Clarity Community

Clarity Community

Combining the most effective approaches to guide you through the toughest but most fulfilling growth of your life


Procrastinating? Self sabotaging? Fear of success? Feel like you’re experiencing a glass ceiling- can’t seem to grow past a certain point? 3 steps forward 2 back? Repeating the same patterns over and over?

Beliefs have more impact than you might realise. Beliefs about yourself, your own worth, the world and your place in it, or even the rules of life all affect how you deal with pretty much everything.

Imagine if you have a fundamental belief that say you are fundamentally flawed, therefore anything you do can’t be right. You find a way to self sabotage every single time you have a ‘win’.

Have you noticed every single lotto winner ends up losing it all- and often ends up in an even worse financial position after. It’s not safe to be happy and financially free- if your fundamentally flawed and going to mess it up anyway you’ll find a way to do exactly that

Beliefs are easy to change once you shine a light on them. Once a belief is identified that doesn’t work for you, it only takes a few minutes. And the change- is such a relief


"It's just so quiet"

I regularly hear this when someone resolves their anxiety.

"I fall asleep as soon as I hit the pillow" "I don't wake up in the middle of the night anymore"

One of the most consistent signs of anxiety is the 'noisy head'- overthinking, perfectionism, having to break down every little thing, over analyzing and overwhelm. Often we don't realize just how noisy it is- until it's turned off. Then it can be a moment of absolute joy when- often for the first time in memory- quiet.

Sleeping through the night

Trusting yourself


It's like a light switch that, once we resolve the reason for the anxiety- it just....disappears. Like turning it off with a switch.

Its safe to be calm, and its safe to know we don't need that old anxiety anymore. We don't need that noise, it's safe to sleep and know what it's like to really rest.

It's time to do something to help you through this.


Trauma Informed
or Trauma Effective

Trauma informed at its most basic concepts is therapy that is designed to not re traumatise, with the goal through therapy to reduce the symptoms of trauma.

The problem is, treating or reducing the symptoms of trauma doesn't resolve the trauma. It can help, but the underlying cause of emotional distress for so many people remains and often requires ongoing therapy over years.

It's like taking a pain pill for a broken arm. The pain will be reduced, but the reason for the pain, the root cause, is still there.

We focus on Trauma Effective. What resolves the original trauma, the original root cause for pain, suffering, distress, PTSD, depression or anxiety can be surprisingly fast, simple and effective leaving the symptoms of trauma to simply resolve themselves- often immediately.

What remains is- freedom, beautiful possibility. Balanced emotions that allow natural growth and exploration.

What would you choose- Trauma informed or Trauma Effective?


Typical results. Not the exception. Fast, easy, effective. Long term. Proven.

From TRTP Practitioner, Cathy Domoney:


"I don't think about those things anymore"
"It's MY time!"
"I have never felt so confident in all of my life"
"It's just gone! I can't find it anymore! It's gone! (Depression)"
"I feel so empowered"
"I don't understand, I thought that (anxiety) was real. It was so real. I can't believe I've lived my life like that"
"It was just so hard. I honetly feel like I'll never feel that again"
"My eating has reduced significantly. I just don't need to eat all of the time"
"I don't rage clean anymore"
"I just feel so good"
"I used to feel like I don't belong. It feels so different now"
"I feel so at peace"
"I realize now how much it just doesn't matter. I spent so much time worrying about taking on everyone else's responsibility"
"I honestly have never felt so good"
"I used to shake anytime something happened. I noticed it again the other day but I honestly feel like I don't need it anymore. It just went away"
"I choose!"

Real reactions. Real people. Just extraudinary permanent results.

What is holding you back?


