Mel Burch - Embodiment Life Coach

Mel Burch -  Embodiment Life Coach

Guiding women to embrace a life of vitality & radiant energy
Neuro Transformation
Timeline Therapy


🌸Fulfilled from external sources vs Internal inner power🌸

I was always constantly on massive trips around the world 4 times a year at least, planning my next adventure even before landing back home, I absolutely love travel and adventure, the adrenaline rush all of it. Always getting to a point and wanting more of it.

Then when I had my babies the thought of not being able to travel four times a year came up and being home seemed daunting at first my body was in the complete unknown.🤷‍♀️

Little did I know, motherhood would teach me so much about myself

wanting to become the best version on me, that is when deep fulfillment became an inside job, its an internal inner power.

The Choice is Yours!🙌

External sources can bring temporary happiness, but true fulfillment lies within. When we rely solely on external factors like achievements, things, experiences or adventures to feel fulfilled, we become vulnerable to their fleeting nature and always want more.

By tapping into our internal inner power,. It's about that self-reflection, self-awareness. Nurturing our inner world, cultivating meaningful connections, and embracing the beauty of everyday present moments and doing things that LIGHT YOU UP. When we cultivate our inner power, we navigate challenges with resilience and build meaningful connections. The choice is ours: chase temporary highs or embrace the fulfillment that comes from within, what a change.

🌸 Today, I appreciate the stillness of being at home a little more than before kids. I've come to understand that fulfillment doesn't have to be found in constant external stimulation; it's about cherishing the precious moments of connection to self, others, personal growth and development.

So, if you find yourself seeking fulfillment, remember that it's an inside job. Embrace the beauty of the present moment, nourish your soul, and find fulfillment in the love and connections that surround you.❤

Find that guide who can show you how.



Today, I shared an extraordinary experience within my coaching container, a moment that flooded my entire body with raw emotion. It was surreal, intense, and captivating.

Some may think it's crazy,😆 while others truly believe in the power of such moments.

I knew deep within that I was on the right path. Trusting and surrendering to the process, I felt the undeniable evidence I needed to keep going.

It has been eight years since my dad passed and I had never truly felt his essence around me. Sure, I used to say he was here, but this experience was different—it was profound.

My heart❤ has wanted to create Women's Retreats for a while, and on the day I wholeheartedly committed to this calling, everything aligned effortlessly. My incredible business partner, , and I created this vision, and piece by piece, the universe delivered. The location, the caterer, the activities—everything fell into place.

But the true magic happened with the property.✨

I stumbled upon a picture of a garden, instantly drawn to it. I couldn't see the name or the house, just the beautiful garden. So, I released the need to search and said to myself, "It will come to me, one way or another." And you won't believe what happened next—it came to me. I was utterly blown away. But here's the part I must share.

👉During our tour of the property, I looked up and saw these majestic, ancient Pine Trees and an overwhelming rush came over me. THE FEELING FLOODED MY WHOLE BODY WITH FULL EMOTION. It was a sensation like no other, where I felt my dads essence. The whisper, "This is it, keep going." In that moment, my body ignited— my body heated up, tears filled my eyes, and a tingling sensation danced across my mouth and nose. It was as if my entire being was infused with sparkling light.✨

Every fiber of my being knew that this was my path. It's why I'm here—to create impact, break generational cycles, bring like-minded women together, have fun, releasing and embark on a journey filled with laughter and fully submerge ourselves in nature's. Let's create a ripple of empowered change together.

🦋Accessing such experiences comes from learning tools, awareness, embodying our truth, and integrating our growth. When something LIGHTS YOU THE F** UP, it is a sign that it must be pursued with unwavering passion.

Now, I'm curious about your own enchanting encounters. Share your fascinating experiences with me, these stories is where we find connection and inspiration.🌸


🌸Your body is in constant communication with you and thats why we want to form a strong relationship with our body and nurture it.🌸



Yesterday I shared with a few mums friends something that has BLOWN my own mind.

