The Blood Pressure Nurse

The Blood Pressure Nurse

A qualified specialist nurse helping people manage blood pressure through lifestyle changes.

A qualified nurse of over a decade, dealing with chronic disease where behaviour change is key. I have set up ACT NOW health coaching to support professionals struggling with high blood pressure to better manage their health so they can confidently plan their future.


As you know, it's check your numbers week with Blood Pressure UK! Check this out - a free BP check if you're in Manchester this week. Well worth a visit!

For those of you not in Manchester this week, grab yourself a BP machine or see your Doctor and find out what your numbers are.

Need some help in reducing your BP? Check out this resource to help you look at the way your lifestyle may be contributing to high blood pressure :-)

Stay well my friends

This week is Know your Numbers! Week 2 - 8 September and we're excited to working once again with Kinetik Wellbeing.

If you're in Manchester on 6th, 7th or 8th September head to Market Street and their Wellbeing Pod to get your blood pressure taken for free.

Know Your Numbers and prevent unnecessary stroke, heart disease, vascular dementia and kidney disease.


Well hello!
Next week is Blood Pressure UK’s ‘check your numbers week’!

I am so on board with this.

Do you know what your blood pressure is? Trust me, you want to.

Now I know I bang on about this as blood pressure is pretty much my job but here are a few facts about blood pressure:

#1 THERE ARE VERY FEW, IF ANY SYMPTOMS OF HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. So you will have no idea if there is a problem unless you check your numbers….
#2 If your blood pressure is too high, it WILL cause damage over time to your: heart, kidneys, brain and blood vessels. Hello heart disease, kidney disease, stroke and dementia!
#3 Life style changes can extend your life by YEARS, not to mention improve the quality of those years
#4 Medication is not always the worst option
BUT if you check your numbers, you can reduce your risk of ALL OF THIS.

And if it is a little high, check out this resource currently on offer for $4.99. This is a fab interactive e-book designed to help you focus on behaviour change to help kick-start your blood pressure health. There are no awful workouts or fad diets, just proven methods from a nurse with 15 years experience helping people with high blood pressure.

With guest video appearances from a nutritionist and a fitness expert, you can seriously begin to make sustainable changes to your lifestyle to help improve your blood pressure.

At around 4 quid, it's not bad value! And it’s available now at

So please, act now & check your blood pressure.


Are you too scared/unorganised/frustrated trying to get a Doctors appointment so you can talk about your high blood pressure?

I get it. The first appointment can be daunting but putting it off can only prolong the agony. Check out this video to walk you through your first appointment. From how to be first in the phone queue to making sure you give them all the information they need to best help you.

And don't panic........ even if you need medication, it may not be forever if you are willing to make some lifestyle changes.

Here is a link to a checklist to help you with the information they will need to make the appointment go as smoothly as possible.

If you are willing to make lifestyle changes but need some help with this, try the 'Kickstart Your Blood Pressure Health' ebook, available at

Thank you my lovelies!

BNurs, MRes, PGCert


If you’re sick of having high blood pressure and are looking for a way to kickstart your way to better readings, check out my new E-workbook designed to get you on your way to better cardiovascular health!

It’s jammed with useful tips and even guest appearances by experts in fitness and nutrition.

What’s more, it’s only a few quid!!

But this offer won’t be around for long so grab it whilst you can and start your journey to better blood pressure health.

Go to:

See you there!


It is my absolute pleasure to introduce our two guest experts that appear on the 'Kickstart Your Blood Pressure Health' e-workbook!

If it's time for you to regain control over your blood pressure, check out this powerful workbook with exclusive appearances from the guest experts:

Lucie Anslow - the fitness guru! However, she is much more than just fitness my friends. With a background in neuro-linguistic programming, Lucie knows not only what exercises are beneficial for you but more importantly, how to re-programme your brain to be more physically active. Available for private coaching in the UK, you can check her out on facebook

Annabel Alder - an incredibly talented registered dietician who combines clinical know-how with behavioural change techniques. Once again, the focus is not only telling you what to eat but how to stop your brain from sabotaging your efforts! Available for private coaching in the UK & EU from

So if you want a kickstart to getting your blood pressure back on track check out the e-workbook with guest appearances from Lucie and Annabel.
It's only a few quid (or dollars if you're in the US!) and it's exactly what you've been looking for.

Check it out at

See you there!

I was feeling tired and then one simple health test saved my life — Metro 21/05/2024

High blood pressure can happen to anyone.

Check out this story to see how checking blood pressure led to a series of tests that saved Graeme Souness’ life

I was feeling tired and then one simple health test saved my life — Metro Graeme Souness: 'It’s scary thinking back that I had no idea how badly wrong things were going in my body'.