I’m helping quite a few ex NLP’ers lately, who have the feeling ‘something is still there’, even after years of ‘doing the work’ and incorporating other modalities.
There’s a common theme.
NLP doesn’t turn off the original reason for needing to ‘Do the work’. NLP works on the emotions behaviours and patterns stacked on top of the original problem. It doesn’t deal with the original problem.
So even if you’re successful dealing with all of these ‘stacks’, the problem is still there…. And the stacked emotions behaviours and patterns return….. sometimes with a vengeance because now- there’s a layer of guilt and shame to deal with that wasn’t there before.
The ‘keystone’ to the whole system is the original problem. It’s running in the background, 24/7. It’s running the show, the unconscious is doing everything in its power to keep the system safe. By stacking emotions patterns and behaviours on that 24/7 problem.
Finding, and turning off that original problem is actually quite easy, when you know how. And- it doesn’t come back. The system doesn’t need these stacked emotions patterns and behaviours anymore…. They just collapse, some immediately, others over time.
Like taking the keystone out of an arch.


We are far stronger and infinantly more capable than we believe we are

Our ability to heal and move past adversity is only limited by our ability to keep moving forward. Never, never give up.

I met an absolutely inspirational young man today.

4 years ago he was in a horrific traffic incident when riding a moped. A truck lost control.

Every. Single. Bone. Was broken. Every. One.

He died. Twice. On the operating table.

He spent 2 years in intensive therapy. Learning to walk again, do basic things for himself again.

So many people would have given up, stopped moving forward. Stopped growing. Accepted the situation as 'done', as 'I can't'.

Today, I met him- riding his moped. Self employed, and mastering his craft of- high end car detailing.

Every single one of us is capable of amazing, amazing things. We tend to think we're just another person, just average- just - me. But- We all have within us the ability to grow, to excel, to move beyond the past.

Do not accept where you are as the only option. Please. Whatever you do, keep moving forward. No matter how small the steps you can take. Some days it may feel like you're going backwards, and every single step forward is a step closer.

Reach out for help. We can make it so much easier.

Let's change the narrative.


Our job as an adult- is to be the hero our younger selves needed but never had.

Then, to find a way, whatever that may be, to heal the wounds of the past.

You owe it to your self.

Let’s change the narrative

As traumatized children
we always dreamed that someone would come and save us.
We never dreamed that it would, in fact, be ourselves, as adults- Alice Little


This is typical results, not exceptions, not one off’s, the same results we see with clients time after time.
Anxious clients typically talk about the calm and quietness after just 2 sessions.
Let’s change the narrative.

When a client comes for their third session and says,

"I am so excited to see you. I never realized I could have peace within my own head. You have literally changed how my brain works in two sessions. The voice in my head ..... just gone. I can enjoy the radio, I can enjoy the peace of being me"


Extreme Anxiety- GONE
Overwhelm- GONE
Self doubt- GONE
Perfectionism- GONE
Reacting to situations- GONE
No idea how to go on- GONE

These are TYPICAL results, not the exception.


What do you need GONE?

Rapidly Relieve Anxiety, Stress, PTSD & Depression! By Resolving Traumatic Events | Judith Richards 20/03/2023

Do you have hidden trauma?

What is the actual cause of mental healt challenges today?

Rapidly Relieve Anxiety, Stress, PTSD & Depression! By Resolving Traumatic Events | Judith Richards If you're facing anxiety, stress, PTSD, and Depression, chances are there's a trauma or unresolved traumatic event in your past that's keeping you stuck. And...


What does it feel like…. To get rid of the monster in the closet

For some people, no matter how much you earn, how high the achievement, how great the accolade, how notable in the community, that feeling of- being broken, flawed, no good, unworthy, useless, deserve to be treated like s**t- persists under the surface. It’s like a monster in the closet, we know it’s there but we can try to not to look at it. Until it makes a sound…. Then it’s hard to think about anything else….

Sometimes it feels like it’s getting better- a holiday, a promotion, new financial goal or relationship or even a puppy make it feel like ‘I’m getting there’ until eventually that old feeling slowly drips back into reality, like a slow leak in the ceiling. Most people will experience this cycle hundreds, thousands of times thinking ‘this time it will be different’

Our focus is to resolve that old feeling, and very quickly, extraordinarily efficiently.

The moment that feeling is gone is- so unusual, so relieving and yet so - strange. Because it’s been there like a monster in the closet since childhood and when the monster is actually finally gone it’s like we look for it, wondering why it’s not there scaring us anymore. That part of us that’s always been so scary to even look at just isn’t there, no matter where we look it’s gone. The monster is gone. Never to return.

