Tim Sales - Network Marketing Power

Tim Sales - Network Marketing Power

Tim Sales shares his secrets! Each week, we post at least one new training video so YOU too can have

Photos from Tim Sales - Network Marketing Power's post 21/07/2023

Living our best life at the Demolition Derby!

Nothing beats a summer night with Laura and the boys, like watching cars crash into each other until there's only one still running. Very entertaining - great summer night!


Network Marketers, are you ready to level up? 🚀 Here's your formula for massive success:

-Be Committed: Stay focused on your goals and be relentless in your pursuit.

-Sacrifice: Let go of short-term pleasures for long-term gains.

-Discipline: Consistency is key! Keep pushing, even when it gets tough.

-Responsibility: Own your actions and results.

-Show Up Fired Up to Win the Day: Bring your A-game every single day.

-Never Quit: Persistence beats resistance.

Remember, success isn't an accident. It's a result of dedication, sacrifice, discipline, and unwavering determination. Let's conquer the day, every day! 💪🏆

Tag a friend who needs to see this!


I happen to think Network Marketing is the greatest industry in the world🌎 and I don't apologize to folks that don't understand it🤷♂️.

Tap 💙 if you agree, or share your opinion in the comments.


Which of these would you choose?

Let’s chat about it in the comments! 👇👇👇


Ever thought creating wealth is a roll of the dice? Think again! 🎲💰 It's more like a chess game, where every move counts.

Approach your network marketing business like you’re playing to win!

Who’s going to play? The game is doing the Pipeline every day, beginning with executing your plan in lead generation.

Like this post if you agree! 👍👍


This lucky little guy got a new bike just in time for summer.

We’ve got big plans for summer break: bike rides, camp outs, growing a vegetable garden and taking care of the trees in the orchards, ATV rides, swimming, farm chores. A little fun and a little work.

I love the network marketing lifestyle we’ve created for our family.

What are you looking forward to doing during your summer months?


LEAD GENERATION is the lifeblood of your business. Without leads, without people to talk to, you simply aren't in business!

Shift your network marketing business focus and give lead generation the priority it deserves. Because what you want and need, is a continuously growing list of potential customers or reps.

🌟Like & Follow for more tips about network marketing lead generation.


"Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better." - Jim Rohn

"Want to be successful with your network marketing business? Take a page out of Jim Rohn's playbook and stop wishing for an easy path.

The truth is, success in network marketing isn't easy. It requires hard work, grit, and a willingness to do what others aren't.

So, instead of wishing it were easier, make the decision to become better. Push yourself beyond your limits and watch as you unlock your full potential. .🚀💪


There is absolutely no excuse big enough to ever quit. If you want something, do it. PERIOD!

People give up pretty easily and it bums me out because there’s just no such thing as failing at something.


How to Beat Rejection and Failure in Network Marketing🙌🏻

As a kid, I had a problem. The kids made fun of my cheap tennis shoes. I wanted to buy new ones so I had to earn the money for them.

I decided to mow lawns to get the money, but I was afraid to knock on doors and ask if they wanted their lawn mowed because I was scared to death of hearing NO!

When I was in the military, I wanted to be in an elite Navy group. I submitted over 600 requests to try out to be in this elite group. I got a lot of NO's before I was finally accepted.

And when I met my wife, Laura, you better believe I was afraid when I had the first conversation with her. I sure flubbed that one up because she made me nervous! She was my true dream. Now, she's my wife and we have a beautiful family.

These life lessons have been valuable as I've built my network marketing business. Here's how these lessons translate into network marketing success:

1. Allow yourself to fail, to get a NO, and accept loss.

2. Ask “What did I do right? What did I do wrong?” Write up what you learned.

3. Apply what you learned and keep trying.

4. Eventually, you will get more rights than wrongs, more wins than losses.

🎥 To view the complete training on this go to YouTube and search for “Never Ever Be Afraid To Fail - Tim Sales”.


WARNING! Meaningful Post Ahead... ❤️

You can be anything you want to be.... be a millionaire or be poor ... it's all BE-ING-NESS. You can be many things - an unlimited amount of things!

All it takes is to BECOME the movements, actions and forms of whatever that "thing" is or requires you want to BE.

"Hard" or "difficult" doesn't come into play at all unless you want to add time and drama to becoming that something.

The first thing I did was to locate who and what. Who had the "act" I wanted to model the movements and forms of. I bought similar clothes, I took on their (there were three people) same style of presenting.