Do your kids ever tell you it hurts when you are brushing or styling their hair ?.🤷‍♀️

As a past hairdresser I remember my younger clients and my nieces saying to hurts when mum brushes or styles my hair. I used to TEACH mums HOW to brush their kids hair so the child wouldn't feel the pull. They did this but the kids still told me it still hurts when mums does it.🏃‍♀️

However it wasn't till recently I realised why it HURTS. Kids think it hurts and you haven't even touch their hair yet.

WHY .... keep reading🔽🔽

I was brushing and styling miss 4s hair the other day and she said the same... so instead of me saying I'm hardly touching your hair...I got curious.

👉Curious, why is this hurting. I know how to do your hair, professional and gently but here's the catch it has nothing to do with hair brushing or styling.....WHAT

Yep...I'm not saying this is all the time but

The energy your child can feel from you is like a magnet attract or detracting... when I'm running late, when I'm running out of time, flustered, so much to do, rushing, trying to remember everything...yeah those days, this is when the kids will feel the PULL..▶▶baby I haven't even touch your hair yet.

Haha sound familiar Mummas?. Give me a YES if this makes sense.

Crazy but it you think about it, it really make so much sense. I'm not saying it's all the time but every now and then.

Take a minute to notice where you are at, what's going on with you in the moment they say it hurts, how clear is your mind or how energised is your body. If you are under an 8 I'm sure the hair brushing may be a little tedious😆




Ever stop and think how fascinating it is, watching our children be in such AWE of life.

Look at this flower mummy, it's so pretty.
Look at the aeroplane mummy, WOW it's so big.

They are in AWE and wonder as their tiny little hearts are so OPEN.❤
Open for life, open for love, open for receivership.... give it all to me.

What happens when we get a little older is our heart can close and fear can rise and the wonder seems a little more far away. We get so busy with life and doing so much we forget ourselves.
👉BUT what if I told you that your heart can truly open up with the right tools, awareness, embodiment and integration.

When the heart opens the world becomes MAGICAL. Life comes to you and you become more and more open to receive the best of life.
Live your life and create a vision of life that lights you up.🌍

I have been a little more quiet on the socials while creating my vision for life and going through the roller-coaster of what it takes to get through to the other side, getting into full alignment and co-creating with this universe.🚀

Has it been easy HELL NO, getting really attuned with your thoughts, your patterns, all the wounds that come up and figuring out what is in full alignment is actually one of the hardest things I have ever done. Thank you to Yummii Nguyen for holding so much space for me and guiding the way.

But the more I do it the more I understand there is no better purpose than to live your greatest life in what is true to you and I will do whatever it takes and all of this has led me to what is coming.


Raise Your Vibration: while parenting. 🌟 know that feeling when you're in your zone, feeling so full and aligned in the morning. Then suddenly, a pesky thought creeps in, and you realize you need to raise your vibration in that moment. But the little ones, stealing away those precious seconds you need for yourself. I totally understand. That's why I want to share with you a game-changing way to raise your vibration amidst parenting and kids. i bet lots of you do this as well but some may not.
Drumroll, please... 🥁 Introducing the "Teddy Bear Dance preformance "! With your little ones, gather all the teddies and arrange them as an audience on a mat. Put on some energetic music and let the kids perform a fabulous dancing routine for their furry friends. They'll be absolutely thrilled to show off their moves! I know my girls sure did this morning.
Now it's your turn, mama! Put on your favorite song and rock out like nobody's watching. Dance in the kitchen, move your body, and sing your heart out. Trust me, the kids will be in awe of seeing you like that, and their joy will be contagious. And then, it's their turn again! Encourage them to get up and dance while you cheer them on. Each time you take a turn, you'll feel your vibration elevate a little more. YAHHHH
This little dance party ritual is a simple yet powerful way to raise your vibration even in the midst of parenting chaos. And when you find those precious five minutes to yourself, you can practise a technique I'll share with you later in as up coming masterclass next Tuesday and Thursday message me for the details. But for now, let this joyful dance party be your go-to when you're a mama with little ones and you're thinking, "How on earth can I raise my vibration?" Trust me, I totally get it.
So, embrace the magic of dancing, laughter, and shared joy with your kids. It's all you need to do to tap into that higher vibration. Let the energy flow, and watch as your entire household radiates with happiness.
Tag a fellow mama who could use this tip and spread the love! Remember, you deserve to prioritize your own vibrational well-being, even in the midst of parenting adventures. 🌈✨


