Relaxing Music For Free Spirits

Relaxing Music For Free Spirits

We are multidimensional beings that translate some energy to every one of you watching this. Our vid

Binaural Beats For DEEP SLEEP & HYPNOSIS | DEEP Relaxation & TRANCE 29/12/2021

Wonderful Free Spirits! There is a broadcast on our channel now, we will be glad if you join!
Binaural Beats For DEEP SLEEP & HYPNOSIS | DEEP Relaxation & TRANCE
This broadcast was created specifically to immerse you in a DEEP RELAXING SLEEP, DEEP TRANCE and HYPNOSIS. Binaural beats are therapeutic sound waves specially designed to stimulate brain stimulation. This system involves the reproduction of two different sound frequencies at the same time, one in the left ear and the other in the right. The brain registers the difference between them and "hears" a new frequency tone.
This video will help you relax, fall asleep, fight insomnia, achieve a state of trance and deep hypnosis.
You can also use this video to recharge you energetic systems by wathicng or just listening this while doing your meditation, yoga, qigong, reiki, massage, spa, any spiritual practice or whatever you like to do. It will help you to feel yourself much better.

Binaural Beats For DEEP SLEEP & HYPNOSIS | DEEP Relaxation & TRANCE Binaural Beats For DEEP SLEEP & HYPNOSIS | DEEP Relaxation & TRANCEThis broadcast was created specifically to immerse you in a DEEP RELAXING SLEEP, DEEP TRAN...

Cosmic WHITE NOISE For Sleep and Relax | Better Sleep, Reducing Stress, Calm Your Mind 17/12/2021

Cosmic WHITE NOISE For Sleep and Relax | Better Sleep, Reducing Stress, Calm Your Mind

All sound frequencies are combined in white noise. This creates a steady hum in the background, so it is suggested that white noise can be used as a masking method in urban environments to drown out other sounds that interfere with sleep.
Remember, as a child, your mother rocked you, saying "shshshsh"? Maybe you don’t remember, but on a subconscious level it remained. This monotonous hiss is white noise. More similar sounds are emitted by a waterfall, stream, raindrops, foliage. There is a theory that it is white noise that we hear in the womb - it consists of the sounds of the heart and other organs, as well as of muffled external signals. The main thing is to make it sound measured and constant.

White noise has been shown to help calm a person down, eventually relaxing and falling asleep. It is also used to hide acoustic stimuli - unwanted sounds that can interfere with normal sleep.

White noise is used for sleep - when you need to tune in to a relaxing wave and fall asleep peacefully. It can be used at any age.
White noise for children is used when they are hyperactive and cannot sleep peacefully. Usually children over 1 year old have no problem falling asleep. But if they are restless, then listening to white noise before going to bed will not be superfluous.

WARNING! It is important to observe safety measures. It is recommended to use white noise:

- at low volume;
- for short periods of time;
- at a distance (not with headphones, or very quiet).

This video is created in a high vibrational state to share this energy with you. We hope you enjoyed this! So much good energy and support to everyone of you.
And remember that you are not alone!

Cosmic WHITE NOISE For Sleep and Relax | Better Sleep, Reducing Stress, Calm Your Mind Better Sleep, Reducing Stress, Calm Your Mind, Cosmic WHITE NOISE For Sleep and RelaxAll sound frequencies are combined in WHITE NOISE. This creates a steady...

CHRISTMAS FIREPLACE with Soulful Music | Crackling Fire with Music 14/12/2021

CHRISTMAS FIREPLACE with Soulful Music | Crackling Fire with Music

Many of us now have a lot of things to do and worry about, and this prevents us from feeling the HOLIDAY SPIRIT that HEALS. Have you noticed how it becomes easy at heart, and how it becomes easier to communicate with people during the holidays? All this is thanks to the collective energy that we all create with the anticipation of the holidays.
This common energy field, which we create with our good thoughts, has an extremely healing effect on us. That is why it was decided to create this video - for your peace of mind by recreating a cozy, holiday ambience.

An appeal to those who do not like the holidays and feel very lonely for many reasons: We tried very hard to make this video feel needed, because it really is. You are never alone! Remember that at every second of time, your soul mates on the subtle plane, your family of souls, guides, teachers and your guides are next to you. We are also completely with you and support us. Write to us, we will help you to feel like a part of something bigger!

