The Reset Queen

The Reset Queen

Helping 100+ people opening their highest potential and creates individual life transformation.

Intuitive teacher and healer, Shirin, brings over 30 years of experience to her expansive and powerful work. Because of the broad scope of her training and abilities, Shirin offers a unique combination of healing approaches specifically tailored to each individual. Knowing that all true healing comes from the Creator and is expressed through love, her approach is infused with love and a connection


“We grow when we feel held and secure.”

Some of you who know me, know that I have an orchid business and I've been tying orchids to trees for over 20 years.

When they feel tight and securely held and there’s a feeling of safety and security they immediately start growing roots.

If the tying is even a little bit loose, there’s no sense of being held and feeling secure, they barely grow.

That is the same for us, when we feel secure and safe, we open up our wings and grow.💯


Is a reminder to approach others with empathy and compassion because, regardless of outward appearances, everyone is dealing with their own challenges, struggles, and hardships.

By practicing kindness and understanding, we contribute to creating a more supportive and compassionate world.


Sweet message from a client.😍

These kinds of messages are the reason I do what I do.🤗

I believe the ceremony needs to be customized, so I meet and connect with the couple to understand their wishes and how to create the optimum wedding ceremony. Together we will create exactly what you want and all those present will feel connected to your authentic expression. Your wedding will be one of the most memorable events of your life.💑

Message me or visit

Love and gratitude,


I am free to express my power unapologetically 28/11/2023

Today is yours to shape, own it. Break free from people and things
that don't serve you. Embrace the liberation to be unapologetically you, for in your expression lies the beauty of individuality.✨ //

I am free to express my power unapologetically I am free to express my power unapologetically. GET MY FREE MEDITATION6-min.meditation to clear your space and find inner peace any time, anywhere. https://w...


Trust your journey ✨


The path to finding gratitude in the midst of grief is not an easy one, but it is a journey that can ultimately lead to healing and transformation.✨

Read more:

Photos from The Reset Queen's post 15/11/2023

Do you want to shift out of struggle and into ease?

Would you like to feel supported, grounded and empowered, manifesting your highest and best dreams?

A weekly reset is your time to create a powerful intent and focus on the manifestations you are creating in your life.

It is a time to gather together and feel supported within a community who are all focused on their expansion and growth.

Ready...Set...RESET Activation Platform - a weekly online activation platform is now open for enrollment.

Join us and witness your powerful transformation to your highest potential!

Visit us:


We have a powerful new moon in Scorpio coming up on Monday November 13th at 1:27AM Pacific time.🌑🦂

It is time to transmute the darkness into the gold light of consciousness. This new moon invites the opportunity to cooperate, compromise, merge and unite to create a better world together.

We are at the tipping point. Manifest the world you want to live in. This requires all of us to focus on peace and take action towards peace.🕊️☮️🙏

I'll be holding a live online circle at 7:30AM (HST)Kauai time which is 9:30AM Pacific time and 12:30PM EST.

Let me know via email or DM if you would like to join so I can forward you the zoom link and info for donation.

This circle is included for Ready Set RESET members. All are welcome to join this circle at this very powerful time.

Donations of $26 or $35 are welcomed if you are not a member of my Ready Set RESET online classes. It is a potent time to manifest together, join us if you are called.✨


Conditional happiness is often taught to us throughout our lives in various ways. Society, culture, and personal experiences can all contribute to the development of this mindset.

Here are a few ways conditional happiness is commonly taught:

✅ Achievement-based validation: From a young age, we are often praised and rewarded for achieving specific goals or meeting certain standards. Whether it's getting good grades, winning competitions, or receiving recognition, we learn that our worth and happiness are linked to external accomplishments. This conditioning can lead us to constantly strive for success and rely on external validation to feel happy.

✅Comparison and competition: Society encourages us to compare ourselves to others and compete for limited resources, such as jobs, relationships, and status. We may believe that if we surpass others or reach a certain level of success, we will finally be happy.

✅Materialism and consumerism: We are taught to associate material wealth with happiness, leading us to seek external objects or experiences to satisfy our desires and achieve happiness.

✅Conditional love and approval: Many of us grow up seeking love, acceptance, and approval from others, such as parents, peers, or romantic partners. When our happiness becomes dependent on others' opinions or validation, we can easily fall into the trap of conditional happiness. We may believe that if we are loved and approved of, we will be happy, and if we are not, our happiness is diminished.

