Good Heritage Ventures

Good Heritage Ventures

Sharing love,vibrant health tips and peace


When you act with compassion, you will never be wrong.


Happy Easter to you all.

Olufemi Oyenekan on TikTok 06/04/2023

Olufemi Oyenekan on TikTok WOMAN CAUGHT IN THE ACT OF ADULTERY JOHN 8:3-11

How Does Oatmeal Help with Blood Sugars? | 31/03/2023

How does oatmeal help with blood sugar?

How Does Oatmeal Help with Blood Sugars? | The prebiotic fiber in oats helps to explain why oatmeal can improve diabetic control.

Is Oatmeal Good for People with Diabetes? | 31/03/2023

Is oatmeal good for people with Diabetes?

Is Oatmeal Good for People with Diabetes? | Before there was insulin, there was the “oatmeal cure.”

The ONLY Fat That Cause Insulin Resistance is "TRANS FAT" – Dr.Berg 23/03/2023

The ONLY Fat That Cause Insulin Resistance is "TRANS FAT" – Dr.Berg For more info on health-related topics, go here: Dr. Berg's Free Keto Mini-Course: or go here: http://bit....

What Causes Diabetes? | 28/02/2023

Causes of Diabetes

What Causes Diabetes? | Saturated fat can be toxic to the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas, explaining why animal fat consumption can impair insulin secretion, not just insulin sensitivity.


Ash Wednesday


is a day before ASH WEDNESDAY, when Christians all over the world observe the 40 days Lent ,traditionally a period of abstinence. This is associated with clearing your cupboards of goods such as sugar, fats, and eggs even meats.Pancakes were traditionally eaten on this day which is also known as SHROVE TUESDAY


Timeline photos 16/02/2023

Skipping breakfast only works if you’re on keto. This is because it’s the carbohydrates that prevent fat burning. If you’re doing intermittent fasting and carbs, you’re not going to tap into fat. So, you’re going to wake up in the morning feeling hungry.

If you try not to eat, you’re going to be more hungry because you’re running off of your blood sugars, which you don’t have a lot of storage of. You will tap out your blood sugars, and you will start feeling symptoms.

The secret is combining intermittent fasting with low-carb keto. Breakfast is the most un-important meal of the day if you’re doing keto.

Why skipping breakfast is good:
On keto, you wake up, and you’re running on fat. So you’re not eating, but you’re eating your own fat which will allow you to go past the time you normally eat. You’re burning fat all night long, and you want to ride the wave for as long as possible.

The key is not to have carbs. However, vegetable carbohydrates are fine.

If you’re not doing keto, you’re really going to want breakfast. If you are going to do breakfast, make sure it’s a protein breakfast.


Have a happy and healthy 2022


She's such a beautiful soul 💖(Toyin Olaiya)
Happy birthday ,long life and prosperity ma.


Every 18th October is your birthday. May you see more of this day in the land of the living Omobola Olayinka


Thinking of you(Ejire Ariyalo)with love on your 50th birthday and wishing you everything that brings you happiness today and always.
Age with sufficient grace Taiwo.


Got lots of October celebrants and I will start to celebrate 🍾all of my friends and families on this page.
So help me God.

Let's go there


Turning inward.......


Isaiah said, “When you feed the hungry, when you clothe the naked, when you help those in need, then your light will break forth like the dawn and your health will quickly come.” Too often, we’re waiting for the light to break forth. We’re waiting for the promotion, the healing, the new level, but the question is, “Have we done the first part? Have we served anyone? Have we been a blessing?”


*Giving to your supplier*
Monday 19th April 2021

_'We have only given back what is already yours.' 1 Chronicles 29:14 CEV_

Generous people are always comfortable talking about money, and they are even more comfortable giving it. Self-centred people obsess over keeping what they have, and how to get even more. That's why Jesus, who was the most generous person in history, spoke so much about money. He understood its source, its use, and who owns it all. Sixteen of his thirty-eight parables deal with how to handle money and possessions. In the four Gospels, one out of every ten verses deals with the subject. The Bible has five hundred verses on prayer, roughly the same amount on faith, but over two thousand on money and possessions.

Is God trying to tell you something? If so, what? *It's this: everything you have came from God!* So you're not an owner, but an administrator of his estate. That means when he taps you on the shoulder and says, 'Give to this person or to that cause,' you don't argue or rationalise but say, 'Yes, Lord!'

After raising the money to build the temple, David prayed: 'Both riches and honour come from you, and you reign over all. In your hand is power and might; in your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all. Now therefore, our God, we thank you and praise your glorious name. But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to offer so willingly as this? For all things come from you, and of your own we have given you' (1 Chronicles 29:12-14 NKJV). *When you give to God, you are just giving back to your supplier.*


Good morning
Have a pleasant week

Videos (show all)

Vitamin A is present in abundance in the celery leavesVitamin A is needed for healthy skin, eye sight, and mucus membran...
Smoothie 2GO Blueberry,banana, pear,kefir ,pumpkin sunflower and flaxseed #vibranthealth #metabolismboost
All  glory and honour to God
Thanks Dr.Berg Avoid dairy and soy products #cruciferousvegetables #womenshealth #UterineFibroid #healthy
Believe in yourself!#learning #Culinary #knifeskills #fruitbasket
I will believe the report of the Lord!Pastor Joel
Live is Precious
His death, His life, a great story. #christ#Easter#love #hallelujah
Twist, Stretch, SkipStay active #active#therapy #wellness #exercise #fitness
