Reshma Baichoo

Reshma Baichoo

Hello, I am Reshma Baichoo and I am a success and manifestation coach. The secret behind long-term success and transformation is not a strategy, but a mindset.

I help well-driven and ambitious women break through their glass ceilings and transform their lives, both on a personal and professional basis, by making them discover their inner Goddess and how to think into results. I facilitate the Thinking into Results program from the Proctor Gallagher Institute, which has helped hundreds of thousands of people to quantum leap into their best version.


Do you know what you REALLY want? Is it written down? Do you visualize it?

Step into your power.

Take action today.

In gratitude


What are you willing to let go in order to manifest your big goal in 2024?

In gratitude


We Become What We Think About

'Do you want to know what you are thinking about most of the time?

Take a look at the results you are getting. Your results will tell you exactly what your dominating thoughts are. '

Bob Proctor


What will happen in your life if you show up as the best version of yourself?


The Power of the Present moment

Stop repeating the past in your mind. It's gone. Leave it where it belongs.

Use the Power of your Subconscious mind to Manifest something new.

Do not waste the precious Power that is flowing to and through you at all moments by keeping it stuck on what did not work or what you could have been or done.

Take action today and do something new.

Each new day, every single moment is a chance and blessing to recreate yourself and your reality.

Keep growing into your best version.



If you found this valuable, share this on your social media or with a friend for some inspiration.

In Gratitude


When people set goals, especially big goals, 96% of people give up on their dreams after a few trials/ failures.

Only 4% truly turn their burning desire into the physical reality as they know that a failure is only a step towards success.

Being a Proctor Gallagher Consultant, I help my clients go through the Thinking Into Results Program. This transformational program help clients believe and achieve what they set their mind and heart to do, the effortless way.

Thank you, Proctor Gallagher Institute, for guiding me along with about 200 more PGI consultants around the world weekly to get better at what we do.

In Gratitude


My mission is to actively empower every single person I meet to be the hero of their own life.



"If your dream is the seed,
action is the water to grow the seed,
sunlight is the consistency,
gratitude is the fertilizer." - Lisa Nichols

I will add one more word: persistence is the magic that makes manifestation instant.

With gratitude



Your success is just a decision away. When you decide to go for a goal that is in your sweet spot and you focus on it, know that it’s going to happen.

Our inner world creates the outer world, our vibration, thought patterns, attitudes, and actions, are what create our reality.

With gratitude


The Power of Visualisation

“If they have begun to do this as one people all having the same language, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them."



"Man moves in a world that is nothing more or less than his conscious objectified." Neville Goddard


Reshma aborde l'unité et l'importance de rester unis pour une meilleure vie en termes de bien-être et de vitalité. Seul on va plus vite, ensemble on va plus loin. Découvrez ses astuces pour avancer ensemble vers une meilleure santé mentale ! 💚


Dans cette nouvelle vidéo, Reshma aborde l'importance du pardon pour se libérer et avancer dans la vie, ainsi que les bénéfices que cela peut apporter 🙏

De plus, elle nous livre une astuce magique pour faciliter le processus du pardon. Si vous cherchez à améliorer votre bien-être émotionnel, cette vidéo est faite pour vous ! ✨​



What are you grateful for today?

Comment below if you agree and tag a friend 👇✨

Knowledge is power. Compete with yourself and not with others. Always be growing 🌱.

We create our own reality, and we have to take responsibility for what we do in life.

Set BIG goals - aim HIGHER, quit settling by for what you think you can get.

With gratitude


Reshma nous rappelle l'importance de dire merci à la vie 🌻 Cela peut sembler simple, mais prendre le temps de reconnaître les bonnes choses peut nous aider à rester positifs et à apprécier les petits moments de joie.🙏Quoi demander de plus pour son bien-être et sa vitalité de nos jours.


Apprendre à s'aimer pour mieux aimer les autres". C'est l'essence même de la première vidéo de Reshma, notre coach de vie. Elle nous explique pourquoi l'amour de soi est essentiel pour notre bien être et pour qu'on s'épanouisse et elle nous livre aussi ses conseils pratiques pour le cultiver.