Allow yourself to feel the vibration of oneness by using this video and the energy we transmit through it. This vibration of oneness will lead you to the right people and the right circumstances for your happiness. So be it!

CHRISTMAS FIREPLACE with Soulful Music | Crackling Fire with Music Christmas Fireplace with Soulful Music, Crackling Fire with MusicMany of us now have a lot of things to do and worry about, and this prevents us from feeling...

PURE TONE 432 Hz || Frequency of HAPPINESS | Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphin Release | Body HEALING 12/12/2021

PURE TONE 432 Hz || Frequency of HAPPINESS | Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphin Release | Body HEALING

The 432 Hz frequency has a beneficial, HEALING ENERGY because it is the pure tone of the mathematical foundation of NATURE.
432 has perfect HARMONIC BALANCE. This is the only frequency that triggers the Pythagorean musical spiral containing the famous and unsolved PLATO CODE.

432 Hz is awakening, opening of the HEART CENTER, the level of LOVE, HARMONY, JOY. 432 Hz also stands for HAPPINESS, because this frequency promotes production of SEROTONIN, DOPAMINE and ENDORPHIN.

Music on this scale corresponds to the vibration of our DNA, which, like HOLOGRAMS (codes of sacred geometry), has a HEALING EFFECT. Music at a frequency of 432 Hz is soothing, sounds clear and is more pleasant to the ear, and also has a positive effect on the chakras - it expands the feeling (HEART CHAKRA) and accelerates our SPIRITUAL GROWTH.

SACRED GEOMETRY is a language that we do not speak, but which we FEEL. By focusing our gaze on holograms, certain qualities are activated and decoded within us. Geometric shapes exist in both visual imagery and sound. Music carries vibrations, and the rhythm of the body is tuned to the frequency of the EARTH and the UNIVERSE.

This frequency helps to activate your CREATIVITY and HARMONIZE the functioning of both hemispheres of the brain in order to BALANCE THINKING and FEELING.

As you listen to tone in meditation, allow yourself to also BALANCE your MASCULINE and FEMENINE energies, this will RAISE your overall VIBRATION FREQUENCY. You will feel ACTIVE and ENERGIZED and will learn more about your STRENGTH.

Remember to PAY ATTENTION to the reaction of YOUR BODY in the form of EMOTIONS and your MIND in the form of thoughts that arise when the melody sounds.

PURE TONE 432 Hz || Frequency of HAPPINESS | Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphin Release | Body HEALING PURE TONE 432 Hz, Frequency of HAPPINESS, Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphin Release, Body HEALINGThe 432 Hz frequency has a beneficial, HEALING ENERGY because i...

PURE TONE 963 Hz || Ascension and Return to UNITY | Connection to HIGHER REALMS 10/12/2021

PURE TONE 963 Hz || Ascension and Return to UNITY | Connection to HIGHER REALMS
963 Hz is associated with the PINEAL GLAND activation and HIGHER SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT. This frequency is known as the "pure wonder tone" and the "frequency of the GODS." It is also associated with the activation of the CROWN CHAKRA (Sahasrara) and the connection with the SOURCE of all humanity. It is the center of SPIRITUAL ORDERLINESS, connection to HIGHER FORCES. Blurs the line between the OUTER WORLD and the INNER SELF. Full union with the HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS. It also brings the BODY to its PERFECT original state.

The tone of 963 Hz creates a connection of the SOUL with the SPIRIT, with the Higher Self, connecting a person with his SOURCE of true nature. It helps to return to the REFERENCE SETTINGS inherent in us by nature itself. Helps to make any system the most PERFECT and understandable.

963 Hz is closely related to the DIVINE. This tone provides a gateway for direct experience of the SPIRIT WORLD and a wonderful RETURN to the understanding that WE ARE ALL ONE. Hearing this tone RECONNECTS you to your ANGELIC GUIDE as well as other energies from the HEAVENLY REALM.

