Powerfully Calm

Powerfully Calm

Nate Stone is seeking calm. Years of study in different methods of mindfulness has led him to this Spiritual Blog and Podcast


It's hurts when someone thinks badly of you.

Do you respect that person's opinion? Can you learn from it? Probably not. Your pain is a fantasy.


Anything outside of your own and action are not your problem.

Don't create needless stress. Kindness and justice are personal acts. Freedom is letting go.


Life is ugly! Life is beautiful! Whatever you think... it's correct.


Relaxation needs a few minutes to take hold. Be patient and breath. Before you know it... nothing but !


Seek an OBE (Out of Body). Even if by accident.

Freedom from the body removes fear of the scariest event of all... death.


In true (mind and body) we know everything. Make a meditation habit.


Change through hurt. Without pain there's no growth. Without growth there's no passion.

Without there's no LIFE.


Hardships are lessons guiding you to your true self


Whose are you chasing? Working for money gives you a life. But doesn't always give you LIFE.

Start your now!


Embarrassed by a failure? Remember, I (general public) is more interested in anything else.

Learn from it. Then move on to the next step in your growth.


Pain or Insight? Whatever the moment. Know life helps us grow. Love pain as much as joy.


Surrender to the moment no matter how tense. You may end up loving it.


What you think matters! Catch your brain when it lies.

We think bad thoughts about ourselves. Change it! Create the habit of policing your brain.

When it thinks badly... swap it with the wonderful opposite. Then really feel it.


Use your brain correctly... move those eyes!

Need a solution. A strong feeling in the moment - - Look up-right for imagination / up-left to remember / right-side to create / left-side to remember


Stop the loop -- Negative repeating over and over in your mind like a personal hell.

Think the opposite! Over and over with a positive outcome until you feel better.


isn't the problem! The real culprit is... negative thoughts and fantasy.

Most stressful times are fighting ghosts in our minds.


Kill . Being mindful is enough.

Ask, "What's bothering me?" Then wait in silence for the answer. and accept that answer.


Trying to stop negative thoughts is like fighting smoke. You can't!

Instead... feel it, it and let it pass.


Release the pressure! You don't need to be the best.

Even the most down-on-their-luck folks know have knowledge you don't.

We're all one energy! So . You spot in life is guaranteed.


"I let reality take care of me" Get used to knowing everything will work out.

Think doom-and-gloom, you get it. Think good-and-great, you get it along with the calm of knowing everything will work out.


Doing something great easily starts. All you need to do... decide you're going to do it!

Start those little actions every day. Step-by-Step and everything falls in place. You'll be vibrating to .


Nothing is "do-or-die". Don't feel trapped my friend. Every outcome is less important than you make it.

No matter what you ... you're right!


"True humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less" ~ CS Lewis

Translation... How can I help others today?


Tell yourself to "Be " in anxious moments!

Trains your brain. Habits forms. Then you'll be the fellow in the awkward room.


Silent Praise gives without a word

We're all connected. Visualizing someone at their best.
And with love. Send out those wireless vibes.


Be the Zen ! It's cool to drop into moments. Silence is golden.

Why be anxious about it? Hug that . It's where Bliss lives.


Afraid to think about for which you fear? "Nate, it hurts to lose my !"

You think fearing the worst prepares you. No... it only makes life hellish.

Even if the best isn't what you dreamed, I guarantee it's better than what would have happened without .


What does feel like? Picture a person, place or thing you love fully. Hold that energy and feeling!

Now picture yourself. Love and self = self love.


Feel every day for the good in your life. Then live to be 150 years old. It's science!


sneaks up on you. Attaches so deeply. You'll believe it's a part of you and your thoughts.

It's a parasite. Learn to catch it when baby dread. Kill it with and hopeful thought.


Do you run fearful "mind movies"? Hit stop!

Change that movie to something hopeful. Filled with loved ones and passionate ideas for your future.

And fill it with for, most importantly, yourself.


Short-term pleasures? Bad habits creating the wrong kind of love. Love for pain and hate.

Everything but love for love.

For every and leading you to guilt... ask "Is this serving me?" If not, drop it!


Make every of today serve you. and action guiding you to beautiful future self.

Plant that seed!


Someone bringing you down. Why give away your precious to them?

"Is this serving me?" If no... drop it.

Give them a mental hug and . Move to thoughts that brings you joy!


Falling Awake... it's focusing on tiredness to pass it.

So you can stay up all night binging The Crown... I mean practicing .


Soften your Face

Physical way to induce calm in any moment. Let your face droop from forehead to chin.

They'll think you powerful and ... you'll feel cool!

We Don’t Need to Seek Love. We Just Have to Stop Resisting It | The Wisdom of Rumi 03/05/2021

We Don’t Need to Seek Love. We Just Have to Stop Resisting It | The Wisdom of Rumi The 13th-century Sufi mystic Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī also known as Mevlana, or simply as Rumi, observed that all phenomena of nature are bound together by...


The "Problematic" feelings - - Sadness, & . They don't exist! The foundation of life is only calm. This is hope.

Podcast Feed | Powerfully Calm | Weekly Spiritual Downloads by Nate 01/05/2021

Podcast feed is being fed! Starting with a Nate Talk on mindfulness.

Podcast Feed | Powerfully Calm | Weekly Spiritual Downloads by Nate Nate Stone is seeking calm. Years of study methods of mindfulness. A desire rose in him to share. What better way than a Podcast?

Be Powrfully Calm

Main take away of the blog… silence and relaxation. A silent mind in a chaotic today creates bliss. This is how I found peace - - Nathaniel Stone