✅Future-focused mindset: Society often encourages us to constantly strive for future goals and aspirations. We may believe that happiness lies in achieving specific milestones, such as getting a dream job, starting a family

Source: Ready Set Reset Weekly Online Class


What is Resilience?

Resilience is the process of being able to adapt well and bounce back quickly in times of stress.

Resilience makes you stronger, and with each challenge that you encounter, you develop new skills and ways of dealing with life and build further on your strengths.

In this blog post we are going to explore the significance of developing these qualities and how they contribute to our ability to bounce back.


Within each of us, there's a little one that holds memories, emotions, and experiences from early life stages.

Ensuring the safety and well-being of this INNER-CHILD is considered crucial for personal growth and overall well-being.⁣

Creating an environment that nurtures and safeguards the inner child is essential for holistic well-being.

It allows individuals to connect with their authentic selves, heal past wounds, and cultivate a sense of balance and fulfillment in their lives.

By acknowledging and prioritizing the safety of the inner child, you can tap into your full potential, leading to a more joyful, creative, and purposeful life.

When the little one inside feels safe, feels protected, supported, and free from fear, judgment, or harm it has a profound impact on an individual's life.

This safety can be achieved through various means, such as providing a nurturing environment, cultivating healthy relationships, practicing self-care, setting boundaries, and healing past wounds.

Download my Theta Guided Meditation where I will
guide you on a gentle journey into ThetaHealing – using your theta brainwaves to bring positive change.


Here are some steps to help you become a magnet of unconditional happiness:​​​​​​​​​

✨Cultivate self-love and acceptance: Treat yourself with kindness, compassion, and forgiveness. Remember that happiness begins within and that you deserve to be happy.

✨Practice gratitude: Regularly take time to reflect on the things you are grateful for, whether big or small. This practice can help you appreciate the present moment and find joy in simple pleasures.

✨Let go of attachments and expectations: Learn to detach yourself from expectations and accept that life is filled with uncertainties. Focus on the process and journey rather than fixating on specific outcomes.

✨Embrace mindfulness and present moment awareness: Engage in activities mindfully, paying attention to your senses and immersing yourself fully in the present moment.

✨Nurture positive relationships: Surround yourself with positive, supportive, and uplifting individuals who contribute to your well-being. Avoid toxic relationships or situations that drain your energy and happiness.

✨Practice self-care: Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally is crucial for overall happiness. This can include exercise, hobbies, meditation, spending time in nature, or pursuing creative outlets.

✨Develop a positive mindset: Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations and embrace an optimistic outlook.

✨Serve and give to others: Giving back not only benefits others but also enhances your own sense of happiness.

✨Practice forgiveness: Let go of past hurts and focus on healing and moving forward.

Remember that becoming a magnet of unconditional happiness is a continuous process.

Be patient and kind to yourself as you incorporate these practices into your life.


Insecurity, an all too common human experience, has the power to hold us back, hinder our personal growth, and limit our potential.

It can stem from various sources and manifest in different forms, leaving us feeling inadequate, anxious, and self-conscious.

Embracing self-acceptance, challenging negative thoughts, setting realistic goals, seeking support, and practicing self-care are all crucial steps on the journey toward overcoming insecurity and unlocking our true potential.

Remember, your worth is not defined by your insecurities, but by the strength and resilience you possess to overcome them.

How to overcome Insecurities?

Here are 6 tips on overcoming insecurities, read more!


"Be easy on yourself, be kind to yourself, sometimes we get hard on ourselves for not being perfect. Nothing is perfect, we just have to aim to improve what we can."​​​​​​​​​

Why is it important to be kind to ourselves?

Often we are so kind to others, but so hard on ourselves. Let's all aim to be a good mother to our own self, love all parts of ourself, care for ourself, nourish and nurture ourself.

Be good to you, you are the only you you've got!


In our daily interactions, we often find ourselves holding back our true thoughts and feelings, opting for politeness over honesty.

However, the energy of unspoken words, while repressed, carries significant weight.

This blog post explores the impact of unspoken words and how harnessing their energy can lead to personal growth and meaningful connections.

I AM Enough 17/08/2023

Whatever situations there are, there's enough solutions, if there's a problem with your body, and in your world, there are solutions, there's enough solutions, there's enough time, there's enough energy, there is enough, I am enough, and enough is enough. That comes to your boundaries and your balance-making.

