Oil Says 油理説

Oil Says 油理説

Oil says is a group of people who beliving in natural healing and different life styles ..sharing experiences here ..feel free to talk here !�


From online source, amazing!

Learned something new today, thought I’d share because it’s so Interessstinnnnng.... I’m so doing this tonight!!!! 💥💥💥

The Navel (aka: The Belly button):

Did you know why to put different oils in and on the belly button?

Our Navel (Nabhi), is an amazing gift that our Creator has given us. According to science, the first part created after conception is the navel. After it is created, it joins the mother's placenta through the umbilical cord.

Our Navel is surely an amazing thing! All our veins are connected to our navel, which makes it the focal point of our body. The belly button is life itself!

The "Pechoti" is behind the navel, which has more than 72,000 veins. The total amount of blood vessels we have in our body is equal to double the circumference of the earth.

👶🏻 We knew that to lower the temperature to the babies, we put a cotton swab with alcohol in the navel, now we know that with oil, it's better.

Applying oil in the navel heals the dryness of the eyes, poor view, the pancreas, the heels, and chapped lips, keeps the face bright, the hair healthier, for knee pain, the chills, lethargy, pain in the joints and dry skin.

👩🏻 Apply Neem Oil in your belly button - to get rid of stubborn pimples and acne

😊 Apply Almond Oil in your belly button- to help achieve a glowing face

👄 Apply Mustard Oil in your belly button - to get rid of dry, chapped lips. Will also keep your intestines moving to remove harmful bacteria but keep the good. Actually works as a mild detox.

👶🏻 Apply olive oil or coconut oil - to improve your fertility

☝🏻 Keep alcohol dipped cotton on your belly button - to cure a cold, flu and a running nose. When a baby has stomach pain, we put a few drops directly in the navel and we give the massage around the naval a few minutes, the pain is cured. Oil works the same way.

🥴 Keep brandy-soaked cotton ball on your belly button - to ease menstrual pain and cramps

🦵Sesame Oil is used for all types of joint pains. It is also known to strengthen bones. Many parents use in their children every night at bedtime.

🤢Use an equal amount of Mustard Oil And Ginger Oil For Upset Stomach, Bloating, Nausea and digestive problems.

🤧Using Warm Ghee improves blood flow to the nervous system and also enhances the immunity system. It cures constipation and builds a strong digestive system. It gives relief from joint pain.

🩸Thyme oil is anti-spasmodic, it helps relax your arteries and veins, lowering blood pressure and stress to your heart. It may also help strengthen and tone your heart muscles.

🚽As a diuretic, Thyme oil may help your body to remove excess water, salt and toxins from your body, helping with weight, blood pressure, digestion, and more.

🦠Thyme oil is an expectorant, which means it can help remove mucus from your airways and lungs. Thyme oil is approved by Germany’s Commission E in the treatment of bronchitis, whooping cough, and upper respiratory inflammation.

🧬Remember Thyme oil is a powerful compound and should not be used directly on your skin, as this can cause sensitization and irritation. It must first be diluted with a carrier oil (like olive oil, coconut oil, or almond oil)
Thymus Vulgaris) Essential Oil 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade is what you look for.

🦵At night before bed, put 3 drops of Castor oil in your navel and spread it 1 and a half inches around your navel.


💪 At night before bed, put 3 drops of mustard oil in your navel and spread it 1 and a half inches around your navel.

Your Navel can detect which veins have dried up and by putting oil, those nerves open them...

You can keep a small drip jar with the oil required next to your bed and place a few drops in your navel before going to sleep. 😴

Great info 🤓🤓❤️


The best essential oils for back pain or inflammation
I usually use wintergreen and lemongrass and Rosmary

With all the essential oil choices available, it can be confusing to know which ones can actually help with your back pain. The following oils could help.

1. Peppermint oil

Perhaps best-known for its menthol undertones, peppermint oil is one of nature’s most potent analgesics. Pure peppermint oil has at least 44 percent pure menthol content, which has been widely used for pain of a variety sources.

2. Wintergreen oil

A close relative to peppermint, wintergreen oil carries similar analgesic properties. Specifically, wintergreen contains methyl salicylateTrusted Source, which is similar to aspirin. Talk to a doctor if you’re taking blood thinners or other medications, as wintergreen can increase the risk of bleeding.