The frequency of 963 Hz is associated with the FLOW OF LIGHT and allows you to directly experience a RETURN TO ONENESS, to your TRUE NATURE. It reconnects you to SPIRIT, or the vibrational ENERGIES of the SPIRITUAL WORLD.

PURE TONE 963 Hz || Ascension and Return to UNITY | Connection to HIGHER REALMS PURE TONE 963 Hz, Ascension and Return to UNITY, Connection to HIGHER REALMS963 Hz is associated with the PINEAL GLAND activation and HIGHER SPIRITUAL DEVELO...

PURE TONE 852 Hz || Awaken INTUITION & CLAIRVOYANCE | Cleanse The Pineal Gland (Third Eye) 08/12/2021

PURE TONE 852 Hz || Awaken INTUITION & CLAIRVOYANCE | Cleanse The Pineal Gland (Third Eye)
The 852Hz frequency helps to CLEAR the mind, free from destructive negative energy, get rid of fear, OVERTHINKING and negative patterns. It does wonders when it comes to AWAKEN your SPIRIT and connect with your INNER GUIDANCE, inner INTUITION. 852 Hz is related to the THIRD EYE CHAKRA (The Pineal Gland, Brow chakra, Ajna) and its balancing. Therefore, this frequency is ideal for ASTRAL TRAVEL (Out Of Body Experience), LUCID DREAMING and various spiritual practices, as well as for the awakening of CLAIRVOYANCE.

The 852 Hz frequency is related to your ability to SEE through the ILLUSIONS of life, such as the “double bottom” of people, places and things. This frequency can be used as a means to open a person's CONNECTION with the all-encompassing SPIRIT. It raises awareness and allows a return to spiritual order.
It will help you to return to SPIRITUAL ORDER, awaken your INNER STRENGTH and increase CELL ENERGY in your body.

Use this frequency also to CLEANSE NEGATIVE energy from the aura and space, to cleanse the pineal gland, and to RELEASE FEAR and FIND UNITY.

PURE TONE 852 Hz || Awaken INTUITION & CLAIRVOYANCE | Cleanse The Pineal Gland (Third Eye) PURE TONE 852 Hz || Awaken INTUITION & CLAIRVOYANCE | Cleanse The Pineal Gland (Third Eye)The 852Hz frequency helps to CLEAR the mind, free from destructive ...

PURE TONE 741Hz || EXPANSION of Consciousness | SELF-EXPRESSION | Full Body DETOX 06/12/2021


The tone of 741 Hz corresponds to the note SOL and THROAT chakra of Vishuddha.
It CLEANS the body from infections, the aura and space from influences and essences. 741 Hz is a signal to CLEANSE and HEAL cells from the effects of electromagnetic radiation. Helps to empower the CREATION of the desired REALITY.

The frequency of 741 Hz CLEANS cells from toxins, viral, bacterial or fungal infections. Solfeggio 741 Hz leads to a HEALTY, simple life, as well as to dietary changes: you will begin to subconsciously choose those foods that are not poisoned by toxins. This frequency of the solfeggio scale will give you the power of SELF-EXPRESSION, and as a result, will lead you to a BRIGHT, stable and SPIRITUAL LIFE. Another application of this audio frequency is in SOLVING PROBLEMS of any nature.

Solfeggio 741 Hz RELIEVES you of all superficial, alien influences, subordination and dependence on alien ideas and worldview positions. INTUITION AWAKENS. Thus, the path to your true Self-expression is opened for you. Listening to Solfeggio 741 Hz leads to an incredible rise in CREATIVITY, the generation of CREATIVE IDEAS and – FINDING YOUR PURPOSE.

This tone can also be used to CLEANSE the SPACE: turn it on and do your deeds, Solfeggio will effectively CHANGE the ENETGY of your home for the better.

PURE TONE 741Hz || EXPANSION of Consciousness | SELF-EXPRESSION | Full Body DETOX PURE TONE 741Hz || EXPANSION of Consciousness | SELF-EXPRESSION | Full Body DETOXThe tone of 741 Hz corresponds to the note SOL and THROAT chakra of Vishuddh...

