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Remember Sadness that bring you closer to God is better then Happiness that takes you away from Him! I’d rather be full of sadness but know I’m getting closer and closer to God each second then to be happy and feel like I’m falling away from my father. Amen! We always don’t get what we want in this life and there will be hard times, sadness, pain, anxiety, etc. here on earth but remember our reward in Heaven is SO MUCH GREATER then any reward here on this corrupted world. Nothing here can compare to what we already have waiting for us up there! Remember here on earth isn’t forever it’s only temporary but where you go after this earth is what lasts for eternity so if you haven’t already, get right with God! Repent for your sins and try to do better! GET IN THE WORD! Believe in Jesus Christ! Our time here is almost up so Repent and get closer and closer to God before it’s too late, because where ever you go after this earth is for eternity once you’re wherever it is u go… You CANT change it YOU ARE STUCK THERE! Which one do you choose? Wearing a crown in heaven and spending all eternity with our Father not having to worry about ANYTHING or Burning for eternity and feeling nothing but pain and suffering and go where there’s weeping and gnashing of teeth? You WILL be put before the judgement seat of Christ and you WILL be judged for what you’ve done here on earth your ENTIRE life! So yes our past will be brought back up and come back but if you get right with Jesus Christ you will be saved (“That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10: 9-13 ) You CAN be saved it’s NEVER too late! I love you all and God bless!

LegacyClapz - YouTube 10/10/2022

I go live over on YouTube now so if you haven’t seen me on twitch anymore that’s why my channel is here

LegacyClapz - YouTube Go Follow my twitch where you’ll be seeing me live every day with a bunch of live content and sometimes funny content over there

XxLegacy_ClapzxX - Twitch 31/07/2022


XxLegacy_ClapzxX - Twitch Come thru squad! | Playing Call Of Duty Warzone! | Road to Affiliate!

XxLegacy_ClapzxX - Twitch 28/07/2022


XxLegacy_ClapzxX - Twitch Come thru squad! | Playing MultiVersus! | Road to Affiliate!


Come Thru!!!


I’m Live stop by!


Welcome to my gaming page where I'll be live 90% of the time have fun and enjoy! Follow if you enjoy my content.

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