Garrett McCoy - Healer & Energy Medicine Practitioner

Garrett McCoy - Healer & Energy Medicine Practitioner

- I am not your healer -
✺ 1:1 Spiritual Cleansing Sessions
✺ Self-Healing Protocol
Get my free healing tool 👇🏻


Do you trust your intuition and follow it as it leads you forward?

I challenge you this week to really lean into your intuition and inner vision. It's okay if you feel lost or that your intuition is taking you in circles, but the realm of energy do not follow the same paths we do.

Trust your gut, and allow your perception of your circumstances to widen. You might be missing something of value that you didn't notice before.




The snake is eternally tied to healing and medicine, both Western ( the Caduceus) and Eastern (Kundalini). This is a powerful week for you to step into the medicine of snake and do some shedding.

The snake sheds it's old skin when it is time to grow. The snake must shed every last bit of the old before it can be renewed. This is a powerful lesson for you to embody.


Embrace the medicine of salt water during this Full Moon 🌕 🌊 Cry, laugh, and take salt bubble baths. ⁣

You are supported today to do some serious emotional clearing of pent up frustrations, past disappointments, regrets, judgments and feelings about what has or has not happened.⁣

📸 from Unsplash


You are supported today in embracing your authentic, goofy, vibrant, and beautiful self. Take off the mask and share with the world everything you feel compelled to hide.


Cut that s**t out 🔪 ✂️ Your are supported today in reflecting on what is taking your energy. Your energy is beautiful, magical, and doesn’t need to be wasted on relationships, activities, systems, or habits that do not nourish you.⁣

Call back your energy, and practice doing less, Soul Sibling.


You have a tremendous amount of support and stability coming your way this week to help with with life's many changes.

This is a good week to to really ground into yourself and connect to your core values.

I encourage you to take this opportunity to act in a way that upholds those values and to make yourself seen. Make sure you don't slide into ego.


There are sorcerers waiting to ignite your vulnerabilities and fears…and that sorcerer is you. While there are people who are trained in sorcery, I often find that we are our own biggest culprit.

This month, you are being called to look at how your beliefs around scarcity and fear are manifesting. Examine that part of your consciousness that holds feelings of resentment, vengeance, lust, greed, bigotry, or hatred towards yourself and others.

I challenge you to change your thinking and practice not blaming others for the darkness that within you.


Copal incense from Mexico. I burn this during cleansing sessions to help you to clear the dense energy from your field.

I’ll be hosting in-person sessions this weekend. I invite you to join me if you’re feeling the call to heal.

Exchange: $100



Sessions start with the ball in your “court”. ⁣

I invite you to spend as much time as you need to comfortably share your story and whatever might be troubling you or what you need help with. ⁣

Giving you space to speak allows you to begin ejecting the energies of whatever is bothering you. ⁣

As you share your story, I’ll guide you with question to go deeper and uncover the root energies of what is troubling you.⁣

Your cleansing begins the minute you walk through my door or join me on a remote call. ⁣

If you’re needing guidance, cleansing, or help, I invite you to book a session. ⁣

See you soon ⁣




In a Spiritual Cleansing Session, I navigate you through a cleansing and healing, and, if you are ready, a renewal of power using my bundles of healing stones pictures above.

Sessions also include cleansings using plants, crystals, sacred smoke, breathwork, and sound. Every sessions finishes with a custom aftercare plan for you to integrate this deep work.

Sessions will be staying at an exchange of $120.

Head to the link below to book your in-person or remote sessions for later this month.

Photos from Garrett McCoy - Healer & Energy Medicine Practitioner's post 02/11/2021

A self-healing protocol that's been lifetimes in the making. ⁣
7 days of personal healing. ⁣
7 days of personal empowerment. ⁣
7 opportunities to make your own healing decisions.⁣
Launching November 19th⁣

🔥 🍃 🌱 🪨 🪶 ✨


You are not broken…but your systems and tools might be.

I think we are all feeling the need to really evaluate how we take care of ourselves, and how some of the practices we carry in our toolbox might be keeping us stuck.