I was surprised when my friend said that she had never met anyone as present as I was. At first, I didn't quite understand what she meant and pondered on this. But then she explained how I always seemed to be fully engaged in whatever I was doing, whether it was having a conversation or playing with my kids.

I realized that being present is something I've been striving for in my life. It's not always easy, but I believe it's essential for living a fulfilling life. When we're present, we're able to connect more deeply with the people and experiences around us. Connecting deeply in conversation was something i admired in people and now its a reality within me.

We're able to appreciate the beauty of the world and find joy in the simple things when we find ourselves more present if life.

But being present is also a discipline. It requires us to put aside distractions and be intentional about our time and attention. It means letting go of worries about the past and future, and focusing on what's happening right now and sometimes that's not easy.

I'm grateful for my friend's observation because it's reminded me of the importance of being present and to keep working at it. It's something I want to continue to work on, not just for my own benefit but for the people I love and the world around me.

I encourage you to begin a journey of being present and engage fully in the moment.

You might be surprised by the beauty you discover in the present.



From the moment we wake, the way our morning unfolds can have a massive impact on our day.🦋

Creating small changes to the way I wake completely changed my day as a mum.

There is the version of me...oh god what time is it. snooze.. 5 more minutes...F. I have to get up. Drag myself out of bed and do the same thing you have done for years and years that you don't even think about you just naturally do.🤪

NOW the version of me - my first thoughts of the day. ’ It's going to be an amazing day’ then I visualize what I want in life and what I want to create.🤾‍♂️

Then I do some meditation and yoga and if I get a chance before the kids wake writing what I'm grateful for.

When I do this practice I am way calmer and relaxed and a much better mum.✨

But mumma’s don’t be so hard on yourself if you are unable to get up earlier than the kids. We go through seasons, sometimes we are unable to wake early and sometimes our bodies just need the rest.

Then I spend time cuddling the kids and playing games then all our cups are fuller.

I hope this helps you Mumma in some way or a light bulb goes off for you to make small changes too.🌸🙏



She asked how I stay so calm with the kids all the time.

Ok so 85% of the time I'm calm and 15% of the time, I am human and I crack, boil and explode and it's ok and I give myself grace.

I asked can you feel it in your body when you're about to explode and she said sometimes and then she said I'm about to explode right now, I'm right at the edge.

I said this is what I have learnt and are you ok with me if I help you through this? YES PLEASE I said ok now go sit over there I want you to place your hand on your heart, close your eyes and I want you to take a deep breath in for 4 hold for 4 out for 4 and hold for 4 I want you to repeat that for 2 minutes while I distract the kids.

Before she did this the kids were fighting and she was at her EDGE.

Then after a minute and a half all of a sudden the kids started bringing her flowers from the garden it was lovely to watch.

The kids sensed her energy in that minute and a half. Her energy shifted from her head to her heart and the chemical reactions had cooled off.

It only takes 90 seconds for a thought or chemical reaction to pass through the body so if you have a fear or a negative emotion or a challenging moment, it takes 90 seconds of breathing to change the energy.

We are only ever reacting to a chemical reaction in our body.

So if you can notice the signs in your body before you hit your edge you will be able to know when you need to take a moment to stop, breathe and come back into your heart.

Are you aware of the patterns in your body before you snap?. Or is this something you didn't know about?.

Happy Monday