3. Lemongrass oil

Lemongrass oil has been widely studied for its antifungal properties. One study in mice also evaluated its notable anti-inflammatory properties. Reduction of inflammation may lead to reduced pain, but studies are needed in humans.

4. Ginger oil

Often used in cooking, ginger has other effects outside of the spice cabinet. Its most notable benefits are anti-inflammatory properties, such as a 2016 study on rheumatoid arthritisTrusted Source showed.

5. Lavender oil

As one of the most widely studied and popular essential oils, lavender acts as a multipurpose oil for a variety of ailments. According to one clinical review, lavender oil can help alleviate headaches and muscle pain. Such benefits may transfer to back pain as well.

6. Eucalyptus oil

Known for both its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, eucalyptus oil can have analgesic effects in muscles and joints. A 2015 clinical review found that the oil has promise in treating ailments like arthritis, the flu, and wounds.

7. Roman and German chamomile oils

While chamomile is best known for its soothing and calming properties (the reason why many people drink chamomile tea when sick), the essential oil has other noted benefits. These include reduced muscle spasms and overall inflammation. Take care when using chamomile if you have a ragweed allergy, as the plants come from the same family.

8. Rosemary oil

Rosemary is more than just a cooking herb. Rosemary essential oil has clinically proven benefits. These include reduced pain from rheumatic disorders and menstrual cramps. Such anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects may also be helpful for back pain.

9. Sandalwood oil

Sandalwood oil contains anti-inflammatory properties. Such effects have been studied for their similar effects to over-the-counter medications. Reducing inflammation in the back with sandalwood oil could possibly decrease pain, too.

How to use essential oils for back pain

Finding the right essential oils for your back pain is just the beginning. Next, you need to know how to use them properly so you don’t get skin irritation or other side effects. Essential oils may be inhaled in aromatherapy or diluted and applied to your back topically or used in a bath.

Apply them topically

Essential oils can be used during a massage or rolled directly onto your back, but you must dilute them first.

Mix up to 6 drops of your selected oil with 6 teaspoons of a carrier oil, such as jojoba or olive oil. Do a patch test of your diluted oil on a small area of skin. After 24 hours, if no irritation develops, it’s likely you can safely use the oil on a larger area of skin, such as your back.

Apply your diluted mixture to the back liberally, massaging in lightly for more absorption. Be sure to wash your hands before touching your face, as you don’t want to irritate your eyes. Also, make sure the oil does not enter your mouth.

Inhale them throughout the day

Inhaling essential oils for pain and inflammation is another method. Add several drops of pure essential oils to water in a diffuser and leave it running in your home or office. You can add more oil or water to the diffuser throughout the day as needed.

Take an essential oil–infused bath

For a sore back, a warm and relaxing bath can help alleviate pain and inflammation. As a bonus, you can add diluted essential oils to your bathwater too, adding 10 drops to running water. Take care getting in and out of the tub in case the oils make surfaces slippery.





•可混合4-6滴base oil 與1至2滴的廣藿香精油搽於濕疹皮膚上
•天然除臭劑,在你的腋下擦1-2滴或添加到你最喜歡的Organic 身體乳液


講師:劉仁州. 摘要:駱育萱












Benefits of Natural Hand Sanitizer (with Essential Oils)
We don’t use even our natural hand sanitizer very often and opt for simple hand washing whenever possible. I do keep a little bottle of homemade hand sanitizer by the sink though to ensure safety after handling meat or changing a diaper, etc.

Besides stinking to high heaven, commercial sanitizers often contain drying alcohol that is too strong for kids to use anyway. The nice thing about making my own is I can make a more gentle version for use around the kids and a stronger one to use in a place like a public restroom.

Instead of triclosan or other antibacterial agents, I use essential oils that inhibit bacteria naturally, being careful to choose ones that are safe for kids.

Here are my go-to hand sanitizer recipes:

Gentle Hand Sanitizer Recipe (Safe for Kids)Homemade herbal hand sanitizer with essential oils

This herbal hand sanitizer gel doesn’t dry the skin and is actually nourishing because of the aloe vera. It’s also so simple that your children can help you make it. It can even be made in the container you plan to use so you don’t have to get a bowl dirty.

1/4 cup aloe vera gel (I use this organic one)
20 drops Tea tree Essential Oil (kid safe)
Mix all ingredients and store in a reusable silicone tube (like this one).
Use as needed to naturally remove germs from hands.
Stronger Hand Sanitizer Recipe
For a stronger hand sanitizer that performs like commercial versions (without the triclosan), try this recipe. If you work in a hospital, this might be a good one for your personal use. I would not use this recipe on kids!