PURE TONE 639 Hz || Attracts LOVE & POSITIVITY | UNITY & Harmonization of Relationships 04/12/2021

PURE TONE 639 Hz || Attracts LOVE & POSITIVITY | UNITY & Harmonization of Relationships
This frequency allows you to create a harmonious COMMUNITY and harmonious RELATIONSHIPS. The 639 Hz tone corresponds to the sound "Fa" and the HEART CHAKRA (Anahata chakra). The 639 Hz frequency also solves social problems. If we talk about cellular processes, this tone sets up the correct ENERGY EXCHANGE of cells with the environment.
This Ancient Solfeggio frequency expands the possibilities of COMMUNICATION, MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING, strengthens BONDS, TOLERANCE and LOVE. It promotes UNION and ONENESS with the world.
The 639 Hz frequency can also be used for communication with the Spiritual realms.

PURE TONE 639 Hz || Attracts LOVE & POSITIVITY | UNITY & Harmonization of Relationships PURE TONE 639 Hz || Attracts LOVE & POSITIVITY | UNITY & Harmonization of RelationshipsThis frequency allows you to create a harmonious COMMUNITY and harmoni...

PURE TONE 528Hz || DNA & Body REGENERATION | Tone of LOVE & MIRACLES 02/12/2021

A frequency of 528 Hz brings transformations and MIRACLES to your life. Used to HEAL damaged DNA, increases the amount of VITALITY, mental CLARITY, activation of consciousness, awakening CREATIVITY, which helps to balance the SOLAR PLEXUS chakra (Manipura).

Frequency 528, refers to the Mi note and comes from the word "MI-ra gestorum", which means "miracle" in Latin. It is overwhelming that these very frequencies are being used by genetic biochemists to repair the broken DNA of the genetic program on which life is based.
At the very beginning, try to familiarize yourself with the binaural sequence Alpha-Theta-Delta (25 minutes) -Theta-Alpha and feel your reactions to each stimulus.

The sounding of the Mi note is used to RETURN human DNA to its original, ideal state. The process of DNA regeneration is accompanied by beneficial effects – it will also activate your IMAGINATION,, INTENTION and INTUITION to achieve your best and highest goals.

The frequency of LOVE is a wonderful "Miracle" of the original Solfeggio musical scale. Researchers have confirmed that these basic creative frequencies were used by ancient priests and healers in advanced civilizations to perform miracles and receive blessings.

PURE TONE 528Hz || DNA & Body REGENERATION | Tone of LOVE & MIRACLES PURE TONE 528Hz, DNA & Body REGENERATION, Tone of LOVE & MIRACLESA frequency of 528 Hz brings transformations and MIRACLES to your life. Used to HEAL damaged...

PURE TONE 417Hz || CLEANSE Negativity | Help in TRANSFORMATION 30/11/2021


417 Hz produces energy that causes change. This frequency clears traumatic experiences and the destructive effects of past events. Speaking of cellular processes, this frequency stimulates cells and their functions in the most favorable way. The 417 Hz frequency connects you to an inexhaustible device of energy that allows you to change your life.

This frequency stimulates life change by helping to find and uncover a source of life-changing energy. Sound can eliminate traumatic experiences, find and dissolve incorrect emotional attitudes and habits.

Let this powerful frequency balancing your Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) and promote the dissolution of any emotional fossils / conventions / habits and the opening of the mind to the perception of change and acceptance of non-involvement.

PURE TONE 417Hz || CLEANSE Negativity | Help in TRANSFORMATION PURE TONE 417Hz | CLEANSE Negativity | Help in TRANSFORMATION417 Hz produces ENERGY that causes CHANGE. This frequency CLEARS traumatic experiences and the d...

PURE TONE 396 Hz Liberation from GUILT and FEAR || Destroy Negative Blockages 28/11/2021

The 396 Hz frequency releases energy, turns sorrow into joy, releases guilt and fear to clear the way for HIGHER VIBRATIONAL emotions.

Guilt is in your field and it looks for ways to feed it, and it will keep you stuck for as long as you ALLOW IT. This frequency CLEARS GUILT, which is often one of the main obstacles to reaching your FULL POTENTIAL, allowing you to achieve your goals in the best possible way. The 396 Hz frequency looks for HIDDEN BLOCKAGES, subconscious negative beliefs and ideas that led to your current situation.

