Divorce Coach Mama

Divorce Coach Mama

A place to collaborate collectively and strategically in an effort to successfully navigate all stages of divorce and custody and co-parenting.

Supporting people through all stages of divorce and custody cases.


…great reminder this Monday morning from One Moms Battle ❤️

(Applied) knowledge is power 💪🏻


…Children’s Best Interest is not standard operating rythem for the high conflict / narc co-parent …




Hop on to the Zoom to ask questions here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87143144127?pwd=TFFrVFZkWWZ4QXh5Mlo5ci9PS2x3QT09


Join me tonight!

This Thursday at 6pm! Join me!

DM for the link! Prior to the session, send me a message from your co-parent and during the session I will decode and respond! Strategically!

Take your power back ❤️💪🏻


This Thursday at 6pm! Join me!

DM for the link! Prior to the session, send me a message from your co-parent and during the session I will decode and respond! Strategically!

Take your power back ❤️💪🏻


If you’re going through divorce or engaged in a custody battle, have you considered using a Divorce and Custody Coach? You can’t afford NOT to have a Divorce and Custody Coach to lead you through the process, even when you’re working with an attorney.

With a Divorce and Custody Coach, you not only learn what to expect in family court or mediation, you also have a greater likelihood of a favorable outcome from the courts or mediation.

You will also learn how to disengage from the other parent and how to set boundaries so you are equipped to move and continue to co-parent on with success.

Contact me for a consultation ❤️💪🏻


Hi Warriors! I am going to be doing a strategy and support session for those mamas with Minors Counsel - DM if you want to join. 💪🏻❤️


Warriors! Have a beautiful New Years Eve ❤️😘 continue to take your power back 👏🏻 you are stronger than you know 💪🏻

May 2023 be your best year!


We’ll party when we hit 1k! 🎉


Never felt so heard with: “Pretending to be my co-parent while communicating”. nailed it here. Which one do you relate with?


Dealing with this in your co-parenting relationship? DM me for strategy!


Example: “I am just a horrible co-parent.” If you’re dealing with a HCP that lacks emotional maturity, DM me for strategy!

Photos from Divorce Coach Mama's post 20/10/2022

….5 years ago. F.I.V.E. Years…and NOW! The present! The future is so much better than the past! DM me for the tried and true strategy!

In the picture on the left you may see:
Hair all done
Make up on point

What you may not see was I was:
In trauma

Today! I am healthy, emotionally stable and secure, happy, love myself and my life so incredibly fiercely! I may have plumper cheeks and a few more grey hairs, but warriors, the view from the top is so incredibly beautiful!

Never stop growing and healing. You are worth the time and energy!


DM me for strategy!


Dealing with this?! DM me!


Dealing with this? DM me!


Always take the high road, warriors! Zebras don’t lose their stripes….show up as the person you want to, over and over…regardless of how your HC co-parent shows up/reacts/responds ❤️💪🏻


A wise woman reminded me of this this week. Sometimes we all need the reminder.

I will always tell the truth, even when it is risky and scary and vulnerable.

I will never be ok with adults emotionally and mentally manipulating and using children as pawns post-separation (or ever, for that matter). Abuse is abuse is abuse. I will call it what it is.

I will always wonder how adults are willing to do anything at a child’s expense. It’s something I will never understand.

Warriors! Speak your truth, even if your voice shakes!”



choose love!


Doing what we do ♥️💪🏻


When people show you who they are, believe them. Every.Single.Time.


Does your co-parent use TP or OFW as a way to continue the abuse? Do they always have to have the last word? Do they attempt to trigger you by provoking you (and then calling you crazy when you react!). Do they mock and mimic and parrot you. do name call. Do they use emojis and overall communicate in a way that is less than businesslike.

This behavior is textbook. BUT even though it is textbook and even though it is expected it can be very emotional to deal with.

I offer co-parent communication coaching. I guarantee by working with me you will see a reduction in these types of messages and a peace of mind when you do receive these messages.

Let me help you take your power back ❤️💪🏻



Does your co-parent use TP or OFW as a way to continue the abuse? Do they always have to have the last word? Do they attempt to trigger you by provoking you (and then calling you crazy when you react!). Do they mock and mimic and parrot you. do name call. Do they use emojis and overall communicate in a way that is less than businesslike.

This behavior is textbook. BUT even though it is textbook and even though it is expected it can be very emotional to deal with.

I offer co-parent communication coaching. I guarantee by working with me you will see a reduction in these types of messages and a peace of mind when you do receive these messages.

Let me help you take your power back ❤️💪🏻


…they always have to have the last word, let them.


…court orders don’t apply to them. Don’t even be phased by their blatant disregard for court orders…they literally think they are above them 🙄

Videos (show all)

Co-Parent Communication
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