Chatter Box Film Videos

Videos by Chatter Box Film. Welcome to the Chatter Box Film page. This is a website for News, Discussions and Reviews covering b

Just got home from seeing two episodes of Loki season 2 at BFI Southbank and they are fantastic, I can't wait to watch more!
Comedy has been dialled up between Wilson & Hiddleston in this, which does work well. I love Ke Huy Quan's character!
It's so seamless going into the second season. Fantastic sets & Natalie Holt's music is great!

There's a full review arriving later today on

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Just got home from seeing two episodes of Loki season 2 at BFI Southbank and they are fantastic, I can't wait to watch more! Comedy has been dialled up between Wilson & Hiddleston in this, which does work well. I love Ke Huy Quan's character! It's so seamless going into the second season. Fantastic sets & Natalie Holt's music is great! There's a full review arriving later today on

Check out all of our articles on Doctor Who so far.

Loki season 2 release date has been brought forward by 1 day, to October 5.

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