

Flumpbearcare is a hospital for old teddy bears. It was set up by Dr Flump and it is run by bears, for bears.

Photos from Flumpbearcare's post 14/05/2024

We feel very blessed to have TWO Cheeky guests at Flumpbearcare currently, this is a rare treat. Here we have Otis ( left) and Belle (right). Both are earlier Cheeky bears. If you would like to find out more about adopting Otis or Belle, see link in profile to Etsy.

Photos from Flumpbearcare's post 21/04/2024

Dr Flump case notes: Meet our latest Flumpie Paddington, who we like to call Bluebell Paddington - because we found him roaming around the local bluebell woods. When he came to Flumpbearcare, he was a little disheveled, no doubt from his woodland roaming activities - torn coat, grubby fur, missing hat. However a trip to the Flumpbearcare Spa has worked a treat and his coat has been fixed, washed and pressed. The fellow looks very clean and handsome, though we are not optimistic it will last long as he’s no doubt off to the woods again at some point. Anyway, if you are interested in adopting a Flumpie Paddington, please look up link to Etsy. He is a Gabrielle Designs bear, 1970s, with those famous blue Dunlop wellies!

Photos from Flumpbearcare's post 07/01/2024

Dr Flump case notes: Eugene. This old fellow is on the look out for an adoptive family, having completed his treatment at Flumpbearcare. Eugene is an American style bear, made post WW1, 1920s. At Flumpbearcare he’s had Spa treatment, repairs to nose/ mouth, extra woodwool and replacement felt pads. Hes been a brave fellow and is very excited now about what the next one hundred years will bring. If you are interested in adopting Eugene, see link to Etsy


Merry Christmas from all the Flumpies at Flumpbearcare.

Photos from Flumpbearcare's post 23/11/2023

These two Flumpies are on the look out for an adoptive family. Here we have Sophia ( left), a 1940s lady bear and Albert ( right), a Chiltern gent. If you would like to find out more about adopting Sophia or Albert, see link to Etsy.

Photos from Flumpbearcare's post 06/11/2023

Dr Flump’s quote of the week: Courage is no more than taking one more step than you think you can take…” Here are a few photos of the courageous steps some recent patients have taken in their treatment at Flumpbearcare.

Photos from Flumpbearcare's post 04/11/2023

Dr Flump case notes: Mr Tuppence. Mr Tuppence turned up at Flumpbearcare in October and he was found by our Flumpbearcare gardener, Monty. His fur was dirty and matted and he had no eyes and minor damage to a paw pad, but compared to many of our guests, his underlying condition was pretty good for his age. The Spa treatment particularly transformed him, his mohair came out so fluffy and a beautiful colour. Mr Tuppence is a Merrythought Bingie bear - he was very quickly adopted. You can see more of Mr Tuppence and our other Flumpies on our Instagram account where we post daily hospital updates and antics. ( search Flumpbearcare on IG)

Photos from Flumpbearcare's post 02/09/2023

Dr Flump case notes - the tale of Myrtle & Pearl. This is probably our most incredible story at Flumpbearcare. Dear Myrtle ( cream bear) was sent to Flumpbearcare for repairs to her paw pads. Upon starting these repairs, Myrtle confided in me that she believed there was another bear trapped inside of her! Myrtle was distraught and begged me to take her fully apart, which was a gruelling procedure for her. Indeed she was right, inside of Myrtle was a very old lady from the 1930s called Pearl. She had been covered up by Myrtle some years ago, which was a terrible shame. Hence, some serious operations began; Myrtle was built back from scratch, given new woodwool filling, nose and eyes. Pearl, was given her eyes back and we also made her two new ears, as she had lost those. Other than that her condition was good. So as for the human who sent Myrtle in for repairs, what a wonderful surprise she had - she sent one bear to the hospital and two returned. Pearl and Myrtle will stay living together, they have a wonderful bond, like mother and daughter.

Photos from Flumpbearcare's post 17/07/2023

Dr Flump case notes: Mr Percival is most likely a Joy Toys bear, ( not a Chiltern as he first appears). Joy Toys is an Australian company and from the 1930s onwards it based designs on Chiltern bears ( prior to that they were more like German bears). Mr Percival came to Flumpbearcare in need of some operations and general tlc. As you can see, he’s had replacement amber and black eyes, and he’s had a very good clean in our Spa to bring out his golden colour. He’s also had extra kapok in his tummy to give his shape back and also repairs to his ears.