For me, it was finally listening to the voice in me telling me that I can’t tough it out and try to out-meditate my ADHD. There his nothing wrong with me needing medication to be fully present!

If you’re a spiritual entrepreneur, you might be looking at your systems, tools, and even how you show up. Maybe you are doing too much and following the footsteps of others.

Whatever you are feeling, know that you are not alone and that you are in the driver seat.

Take some time to identify what you don’t need to be doing anymore.

Do you feel this need to release and reinvent? I invite you to join me for a remote healing sessions. We can talk about what’s not working, and clear out the old energies.



I don't know about you, but I have been DEEP in the work of releasing what no longer serves me, and reinventing myself.

The energies of October are really lending themselves to this work. We get to go through the process of letting go of old beliefs, wounds, possessions, comfort, illusions, identities, dreams and attachments.

We are releasing on a deep level whether we like it or not.

This release can look like:
✨ Intense emotions that need to be expressed
✨ The urge to clean your physical space
✨ Noticing patterns and habits that are hurting you
✨ The need to abandon old beliefs and dreams

I know we are not alone in this work, and that we could use some assistance.

That why I hope you'll join me for a special Full Moon Circle…

Wednesday, October 20th
8:00pm - 9:00pm MDT


What to expect:
✨ Sacred Space Ceremony to open the circle
✨ The astrological energies and influence of this moon - This is an Aries moon
✨ Guided release of what no longer serves you. What have you been carrying from the Spring that does not align with you?
✨Understanding your anger and fear
✨How to let go of the past
✨Fire Ceremony to release manifestations
✨Tools for living in the present with power and effortlessness
✨A recording of the event for those who can't join live.

I can't wait to see you there!
- Garrett


Hey 👋🏻 I’m officially back with a breakdown of the energetics and WFH (windows for healing) that are available to you this month!

📝 The new story is challenged this month and we get to see what we are made of, where our commitments are, who and what supports us, and whether we are on the right track or not.

✨We get to go through the process of letting go of old beliefs, wounds, possessions, comfort, illusions, identities, dreams and attachments. We are releasing on a deep level whether we like it or not.

What can you do? 🤷🏼‍♂️

☀️Divest yourself of excess, make room and space for something new, change a major habit or attitude that does not serve you, and look at your life creatively to see how much change you can embrace.

🚗 Make sure to stay in your own lane and deal with your own release and re-invention without comparing yourself to others or projecting your own discomfort on to others.


I’m here to support you in navigating this. Healing Sessions are still discounted at $120.


Photos from Garrett McCoy - Healer & Energy Medicine Practitioner's post 10/08/2021

Sharing some shots from our healing retreat this past Saturday. It was such an honour to guide this group to go deep into the stories, beliefs, and energies they were ready to release. Walking out of the cave after releasing felt like being reborn! Let me know in the comments if you’d like to come on the next one!

Photos from Garrett McCoy - Healer & Energy Medicine Practitioner's post 06/08/2021

It’s last call for my Shamanic Healing Retreat!

There’s still space if you’re interested in being a part of the magical and transformative day.

This retreat is for you if you’re on the precipice of that big shift, and are needing the final puzzle piece 🧩

As we journey up to the Heart Creek Bunker, you’ll go deep into understanding the root of your belief/issue/pattern.

I’ll guide you through the process of turning that issue into a source of power 💎

The retreat culminates with you doing energetic release work inside the cave, in the embrace of the Earth and the Mountain.

This cave seriously so cool, and has such intense energy.

Claim your spot if you’re feeling the call!

⛰ Shamanic Healing Retreat ⛰
Saturday, August 7th


Photos from Garrett McCoy - Healer & Energy Medicine Practitioner's post 30/07/2021

There’s still time and space for you to join us on the upcoming SHAMANIC HEALING RETREAT 🏔 ✨

I’ll be guiding you to transform an old limiting belief, rooted in a past event, that is no longer serving you into magic.

You’ll experience powerful healing practices using the energies of the cave and mountain spirits included:
✨ Offerings
✨ Breathwork
✨ Energetic cleansings done by myself
✨ Practices for transforming limiting beliefs
✨ Journey into the cave to release the old

This is an opportunity to connect deeply with your inner healer, and a community.

