover you.
And when we turn from our wrong doing, in God’s eyes, it’s passed, forgotten, forever forgiven and removed from you as far as the east is from the west.
So, let’s demolish those doubts that have taken root in you and are keeping you from receiving your miracle.



Regardless of what your body is telling you or what your circumstances say, for your faith to work, you’ve got to have assurance of your God given rights. When you do, you can firmly stand and wait with unwavering faith and expectation. ​​​​​​​​
β€’ ​​​​​​​​
Scripture says children are a gift from the Lord and that He is not a respecter of persons, therefore, you have a right to children. God has blessed your womb. This is a truth you can be assured of. ​​​​​​​​
β€’ ​​​​​​​​
He takes pleasure in your prosperity, your well being. Therefore, be assured that He made provision for your needs and your well being. ​​​​​​​​
β€’ ​​​​​​​​
Your faith works when you stand assured and unwavering. ​​​​​​​​


If it does NOT align with the vision/ promise/ Word/ desire God gave you, be prepared to part with it, for your own good.​​​​​​​​


β€œProsperity”, means so much more than simply wealth. Here it includes welfare, well-being, health, completeness, safety etc.​​​​​​​​
God delights in your prosperity including, in your health and well being. He wants you to grow, your family to grow. His original command to mankind was fruitfulness in every way, He wants you to prosper and multiply. After all, when the righteous prosper, it is for the good of others too. We were never meant to hold on to everything. ​​​​​​​​
Much of education and the modern day benefits we now enjoy were a result of righteous men, many many years ago, who in their prosperity, built a better life for others. They were givers and developers etc. ​​​​​​​​
⭐️Changing your mind about how God views your having good in your life is key to receiving the good He has in store for you. πŸ”₯If you believe He does not want you to have children, be in health, in peace, completeness etc, you will not be able to receive what He already has for you. He withholds nothing good from us and we are blessed to be blessings. ​​​​​​​​
If I had never come to this revelation in my own life’s journey, I’d never have been able to see the victories I’ve seen or to now help other women in their difficult seasons. My own victories can now be a blessing to others. ​​​​​​​​
⭐️⭐️⭐️This is a mindset shift you MUST make in order to receive your breakthroughπŸ‘‰ Praying with uncertainty of whether He wants something for you, is double mindedness and will yield no results. The book of James says such a person will not receive anything from God.⭐️⭐️⭐️​​​​​​​​
Be clear on what you want and get clear on what God says about it so that you can hold unswervingly.​​​​​​​​


Sometimes we are comforted by a wrong belief because it’s all we ever hear from others, even within the church. Sometimes those beliefs help us make sense of some of our unfavourable or unexpected outcomes. So they become a comfort to us.
But the truth is, some of those beliefs that we hold about God are just wrong. We never check them against His Word or even speak to Him about them. They seem right, they sound good, everyone else says the same thing… so we assume it’s true. We attribute certain outcomes to God/ God’s will, when in truth, we haven’t taken time to find out what His will is and whether that outcome was truly His will.
πŸ”₯Honestly, this here is one of the enemy’s greatest tactics that keeps the church from moving as Christ did. And it is one of the greatest ways we do God and ourselves a disservice.
There is an ongoing process of unlearning that has to happen, because guess what…
πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒBelieving right about God is a key part of receiving from Him.πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
⭐️If you think He doesn’t want you to have something, you’ll never have the faith to see it come to pass, even if He wants you to have it. If you waver about it, again, you’ll never receive it (James 1). You’ll always be divided about it, double minded, uncertain, unstable and unable to receive anything from God. ​​​​​​​​
πŸ“ŒClarity and right believing is key. ​​​​​​​​You cannot be in faith and unsure at the same time. Believe right.


