Heal The Source

Heal The Source

All Total Body Analysis services will be done in the comfort of your own home. Offering group frie Need a reboot, feeling sick, a bit run down.

TBA is a form of Kinesiology to bring balance and support the cellular actions and functions of the body that need attention. Total Body Analysis is kinesiology, also known as muscle testing, that will help you get well and stay well. Total Body Analysis will help your body heal at the cellular level. A custom remedy is made for you to heal from within.

TBA is appropriate for all ages and can be used in conjunction with any other wellness therapies.


Last week I ran into a client that I haven't seen in over 6 months. She looked great. Had a glow to her that I hadn't seen in a while. I asked her how she has been feeling. She responded, I feel great. My stomach issues have improved greatly, I am back running 5k's and my energy level has greatly improved. She was so proud and happy to be feeling better.

She had a history of bacteria in the intestines diagnosed my a medical professional. She would take antibiotics and would feel ok for a bit. Then all her gut symptoms would come back and her doctor would prescribe more antibiotics.

We had a few TBA sessions to get her started on healing her gut. She also said that chocolate and alcohol was one of her downfalls. After eliminating the sugar and alcohol, she turned that corner she was looking for.

I am so proud of her for taking the steps to heal her gut so she could return to a healthy state.

TBA is so powerful and I am always amazed at what it does for people. To see the smile and glow come back on a cleints face is why I love what I do.

Part of healing is to learn and understand your own body and make small changes until you get to where you want to be. TBA helps give your body that extra boost at the cellular level to heal from within.

Schedule your path to healing https://squareup.com/appointments/book/9ep53o1epohjy5/E8AAWY556GPE9/services

Homemade Baby Formula 13/05/2022

With all the talk about baby formula shortages, I am sure mom's everywhere are panicking. I have never tried this myself for my kids because I never knew I could actually make my own.

Also research surrogates who pump and store breastmilk. I never knew that existed either. There are alternatives out there.

Don't panic, we just need to think outside the box.

If your baby has intolerances and is on special formula please make an appointment so we can get to the root cause.


Homemade Baby Formula An alternative to commercial baby formulas if needed.


🌾Home visits have been going very well. I have been very busy. I am really enjoying them and so convenient for my clients.

Get started with your Total Body Analysis home visit session before the summer gets busy.

First time consultation is $65. Follows ups are $45.
I also have family rates available for 2 or more
who book on the same day and time.

I have spots open this week. Click on the link to book your appointment or text me at 716-560-5232. Saturday hours available too.



🌾New blog post on my website. An amazing recovery story and photo's of the results of a clients strep throat in my blog.

🌾Link to my blog


I think this sums it up so well. I think we all can relate to this. Especially after these last 2 years and what we have been through physically, mentally and emotionally. Life is full of curve balls our bodies go along for the ride. Sometimes we think our bodies can handle and process our lifes path until we don't feel so well. This is where Total Body Analysis can help get your body back in balance and uproot the cause and clear it out of the body.

I am now offering at home and phone consultations.
Call or text 716-560-5232 to set up an appointment today.


🌱When I started learning homeopathy a few years ago, I found Paola Brown's website and really enjoyed all that she had to offer but at the time she didn't have any intro classes scheduled so I took a few other study group courses and completed Homeopathy 1 & 2.

🌱So the opportunity has arrived and I am super excited that Paola has a 1 hour Intro to homeopathy class. I just bought it myself as a refresher and I can't wait to dive in. It comes with a 12 page guide so you can print and take notes.

🌱The Intro class is on sale for $14 right now. I do not get any kick back for advertising. This is a really great opportunity to start learning homeopathy.

🌱I would like to offer a free zoom class chat along with anyone who takes Paola's Intro class. This will be a good opportunity to ask questions along the way. When you sign up for Paola's class, send me an email at [email protected] or post below that you want to be added to the zoom class chat for homeopathy.

🌱We will pick a evening and talk about what we learned and I will answer any questions you may have. Looking forward to this amazing opportunity to help you start your homeopathy journey.

Link below to purchase:


🌾I came across this while cleaning out some of my files. Sometimes I am sent these reminders of how sick I was. I am so so grateful for my healing journey. I have been through alot. I have learned so much and I know this is what God has chosen me to do for others.

🌾To this day I still have my gallbladder and I have no food restrictions. What I eat and don't eat is my choice. Not the choice of my body rejecting food any more.

🌾I am in control now. Not the illness controlling me.


🌿Total Body Analysis is used to uproot the cause of an illness.

We are peeling back layers until we get to the root of the problem. When doing so your symptoms may change or supressed symptoms may reappear. Thats ok, we want to heal each layer.

This is so important in working closely with my clients. You are never alone and it is so important to note any changes so we can address them at each visit.

Right now I am working with my son and his jaw pain and indigestion. He complains of worsening symptoms after eating dairy or anything with wheat or sugar in it.

All these symptoms were not noted at first. Jaw pain was the first initial complaint. We started treating it with a TBA remedy along with chiropractic care.

As layers started to heal, his symptoms changed. We added homeopathic cell salts for the indigestion. Worked wonders for him.

With a few layers peeled back now he is more intuitive with his body and he is able to tell me when his symptoms change or come back.

In this process he was able to pine point the dairy, wheat and sugar is a big trigger for returning symptoms.

At that point he was put on a yeast detox which is just a few drops of an herbal remedy tincture daily for a few weeks along with a TBA remedy.