1 TBSP rubbing alcohol
1/2 tsp vegetable glycerin (optional)
1/4 cup aloe vera gel
10 drops cinnamon essential oil
10 drops tea tree essential oil
distilled water (colloidal silver/ionic silver adds antibacterial power if available)
other essential oils (just for scent)
To make, mix aloe vera gel, optional glycerin, and rubbing alcohol in a small bowl.
Add cinnamon essential oil and tea tree oil along with a drop or two of any other oils you want to add for scent. Lemongrass, orange, lavender, and peppermint are good choices.
Mix well and add distilled water (or colloidal/ionic silver) to thin to desired consistency.
Use a small funnel or medicine dropper to transfer hand sanitizer into spray or pump type bottles.
Use as you would any other type of hand sanitizer.









It wrote form other oily groups



🙂最近芳療圈也陸續有人分享各種的防疫精油配方讓大家做參考,同時,這幾天也有學生問Claire,能否加開「呼吸道芳療」的課程來因應武漢肺炎的疫情,但開課需要許多的前置準備工作(先是決定地點、租借教室、印講義等等),無法在一兩天內立即實現。然而,防疫工作刻不容緩呀!因此,Claire決定先將個人進修法系芳療時,我向兩位芳療大師— #法蘭貢博士(貢爺)及 #潘威爾醫師 所學習到有關呼吸道感染症的內容,摘述重點先分享給大家做參考!
中國大陸去年(2019)12月在武漢市華南海鮮市場一帶爆發「不明原因肺炎」,後來證實與引爆致命嚴重急性呼吸道症候群(SARS)及中東呼吸症候群(MERS)疫情的禍首屬於同一個冠狀病毒家族。世界衛生組織(WHO)將「武漢肺炎」正名為「2019新型冠狀病毒(2019-nCoV)」。個案臨床表現主要為發熱,少數病人呼吸困難,胸部X光片呈雙肺浸潤性病灶。我國衛生福利部目前已公告新增「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎」為第五類法定傳染病。 (以上資料來自衛福部疾管署官網)
在病毒解剖構造中,除了遺傳物質是DNA或RNA之外,還有其他的結構存在,其中一個就是「 #脂質成分的外套膜」。而這個脂質外套膜,並非所有的病毒都具有,有的病毒具有、有的病毒不具有。了解這個特點,對於芳療用油很重要!因為這兩種不同構造的病毒,對於精油的敏感度並不同,也對於該選擇哪一支精油具有最佳抑制作用也有不同的結果。簡單說,就是在選擇抗病毒的精油之前,得先了解” #敵人是長什麼樣”(屬於哪一類的病毒),這樣才能拿對武器(精油)去應付它!
🙂Claire建議可以從提振我們人體的自然殺手細胞(NK cell)著手,增強自身免疫系統的作戰能力,芳療之中可以選用的精油如下:
▪️ #依蘭依蘭
▪️ #黑胡椒
▪️ #卡塔夫( #卡塔菲)(葉)
▪️ #古巴香脂
在貢爺的課堂上曾提到當年SARS(非典型呼吸綜合症)疫情爆發後,科學研究發現「 #月桂精油」對於冠狀病毒是具有最佳抑制作用的一支精油!使用濃度只要達到120(+/-1.2) μg/ml,就可以抑制50%病毒繁殖(簡寫為CI50=120μg /ml)。
在同份研究之中,另外「 #東方側柏」是排名第二,對於冠狀病毒也有不錯抑制效果,其CI50=130(+/-0.4)μg/ml。不過,這支精油可能大家比較不容易在市面上買到,因此,建議可以用其他松柏科的精油作為代替,一般來說,松柏科的精油(例如: #歐洲赤松 等)對於抗SARS病毒的能力也很不錯,抑制效益平均是CI50=150μg/m。

▪️建議配方:月桂90滴+綠花白千層30滴+肉桂葉30滴+澳洲尤加利20滴+柑橘類精油30滴(檸檬、甜橙、葡萄柚等都可以)+75%酒精100ml (可依噴瓶容量大小等比例增減)