So, the tone of 396 Hz is a powerful tool for achieving goals, which activates the ROOT CHAKRA, releasing the energies of COURAGE, STRENGTH, RESOURCEFULNESS and WILL, the ABILITY TO SURVIVE.

This Solfeggio frequency can also be used as a means of GROUNDING, AWAKENING - sobering and returning to reality. RESTORES feelings of security and trust in the world and the Universe (which, as you know, is generous and loving to us).

PURE TONE 396 Hz Liberation from GUILT and FEAR || Destroy Negative Blockages PURE TONE 396Hz Liberation from GUILT and FEAR || Destroy Negative Blockages The 396 Hz frequency releases energy, turns sorrow into joy, releases guilt and ...

PURE TONE 285 Hz Full Body HEALING | Heals and Regenerates Tussie 26/11/2021

The 285Hz frequency signals CELLS and TISSUES to HEAL. It evokes in the body a feeling of renewal, pleasant lightness.This frequency causes healing of DAMAGED ORGANS. It makes it incredibly useful for healing wounds, cuts, burns, or any other form of damaged tissue you may have.

So, the tone of 285 Hz, AWAKENING the program of recollection of the original source, HEALS you, your INTERNAL ORGANS and your ENERGY. Under the influence of energy fields, you are filled with new inner knowledge, without distortions and deformations, as if you are reborn in your integrity and original form. Quantum initiation is in progress.

The 285Hz frequency affects the energy of the body as a whole, they are basic, preparing for the perception of the subsequent chakra effects of the Solfeggio frequencies.

Since this is the second tone of Solfeggio of Ascension, IT MUST BE LISTENED BEFORE ANY SOLFEGGIO PRACTICE because it create the necessary conditions for further activation and alignment of energies in the Pillar of the chakras.

The correct, undamaged vibrational balance is restored in the chakras due to the resonance of sound with the energy of the chakra. Then, gradually, as the practice is used, a healing adjustment of the whole organism takes place.

PURE TONE 285 Hz Full Body HEALING | Heals and Regenerates Tussie PURE TONE 285 Hz Full Body HEALING | Heals and Regenerates TussieThe 285Hz frequency signals CELLS and TISSUES to HEAL. It evokes in the body a feeling of re...

PURE TONE 174 Hz for PAIN and ANXIETY Relief | Natural PAIN RELIEVER 26/11/2021

The frequency of 174 Hz works like a NATURAL ANASTHETIC and PAIN RELIEVER. Frequency seeks to relieve you of all pain, both physical and mental.

The 174 Hz frequency gives your organs a SENSE of SECURITY and LOVE, thus encouraging them to do their best for the subsequent sublimation, Ascension.

You should deeply relax and heal your PAIN AND EVERYTHING THAT worries, disturbs and torments you with the help of the 174 Hz Solfeggio Ascension frequency.

This is the first tone of Solfeggio of Ascension, IT MUST BE LISTENED BEFORE ANY SOLFEGGIO PRACTICE, since 174 Hz, thanks to the cleansing from low vibrations, create the necessary conditions for further activation and alignment of energies in the Pillar of the chakras.

PURE TONE 174 Hz for PAIN and ANXIETY Relief | Natural PAIN RELIEVER PURE TONE 174 Hz for PAIN and ANXIETY ReliefThe frequency of 174 Hz works like a NATURAL ANASTHETIC and PAIN RELIEVER. Frequency seeks to relieve you of all ...

BETA BINAURAL WAVES for Improved CONCENTRATION and FOCUS || Meditation and Increase BRAIN POWER 26/11/2021

Binaural beats are therapeutic sound waves specially designed to stimulate brain stimulation stimulation. This system involves the reproduction of two different sound frequencies at the same time, one in the left ear and the other in the right. The brain registers the difference between them and "hears" a new frequency tone.

This Beta Binaural Waves video is designed to increase the power of your brain and improve concentration, focus. It will help you to get meditative state and work / study better.

Binaural beats work very efficiently. This video is aimed at immersion in a meditative state and increase BRAIN Power.

This video will help you relax, meditate, study and work more productive.