12th May is Nurse's Day!

To all my amazing colleagues around the world, keep up the good work. You do more than you realise.


Driving to work this morning, this made my heart sing! I think you may even be able to see the pot of gold!

Wherever you are on your blood pressure journey, think about your motivation for doing the work, your ‘pot of gold’.

I promise you it will be worth it.

Take today to make another small step towards better cardiovascular health!!


For those who are doing the ‘kickstart your blood pressure health’ series, this is for you!

For those of you who haven’t signed up for this FREE resource, be quick! This limited offer runs out on Sunday!

The deadly health problem young men are living with undiagnosed 03/04/2024

Many of us associate high blood pressure with older, stressed people who are overweight and take no exercise.

However, it is important to remember that high blood pressure can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender or race.

BUT, high blood pressure rarely has symptoms so we don't even know we have it!

To solve this? Check your blood pressure.

Check out my video on how to do this and if you need support with your BP, I have on offer, for a limited time only a FREE 4 part series to kickstart your blood pressure health.

For access to this amazing resource, go to

The deadly health problem young men are living with undiagnosed High proportion of men aged between 16 and 24 who are living with high blood pressure don’t know they have it, the Office for National Statistics has found


High blood pressure can cause major organ failure if you don't start to do something about it.

Check out the FREE series 'Kickstart Your Blood Pressure Health' @ to sign up for this powerful resource.


Claire Smith


If you have high blood pressure, you need to read this and follow the blood pressure nurse. For a limited period, I am offering a FREE series to help you start to better manage your blood pressure.

If you would like access to this FREE, life changing series, follow the blood pressure nurse as the details will be posted within a few days!


If you don’t check your blood pressure, you won’t know if you have it. If left uncontrolled, high blood pressure can lead to heart attack, stroke or even major organ failure.

Let’s get wise on this silent killer.

Share this reel today with all those special women in your life to raise our awareness of blood pressure!


In my job, I see people with kidney disease caused by high blood pressure. And most never knew they had high BP.

For others, they may have a stroke or heart attack because of their blood pressure. And maybe kidney failure to boot.

So, on this ‘free’ day do something new and check your BP.

It might just save your life.


We’re back!!! I’ve been busy piloting the BP programme, developing lots of free resources, moving house (urgh) plus tonnes more. So please keep an eye out for how to get access to loads of practical help on how to look after yourself and your BP!

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Landing Page | Act Now Health Coach 24/08/2023

Decision + action = transformation.

This is such a powerful statement. ALL of us can transform our lives, including our health, TODAY by making small, impactful decisions.

What if you decide TODAY to not have crisps with your lunch. What if you decide TODAY to not have a glass of wine (or two!) before bed. What if you decide TODAY to walk to work.

These don’t have to be huge decisions but you make one small decision to act each day and you WILL transform your life.

So, if your blood pressure is getting on the high side, decide to do something about it today. Check out for a FREE masterclass on the 5 biggest roadblocks to manage high blood pressure.

Landing Page | Act Now Health Coach Outside of kidney forums, nobody talks about the link between blood pressure and kidney health. High blood pressure may be caused by kidney problems. I will talk about how to find this out.

Landing Page | Act Now Health Coach 18/08/2023

Are you self-centred? If not........maybe you should be?

The term ‘self-centred’ is often seen as a negative thing. People who put themselves first, who focus on their own needs before others, who are centred around themselves rather than the collective.

But is this such a bad thing?

I see many people who burn out because their focus is on others and not themselves. Whether that be their employers, their family or their friends. Or often, a combination of all three! They feel they need to be everything to everyone and do everything for everyone. And when they can’t, this leads to stress, anxiety and depression. Let alone the physical symptoms of burnout; fatigue, reduced immunity, aches and pains.

So to centre on the self is actually a positive.

We need to stop thinking we have to carry everyone else’s burdens at the expense of our own physical and mental wellbeing.

We need to stop trying to be and do everything for everyone else.

We just need to stop.


Be self-centred.

Whether that means leaving the washing up, or the laundry, or mowing the lawn and walking out of the house to spend an hour in nature. Or an hour with friends. Or go to the cinema to watch a film that will make you laugh. Or going to the gym. Or meditating for 10 minutes. Or reading for half an hour. Or just eating something nutritious to nourish the self.

Doing whatever YOU need to do.

If you have a health problem that you haven’t had time to deal with. Make time to deal with it. Because the worry of this will simply add to the stresses you already have in your life.

High blood pressure can often be a sign and symptom of not being ‘self-centred’. And the long-term consequences of uncontrolled high blood pressure can be extensive. For example, it can lead to heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and vascular dementia, to name a few.