This video is from my weekly Ready Set RESET Activation online classes where the topic of the class was: I AM Enough

I AM Enough Whatever situations there are, there's enough solutions, if there's a problem with your body, and in your world, there are solutions, there's enough solution...




This is a great opportunity. 😍😍

I am combining this new moon circle with my weekly online Ready Set RESET class, so if you have wanted to experience my weekly class, join us!!

This Wednesday morning at 2:38AM Pacific (11:38PM Hawaii the night before and 5:38AM Eastern time on the 16th) is the new moon in Leo.

I will be holding a new moon manifestation circle online at 10AM Wednesday morning Hawaii time (1PM Pacific time, 4PM EST,) which is included in my Ready Set RESET classes and is also open for you to join. If you are interested, please DM me and I will send you the zoom link and passcode and payment info for your donation. Suggested donations of $26 or $35 is appreciated for this powerful circle.

Leo is the Lion, and reminds us that we are creators, here to activate and create the world we wish to live in. We must listen to our heart and follow our dreams.

See you tomorrow! 😍😍



How do you manifest what you want in life?​​​​​​​​​

"Manifest the world that you wish to live in without any conditions or limitations"

Remember we have the power to create our own reality, and we should envision the world as we would like it to be, without any limitations or constraints.

To manifest something means to bring it into existence or to make it happen through our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. By focusing our energy and attention on the world that we desire, we can bring it into reality.

Overall, we all encourages to be proactive and take charge of our life, and to use the power of manifestation to create the world that we truly desire.

In my weekly online class Ready Set RESET, we finish each half hour class with a manifestation time using our theta brainwaves, so that you feel empowered in directing your life in the direction of your dreams. Join us, it will change your life!


In Theta Guided Meditation, I will guide you on a gentle journey into ThetaHealing - using your theta brainwaves to bring positive change. Theta Healing is a powerful self healing tool; it is a method of healing from within.

Achieve more spiritual awareness, higher creativity, and calmness. Ultimately, release fears, heal your body, let go of negative beliefs, and relieve insomnia. Download my Theta Healing Guided Sessions. 👇


Trusting yourself more allows you to navigate life with greater authenticity, clarity, and confidence.
It empowers you to make choices aligned with your true self and pursue your goals and aspirations with conviction.

While seeking advice and guidance from others is valuable, trusting yourself ultimately puts you in the driver's seat of your own life.

Learn how to master your intuition. Turn on your super powers!!!

Source; Ready Set RESET Weekly Activation Class


Life is full of uncertainties.

This can be the uncertainty in our world, in our personal world, our work world, our body, our relationships, uncertainty is a constant companion.

While it can be unsettling and even anxiety-inducing, it's really difficult to feel settled. Learning to become comfortable with uncertainty is a skill that can greatly enhance our overall well-being.

Here are some strategies to give us flexibility to go with the energy, and to feel comfortable in uncertainty.

Allowing vs Resisting 02/08/2023

When unpleasant things come up, instead of resistance or push back of not wanting what we don’t want, allow it with kindness, ease, and openness.

Allowing vs Resisting When unpleasant things come up, instead of resistance or push back of not wanting what we don’t want, allow it with kindness, ease, and openness. This video ...


Sometimes we hide behind words. ​​​​​​​​

We may be communicating something completely differently on a telepathic level and saying words that do not match.

This causes confusion and miscommunication.

We often forget the power of silence.

You can say so much without saying a single word.

In my Master Your Intuition class, we focus on developing your telepathic communication abilities.

We all have this ability from the moment we are born, we simply forget to use it, so it becomes dormant.

Silence is golden. Use it well.


"I accept myself just as I am" is an attitude of self-acceptance and self-compassion. It means that you fully embrace and acknowledge yourself, including your strengths, weaknesses, flaws, and imperfections, without judgment or the need for external validation.​​​​​​​​​

It does not mean that you are stagnant or unwilling to grow. It simply means that you are willing to acknowledge and work with your current reality while still striving for personal development and improvement.

It is about being kind to yourself and treating yourself with compassion, even in moments of vulnerability or self-doubt.

This photo is taken on top of Kokee mountain which is absolutely one of my most favorite places to reset!

Here are few tips on how we can practice self-acceptance:


The art of letting go and discovering the true meaning of surrender is a transformative journey that requires courage, vulnerability, and trust.