Your self talk is a gateway to understanding your beliefs about yourself and your situation. You have to listen to how you speak to yourself, how you speak about yourself or your situation to yourself. ​​​​​​​​
We all have a basic understanding that what we keep telling ourselves shapes how we see the world and ultimately our life experiences (Think of the 10 spies vs the 2 spies in numbers 14). The woman with the issue of blood is a great example of this principle. ​​​​​​​​
β€’ ​​​​​​​​
If you keep telling yourself β€œI will never be/ have…”, that chatter is powerful! It changes you, whether for good or otherwise. It increases your believing, whether good or bad because that is what you keep hearing. It changes you and ultimately changes what you see in life. Even science now confirms this. ​​​​​​​​
β€’ ​​​​​​​​
Sometimes the only reason you haven’t seen your breakthrough is that although you belief you’re in faith, deep down inside, your self chatter tells you you breakthrough will never happen for you. Deep inside you see it as impossible. That self chatter, that image that is within, is undermining your faith. ​​​​​​​​
It’s time to reflect. ​​​​​​​​
Ask yourself, what do I really believe about my situation? ​​​​​​​​
What do I say to myself about it? ​​​​​​​​
Do I truly believe I will see my breakthrough? ​​​​​​​​
Do I truly believe it is possible for me? ​​​​​​​​
Can I see myself with that breakthrough?​​​​​​​​
Asking these questions will help you unveil what you truly believe and once you know that, you can identify one of the things that’ve been hindering your faith and you can start addressing that.


When praying for a breakthrough, we can often overlook the importance of LOVE. We think it only relevant in relationships. However, love is the catalyst for making faith work. Regardless of your breakthrough need, love is essential to faith. ​​​​​​​​
Being in strife, disharmony, quarrelling, complaining, gossiping etc is not an expression of love and certainly isn’t healthy ground for the seed of faith to grow. Faith grows and operates where you understand you are loved and then you live life expressing that love. This is where faith moves. ​​​​​​​​
God is love and He has given each of us the measure of His faith and that Faith works by love, it expresses itself through Love - agape love. In Him (Christ who is Love) all things were created. That is, all things were created through Love and in Him (Love), all things hold together. Everything He does is motivated by Love. Therefore, if you’re not moving in Love, you can’t operate in faith. ​​​​​​​​
(1 John 4:8, Romans 12:3, Galatians 5:6, John 1:3, Colossians 1:16,17) ​​​​​​​​
For [if we are] in Christ Jesus (what matters is) only faith activated and expressed and working through love. Gal 5:6 (AMP)​​​​​​​​
Love activates faith. Love is the expression of faith. Love is the most excellent way 1 Corinthians 12:31 ​​​​​​​​
Do everything in love 1 Cori 16:14​​​​​​​​
Side note for today’s world: ​​​​​​​​
Note that Love is not the absence or the disregarding of truth. Speaking truth is part of loving others. However, where we must speak truth, truth must be expressed through love. Ephesians 4:15​​​​​​​​


Sometimes the WAIT season trains us to avoid raising our hopes, keep our hearts safe from more bad news. Yet actually that’s completely wrong! That actually trains us to cast off the true power.
The power is in the strength of raised hopes, it’s in your unrelenting belief that regardless of how long the journey’s been, you will see what you have hoped for. It is that hope, that expectation that will cause you to do the necessary work to change even the seemingly impossible circumstances.
And yes, the power to change things is in you. And even when the circumstances call for a miracle, understand this, God works through you. You are an essential part of your breakthrough.
So of course there’s a work to be done because truly things won’t just unfold out of belief. But it’s not as complicated as your situation would lead you to believe. More on that later…
For now, what are you telling yourself about the wait? Are you anticipating your victory?


Goodness it’s been a while!
Hopefully your year’s off to a good start, I know for some it has already been filled with challenges. πŸ’But the same God who was faithful in times past, remains faithful now.
I took time out to move in obedience. So much valuable time is wasted and many wins are lost when we fail to walk in obedience to the Spirit. So, this is how my year began, prioritising obedience. And the peace in this place is completely worth it. πŸ’“
How’s your start been?


Goodness it’s been a while!
Hopefully your year’s off to a good start, I know for some it has already been filled with challenges. But the same God who was faithful in times past, remains faithful now.
I took time out to move in obedience. So much valuable time is wasted and many wins are lost when we don’t walk in obedience to the Spirit. So, this is how my year began, prioritising obedience. And the peace in this place is completely worth it. πŸ’“
How’s your start been?


