Shadreck K Kasanda

Shadreck K Kasanda

Makeup Artist, Hair Plaiting, Artificial Nails


Thank everyone for the emotional support


Shadrick Kasanda walks into a London bank and requests to see the loan officer. He mentions that he's heading to Europe for two weeks on business and requires a £5,000 loan. The bank officer requests some form of security, and Shadrick Kasanda hands over the keys to his brand new £250,000 Bentley, stating that the car is parked on the street outside with all the necessary documentation.

The bank officer agrees to use the Bentley as collateral for the loan. After Shadrick Kasanda departs, the loan officer, the bank's president, and their colleagues share a good laugh about someone using a £250,000 car as collateral for a £5,000 loan. An employee then drives the Bentley into the bank's underground garage and parks it there.

Two weeks later, Shadrick Kasanda returns, repaying the £5,000 along with £15.41 in interest. The loan officer asks, "Sir, we couldn't help but wonder. We discovered during your absence that you are a multimillionaire. Why would you need to borrow £5,000?"

Shadrick Kasanda replies, "Where else in London can I park my car for two weeks for only £15.41?"


I'm a business man not what is circulating on social media


Yala balancer king king 👑 shad Lesa pantashi 🙏


It's not every friend who is happy for you when you're progressing. Sometimes don't share with them every single step you're about to take. Let the results of your hustle shock them. Some friends will discourage you from doing something not because they mean well but because they know that you'll succeed once u do it.
Not all friends are genuine you'll discover that once u start progressing sum quickly detach from u. Please don't update your friends on every move that you're about to take be it marriage or business. The only human beings,who genuinely want to see you become better than them are your parents...


Lovely bones🌹💕