The what, was modeling their actions - I did the things they did. We didn't have video much back then, so instead I recorded audio of their presentations. I walked up after their presentation with my audio recorder and asked them questions. I asked their prospects questions like, "What did he say or ask to get you to come to the presentation?"

I transcribed everything I recorded and studied on my lunch break and after my day job (military). Not just the words - but also the pronunciation, the pause, the humor, the story telling, etc.

That's all there was to me moving out of the identity of a military special operations man into a network marketing professional. 👨💼

So I dressed like Tony Robbins. I modeled the "cool" way that Ken Dychtwald would tell a logical growing story of how we (as a civilization) got to here and then predict the future (based on the past). Nathan Ricks would do a factual presentation like he was talking to a judge or a jury that left the audience with absolute certainty that the network marketing business was the best business to be in for the average person.

But most of all I modeled his quantity of actions - he was fierce. 💪💪💪

We were not on the same team, but were in the same company. I would follow him to each event I could attend for about 6 months. He sold skin care, I chose nutrition. Based on his quantity over that 6 months, I did more and became my version of "him" but in nutrition.

We sat down one day and talked - I didn't even think that he knew me. At one point in our discussion he leaned over and asked me, "How are you in so many cities across the globe?" I was very surprised by this question. I replied, "I'm trying to keep up with you." 🏃🏼♂️

He replied, "You blew by me a long time ago" [not by income but by quantity of meetings]. That's when I knew I was doing the quantity that I needed to do and that I would be successful. 🏆


Of all the different hats I wear, one of the most special and most important to me, is the “DAD” hat.

I’m thankful for my father who taught me many life lessons. I’m thankful for these two little rascals that I get to pal around with every day. And I’m thankful for all of the great men out there who wear the DAD hat and are shaping and molding the people they influence to be the best they can be.

Happy Father’s Day to all of Fathers out there. Enjoy your day.


💥Your daily routine matters. Drop a comment below 👇 and tell me one thing you do every day to create wealth.

If you're stuck or unsure - what's the #1 thing you need to know so you can focus on income-producing actions that will help you create wealth?


❓What do you do when you know someone who is content with their life, someone who is completely focused, and they have no interest in a business whatsoever?

When I meet someone like that, I just stay in communication with them.

Don't constantly bring up the business. 🤮

Just gently stay in communication so that when the timing is right, maybe they join. Maybe they don't. Regardless, be their friend anyway.


🛑Stop letting bad habits and negative mindsets hold you back from achieving financial freedom. As an entrepreneur and network marketer, it's essential to cultivate a mindset that creates habits leading to wealth generation.

Which one on this list resonates the most with you? Share your thoughts in the comments.👍

For me, it's Stay busy, accomplish nothing. There's a lot of things I can do in the day to stay busy. But if I really want to make money, then I have to plan my day out to focus on the activities that actually make money!


Be inspired this week to only focus on money-making activities that will move your marketing business forward.

So many times I see reps getting caught up doing things to keep them BUSY, but they aren’t necessarily action items that will make them money.

If your goal is to generate wealth, get dialed in. Focus on connecting with people, having conversations, inviting those who qualify to look at your business or the product. Follow up with them. Serve them.

If this becomes your business building routine every day you’ll be focused on what truly matters.


I can't think of a better way to celebrate Tristan's 12th Birthday than with Laura and the boys in Mexico on an all-expenses paid incentive trip with our company. He's growing up to be a fine young man and we're having a blast making a lot of unforgettable memories. Happy Birthday Tristan!

Photos from Tim Sales - Network Marketing Power's post 31/05/2023

Who wants more leads? 🙋🙋♂️

Everyone in business, including Network Marketing professionals must promote if they want their business to grow.

Don’t get stuck in the trap doing “things” to keep you busy “building your business.”

Make sure you dedicate time EVERY DAY to promote your business and generate leads.


Happy Memorial Day from the Sales Family. The snow finally melted and the property is beautiful and green. On this day, Laura and I acknowledge the brave men and women who have served our country and fought for freedom. We will always appreciate the sacrifices made by those who gave their lives for freedom.

Photos from Tim Sales - Network Marketing Power's post 24/05/2023

Know someone who’s struggling to engage in their business?

Roei asked me for some advice.

He had been building his network marketing business for four years and wasn’t making any progress. The answer I shared with him is what I’m sharing here with you today.

The Network Marketing business model is quite possibly the most genius business model out there - for people who are willing to do the work.