Photos from Flumpbearcare's post 23/01/2023

Dr Flump case notes: Benny. This dear chap arrived at Flumpbearcare in a sorry state - almost no facial features, head coming in stitched, no effective joints working at all. The poor fellow had to have all limbs dismantled and new cotter pin joints inserted - the previous ones had disintegrated and pins broken. He also needed extra woodwool to give his limbs shape again. Benny also needed a face again - so a new stitches nose, mouth and eyes - so he could smile, see, smell and laugh again. Benny’s maker is unknown, he’s from around the 1940s, going by materials used. Definitely a bear from times of austerity! Benny is available for adoption.

Photos from Flumpbearcare's post 12/12/2022

Merry Christmas from Flumpbearcare ⭐️ Here are a few scenes from the first 12 days of our Flumpbearcare advent calendar. As ever, our full work is on our Instagram page.

Photos from Flumpbearcare's post 12/12/2022

Dr Flump announcement! We are very proud to have raised £175 plus gift aid for 3 charities this December, through our bear adoptions. This year our charities have been: UNICEF Ukraine Crisis appeal, Alzheimer’s Uk and Wirral Fund for children with special needs. There are reasons personal to our bears and human owners as to why these charities were chosen.

Photos from Flumpbearcare's post 21/11/2022

This brave fellow has just raised £80 for the Wirral fund for children with special needs - so to buy equipment like foldable hoists or adapted trikes. You see, Christopher had a sad goodbye with his human of 70 years and came to Flumpbearcare to find a new home. We provided him with treatment free of charge and then the search started for a new adoptive family for Christopher. He had lots of offers! 100% of the adoption fee paid is being donated to the above charity - which was chosen by Christopher’s human before they said their goodbyes. So Christopher’s story has touched so many hearts - it’s a story of sad partings, kindness and new beginnings. Safe travels dear fellow.

Photos from Flumpbearcare's post 20/11/2022

These four lovelies are in the look out for an adoptive family. Here we have ( clockwise from top left): Topsy, Deans Childsplay bear, Benjamin, 1950s Chad Valley, Lillibet, 1950s Chad Valley and finally, Simon - 1990s Steiff bear. See link in profile for Etsy - or for international adoption, message directly.

Photos from Flumpbearcare's post 24/09/2022

Dr Flump case notes: Albert. This dear fellow came to Flumpbearcare in quite a state - all pads nearly totally degraded, filthy, loss of stuffing and no eyes. The first step was to give him an intensive Spa treatment, this is also useful to make checks for tears and holes. Albert was then given new eyes and fresh kapok stuffing in his tummy. Repairing Albert’s pads was the trickiest part was we wanted to keep the old pad and label and make the new linen pads look aged. A bit of experimental ageing technique was in store and we are pleased with the result! Albert is a 1930s Chad Valley Magna bear and his treatment is all finished now. He’s not available for adoption as he already has a home lined up.

Photos from Flumpbearcare's post 21/08/2022

Dr Flump case notes: IRIS. This sweet lady came to Flumpbearcare in a sorry state, with no eyes, dirty mohair and paw pads mostly disintegrated. Her treatment journey has been intense, starting with having her insides all removed so she could be fully immersed in water ( something we rarely do here). Then, she was re stuffed with kapok and given new glass eyes. It was joyous for Iris to see again! Finally, her foot paw pads had to be totally replaced but I managed to repair her hand pads, using spare fabric from her feet. Iris is a Merrythought bear from the 1930s ( labelled) - soft Panda bears were popular then, apparently due to the pandas at that time that had arrived in London zoo.

Photos from Flumpbearcare's post 07/08/2022

Dr Flump case notes: Jenny. This poor lady came to Flumpbearcare in a sorry state, with a broken arm and leg joint, no eyes and paw pads that had almost completely disintegrated. My first priority was to fix her joints, which involved opening up her insides. Next, I completed her eye operations, which was such a relief for Jenny. Then, she had Spa treatment to clean up her mohair and finally, I gave her four new pads made from finely woven cotton. Jenny feels overwhelmed by the new life she has been given and can’t wait to go to her new home.


Hello all, our Flumpbearcare quote for today is LIVE LIFE. LIVE IMAGINATIVELY.

Pictured here are a few Flumpies ( L to R): Old Leonard, Miss Maisie, Theo, Mr Leopald Awesome, Benjamin Socks, Ada, Albert and Rose.

