Ajith Kolady

Ajith Kolady

Self-motivated, dedicated and responsible educationist with ample experience as an efficient adminis


The Core message of the Science of life is that by sacrificing the smaller and lower ,we reclaim the greater and heigher. A Leader must learn to sacrifice lower ambition for higher aspiration. very often ambition uses up life's energy in compulsive behaviour ,such as addiction to more money , Power , or fame . Leaders caught in the trap of ambition become vulnerable to flattery by their subordinates and followers. They like psychophants. Nepotism and psychophancy are openly encouraged by such leaders. unfortunately current world including our Country has such leaders. Such leaders Squander energy by being too possessive about their position and power. Such leaders often use people as steppingstones up to their pedestals. Leaders in that category have lower -order emotions such as fear jealousy and possessiveness. Such leaders must understand that aspiration creates greater energy than ambition does. Ambition is gross aspiration is subtle. The most successful leaders of this world such as prophets Buddha, Christ ,Mohammed , Gandhi , Mandela, Martin Luther King , Vivekanda , Sri Narayana Guru gave up personal ambition for higher aspiration They created a nuclear Explosion of consciousness that continues to influence the world of our thoughts and actions today. Leader must be timeless. They must have integrity and inflexible spirit of challenging themselves. They must See human as human not as Hindu ,muslim ,christain , etc. Humanism is the most important phenomenon. Leaders must serve humanity and they must not divide humanity using religion, caste .creed. People must arise and emerge as strong force as great leaders. in fact the greatest leader are the people The greatest Power resides in people. The leader with in each one of us must arise and emerge and stand tall embracing humanity as a whole. Love, tolerance , cooperation , Coexistance must prevail. To stand for those ideals and having uncompromising fight against Communalism and fascism and authoritarianism is the prime duty of all.....


one of the most tragic things, I know about human nature is that majority of humanity tend to put off living. Very many are dreaming of some magical flower garden over the horizon, instead of enjoying the flowers that are blooming outside our windows. The reality is that when we cannot find contentment in ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere .No one realizes it. Everyone is busy looking to others .very few introspect themselves. That is why Envy ,intolerance ,deception are on the rise.
Man Cannot live by bread alone . Money , and the accumulation of material power , is not all that, which is necessary for living. life is something more than these, the man who misses this truth , misses the greatest joy and satisfaction that can come into life--selfless service of humanity, tolerence, spreading love , mutual respect , self confidence, compassion etc ....


The world needs Peace always . No war has ever decided who is right at the end .Ultimate end of each War is devastation , migration , Complete ruin and death. Who is at loss? The Innocent Common people. Mllions of people become refugees. Many children are thrown into misery and unending suffering. Many children loose their parents , husbands will loose their wives and vice versa. Parents will be without their kids . Sisters and brothers will be separated . Many more will have to live forever with acute diceases. Many others will live without hands and legs. Millions will be poverty stricken forever. The overall picture will be horrific. Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings , first and second World War killed Billions. Still imperial powers become War mongerers, especially American imperialism. Iraq, Sudan , Palestine , Syria , Latin American countries , all have their devastating stories . There was barbaric aggression on them, by Imperialism. Apart from Wars , there is Terrorist and Extremist attacks all over. Religious fanatics , kill scores of people Tribes of Africa, fight each other , and the end is massacre. Caste and Religious animosity ends in torturing and killing of many , even in India .in Ancient times , we can see war and conflict , even in Bible , Quran , severe War in Mahabharatha and Ramayana. All wars arose from the belief that , I am right and others are wrong . Through Expansionism and aggression one country Conquers other. The after effect is grave and very inhuman. Imperialists, fascists,Dictators always are against humanity . The dont respect the dignity of human life . They want multinational Corporatism to prevail and Expand its wings as wider as it can .only goal is to accumulate wealth and make profit.profit is the key word. Amassing of huge wealth at one pole , will result in the abject poverty , grief, severe inequality , horrific unemployment on other pole. Total injustice prevails . Sense of justice disappears. Who is at the receiving end? Billions of Common people. They become the victims , as the greed for money and power drastically increase among , multinationals, fascists and dictators.
They are all timid in their mind and very sectarian in outlook . They are against human rights , Any dictators who have ruled upholding any kind of doctrines were against humanity , love and peace. The current war is against Peace . War does not decide at all who is right at any stage.
what we need is broadmindedness , love for others , feeling of faternity and respect for others . World is for everyone . Let us defeat the forces of darkness . The one and only enemy of darkness is light. Actually darkness is absence of light. Let us all be light . Have a big mind. World is beautiful , it will be more and more beautiful when all love eath other and spread peace . We are and we must be peace . We must stand up for peace , talk it ,think it and act it. World is for more more and generations to come. We must preserve its beauty and peace-


Fight with all the strength at our disposal against the idea that you are nameable and describable .you must refuse to think of yourself in terms of this or that. Do not allow to be labelled. Acceptane of label will cause misery in mind , when your so called label is hurt. Always introspect yourself. Do not be lazy to think. When we brand ourselves as this or that, problems arise because you have defined and therefore limited yourself. So never think yourself to be this or that, then all conflict ceases. Remember always , you are not the position or power you hold or wealth or anything you have. You are inifinite energy.