BETA BINAURAL WAVES for Improved CONCENTRATION and FOCUS || Meditation and Increase BRAIN POWER BETA BINAURAL WAVES for Improved CONCENTRATION and FOCUS || Meditation and Increase BRAIN POWERBinaural beats are therapeutic sound waves specially designed ...

Music with BINAURAL BEATS for Meditation and Sleep || Stress Relief Music || Relaxation 26/11/2021

We made this video for you to help you get meditative state and sleep better.Binaural beats are therapeutic sound waves specially designed to stimulate brain stimulation stimulation. This system involves the reproduction of two different sound frequencies at the same time, one in the left ear and the other in the right. The brain registers the difference between them and "hears" a new frequency tone.

Binaural beats work very efficiently. This video is aimed at immersion in a meditative state and transition to sleep.

Music with BINAURAL BEATS for Meditation and Sleep || Stress Relief Music || Relaxation Music with BINAURAL BEATS for Meditation and Sleep || Stress Relief Music || RelaxationWe made this video for you to help you get meditative state and sleep ...

Multilayered ASMR with Ambient for your Relaxation and Stress Relief 26/11/2021

We are big fans of creating music from sounds around. Since sounds are vibrational frequencies that make up music, as well as our life.

ASMR teaches you to slow down and feel and enjoy every sound. Teaches you to feel the moment. Because of this, the world feels more beautiful and our energy body is in a more perceivable state.

ASMR energetically affects us is incredible. It puts us in a relaxed state and calms us down, and therefore reduces stress levels.
For us ASMR is a diffrent expression of music itself. It is the base of the music.

Multilayered ASMR with Ambient for your Relaxation and Stress Relief Multilayered ASMR with Ambient for your Relaxation and Stress ReliefWe are big fans of creating music from sounds around. Since sounds are vibrational freque...

Connect With Your HIGHER SELF and Source | Manifest your True Essence | Meditation Music 26/11/2021

We invite you to listen and watch this video, which will bring you to higher state of consciousness wich is not limited to the 3D Any music is an energetic vibration that affects your energy field. Therefore, be attentive to what you are listening to, as it affects your energy field.

Use this video to connect with your true essence when you need to. The modern world takes us away from our essence and we lose ourselves. We need to take time to reconnect with our true selves and and live a fulfilling life.

You can also use this video to recharge you energetic systems by wathicng or just listening this before sleep to clear the mind, while doing your yoga, qigong, studying, just relaxing, any spiritual practice or whatever you like to do. It will help you to relief stress and feel yourself much better.

Connect With Your HIGHER SELF and Source | Manifest your True Essence | Meditation Music Connect With Your HIGHER SELF and Source | Manifest your True Essence | Meditation MusicWe invite you to listen and watch this video, which will bring you to...

Music for DEEP FOCUS and better Concentration | Music for Studying, Work, Meditation 26/11/2021

Music for DEEP FOCUS and better Concentration, Music for Studying, Work, Meditation
This video will help you to relax, improve your focus and your productivity in your daily activities. While creating this video we've projected the frequency of improving focus and productivity, which you can amplify by setting an intention before watching.

So we invite you to relax your body and calm your mind. Forget about all your problems for a while, free your mind... And you will be surprised how much more efficiently you will do your things and how great you will feel.
Even if you use this music to study, we recommend that you meditate a little before starting and free your mind to watch the landscapes in the video. Then get to work and you will definitely succeed!

Music for DEEP FOCUS and better Concentration | Music for Studying, Work, Meditation Music for DEEP FOCUS and better Concentration, Music for Studying, Work, MeditationThis video will help you to relax, improve your focus and your productivit...

Healing SOUNDS of WATER and FLUTE | Meditation Music | Calming the mind | SPA music 26/11/2021

Healing SOUNDS of WATER and FLUTE | Meditation Music | Calming the mind | SPA music
Heal your Mind, Body and Soul with this calming sounds of water and flute.

This video will help you relax, fall asleep, fight insomnia, and meditate.
You can also use this video to recharge you energetic systems by wathicng or just listening this while doing your yoga, qigong, studying, reiki, massage, spa, any spiritual practice or whatever you like to do. It will help you to feel yourself much better.