So please, today, ask what it is that your ‘self’ needs. Then go do it.

P.S. For help on managing high blood pressure, please sign up for a FREE masterclass at

Landing Page | Act Now Health Coach Outside of kidney forums, nobody talks about the link between blood pressure and kidney health. High blood pressure may be caused by kidney problems. I will talk about how to find this out. 


Day 7! Walking at conversational pace (if you’ve seen my BP masterclass, you’ll know what I mean!) we talk about how you don’t need to feel that you have to tackle your high blood pressure alone…


Day 6: stop comparing your BP to others…


Early start today! Day 5: family history and blood pressure


Day 4 to managing BP without diet and exercise: sleep!!
One of the most underrated ways of keeping healthy, 8 hours sleep. But how to achieve it? Watch on my friends….


Day 3! Taking BP meds…..


Day 2!
Still full of cold but here is my second tip on managing high blood pressure 😄
Follow ACT NOW Health Coaching for more tips this week!


This week, I’m doing 7 tips for managing high blood pressure….that don’t include diet and exercise.
Here’s tip #1!
Follow act now health coaching for more useful tips this week


Do you have high blood pressure?

How about 7 things to manage high blood pressure ...........which don't include diet & exercise!

Sound good?

Follow ACT NOW Health Coaching to join me for a quick info session each day next week where I will let you into tips I have learned as a nurse about living with & managing high BP........ and they don't include diet and exercise!

See you there!


Do you have high blood pressure but have no idea what to do about it?

If your high blood pressure is caused predominantly by lifestyle factors, read on....

This might ruffle a few feathers but it’s got to be said: most of the information out there about lowering blood pressure by changing your lifestyle is well meaning, but ultimately unhelpful.

It goes along the lines of:
‘Do more exercise’.
‘Watch what you’re putting into your mouth’
‘Lose weight’
‘Try all of this then come back in 3-months’

Sound familiar?

If so, you’re not alone.

As a qualified nurse and health coach, people come to me feeling completely overwhelmed by the amount of information that’s out there about lowering blood pressure… and completely underwhelmed by the lack of support they’ve received so far.

Plus, they also have jobs, families to support, and busy lives. So, their blood pressure gets pushed to the bottom of the pile and they make themselves feel better by saying ‘when I retire, that’s when I’ll get healthy’.

But despite this, one question niggles away in the back of their mind:

‘If I don’t do something about this, I could have a serious problem in a few years’.

… and they’re right.

Waiting until retirement to deal with high blood pressure will be too late. The damage is being done now.

The great news is that everyone can ACT NOW and dramatically alter the state of their health.

In fact, I created a free 30-min Masterclass on how to overcome the 5 Biggest Roadblocks I have seen people come up against when managing their blood pressure, and how they can turn it around sooner rather than later so they can:

Enjoy time with the kids and grandkids.
Feel healthy enough to travel
Be physically able to spend all day down the allotment
In short, be able to enjoy their well-earned retirement in their best health.

Click the link below to join the Masterclass today. There’s no sales pitch, just loads of valuable information to help people create radical change starting today.

See you there!


Is your lifestyle causing your high blood pressure??

Follow 'ACT NOW Health Coaching' for ways to help control your blood pressure and better health!


Do you have high blood pressure but are too busy to deal with it now?

Are you planning on waiting until you retire to get healthy?

FYI: retirement won’t give you the time to ‘get healthy’. If you have high blood pressure now, the damage will be done by the time you retire.

Retirement will simply give you the time to get used to your illness.

ACT NOW to reduce your risk of an unhealthy retirement.

Videos (show all)

Are you too scared/unorganised/frustrated trying to get a Doctors appointment so you can talk about your high blood pres...
It is my absolute pleasure to introduce our two guest experts that appear on the 'Kickstart Your Blood Pressure Health' ...
12th May is Nurse's Day!To all my amazing colleagues around the world, keep up the good work.  You do more than you real...
For those who are doing the ‘kickstart your blood pressure health’ series, this is for you!For those of you who haven’t ...
If you have high blood pressure, you need to read this and follow the blood pressure nurse. For a limited period, I am o...
If you don’t check your blood pressure, you won’t know if you have it. If left uncontrolled, high blood pressure can lea...
In my job, I see people with kidney disease caused by high blood pressure. And most never knew they had high BP. For oth...
EXCLUSIVE online blood pressure programme
Day 7! Walking at conversational pace (if you’ve seen my BP masterclass, you’ll know what I mean!) we talk about how you...
Day 6: stop comparing your BP to others…
Early start today! Day 5: family history and blood pressure
Day 4 to managing BP without diet and exercise: sleep!! One of the most underrated ways of keeping healthy, 8 hours slee...