Reshma Baichoo


Can you remember a time when you changed your thoughts and feelings about a person or situation and that changed everything?
Please share in the comments below.
To your continued success


Happy Sunday wonderful people

I am so happy and grateful to be able to wake up everyday to see the sun, to see the light, to see the beautiful clear skies, to listen to the birds sing, to live on a beautiful island with people from so many different cultures living in peace and harmony.

I absolutely am in awe of the magnificence of the ocean that surrounds us.

What are you grateful for today?

Count your blessings, say them aloud, believe in your destiny waiting for you to unfold into your best version.

Live in gratitude



Wishing you all a blessed day.

With love and gratitude


Practising gratitude changes your heart and creates the foundation for enhancing your life internally.

Any situation can change when you are expressing gratitude. It can free us from the grip of negativity that is suffocating us and infuse us with a fresh feeling of hope, faith, and joy.

With love and gratitude


You must make your dream a priority in order for it to become your life.

Are you a priority in your own life?

Start putting yourself first, and create your life as you desire it to be.

Get in touch with me if you want to learn how to create your life effortlessly.

With love and gratitude


By consistently focusing on the vision of what you want and acting on it despite your fear, your conditioning transforms and you find yourself living in a completely new world.

Ask yourself, do you want to live with fear or freedom?
It is time to take back your unlimited power which lies within you and start writing your destiny and make life happen for you rather than to you.

Start thinking into your results.

With gratitude


It's not about your results or what you acquire when you pursue your goals; it's about who you become in the process.

As long as you are steadily working toward what you genuinely desire, you are succeeding.

With love and gratitude


Do it on purpose: If you are serious about creating the life you want, taking these steps will keep you in harmony with your desires:

1. Imagine – build the image of something that truly inspires you—
2. Decide – write what you want on a goal card in the present tense
3. Visualize – create a picture in your mind of your heart’s desire.
4. Repeat – Impress the idea into your subconscious mind. Read your goal several times a day, use autosuggestion, and create and repeat meaningful affirmations.
5. Read – study personal development material that helps you understand yourself better.
6. Act – Act as if you are already the person you want to become.
7. Associate – surround yourself with successful people who can help you reach your goals.



Coming up soon in January: A free zoom call on the Science of Getting Rich. DM or comment if you wish to attend...


‘If you see it in your mind, you are going to hold it in your hand. If you can think about what you want in your mind, and make that your dominant thought, you will bring it into your life’ – Bob Proctor

You are the Master of your Faith
You are the Captain of your Soul
You are the Writer of your Life’s Story
Do you believe that you can consciously create the life of your dreams and live them in your physical reality. Learn to let go of limiting beliefs, step into happiness, remove everything that is holding you back and take action to move confidently in the direction of what you desire.
I am inviting you to join me for an intensive one-hour free masterclass where I will guide you to tap into the power of your marvellous mind and use the laws of the Universe to your advantage to create the life of your dreams.

Date: Saturday 3rd December 2022
Time: 1 to 2 pm
Venue: Caudan Arts Centre

See you there
Reshma Baichoo
Heartset and Transformational Coach
Certified Proctor Gallagher Consultant


You CAN experience a life full of financial abundance, and you do NOT have to know - at this point - exactly HOW you are going to make it happen.

I want to congratulate you for making it to last Saturday’s event where I walked you through the principles to create your financial abundance and freedom. It was an absolute honour sharing what I learnt from my mentor, Bob Proctor, who studied this material on the Science of Getting Rich, for more than 61 years and helped millions of people achieve the financial abundance they desired.

No matter what your version of Financial Abundance looks like, you can achieve it. It does not depend on your level of education, age, or the sector you are working in. It has to do with your thinking. Please feel free to get in touch with me for a free 30 minutes zoom call where I will guide you to understanding how to shift your thinking to be able to have the results you desire in your life.

To your infinite abundance,


Ready for some financial abundance?
Join me for a free exclusive workshop on Saturday 5th November 2022 at Caudan Arts Centre as from 10 a.m.
