Le Scarabée

Le Scarabée

Alchimiste - Épicurienne - Philosophe
Blog qui partage des articles sur le développement personne


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« Chaque jour est une occasion d’accoucher de soi-même. Dans la douleur ou dans la douceur… »




Sortie VOD le 21 novembre 2023
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LIBERTY is the vision and passion of writer-director Philippe De Witte. Find out why this film is important to him, and why it should matter to you, in his official Director's Statement.
Liberty was not something I planned to create, but life has a way of sending inspiration at precisely the right moment. The shift occurred when my wife became ill with cancer. I stopped working to take care of our three children, and for the next year, we watched my wife suffer the various treatments. Fortunately she is now in remission, however, through this process we learned not only the preciousness of her life, but of all life on the planet.

Most of us go about life as if it were eternal, with no end or time limit. Although some are indeed fortunate to stay a little longer, life is most certainly finite. I realized that we have only one chance to have a positive impact on the world and all the good we can do must be done now. I kept thinking, we have but one life, which inspired the eventual name of my company, 1Life Production.

This made my family and I begin to discuss bigger questions. What will we pass on to future generations? What good can we do for them? How can my experience as a filmmaker benefit those to come?

As a child, I wanted to be an oceanographer like Jacques Cousteau. I believe that early dream, combined with the experience of watching my wife struggle, led me to begin writing about the plight of wild animals in captivity. To be honest, I feel the inspiration was received rather than pursued. I decided to write for those who cannot speak, for those who suffer in silence. I trusted the process, the words came, and Liberty was on the page.

I returned to my career as producer and director of TV and commercial advertising, with my script lying waiting until one day I finally said, “It must be done.” As scary as it was to be faced with a recovering wife, three children, and no income, I decided to quit my job to make Liberty. When I couldn’t find financial backing, my family and I asked ourselves, “What do we want to leave behind? Bricks? Or something that will make a difference?” It was agreed: we would sell our home to finance the early stages of production. We would achieve something all together.

During the making of Liberty, every obstacle was eventually revealed to be a gift. I used to think it was luck, but now I believe that when you’re creating something for the common good, good things happen.

If I’ve done my job, Liberty’s audiences will be entertained while simultaneously learning about the suffering of wild animals in captivity. I hope the film will evoke strong emotions, generate meaningful discussion, and lead to inspired action. Beyond the animal cause, I hope people will realize the freedoms they take for granted are but one circumstance away from vanishing.

At the highest level, I hope audiences come away with a greater appreciation for the fragility of life. They will understand that all forms of life are precious, and each of us have a role to play in their protection because we are all interconnected and interdependent. It is precisely this connection that allows us to act for one another.

– Philippe De Witte, November 2023


Belle journée


Avez-vous déjà ressenti ce sentiment ?


Après une période mouvementée, il est réconfortant de retrouver stabilité et optimisme.

Cette Roue de Fortune est sublime, et elle illustre parfaitement la notion de cycles : entre le jour et le nuit, nous voyons se dessiner le cycle des saisons, puis des années....pour nous rappeler que rien ne dure éternellement et que tout est appelé à se transformer.

C'est aussi la carte de la bonne fortune, si tant est que l'on accepte de lâcher prise et de cesser de vouloir contrôler à tout prix.

La Roue de Fortune évoque également l'espoir, car le pire est aussi appelé à laisser sa place pour permettre d'accueillir le meilleur.

En contrepartie, le 4 de Bâtons symbolise la stabilité, le fait de pouvoir profiter pleinement de ce qu'on a construit et des efforts que l'on a fourni.

C'est donc un beau tirage aujourd'hui, qui nous invite à suivre le courant et à profiter de ce qui a été acquis.

Très belle journée à toutes.tous ! ☀️🌙


On disait que Charlie Chaplin était la seule personne à Hollywood qu'Albert Einstein voulait rencontrer. Le 2 février 1931, il eut l'occasion de s'entretenir avec l'acteur lors de la première du film "City Lights".

Einstein : "Ce que j'admire le plus dans votre art, c'est votre universalité. Vous ne dites pas un mot, pourtant le monde vous comprend !"

Chaplin : « C'est vrai. Mais ta gloire est encore plus grande ! Le monde entier t'admire, même s'il ne comprend pas un mot de ce que tu dis.



Et tu te demandes ce qu'il s'est passé 😅

Photos from EdenVoyance  by  Wadyna's post 14/11/2023

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