個人意見, 化學博士喺佢嘅專業角度入面所提供嘅資料都有參考價值

但係精油,supplement ,空氣清新機完全冇用呢一個說法 我就唔同意

正如西醫同你講 cancer一定要用化療
定係用young living, 自己分析過每個人都有選擇...........
大家如果食咗 TG, 或感覺香港的空氣和水受污染了,也有朋友關左窗都中招,覺得鼻子及喉嚨都痛

☘在家中擴香purification + Melrose 靜化空氣

☘ 回家後立即徹底清潔身體
☘1.連續擴香5天 Frankincense或Peace and Calming 睡覺
☘2. Digize + juvacleanse每樣五滴 (入膠囊服用)

有中招人士試過,服用就嘔咗一大堆汙糟灰灰色嘢出嚟, 連續幾天的poopoo也有異樣廢物。

小朋友就把 grapefruit + juvacleanse 加入寧夏

☘supplement: sulfurzyme (使它與山埃毒結合,經過新陳代謝排出山埃毒,「釋放」紅血球,重拾運氧功能),comfortone排毒,Multigreens (內有葉綠素及螺旋藻,可清潔血液),Rehemogen (清潔血液)detoxzyme內部清洗解毒酶 ,juvatone清肝毒,endoflex (支緩甲狀腺及內分泌功能),NXR。

☘Peppermint + lemon/tangerine/orange/juveflex/juvacleanse 稀釋搽肝位

☘DiGize/Tummy/Parsley(HK)/Cilantro(US) 稀釋搽肚

Peppermint 3滴
Teatree 4滴
薰衣草 4滴
Copaiba 4滴
Thieves 4滴
60ml 水

☘喉嚨心口搽乳香、沒藥、檀香、Lemon lavender、peppermint 及尤加利


☘戴上手套和口罩,用凍/溫水+thieves household cleaner, 由上而下清潔,以免粉末到處飛揚,千萬不要用熱水釋放毒素。
☘不停diffuse purifcation + Melrose 淨化空間


FYR ( 不過要提醒大家如果真係冇正常嘅穀胱甘泰其實下面所有嘅嘢都會令到身體毒上加毒)


Black tea theaflavins suppress dioxin-induced transformation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor.

白藜蘆醇可以抑制二噁英的毒性 (白藜蘆醇在紅色和黑色提子皮中最豐富)
Resveratrol has antagonist activity on the aryl hydrocarbon receptor: implications for prevention of dioxin toxicity.

The aryl receptor inhibitor epigallocatechin-3-gallate protects INS-1E beta-cell line against acute dioxin toxicity.

Oral administration of hesperidin, a citrus flavonone, in rats counteracts the oxidative stress, the inflammatory cytokine production, and the hepatotoxicity induced by the ingestion of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD).

我在香港大學營養學系畢業近20年了, 於2014年獲香港浸會大學邀請參加第一屆生態養殖及公眾健康國際會議,發表有關植物營養素對環境有毒物質的解毒作用及其臨床應用,解釋如何利用營養去保護身體免受有毒重金屬的毒害,也會講解有毒重金屬的來源,讓大家懂得選擇具有療效的食物去保護身體。論文於2017年在國際環境科學及污染研究期刊正式發表,也被美國國家醫學圖書館數據庫收錄其中。



【美國終於承認手術或化療後癌細胞反而加速擴散】 - 路透社報道



參考連結:Inhibition of TGF-β with neutralizing antibodies prevents radiation-induced acceleration of metastatic cancer progression



主持研究的卡洛斯.。啊特亞加博士補充說,可能還有其他物質與TGF-be-ta一樣對癌症的治療有類此的影響。他們希望通過對TGF-be-ta的研究得出更多結論。 以上訊息在10月8日的《參考訊息》報也有報導。

看來主張手術或放化療治療癌症的人,良心終於被發現了。 人類自從3000年前發明瞭藥物以來,200年前發現了抗生素,人類的疾病就更複雜,更多,更難治。










8、請癌症病人去新華書店購買《營養免疫學》陳昭妃癌症研究博士著,《不要讓不懂營養學的醫生殺了你》雷.D.斯全德醫學博士著。《別讓醫生殺了你》, 《食物是最好的醫生》,《醫生對你隱瞞了什麼》...等最新學科書籍。但是闡述得最完整最好的還是《營養免疫學》這本書。
9 四大基石裡的休息和運動促使免疫力提高。晚上安靜下來睡覺的時候,是人體內免疫細胞正在大量修復身體破損的細胞的時候,所以晚上也是最需要休息和營養的時候。