Exchange: $250 or $350. Lunch included.
Date: Saturday, August 7th



Oh, this cave? This is the Heart Creek Bunker in Kananaskis, and I’m leading a small group of you to do some healing work in this cave on August 7th.

August 7th
9am - 2pm
$250 or $350 with a 1:1 session
Lunch provided


In this retreat, you will carry the physical weight of a wound, belief, or experience that is no longer serving you. You will carry this wound with you as we hike up to the Heart Creek Bunker - a cave that goes some distance into the mountain. Within the embrace of Mother Earth and the cave, you will release what is no longer serving you.

Humans have a long history with caves. These portals into the Earth and into the unknown have always been seen as places of power.

It's in this place of power that I want to assist you to release what no longer serves you. Within the embrace of the Earth and the mountain, you are safe to shed the old identities, beliefs, and ideas of your life.

Are you ready to journey into the Earth?

Get the full details and register:

Global Healing Ceremony - GARRETT MCCOY 07/07/2021

Are you ready to get back to in-person gatherings and community? I'll be hosting 2 GLOBAL HEALING CEREMONIES this month. These ceremonies focus on the healing of the collective and the Earth.

This event is by donation with ALL proceeds going to the Awo Taan Healing Lodge. The Awo Taan Healing Lodge (formerly Awo Taan Native Women's Shelter Society) is a 32-bed, full service emergency shelter that provides services to women and children from all cultures.

I look forward to seeing you there!

July 17th & 23rd
SE Calgary
By donation

Global Healing Ceremony - GARRETT MCCOY An in-person ceremony to heal the world and the collective psyche. Donations are collected to support local charities.


Hey! Remember, YOU inspire others with your own authenticity, however big or subtle it feels. 🧡🌞


Friends! I have waited for this moment for over 15 months. I am soooo happy to say that I am now taking in-person bookings for healing sessions.

I know many of you have been waiting, and I thank you for your patience!

I look forward to seeing you in a session to assist you in shedding what no longer serves, and to reconnect to the healer within.

Let’s make this a summer of healing and empowerment.

Get all the details and book here ✨



The energies of Summer are fast, intense, and can be used to help you illuminate and express your authentic self. This ceremony can help you to give voice to the YOU that is seeking to be expressed and shared with the world, but may have been hidden during the past year due to the pandemic and life in general.

Join me TONIGHT at 7:00 pm for a special group healing ceremony to celebrate the Summer Solstice ☀️🌱

This is your mid-year energetic tune-up and recalibration. I’ll be guiding the group to realign their energies, and to focus their intention on healing and empowerment.

Space is limited for this online offering. Exchange is $75.



Wisdom from a houseplant 🪴

💪🏼 You’ll eventually outgrow the container that supported you. Don’t be afraid to grow bigger!

💦 Drink up the love and affection you receive.

🌞 Live your best life in the light.

Needing to spend some time in the light? Join me for the Summer Solstice Group Healing Ceremony on June 21st.

This is your mid-year energetic recalibration. Nourish your soul, cleanse your energy, and soak up the light.

This is an online event. Register via the link below.

Exchange is $75 CAD.


Join me at 7:30pm for a FREE global healing ceremony. We’ll sit in ceremony and hold space for the healing of the world and our communities.

Zoom Details:
829 5088 7643
Password: 939270

See you there!



Join me on the 21st for a special group healing ceremony to celebrate the Summer Solstice ☀️🌱

This is your mid-year energetic tune-up and recalibration. I’ll be guiding the group to realign their energies, and to focus their intention on healing and empowerment.

Here’s what you will experience:
🌞 A channelled message on the energies of the Solstice
🌞 A guided healing experience to clear old energies, beliefs, and
🌞 A guided meditation on the setting sun to help calm the nervous system and improve your sense of well-being, and help to prepare the body and mind for a good night’s sleep.
🌞 Aftercare to help integrate the deep healing and to attune yourself to the energies of the Solstice.

The Solstice is a time of balance and illumination. This is the longest day of the year, and the perfect time for you to bring balance into your life.