Nothing good has been withheld from you. Psalm 84:11​​​​​​​​
No devil or demon has the power to hold anything back from you. All things are yours! 1 Cori 3:21 ​​​​​​​​
You will have what you believe you can have. Be it unto you as you have believed. Matthew 8:13 ​​​​​​​​




Fix your eyes on the unseen, not on what is seen. ​​​​​​​​
We change our lives by keeping our eyes on what we see within, not what we see physically. You focus will always take you to the thing you’re focused on. ‒​​​​​​​​


Throw back! Taken in celebration of a victory I had not yet seen. But, I’d made a decision. I was moving in a different kind of faith and authority than I had done in the years before. πŸ’ I was about to find out that that decision, a decision I’d made only a few days before, had changed my life FOREVER & in EVERY WAY! πŸ’ƒπŸ½β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹
I firmly believed in the decision I’d made. I realised God had already given me all I’d asked for including the pregnancy I’d been praying for. BUT my body was telling me the opposite. I’d been experiencing, for days, a world of symptoms that told me I was wrong, my faith was misplaced, symptoms that told me I was fooling myself and I would soon find out and be devastated. Once again, I decided to stay in the place of faith, regardless of what I saw in the flesh so that, even if the monthly visitor came that month, I would remain in my position of faith that this was a done deal in the spirit and that in the end, I would experience it in the flesh. The symptoms persisted but I became unyielding in my stance. ​​​​​​​​
Faith will demand that you go further than reason. Like Gideon had to when he reduced his army. Like Joshua had to when he marched round the wall. Like Moses had to, before he knew he could part the Red Sea. Like Noah and the ark. Like Mary had to when the angel said she would have a child. Like Esther had to, to save a nation, likewise Deborah. Like Ruth who gave up everything and left her people, in faith. Like Rahab who’s faith caused her to help the men of God risking treason, for a people who, by reason seemed weaker but by God were more powerful. Etc ​​​​​​​​
What demand has faith placed on you? Are you willing to step out, no matter what it looks like? ‒​​​​​​​​


This is one of the ways I kept faith in my fertility journey. ​​​​​​​​
I took every opportunity to remind myself I could fall pregnant, no matter what! ​​​​​​​​
β€’ ​​​​​​​​
On this day, I was meeting up with a close friend for a coffee. We started the TTC journey at the same time. She’s fallen pregnant immediately. (I share the funny story on β€œmy story” video). My journey didn’t go quite so easy. ​​​​​​​​
β€’ ​​​​​​​​
This was the 1st/2nd time I’d seen her since she gave birth. She was enjoying a dream I’d had for years. ​​​​​​​​
A world of emotions threatened to overcome me. But I decided I wasn’t going to go that way. I’d worked on managing my emotions in a healthy way, for a long time, so when they came, I tapped into His grace and wisdom for dealing with them. This was my dear friend, whom I love dearly. Her celebration was my celebration! I wasn’t going to let my story steal that from us. I decided I didn’t want to miss the beauty of our reunion or to step into doubt for myself either. If I truly believed I’d have children, then surely, I had no reason to be sad, in fact, I could celebrate with her all the more. And I DID. Tbh, I had also planned, years before, that I celebrate with those who are celebrating because their victories are testimonies that God answers prayers. Having made that decision long before, meant the choice was easy when I faced situations like these. ​​​​​​​​
It is human to face those emotions, to feel like β€œwhy me”, β€œwhat about me” etc. It happens to us all. But the key thing is to work through them. Work through them so they don’t derail your faith. If you lean into them, don’t worry, you can choose to get back up, address them and keep moving forward. But don’t allow yourself to stay with emotions that will lead to your heartbreak and giving up.​​​​​​​​

Videos (show all)

You have a greater say over your own life than anyone else.
Resist the urge to complain 😊
Every limitation stems from our thinking and thinking affects believing. ​​​​​​​​‒​​​​​​​​Today, science is discovering ...
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