Soon, a new reality sets in.

This new reality is- indescribable, like the most beautiful landscape you’ve ever found yourself in. Words just can’t describe it, i know because I’ve tried and so have those who know what it’s like- how to explain what it’s like to go from the monster to just blissful awareness- it’s something you have to experience for yourself.

Give yourself the gift, of knowing what it’s like 07/03/2023

‘Just working on the next layer’ ‘you’ll never be done working on layers’

It’s the explanation offered particularly in the personal development space when someone goes through cycles of feeling good, to then eventually feeling like they are back where they started- anxious, sad, looking for why they aren’t ‘done’ yet. This is constantly reinforced as the ongoing work to be done.

Most therapies do not work with the actual problem. Usually they work to collapse the emotions built on top of the root cause which leaves people feeling great- ecstatic and ready to face the world, but there’s almost always something… that just doesn’t get resolved.

At first it’s easy to ignore as ‘I’m taking responsibility for my emotions’ until the emotions Re- stack and then- you’re in the next layer of the onion, so to speak. And the cycle repeats.

Our focus is on the root problem, true original cause, the real reason why there’s so many stacked emotions. Resolve this, and there are no more layers. There is no onion. Any remaining patterns or stacked emotions fall away naturally without additional tools, it just doesn’t make sense to hold onto them anymore.

If your experiencing the layers of the onion, and you know that there’s something there that you just can’t put your finger on and can’t shift no matter how many redecisions you do, it might be time to finally resolve that root cause problem


What's the actual problem? Sometimes it's in the background just out of's just out of sight.

"Everything was going so well then all of a sudden...."
"I don't want to sabotage this relationship..."
"I don't want to be weak in front of him"
"Everytime I think about what she said I feel horrible...."
"I used to be able to outrun my problems, but I just can't now"

There are so many clues in the conversations we have with people that shine a light on what is really causing the problem. More often than not, infact in almost every single case- the problem isn't at all what it first seems to be.

What happens when we solve the REAL problem?

Everything becomes....clear....easy.....flow..... life doesn't stop giving us problems but somehow what used to be Mount Everest sized obstacles just become.....just something to sort out.

It's like turning on the light in a very dark room....or focusing the lense on an old style camera- the solution just becomes so clear that life becomes so. much. easier.

if you're on the fence, just wondering if this is for you....


Just see for yourself.


As business owners and professionals a certain level of outcome is expected. That could be KPI’s, sales or even an income level.
But what happens when the distressing events of the past, often in childhood, get in the way?

Every professional and high achiever I’ve known had pushed through their demons to get where they are, usually at the cost of some other area of life. What’s true for everyone is at some point, there’s only so far you can push- until it’s like running against a bungee cord, you just can’t go any further. Even worse, once you get to that point things start falling apart, and there’s only so many fires you can put out at once.

Taking our clients through our very fast and simple 3 step process is like cutting the bungee cord. Our clients typically hit the ground running, reaching new heights of achievement because they are no longer fighting against the past, no longer putting so much effort into proving themselves, making things right.

They find….flow… energy.. excitement… and a whole new way to deal with life.

If this is you, you know what to do…..


Anger!! Resentment!! Frustration!! Gahhh!!!

When we are in a situation where we are hurt and someone else has power over us, normally we are left unable to ‘ turn off’ the event and put it in long term storage where it belongs.

Instead the body and unconscious believe the event is happening over and over….. We turn to frustration anger or resentment to deal with the ongoing feeling that just doesn’t go away.

Unfortunately telling someone to calm down or use a technique just doesn’t address the problem, willpower only goes so far. Guilt and shame only make it worse, compounding the problem when I should be able to control myself’ inevitably pops up.

‘Turning off’ the event and storing it in long term memory resolve this. The body and the unconscious need to know the event is over, and you’re safe now. Most of these events take minutes- not years- when you have the right mentor.

Once we know that it’s over and we’re safe now the anger, resentment or frustration simply disappears. It serves no purpose anymore, so we naturally find better ways.

There is a way. We can help.