By embracing surrender, we can release the burdens of control and expectations, opening ourselves up to new possibilities and experiencing a deeper sense of peace and connection.

In this blog post, we will delve into the true meaning of surrender and explore how it can bring us liberation, peace, and a deeper connection with ourselves and others.


You have established a connection with your higher self, and a clear communication between your conscious mind and your deeper, wiser self.​​​​​​​​​

If your higher self is fully aware of what you are bringing into your life, it can work in harmony with you to manifest your desires more rapidly.

This alignment helps remove any internal conflicts or limiting beliefs that may hinder the manifestation process.

When you have a clear intention and your higher self is on board, the manifestation process becomes smoother and the results can manifest more quickly.

Maintaining this connection and alignment with your higher self involves practices such as meditation, visualization, affirmations, and self-reflection.

These practices can help you develop a stronger connection with your higher self, allowing for a clearer flow of communication and intention setting.

Discover three of my tools to stay grounded, centered, and at peace, during these times.


The new moon in Cancer is coming up on Monday July 17th at 8:31AM Hawaii time, 11:31AM Pacific, 2:31PM Eastern time.

I will hold a new moon online circle on Monday July 17th beginning at 8:30AM Kauai (HST), 11:30AM Pacific Daylight Time/ 2:30PM Eastern Time.

This circle is included in the Ready Set RESET class membership. If you would like to attend the new moon circle, please DM me and I will forward you the zoom link and payment options for donation of $26 or $35 for this circle.

Would love to have you!


To create the life of our dreams, it involves several key aspects:​​​​​​​​​

🔑Clarity of Vision: this includes identifying your values, passions, and long-term goals. By having a well-defined vision, you can create a roadmap for yourself.

🔑Goal Setting: Break down your dream life into specific, achievable goals. Set short-term and long-term objectives that are aligned with your vision. These goals should be realistic and measurable to help you stay focused and motivated.

🔑Planning and Action: Develop a plan of action to accomplish your goals. Take consistent and purposeful action towards your objectives, making adjustments as needed along the way.

🔑Mindset and Beliefs: Address any limiting beliefs or self-doubt that may hinder your progress. Practice affirmations and visualization techniques to reinforce positive thinking and maintain motivation.

🔑Continuous Learning and Growth: Seek opportunities for personal and professional development. Embrace challenges as learning opportunities and adapt to changes as necessary.

🔑Persistence and Resilience: Building the life of your dreams may not always be a smooth journey. There may be setbacks, obstacles, and failures along the way. Stay committed to your vision, learn from setbacks, and bounce back with resilience. Persistence is key to overcoming challenges and making progress.

🔑Surround Yourself with Support: Surround yourself with a supportive network of people who uplift and inspire you. Seek mentors, coaches, or like-minded individuals who can provide guidance, encouragement, and accountability.

Remember, creating the life of your dreams is a dynamic and ongoing process. It requires self-reflection, dedication, and continuous effort.

Join my weekly online class and focus on manifesting the life of your dreams weekly and continue to make progress together!


In our daily lives, it's easy to fall into familiar patterns and routines. While they offer comfort and stability, they can also become limiting and hinder personal growth. Breaking out of these patterns is essential for self-discovery, embracing new experiences, and fostering personal development.

In this blog post, we will explore practical strategies and mindset shifts to help you break out of familiar patterns and unlock a world of possibilities.


For over 30 years, I have worked with all walks of life, from children and babies, to animals, to teens to couples of all kinds, to Hollywood A-listers, to anyone seeking their path of transformations.

My work is to empower you to live in this light, in the unconditional love of Creator. Attention goes where your thought focuses.

Helping you enjoy your journey through this precious life.

Join my weekly class, visit:


Self-doubt can be a powerful force that can knock you out of balance and hinder your personal growth. When you doubt yourself, you question your abilities, worth, and potential for success. ​​​​​​​​​

This internal struggle can lead to negative thoughts, feelings of inadequacy, and a lack of confidence. As a result, you may hesitate to take risks, pursue your goals, or even engage in activities that you enjoy.

Believing in yourself is essential for maintaining balance and achieving your full potential. When you have self-belief, you have faith in your abilities, talents, and worthiness. It empowers you to trust yourself, make decisions confidently, and take necessary actions towards your goals.