Inhibition of TGF-β with neutralizing antibodies prevents radiation-induced acceleration of metastatic cancer progression

We investigated whether TGF-β induced by anticancer therapies accelerates tumor progression. Using the MMTV/PyVmT transgenic model of metastatic breast cancer, we show that administration of ionizing radiation or doxorubicin caused increased circulating levels of TGF-β1 as well as increased circulating tumor cells and lung metastases. These effects were abrogated by administration of a neutralizing pan–TGF-β antibody. Circulating polyomavirus middle T antigen–expressing tumor cells did not grow ex vivo in the presence of the TGF-β antibody, suggesting autocrine TGF-β is a survival signal in these cells. Radiation failed to enhance lung metastases in mice bearing tumors that lack the type II TGF-β receptor, suggesting that the increase in metastases was due, at least in part, to a direct effect of TGF-β on the cancer cells. These data implicate TGF-β induced by anticancer therapy as a prometastatic signal in tumor cells and provide a rationale for the simultaneous use of these therapies in combination with TGF-β inhibitors.

Go to:
TGF-β is both a tumor suppressor and a tumor promoter. The TGF-β ligands bind to cognate serine/threonine kinase transmembrane receptors, which in turn phosphorylate and activate the Smad family of signal transducers. Once activated, Smad2 and Smad3 associate with Smad4 and translocate to the nucleus, where they regulate the transcription of genes involved in cell cycle arrest and apoptosis (1), essential for the tumor suppressor role of the TGF-βs. Indeed, loss or attenuation of TGF-β signaling in epithelial cells and stroma is permissive for epithelial cell transformation (2, 3). On the other hand, introduction of dominant-negative TGF-β receptors into metastatic cancer cells has been shown to inhibit epithelial-to-mesenchymal transdifferentiation, motility, invasiveness, and survival, supporting the tumor promoter role in TGF-β in fully transformed cells (reviewed in ref. 4). Most carcinomas retain TGF-β receptors but attenuate or lose the Smad-dependent antimitogenic effect while, in some cases, gaining prometastatic abilities in response to TGF-β. In addition, excess production and/or activation of TGF-β by cancer cells can contribute to tumor progression by paracrine mechanisms involving modulation of the tumor microenvironment (2, 5, 6). These data have provided a rationale in favor of blockade of autocrine/paracrine TGF-β signaling in human cancers with a therapeutic intent.

In addition to Smads, TGF-β can stimulate several transforming signaling pathways (7). TGF-β has previously been shown to protect transformed cells from apoptosis (8–10). One possible mechanism for this cellular response is TGF-β–induced activation of PI3K and its target, the serine-threonine kinase Akt (11, 12), a signaling program associated with resistance to anticancer drugs. Some tumors resistant to conventional anticancer chemotherapy overexpress TGF-βs (13, 14), and inhibitors of TGF-β have been shown to reverse this resistance (15). In addition, overexpression of TGF-β ligands have been reported in most cancers, and high levels of these in tumor tissues and/or serum are associated with early metastatic recurrences and/or poor patient outcome (16–21).

In transgenic models of breast cancer, TGF-β signaling enhances the metastatic progression of established mammary tumors induced by oncogenes such as Neu/ErbB2 or polyomavirus middle T antigen (PyVmT) (22–24). Furthermore, in transgenic mice expressing the PyVmT oncogene under the control of the MMTV/LTR mammary promoter, conditional induction of active TGF-β1 for as little as 2 weeks increases lung metastases by more than 10-fold (10). Some anticancer therapies have been shown to induce TGF-β systemically or in situ (25–28). Therefore, we speculated that in tumors resistant to anticancer therapies or in resistant subpopulations within those tumors, treatment-induced TGF-β would provide a survival signal to cancer cells potentially accelerating tumor progression immediately after therapy. Using the MMTV/PyVmT transgenic model of metastatic breast cancer, we show here that administration of ionizing radiation or doxorubicin caused increased circulating levels of TGF-β1 as well as increased circulating tumor cells and lung metastases. These effects were abrogated by administration of a neutralizing pan–TGF-β antibody. Radiation did not increase lung metastases in mice bearing tumors that lack the type II TGF-β receptor (TβRII). These data implicate TGF-β induced by anticancer therapy as a prometastatic signal in tumors and thus provide a rationale for the simultaneous use of these therapies in combination with TGF-β inhibitors.

