Middle-Aged Misfit

Middle-Aged Misfit

Menopausal Mental Neurodivergent Mature Single Mother's place to grumble in peace. Join me...


Friendly Reminder...


*sharp intake of breath* It's gonna cost ya...


☕️ 😂


If you insist...💃


Introvert problems...

Photos from Neurodivergent Girl's post 04/04/2023

Also Me 👇


Also this...


Note to Self 👇


And then a couple more on top for good measure...


6 out of 6 😩


We live in a connected world. It’s so easy to keep in touch, a tag on social media, a shared post, a forwarded meme, a reply to a story, few emojis in comments, and we think that we are there for each other. So all these "cool" people have so many friends, so many people around them. They need each other in group pictures at cool places so that they look like living it up. You watch all that on your feed, and you think that "this is life." What I am even doing with my life? I am such a loser. I have no one. And before you know it, a peaceful happy existence becomes a dreadful lame one. You start to force yourself into sadness. I blame you. But I don’t blame you completely. We are a slave to comparison. We look around, and we compare. So when you look around and don’t see a friend, you will feel unlucky. But are you really doomed? I don’t think so. I seriously believe that most people, I repeat - most people, are fake. Most friendships are of convenience, a mutual need. You will not find them crying together in a crisis. They are there for the selfies, for the tags, and for the parties. But beyond that, deeper than that, there is nothing between them.

You know, more people will always mean more mess. You will end up dividing your time more. You will end up losing your focus on things that matter to you. Your career will get affected. Your emotional health will take a back seat. And all that for this shallow feeling of “Look, I have so many people around me.” You don’t need fake people with selfish interests in head. You don’t need people who are not deep into you. You don’t need people who don’t intend to keep this bond for a lifetime. Your time is just too precious to waste on these temporary distractions. Cherish those one or two people who really love you. And other than them, just don’t care. Please better stay alone. Invest more time, emotions, and love on yourself. You need more of that, trust me. These people that you look around, they are different species. You are a different soul. You don’t need their circus. You don’t need their drama. You are stardust.

~ Rahul Kaushik
To read more such writings, you can order my debut book on my website.


(Quote) So thank you. But no. 😊 ~ Rahul Kaushik


Pass me that tissue...

When you have really bad Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria:


Menopause Moment:
Hot Flushes have become a thing which is interesting... also annoying, sweaty, sticky and steamy...


The feeling when you know you just found a new hyper focus🎉:
Learning languages via instagram. So excited about my new special interest that I discovered only five minutes ago..
YAS! I mean, Oui! I love words and languages and mixing them all up and inventing new ones, usually ridiculous. And word play and puns and making up nicknames and and...
Who's with me?


Thought of the day

Timeline photos 02/03/2023

Yep 👇🏼👇🏼


Every little (shop) helps..

Exactly my face when I'm dysregulated


Learn the drums 😅

Relate!! 😆

ADHD is when you're on your way to grab a snack and decide to change careers, learn the drums and clean out your cabinets first.

My Lady ADHD


Here 🙋🏽‍♀️