‘It’s like a switch has been turned off. When I think back to how I was I just can’t imagine how I managed’

Being around mental health and personal development for a lot of years I’ve seen the cycles people tend to go through after different therapies. Most therapies work by altering emotions without resolving the original trauma so the cycle repeats- Re stacking emotions which leads to those unwanted behaviours and patterns.

Months after resolving trauma our clients no longer experience the same cycle, instead continue to grow often in ways they couldn’t imagine. It’s hard to imagine what life is like once you’re out of the hole… but looking back it’s as if that hole that seemed so very dark and deep just no longer seems to matter…. It’s hard to even remember what it was like being back there.

It’s like it never even happened.



Are one of the best indicators that the hippocampus hasn't stored an event in long term memory, and that event is happening now in the unconcious and the body.

Both the unconcious and the body need to know that the event is over, and its safe now.

Try it for yourself- take a deep breath, centre yourself, and say out loud "It's over, and I'm safe now"
And notice, even just for a few moments, what that's like. To know that it's over, and you're safe now.

When we 'turn off' trauma- or the events are finally stored in long term memory, a sense of profound calm is usually the first thing people notice. Often followed by joy.

When you notice yourself being triggered, know that it can literally be resolved. Permanently.


Procrastination, perfectionism, people pleasing, anxiety, depression, caretaking.........

We often talk about the really big ugly events that have an obvious effect on a person as they grow. But after years of research, resolving anxiety and depression and leading people to a far happier and more enriched life there has been some very surprising results.

'Little T' trauma affects more people, just as profoundly and sometimes moreso, than big traumatic events.

What we're talking about is very simple benign events that as an adult it's so easy to dismiss as 'that's just life', but as a child in just that moment, we form ideas about who we are and our value in the world, and ofen choose a pathway that leads to these not so helpful patterns, like perfectionism, anxiety, people pleasing or caretaking. The 'nice guy' or 'good girl' role that so many people are left trying to fulfil that causes so many problems is a great example.

Perfectionism has a similar structure- say as a 5 year old the person that they look up to (usually a parent) just can't give what the child needs in the moment, which leads to an idea like 'to be loved I have to do better'- then over the years the bar keeps getting set higher. Perfectionism is the result. It's not the parents fault, nor the child's, yet in that moment an identity is formed.

Thankfully, it's super fast and easy to resolve.

We're blessed to have learned from the best at how to deal with these 'Little T' traumas- these defining life events, so they simply lose their effect. It's like they never happened. It's freeing.

Let us show you what it's like to truly live. 10/11/2022

Simple. Fast. Effective.

As little as 2 sessions, 7 days apart. 2 sessions is all it takes to know you’ve done the work to defeat Depression or Anxiety. You’ll know it’s done. A third session ‘locks it in’.
2 sessions, 7 days and you’ll know what it’s like to feel free.
2 sessions. 7 days.

The sky is the limit.

Be free.


Beecause you are enough!


Often choice is taken away early in life. Unconciously, if we don't have choice, we lose our power. Power to help ourselves and to help others. This is where we end up stuck in a situation and can't see a way out.

Session 1- we show you how to take your choice back. Quite often over the next few days it becomes clearer just how much choice has been given up over years, and it feels so good to be back in your power. Power to choose for yourself, power to change, power to live a rich, fulfilling life.

There's so much more that happens over 3 sessions that profoundly changes lives, we're blessed to be able to truly help people as much as we can in such a very short time.


So why is what we do different to anyone else?

Most therapies work on the emotions created by events when we are younger. Emotions are ‘stacked’- so anger or frustration is usually felt as a build up of that emotion over time, not just what would be appropriate in the moment. This is especially true for those who keep things to themselves.

We work on the reason for the stacked emotions. Most often:

- changing unconscious core beliefs to the positive
- resolving distressing events which haven’t been resolved, which keep replaying in the unconcious being triggered as though that event is ‘happening now’.
- guiding you to take your power back in those traumatic moments where you felt you were powerless
- showing the unconscious that the event is over, and you’re safe now
-introduce the truth of who you are without all of those beliefs that used to hold you back
And so many more aspects tailored to you

Once these have been resolved in the unconcious, the emotions and symptoms simply resolve. There’s no reason to be anxious or depressed anymore- the symptoms disappear, almost instantly.