Go to:
Thoracic radiation and chemotherapy increase circulating TGF-β1.

We administered 10 Gy to the thoraxes or pelvises of 8-week-old FVB virgin female mice. Blood was collected 24 hours after irradiation. We observed an approximate 2-fold increase in plasma TGF-β1 in irradiated mice over controls regardless of the site of radiation (thorax, P = 0.03; pelvis, P = 0.02; Figure Figure1A),1A), while TGF-β2 levels did not change (data not shown). Similar results were obtained in 8-week-old MMTV/PyVmT transgenic mice and in nontransgenic mice transplanted with MMTV/PyVmT tumor cells stably transfected with a luciferase expression vector (P = 0.015 and P = 0.007, respectively, versus controls; Figure Figure1B).1B). Levels of TGF-β1 remained higher than controls 7 days after radiation (data not shown). To expand these results to other anticancer therapies, we examined the effect of the DNA-intercalating agent and topoisomerase II inhibitor doxorubicin (Adriamycin). Transgenic mice were treated 3 times with doxorubicin (5 mg/kg i.p.) at 21-day intervals starting at week 8. In plasma collected on week 15, TGF-β1 was also elevated 2-fold compared with untreated mice (P = 0.009; Figure Figure1C),1C), whereas TGF-β2 levels remained constant. To measure activated TGF-β1 in the lung tissue harvested 5 weeks after radiation, we used a TGF-β1 bioassay that uses mink lung epithelial cells stably expressing a plasminogen activator inhibitor–1/luciferase reporter (PAI-1/luciferase reporter) (29). Tissue lysates from irradiated mouse lungs induced a 2-fold increase in active TGF-β1 compared with nonirradiated lung tissue lysates (P = 0.0008; Figure Figure1D). 1D).


Can anyone help to stop the fire real soon or NOW


Summer sunny moist spray DIY


陳俊旭 美國自然醫學博士


什麼是 #好轉反應?

它的英文是Reverse Reaction,我也把它叫做,中醫書籍裡稱之為,是吃了天然藥物以後 身體在變好之前會有一些看起來好像惡化的症狀,其實是身體要恢復健康的一個過程.

好轉反應的症狀包括: 頭暈 想睡覺 頭痛 發燒 各種疼痛 發癢 起疹子,或是以前發過症狀又浮現.為什麼會有好轉反應呢?我們首先要來瞭解一下疾病演化的過程.


舉例來說,小孩子碰到流感病毒 (就是健康受到干擾),這時身體就很可能會發燒 (進入急性發炎),這是一種正常的生理反應,健康小孩休息一兩天,多喝水就會好了(從急性發炎回到健康狀態),但是,如果你用壓抑性的療法把發燒症狀壓抑下來 (吃退燒藥就是一種壓抑療法),這時發燒會迅速退下,但其實身體已經進入另一個的階段,例如慢性中耳炎.鼻竇炎.起疹子等等.此時,免疫力其實已經下降了,小孩也會因此常常感冒.


什麼叫做退化性疾病? 就是用西藥來治的話,它會一直退化,而且已經無路可退 (除非死亡).


當你用對天然藥物或療法時,疾病會往回走,換句話說會回到上一個階段.我這幾個月看了不少鼻子過敏與氣喘的病人,很多人都出現起疹子的好轉反應,就是身體從慢性發炎回復到急性發炎.換個層面來看,身體是從皮膚排出體內過多的毒素,這些毒素有可能是過敏原,也有可能是真正的環境或飲食毒素.( 過敏有可能是排毒,但也有可能是對藥物的過敏反應 )


這種的暝眩反應,通常發生在那些常熬夜,用意志力壓抑瞌睡蟲的人身上,現代上班族特別多.所以,當他吃到適合的天然藥物時,不管是要處理什麼症狀,它常會激發出身體的生命力,回復到當初想睡覺但被壓抑的狀態.這時,你應該馬上就地找個地方躺下來或趴下來休息.等到這種反應消失了,你的身體就往健康又邁進一大步,不過我有不少病人,這種反應發生在上班時,所以,不能就地休息,有點可惜 ,以他們的復原會久一點.( 頭暈應是服藥後氣血增加了但身體經絡未通的現象,想睡則是生病原本體內腎上腺壓制著,一旦好轉放手後,身體自然呈現倦了累了想睡了 )

身體很奧妙的,我越是唸了越多書,臨床上看了越多,越是發現還有很多地方,科學研究還沒有涉略,反而是半瓶醋的人最容易響叮噹也最武斷. 所以,大家應該以一個開放的心胸來看待新事物,在沒有弄清楚它之前,先不要說它錯,但也不要沾了一點邊 ,認為它一定對.