The energies of Summer are fast, intense, and can be used to help give your life momentum and direction.

Space is limited for this ONLINE offering. Register via the link

Timeline Photos 10/06/2021

I openly embrace the magic of mercury retrogrades! I love how they disrupt the old communication between our conscious and sub-conscious. This disruption can bring to light the old beliefs and patterns that have been happening under the radar. ⁣

I asked the you in my stories if you were feeling this retrograde, and 99% of you said YES. I am there with you.⁣

This disruption, while healing, can put a lot of stress on our nervous systems. ⁣

Our fight or flight can be activated, creating stress and anxiety. Healing is always the goal, but with that comes the stress on the body and the nervous system. ⁣

So, how do we help our nervous system during this time? Especially now that we are about to come out the other end of Mercury Retrograde? ⁣

By activating the Parasympathetic Nervous System. This is the system that soothes, calms, and restores. It’s the hug our nervous system needs after a period of deep healing and releasing. ⁣

This is where the Mercury Retrograde Remediation comes in. ⁣

These are practices that will help to reverse the effects of healing on your nervous system. They will activate that Parasympathetic Nervous System, and get you out of the fight or flight mode. ⁣

They’re simple and effective. You don’t need to get fancy with this. ⁣

Incorporate 1 or 2 of them each day and see what happens!



Soul Sibling, I know things right now might feel disorientating and confusing. You may be feeling desperate for direction, and grasping for meaning. As we move into this new month, with the energies of the last Full Moon, we are walking through a desert.

For miles, we are confronted with a lack of clarity and probably a sprinkling of our friend Existential Dread.

I know all too well the thirst for a sense of normalcy, the pleasures of day-to-day life, but the energies of this month have a different plan.

We must pass through this phase of unknowing and uncertainty. If you can embrace this discomfort, knowing that you will get through it (because you will), then there are potent medicines for you to receive.

Does this resonate with you?

You can read the rest of this month’s energetic forecast, and get a healing tool to help you navigate these energies by singing up to receive my monthly newsletter: The Source.


Timeline Photos 02/06/2021

What is becoming crystal clear to you? What is no longer needed? What will nourish you? Focus on cultivating that 🧡🌱


Dearest community,

I am teaching a free workshop this Thursday on how to connect to the energies of Nature 🌲🌱🌕🌞✨

You are not a visitor of Nature, you are an important part of it! We are constantly interacting with the world around us, even if we are not aware of it. Our Chakras and Luminous Field extends luminous filaments of light out into the world. These filaments attach to the rocks, the plants, other people, the moon, and the sun.

In this workshop you are going to learn how to consciously direct your energy to connect to plants, stones, and the moon.

This practice can help us to heal, and feel more connected to the energies and rhythms of life.

RSVP to get the ZOOM link, and make sure to check out the recordings of previous workshops.

Connecting to the Energies of Nature
Thursday, 1:00pm-1:30pm MDT

RSVP for free ⤵️

Who Am I?


I’m Garrett. You could call me a Shaman, a Healer, and a ceremonialist. My mission in this life is to build a community of individuals that are ready to heal themselves, and their community. I do this through my shamanic work - energy medicine, ceremonies, teaching, etc.

It all started with me being introduced to the Shaman my Grandmother used. I was 14 at the time. I was always fascinated with anything New age Spiritual, or Occult as a child. I dabbled in Wicca, High Magick, and even Alchemy! When I met this Shaman I knew this was the path I was meant to find. That afternoon, he took me on a hike through the Phoenix dessert. He introduced me to plant medicines, animal spirits, and the spirits of the ancient Cacti that protect the land.

Coming back to Calgary, I reached out to some Shamans I found online in the city, but they found me to be too young to train. After some failed attempts, I contacted the Shaman I had met in Phoenix and asked him if he knew anyone in Alberta, HECK even Canada, I could talk to! He knew of a couple that lived 3 hours south of Calgary in the Crowsnest Pass. I called them up, and they agreed to meet with me.

Videos (show all)

Hey 👋🏻 I’m officially back with a breakdown of the energetics and WFH (windows for healing) that are available to you th...