Life is the best teacher and an inspiring one , too." The mediocre teacher tells,
The good teacher Explains
The superior teacher demonstrates
the greater teacher inspires'
We have to introspect ourselves, to see what kind of teacher we are.
For successful living , a firm belief in what we want to do is the first step. Whatever we believe , we shall achieve if we have the persistence and determination. Ask yourself if what you are doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.


Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all of your energies on a limited set of targets. A comman quality of successful , happy people is that they are action oriented. All has deep within them an "urge to completion" or as some call "compulsion to closure". It just simply means one actually feel happier and more powerful when you start and complete any task. This sense of completion or closure motivates you to start the next , and to persist toward final completion. Do not wait. Time will never be at our disposal.start where you are, and utilise all resources at your hand, never complain,more resources will be found as you go a long-


-Life is like an ocean and life-forms are the waves rising from the ocean. The ocean is the enduring reality-we have to understand that waves have no independent Existence without the ocean. The waves simply rise and fall. Life is time less, life forms are temporary. So concentrate on life, not on the different problems we face. They are waves.it will rise and fall. But the only reality in life is the moment 'Now'. The present. Noble duty of human life is to evolve ourselves to greater heights. There must prevail an indomitable spirit of challenging oneself-That is the solemn duty of life. Concentrate on life. focus on its beauty.it is full of dynamism, let us be energetic and enthusiastic to make our life creative , in each minute and day. Human Power is infinite. We must always use our immense potential to appreciate life and to evolve it in to magnificence...


victory demands consistency and persistence. Always work hard. All of us have immense potential to achieve greater heights . We must use it. There are two ways of looking at things and happenings around us..either we can see how wrong the things are outside us , or we can see how wrong the things are inside us. The highest of all human abilities is the ability each one of us has to choose how we respond to the environment We find ourselves within. So choose wisely, Look inward. Introspection is a must. Life without introspection is useless. We always have enough time, if we can manage it and use it rightly. Resist the temptation to clear up small things first. Effective , productive people discipline themselves to start on the most important , and most difficult task that is before them. So perspire and inspire yourself. Move ahead with courage and confidence .victory awaits each...


We are the products of our thoughts.so we have to closely observe what we think. Thoughts always live, and they travel far. Each of our thought which we entertain contains the colour of our character. Happiness and sadness travel together. Life is the mixture of these two always. The matter is not what we see but how we see.so perception matters very much in life. What human need is freedom, not happiness or sorrow. Freedom to create oneself and around .creation is infinite. It has no beginning , no end. We can manifest ourself or do our work at its best, only when we have no go at all. Never be arrogant-All great men and women know this-so open yourself to that great dancer to enter within, the dancer of creativity, allow it to dance in you.open your doors, be filled with unlimited energy and divinity.you are divine.


"if you do not accumulate little steps,
you will have no way to go a thousand steps,
if you do not accumulate Small Streams,
you will have no way to form river or sea"
There is little discussion in contemporary practical ethics of changing oneself-That is the only one part of the universe that one has soone actual control over-"-instead of changing oneself all are interested in changing others-People are afraid of change-resistance to the idea of cultivation of new thoughts--cultivate virtues-it requires attending to small things--... Be the change-


The purpose of Life is a life of purpose. Live the life with your purpose and full passion for it. No one can hinder our growth except ourself. No one make us inferior unless we allow it. The magnificience of life must be manifested in every moment. The only reality of life is "Now", the present moment. Live it. Never regret about past and never be anxious about future. yesterday is dead and tomorrow is not yet born. So live today . Be aware of each moment. Life will spread the fragrance. There will be always optimism and positivity. With determination We can move ahead . When we are aware of each moment we see with clarity, and we will be full of positive energy-Life is beautiful----


Identify your most important goal in life Now. - what one goal , if you achieved it, would have the greatest positive effect on your life? once you are clear about your goal, ask yourself, 'what sets the speed at which i accomplish this goal? What holds me back in attaining it? What ever your answers take action immediately. Do something, start. Act. Never delayi.Run the race. Never give up .you are your best friend and you are your worst enemy-


When we assess or evaluate our own individuality in a negative way, it leads to failure of life. When we think of us incapable ,inferior We will not be able to move forward. Those who see themselves as useless, inefficient ultimately invite their own ruin and ruin others around them too--self introspection is a must. But it must be done objectively and positively-one should correct me self-never regret about the past and never be anxious about future-Live in the present-There is only one reality-That is the reality of NOW...so always hold yourself in high esteem-Always most of the issues emnates from your own assessment of yourself-But no one admits it-instead blame others for your own failures-failure or victory depends upon your own perception--- The most cruel deed which you can do to yourself is to think that you are inferior to others, or you nothing Compared to others'- Never think like that-Never compare yourself to others-you are unique-you are the best---- Never think about failures-Bygones are Bygones' - But Learn from it-Always think about victory-Think and feel always you are a winner-your creative power must be utilised positively-you are born to win -----