Andy Barley

Andy Barley

Andy Barley is a singer, songwriter, composer and multi instrumentalist.

Hand, Heart, Soul and Life (Lyric video). 17/07/2023

Here is a little preview into what the new album has in store for you all.
This song is called 'Hand, Heart, Soul and Life' and will be featured on ' The Unseen Blemish' which will be out very very soon.

Hand, Heart, Soul and Life (Lyric video). Lyric video for Hand, Heart, Soul and Life.A song that will be featured on the upcoming album 'The Unseen Blemish'.

Merchandise 28/03/2023

Merchandise Just a little video to show you all the merchandise that is available over at https://andy-barley.teemill.comAlso if you are at all interested in the music t...


Official merch is now available over at


Today is the day that I can announce official merchandise.
There's only a few designs available at the moment but there will be more on the way soon so go over to
And have a look.

The Unseen Blemish Intro. 23/02/2023

Just dropping thing here for anyone who's interested.

The Unseen Blemish Intro. It's official now.The new Album is on it's way.

Antichrist 19/01/2023

So something different about my next album which will be out in the next few months is that there is one song that will be featuring the guitarist from this band so please check them out, give them a like and a share.
Cheers all and I will be giving you all an update on the next album very very soon.



A year ago today I independantly released my debut, solo album, Trinkets.
During the writing and recording phase of this project I was pretty anxious about actually getting to the end and getting it out there for people to hear. There were 3 reasons for this anxiety, the first was the content and the subject of the album as it was very raw and personal to me and I wrote the lyrics of each song based on actual experiences and feelings. The second reason was the style/genre, I like to mess around with music and mix genres so my music is often described as niche or experimental and the third reason that I was nervous about releasing Trinkets kind of branched from reason number 2. I had convinced myself that no one would listen to it or like it.
Today, exactly a year since the release I am extremely humbled and proud to say that this album has been streamed 1374 times across multiple platforms and has been used as a gateway to my previous singles for a lot of people around the world and a fan base has been born. I am indescribably grateful and honoured to be able to write this statement about something that I almost did not do because of my own self esteem issues and I thank all of you people that proved me wrong and continue to show me that the music I make is wanted and enjoyed.
There will be a new single soon and as soon as I have an idea for a new album you can bet your sweet asses that it will be made and released without hesitation.


So this has happened today.