Once upon a time there were three bears… 20/07/2022

Ooh, Dr Flump is blushing with pride! The work of Flumpbearcare has been covered in this Word Press blog, along with the Teddy Bear ladies The Repair Shop

Once upon a time there were three bears… Do any of my readers watch the BBC television series, The Repair Shop? In July 2013, while camping in the New Forest, I took my intrepid teddy bear, Edward, to a wonderful little shop in Beaulieu w…

Photos from Flumpbearcare's post 13/07/2022

Dr Flump case notes: Fluffy. Now this dear fellow was sent to Flumpbearcare by his loving human for some much needed treatment. Poor Fluffy was indeed in a sorry state, with his leg joints disintegrated, no eyes, muzzle squashed and few facial features, lots of holes. Treating Fluffy has been a joy though, as with each step, he’s started to return to being himself again. The greatest visible difference was in re building his muzzle and giving him facial features again - though I’m sure Fluffy was most thankful to have eyes and leg joints again. Fluffy is a Chiltern Hugmee bear and soon he will be returning to his human.


Dr Flump announcement: Our brand new Flumpbearcare postcards arrived today - designed by Theo, our most artistic resident. Pictured here is our oldest resident - Lord Otto. He’s a 1920s German bear, he remained in the same family for nearly 100 years ( We have a photo of him from Blakenese, Hamburg, 1920s, with a little girl). Don’t be fooled into thinking he is cute, Lord Otto is fond of wine, beer, whisky and espionage. He is frankly, very troublesome.

Photos from Flumpbearcare's post 03/07/2022

Dr Flump case notes: Gilbert. This lovely fellow is a 1930s Chad Valley Magna bear and now he’s had his treatment at Flumpbearcare he’s on the look out for an adoptive family. Gilbert is a lucky fellow as although he’s been a loved and played with bear, he has retained all original features - including glass eyes, paw pads etc. He has a foot label so we can be very confident about his identification. At Flumpbearcare, Gilbert had some small repairs to his cotton pads to prevent them from tearing. He’s also had a careful clean in our Spa so his remaining mohair is now fluffy and clean. If you would like to find out more about adopting Gilbert, please message directly or check out his adoption info on Etsy. He is £95 including UK postage. He can travel internationally.

Photos from Flumpbearcare's post 21/06/2022

Dr Flump announcement! These three fellows are on the look out for an adoptive family - so just get in touch if you think you might like them to join your bear hug. Their full details are on Etsy ( link on FB page). Here we have
1. Jacob ( left) - a 1950s Chad Valley bear, with label and all original features, lovely condition for age .
2. Dominic ( top right) a 1970s Deans Gwentoy bear in superb condition, all original features. 3. Frank - a cute 8” 1950s Rod jointed teddy bear, with a cheeky tongue! made in Eastern Europe. Again, all original features.

Photos from Flumpbearcare's post 19/04/2022

Dr Flump case notes: Little Ted. Now this small fellow was sent to Flumpbearcare by his loving human for some treatment a couple of weeks ago. The main issue for Little Ted was that 3 of his paw pads had degraded and at some point, been re covered too. His human wanted all pads to be replaced. So, the first step was to carefully remove the newer and the original felt - and save his original thread from his claw stitching. Little Ted was then given 4 new pads made from wool felt and his original thread re stitched to give him claws again. After that, he also had a gentle clean in the Spa to bring out the lovely colour in his mohair again. Little Ted will be going back to his human soon - tho first he wants to enjoy charging around on his new pads and joining in a few games of tag and hide n seek with the other Flumpies. Little Ted is a Cheeky Merruthought bear.

Photos from Flumpbearcare's post 03/04/2022

Dr Flump case notes: William. Now this fellow is one of our oldest patients at Flumpbearcare. Dear William was given to a 2 year old girl in 1929 and he stayed with her for nearly 100 years. He’s called William, because that was the name of her brother. Now, as the circle of life goes, it’s sadly time for William to be adopted by a new family. He also needs some tlc if he is to last another 100 years. At Flumpbearcare, William needed his rod joint fixing on his arm - now these can be tricky! His paw pads had previously had various bits of repairs and odd fabrics covering them - these were removed and I have given him felt pads to match what he had originally. William has very unusual eyes - moulded glass that has a spike shape to it, no wire. One of these needed re fitting too. Finally, he has a few extra stitches in his nose and smile - and a gentle clean in our spa.
William is a very special fellow and it didn’t take long for him to be offered a wonderful new family.

Videos (show all)

Merry Christmas from all the Flumpies at Flumpbearcare.
Dr Flump’s quote of the week: Courage is no more than taking one more step than you think you can take…”  Here are a few...
Dr Flump case notes - the tale of Myrtle & Pearl. This is probably our most incredible story at Flumpbearcare. Dear Myrt...
Ladies and Gentlebears - may we present moments from STAVE 2 - of ‘A Christmas Carol’ - written by Charles Dickens and p...