This video is created in a high vibrational state to share this energy with you. We hope you enjoyed this! So much good energy and support to everyone of you.
And remember that you are not alone!

Healing SOUNDS of WATER and FLUTE | Meditation Music | Calming the mind | SPA music Healing SOUNDS of WATER and FLUTE | Meditation Music | Calming the mind | SPA musicHeal your Mind, Body and Soul with this calming sounds of water and flute....

FIRE CRACKLING Sounds for your Sleep and Relaxation | Soothing Fire Crackling for Stress Relief 26/11/2021

Sound of Crackling fire has a good effect on the nervous system by calming it down.This will set you up for work and study and help you focus if you need to.

These warm and cozy sounds will help you relief stress and set you in a good mood.

You can also use this video to recharge you energetic systems by wathicng or just listening this before sleep to clear your mind, while studying, just relaxing, any spiritual practice or whatever you like to do. It will help you to relief stress and feel yourself much better.

FIRE CRACKLING Sounds for your Sleep and Relaxation | Soothing Fire Crackling for Stress Relief Sound of Crackling fire has a good effect on the nervous system by calming it down.This will set you up for work and study and help you focus if you need to....

HEAL your Mind, Body and Soul: DEEP HEALING Music | DNA Repair, Meditation Music, Relaxation 26/11/2021

Heal your Mind, Body and Soul with this Healing Music and beautiful visualisation. Any music is an energetic vibration that affects your energy field. Therefore, be attentive to what you are listening to, as it affects your energy field and therefore your physical body.

Use our video to heal your aura and every cell in your physical body.
In this vigeo, we have put in a positively charged energy, which, together with the frequency of music, is able to heal you.

We invite you to listen and watch this video, which will bring your energy into a blissful state and your body will grateful to you.

You can also use this video to recharge you energetic systems by wathicng or just listening this before sleep to clear your mind, while doing your yoga or meditating, qigong, studying, just relaxing, any spiritual practice or whatever you like to do. It will help you to relief stress and feel yourself much better.

HEAL your Mind, Body and Soul: DEEP HEALING Music | DNA Repair, Meditation Music, Relaxation Heal your Mind, Body and Soul with this Healing Music and beautiful visualisation. Any music is an energetic vibration that affects your energy field. Theref...

Soft THUNDERSTORM and RAIN Sounds for your CALM | Rain Sounds for Relax, Sleep, Study, Beat Insomnia 26/11/2021

This sounds of soft thunderstorm and rain with atmospheric landscape will bring peace into your mind and will help you to relief stress. Sounds of thunderstorm and rain do wonders for your nerveous system so you can use it to relax, sleep, to recharge you energetic systems by watching or just listening this before sleep to clear the mind, while doing your yoga, qigong, studying, or any spiritual practice or whatever you like to do. It will help you feel yourself much better and become the greatest version of yourself.

This video is created in a high vibrational state to share this energy with you. We hope you enjoyed this! So much good energy and support to everyone of you.
And remember that you are not alone!

Soft THUNDERSTORM and RAIN Sounds for your CALM | Rain Sounds for Relax, Sleep, Study, Beat Insomnia This sounds of soft thunderstorm and rain with atmospheric landscape will bring peace into your mind and will help you to relief stress. Sounds of thundersto...

Relaxing River Sounds with Piano Music for your Sleep | Calming Nature Sounds, Zen, Stress Relief 26/11/2021

Amazing nature sounds and calming piano music will bring you into the state of inner peace. Beautiful river in the forest with birds and all of it combined with soft piano music will help you to relief stress, help you to beat insomnia and sleep.

You can also use this video to recharge you energetic systems by watching or just listening this while relax to clear the mind, while doing your yoga, qigong, studying, any spiritual practice or whatever you like to do. It will help you to feel yourself much better.

This video is created in a high vibrational state to share this energy with you. We hope you enjoyed this! So much good energy and support to everyone of you.
And remember that you are not alone!

Relaxing River Sounds with Piano Music for your Sleep | Calming Nature Sounds, Zen, Stress Relief Amazing nature sounds and calming piano music will bring you into the state of inner peace. Beautiful river in the forest with birds and all of it combined w...