Bomb Island Customs, LLC Videos

Videos by Bomb Island Customs, LLC.

All dogs go to heaven. Our condolences go out to Bella’s family and words cannot express our honor for trusting us to engrave her final resting place.

#lakemurray #palmetto #bombislandcustoms #laser #metal #engraving #custom #sc #lexingtonsc #urn #cremation #pets

Other Bomb Island Customs, LLC videos

All dogs go to heaven. Our condolences go out to Bella’s family and words cannot express our honor for trusting us to engrave her final resting place. #lakemurray #palmetto #bombislandcustoms #laser #metal #engraving #custom #sc #lexingtonsc #urn #cremation #pets

Metallic pocket card for common critical care drips. Won’t rub off, won’t smudge off, sturdy and ready to go! #nurse #paramedic #flightcrew #medevac #dustoff #pocketcard #laser #custommade

A new service, laser marking and engraving, COMING SOON! #bombislandcustoms #metal #laser #laserengraving #pewpew #2A #custommetalwork #fabricator #tumblers #service

Punisher skull flag from today. Trying to remember to film or take pictures while working is a beast…. #cnc #plasmacutting #smallbusiness #bombislandcustoms #followus #share #metalwork #igy6 #firstresponderowned #firefighter #ems #paramedic #flightmedic #nurse #healthcare #goodies

Getting ready for that first cut! #plasmatable #cnc #cncplasmatable #poweroffire #smallbusiness