I hope my suggestions and training video I’m including will be helpful to you or people on your team who need a reminder of HOW CAPABLE they really are!

👉Save this post so you can refer back to it when needed or share with someone who could benefit from this training.


What’s stopping you from calling your “Chicken List?”

Your willingness to talk to your "chicken list" is based on your ability to communicate easily with them.

If you knew you could communicate easily and effectively without making any mistakes, you could, and would call anyone without hesitation. 💥

You would have confidence. You would have certainty. And there's NOTHING more rewarding than having that feeling.

👇🏻 Drop a comment and let me know what's stopping you from calling your chicken list and what questions you have about how to communicate easily.


Make a SINGLE DECISION to build your business every day. 💪 💯

I know this sounds basic, but if you make this decision every day, and focus on building your pipeline and the fundamental network marketing daily activities that move leads across your pipeline you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish.


Tap 💙 if you are a fan of Network Marketing too.

This is one of the reasons why I love .

Network Marketing is one of the best business models I’ve ever seen that gives EVERYONE the same chance to create wealth.

My life is full of options. Laura and I get to live where we choose.

We choose who we work with.

We choose when we want to go on vacation - and how long we want to stay.

We choose what schools our boys attend.

In other words, because of Network Marketing, we have options and choices to build the life of our dreams.


Creating wealth begins with the courage to take the first step towards financial freedom, and a business can be that first step.

With the right mindset and approach, network marketing can help you achieve financial freedom, or as I like to call it, generational wealth. 💰🚀


Look at what you spend your time and attention doing. That's honestly who you are regardless of your intent or who you're pretending to yourself or others to be. That's what you have mastered.


Building wealth is a marathon, not a sprint.

The smartest thing you could ever do to build your network marketing business would be to make consistent decisions every day to BUILD YOUR BUSINESS.

Every day, do the money making activities that include lead generation, talking to people about your business and products, and inviting them to view a presentation.

If you’re consistently taking steps to do those three things - you will build wealth.


What are you studying or reading to become more proficient in your network marketing business today? What training do you recommend? Let me know in the comments below!

Wisdom from financial guru Warren Buffett. These words ring true whether you're in network marketing, business, investing, or simply looking to be financially independent. The more you educate yourself, the better equipped you are to make smart decisions and take advantage of new opportunities.

So never stop learning! Pick up a book, take an online course, or attend a seminar. The more you know, the more you can earn. 💰💻


What would you like to know so that you can get better at communicating with leads?


A good communicator will never SELL what the prospect won't buy. A good communicator LISTENS and helps people get what they want.
Please like and share if you got value out of this network marketing training tip.


I was looking for a way to make more money. I needed more than what I was currently making serving in the military.

So I went to the newspaper and searched the help wanted ads.

There was one ad in particular that jumped out at me.

I called right away.

I had NO IDEA it was for a Network Marketing business. No idea whatsoever.

I spoke with the guy. We set an appointment to meet.

We talked. He asked me what I wanted and he told me about the business and what I would have to do.

I still didn’t know it was “Network Marketing” but that was only because I had no idea what was.

The simplicity of what I learned that day was that I would have to call people. Talk to people; a lot of them.

And if they told me NO, I would just talk to someone else.

I didn’t know ANYTHING about business.

But I knew what I wanted. I wanted more in my life. And the only way I was going to get it was to have the courage to BE TRAINED and do the work.

I’m grateful I did the training and I’m grateful I did the work.

The interesting fact is….

I’m still training.

And I’m still doing the work. Every. Day.

Are YOU?

The Proven Path to Network Marketing Success

Real training is what's needed to understand and build your MLM business - it's not luck or experience.

Hello! I'm Tim Sales -- welcome to my Network Marketing training channel!

I upload at least one new video each week so you can have network marketing success and live the life you dream!

I've been doing network marketing for 30 years, earned many millions, consulted a couple hundred network marketing companies, had the honor of being interviewed by Grant Cardone and Larry King (on legitimate MLM vs pyramid scheme) and taught an MLM certificate course at the University of Illinois.

Videos (show all)

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True Story.When I got started in #NetworkMarketing I had zero sophistication when it came to business.My sponsor asked m...
My answer just might shock you….If you come in contact with someone in another #networkmarketing company and they are ac...
There’s doing something and then there’s DOING SOMETHING!!💪💯Tap 💙 if you agree!People who make money in #NetworkMarketin...