要區別患著目前是好轉反應或疾病惡化,必須要由訓練有素而且經驗豐富的自然醫學醫師來負責,因為失之毫釐差之千里 (必須由些細微的主觀感覺與客觀症狀來區分).

還有一點很重要,發生好轉反應時千萬不能再吃西藥把症狀壓下去,否則就前功盡棄了.很多病人在發燒或起疹子的時候慌了陣腳,去看西醫 又吃了或擦了西藥,那就枉費過去大家的努力.

如果是癌症患者,在使用正確的自然醫學治療當中 一旦發燒,是值得放鞭炮慶祝的好事,表示癌症就快好了,但如果吃了退燒藥,據美國統計,沒幾個月就很快走了,所以好轉反應不要馬虎看待.


關於基底油 (carrier oils)*
當您想要稀釋精油時,載體就係叫做基礎油, 或者底油。 底油嘅性質唔應該被忽視
好多人只係識得用椰子油來稀釋精油 可能係因為佢容易使用同埋保存期比較長 … 但現實係 需要正確使用厎油 同精油配對先可以發揮更多嘅好處
當然我經常極力推介 young living V6
經過精心嘅調配, 無論係質感同埋用處方面都發揮到最好, 而且保存期長

注意: 一般需要冷藏嘅底油保存期為三至六個月, 其他則為一至兩年。 不過有一啲例如月見草油保存期真係好短所以不建議一次買好多
其實用個鼻聞一聞就知道"有冇過期" 要檢查一個運營商是否已經腐敗,只需聞一聞.
🌱☡☡大部分時間令到皮膚過敏 都係因為用咗過期或者唔恰當嘅底油,而並非精油本身!
如果本身 身體係對某一類堅果或者植物過敏, 使用嗰一種嘅底油同精油都會令皮膚過敏……

From my Frd FB ... just wanna share it

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香薰治療小貼士-紓緩春季各種身體不適的困擾│芳療師 Fiona Lui
撰文: 許詠妍發佈日期:2018-03-07 21:00 最後更新日期:2018-03-08 15:25

【編按:作者為Fiona Lui】




暢通鼻腔:薄荷(peppermint)、澳洲尤加利(Eucalyptus Radiata適合成人與兒童)

止鼻水:茶樹(Tea Tree)、羅文莎葉(Ravintsara)、澳洲尤加利(Eucalyptus Radiata)、羅馬洋甘菊( Roman Chamomile)、桃金孃(Myrtle)


紓緩喉嚨不適:苦配巴(Copaiba)、乳香(Frankincense)、百里香(Thyme),薰衣草(Lavender),薄荷(Peppermint)、澳洲尤加利 (Eucalyptus Radiata)


只要遵行安全用法,以高比例稀釋或水氧機擴香,小朋友也可放心使用精油,初用者可選用較溫和的精油,如比較溫和的澳洲尤加利(Eucalyptus Radiata)、乳香(Frankincense)等等。建議兒童以高比例稀釋,如1-2滴天然精油配合10-20滴的基底油植物油。只有薄荷(Peppermint)建議須滿2-3歲以上再使用尤佳。


檸檬2滴(Lemon)+茶樹4滴(Tea Tree)+甜橙4滴(Orange)
丁香4滴 (Clove)+肉桂皮4滴(Cinnamon Bark)+檸檬2滴(Lemon)
檸檬4滴(Lemon)+迷迭香4滴(Rosemary)+肉桂皮2滴(Cinnamon Bark)
茶樹6滴(Tea Tree)+澳洲尤加利4滴(Eucalyptus Radiata)
桃金孃4滴(Myrtle)+茶樹4滴(Tea Tree)+檸檬2滴(Lemon)
薰衣草4滴(Lavender)+檸檬2滴(Lemon)+ 澳洲尤加利4滴(Eucalyptus Radiata)
澳洲尤加利6滴(Eucalyptus Radiata)+羅馬洋甘菊4滴(Roman Chamomile)
羅文莎葉4滴(Ravintsara)+茶樹4滴(Tea Tree)+檸檬2滴(Lemon)

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