Here are a few reasons why believing in yourself is so crucial:

1. Positive mindset: Believing in yourself cultivates a positive mindset. When you trust your abilities, you approach challenges with optimism and resilience.

2. Increased confidence: Self-belief bolsters your confidence. When you have faith in your skills and capabilities, you project a sense of assurance and competence to others. This confidence can open doors to new opportunities, enhance your relationships, and improve your overall well-being.

3.Motivation and goal pursuit: Believing in yourself fuels your motivation to pursue your goals.

4. Resilience and adaptability: When faced with challenges or failures, your belief in yourself helps you bounce back, learn from your experiences, and adjust your strategies.

5. Personal growth and fulfillment: When you trust your abilities and have confidence in your decisions, you are more likely to pursue opportunities that align with your passions and values.

Be patient with yourself and persevere.


Always start the day with positive energy.✨


Patience refers to the ability to endure and persist through the various challenges, setbacks, and uncertainties that arise during the creative process.

It encompasses a mindset of calmness, perseverance, and trust in the journey of bringing an idea to fruition.

So, how does our life create and allow us to build patience?

In this blog post I shared how we can learn to embrace patience as a guiding force that brings us personal growth and resilience.

Read here:


When you hold on to the feelings of guilt, shame or regret, you truly can't move forward and grow.
Be proactive in the act of forgiveness towards yourself, forgive yourself for all your past, whatever you consider to be the mistakes that you made are what led to where you are now and to who you have become.

Sometimes these patterns are so deeply engrained in us that a little help may be needed. In the work that I do, we access theta brainwaves to rewire the brain and the subconscious mind.

It's important to get to the root of the issues and be able to deeply unroot them.

Be more kind to yourself.

You deserve your own gentleness.

Source: Ready Set Reset Weekly Online Activation Class


Guilt is an emotional response that arises when we believe we have done something wrong or failed to meet our own moral or ethical standards.​​​​​​​​​

It can serve as a valuable internal compass, helping us navigate our actions and behaviors in a way that aligns with our values.

However, guilt can also become a burden that holds us back and prevents us from moving forward or reaching our full potential. Guilt can hinder personal growth and development in several ways.

Additionally, guilt can create a self-imposed sense of punishment. We may engage in self-sabotaging behaviors or withhold self-care and self-compassion as a way to "pay" for our perceived wrongdoings.

To spread our wings and reach our full potential, it's important to address and manage guilt in a healthy way.

This process often involves acknowledging and accepting responsibility for our actions, seeking forgiveness from others if necessary, and most importantly, forgiving ourselves.

The Power of Contentment and Gratitude 16/06/2023

In today's fast-paced and materialistic world, it's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of more—more money, more possessions, more achievements.

However, true happiness and fulfillment lie not in the accumulation of external things, but rather in cultivating a sense of contentment and gratitude for what we already have.

This mindset shift can lead us to live a life of abundance.

The Power of Contentment and Gratitude Practicing contentment and gratitude is not always easy, especially in a society that bombards us with messages of consumerism and instant gratification.


Hoping the new moon shifts the energy which has been intense and emotional. It is occurring on June 17th, at exactly 6:37PM Kauai HST, 9:37PM Pacific Daylight Time and 37 past midnight Eastern Time.

I will hold a new moon online circle on Saturday the 17th at 6:30PM Kauai (HST), 9:30PM Pacific Daylight Time, half past midnight Eastern Time (my apologies for those of you on EST.)

This circle is included in the Ready Set RESET class membership. If you would like to attend the new moon circle, please DM me and I will forward you the zoom link and payment options for donation of $26 or $35 for this circle. Would love to have you!


How to release tension in an instant?​​​​​​​​​

In terms of tension, we tend to hold a lot of it in our bodies. If we do a scan of where our body is holding tension, the majority of the time, it’s the neck, shoulders, jaw, and back.

They're places in our body that are the “go-to” zones that absorb and hold the tension.

A lot of times we're pulling in tension and holding it unconsciously or subconsciously.

If we become conscious about it, the activation of our breath and power can move it out easily without it setting in and settling into our body space.

Understand and recognize that tension or pain is simply there to get your attention. See, feel, and sense your whole body showered by Creator's light.

Breathe into the area of tension, and feel yourself relaxing more and more, letting go.

Ask what the pain is teaching you?

Comment down below!

Source: Ready Set Reset weekly live class

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