All we need is for you to throw yourself into the process, and follow step by step. Easy, fast, profound, guaranteed.


“I’ve never been so calm”
“I’m just not getting frustrated”
“I’m still getting used to how easy it is to talk to people, I never realised how anxious I was just from talking”
“I now sleep like a baby”
“My hands are still” (don’t have shaking hands

The results are consistent. Reach out, please don’t accept anything less than a positive, rich, wonderful life.


This as a simplistic concept explains where people are when they are experiencing Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, and so many other issues.

A deer grazing in the field is at calm. Aware, but calm. The moment a potential threat comes too close they have a respose- head up looking and listening for danger, no danger then they switch back to calm.
A tiger jumps out and chases them, they instantly go into 'flight', adrenaline rushes and blood is moved from the digestion and healing processes to the running muscles. They outrun the tiger- whew! They almost instantly switch back to calm- grazing within minutes. Aware, but calm.

People are meant to be similar. We're meant to use a 'switch' that says 'the danger is over, it's safe now go back to calm'. The problem is we're so smart, many of us override our natural calm switch.

We have a big distressing event when we're young, we go up to fight flight or freeze because 'I'm not safe'. Then, through whatever circumstances at the time we're taught to stay in that 'I'm not safe' mode- where we stay- often for life. This is where so many problems are being presented- from anxiety to chronic fatigue, constant pain, sleeplessness, and so many other issues.

Dr Bruce Lipton realized back in the 70's, that cells only have 2 switches. Shutdown survival, or thriving and growing. Nothing in between. If you're living in flight or fright, the cells are switched to 'shutdown survival'. You dont repair, grow or thrive. More and more ailments present themselves as the system breaks down.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

It only takes a few hours for this to change, with the right technique and the right guidance that 'its over, I'm safe now' switch can be flipped, and you never have to live in flight fright or freeze ever again. You can experience genuine, quiet, easy, perfect, calm and leave so many problems behind.


Procrastination and perfectionism are often best friends.
If you just keep putting off the thing you do, you can't 'get in trouble', you can't get the consequences.
If you cant finish something until its absolutely perfect then you put off the inevitable result. Because it's never good enough right?

What about the perfectionists who can't accept anything less than perfect because less than perfect is not acceptable?

When we're young often we choose patterns that serve our individual situation so we can stay 'safe'. That could be 'I have to get this absolutely perfect because I'm not enough unless I get it perfect', or - 'no matter what I do its not good enough so if I delay the result I avoid that feeling of being not good enough'.

These patterns are very easy to switch off, once we know where they come from. Once we know the pattern, it becomes obvious. Once we know where to look, it only takes minutes.

Start living the life you deserve, free of these behaviours that really dont serve you anymore. Ask for help now.

P.S. This isnt the perfect photo. But as a recovering perfectionist, I deem this just perfectly fine to show that perfection doesn't need to be a part of everything we do.


A lot of people live with conflicting parts.

Imagine being so scared to be around people, constantly anxious, worrying about what someone means by that look or that comment, fearing that somehow you may have done the wrong thing and it's going to come back to you in a bad way.
So you isolate yourself from people.

But then you're afraid of being alone, especially in your weakest moments, being afraid of being left behind, of being left by someone and having no one there, being alone.
So you seek reassurance from people that you're ok and acceptable by being around them- so you're not alone.

This sort of conflict tears people apart, leads to chronic fatigue, anxiety, and never being able to fully engage with or experience life. Often this pattern cycles between needing space and needing to be around others, and is accompanied by feelings of worthlessness, shame and guilt.

If you think conflicting parts might be something that you're dealing with, reach out. It's easier to resolve than you may think.


“I used to distract myself all the time. The phone, food, even what I did for fun became just another distraction.
I feel like everything is so much clearer. I feel so light. I actually enjoy food now. I actually love being around people. I don’t feel so scared anymore.”


“The Fibro hasn’t come back. I got a twinge of it for an hour but it went away and hasn’t come back. My back is so much better as well. It’s just gone!”