He just came to me the other day to let me know how much better he is feeling.

Pain in the body can be from parasites, fungus, yeast overgrowth, chemicals, enviormental toxins or even from EMF's that we are around daily.

This is why I love TBA so much. Your body knows what is going on and it works in such an amazing way.

🌿Don't ignore the signals. Book an appointment and see what Total Body Analysis can do for you.


🌱New and exciting changes. Heal The Source is going mobile. All appointments will be at the clients home. I will be coming to you. Phone sessions are always welcome.

🌱New Wellness Parties.

🌱Special Wellness events coming soon.

🌱New Wellness blog will be posted each week on my website. Come join the conversation and keep in touch with my weekly blogs.

🌱More information can be found on my website



🌱I am all for empowering others to learn more and take control of their health.

🌱Natural Herbal Remedies are great for acute cases, like a headache, stomach upset, colds, flu, coughs, cuts, muscle aches pains etc. Things that come on quickly and do not last a long time.

👉 I do recommend a TBA evaluation for chronic conditions. Anything that is lasting longer than 6 months.

🌱To help you get started learning more about herbal remedies, I have attached a link below to a free beginner's guide to natural remedies.
Simple add to your cart and follow the check out process. The download will be sent to your email for free.

🌾This website is great. They have so many free downloads so you can learn more and get started with herbal remedies.


Have fun learning. Any questions please message me at anytime.


Took an amazing warm Vinyasa class this morning at Kula Yoga Studio. I can't say enough about how amazing it was. It was a time to stop, get grounded, center my body and just open my heart. I feel relaxed, my mind feels settled and I am ready for the day. This may be my new Saturday morning routine. 😊


🌾Mental Health Talk

Many factors can affect your mental health

Mental Health was the one key factor that was part of my gut heath journey.

I didn't know it at the time, but when my gut issues started, it was around a very stressful time in my life. At first I thought I was just getting stomach bugs all the time. I had no idea it could of been related to the stress I was going through.

Your body can only handle so much and then it overfills and illness shows it ugly face.

Check in with yourself and bring balance to your life. Take time out for your mental health.

Take a mental health day, meditate, exercise, go to yoga, read a good book.


🌾Mindful Monday🌾

Everyone has a story. Share it with others so you can be the inspiration they need to get through their struggles.

You can overcome anything.

I think the loneliest part of my life was when we were struggling with my daughters seizure disorder when she was 2 years old.

I felt alone, lost and disconnected from everyone. Facebook wasn't a thing. I had no groups to connect with to find glimps of hope. I didn't know anyone who I could talk to that was going through what she was going through.

I struggled with mom guilt for being away from my other kids while I spent countless days in the hospital with my daughter.

I pushed all my feelings aside just so I could deal with my day to day.

With social media thriving, use it for good. Tell your story, connect with people, be their glimps of hope no matter your struggles.

Be the hope, inspiration so someone can overcome their mountain.

If you are struggling, reach out. You don't need to struggle alone.


🌾 Nourish Her Naturally🌾

From the continuation of my earlier post today, this is the multivitamin I have decided to take daily.

Nourish Her Naturally is a herbal tincture formulated just for woman. I like that is made just for woman in mind.

I am not much a of supplement person but lets face it we all can use it in our lives from time to time. We have busy days, stressful days, days where we don't eat so good or maybe just run down and getting sick alot.

I added this right after I had that cold around the holidays. It was just lingering and holding on. I felt tired and run down a bit. I used muscle testing, to makes sure that this product was best for me.

I have added this along with the Elderberry to give my body the boost it needs right now.

Link to the product will be in the comments below where you can find more information.

🌾If you would like me to muscle test your supplements, I would be happy to. 😊


🌱Wellness Wednesday🌱

🌱I wanted to share this with you from another article regarding Multivitamins. Something to think about when your shopping around for your vitamins. Reading labels is very important and it should NOT contain fillers, artifical flavors or sugars.

I thought this was interesting and through my extensive research for many, many years I have always known that whole foods vitamins in it's natural form is best for your body. Your body also absords it best in liquid form.

I personally have never been a supplement person myself. My body has always rejected any kind in pill form. Your body knows what it needs so listen to what it says to you. Since my kids were little I have always been on the hunt for liquid vitamins. Very few to find that are in there natural form and without all the add junk you don't need.

Recently I have come across a herbal company that makes many products in it's natural form. Most are liquid tincture which is wonderful for your body to absorb what it needs.

I always do very extensive research and get to know about what I am taking before I share anything. I also try them out and see how my body responds to it as well.

🌱Be on the lookout today, I will share with you a multivitamin that is amazing and all it's benefits. I will also tell you why I have decided to add this into my daily regimen.


🌱 Does Your Gut Health Need help?🌱

🌿Just a baseline to get you thinking about your health. We can go deeper in our consultation and see what body systems need a rebalance. When one organ system is weakened another one fails.
All consultations come with a custom made remedy.

🌿 You can make an appointment by text 716-560-5232, email [email protected] or my link https://squareup.com/appointments/book/9ep53o1epohjy5/E8AAWY556GPE9/start

🌿 Phone consultations are always welcome


🌱Mindful Monday🌱

Our bodies are amazing and know how to heal from within.
Sometimes we just need a little help to remove the barrier that is inhibiting our body to heal on it's own.

Energetic medicine is amazing, gentle and remarkable with helping the body remove the barriers.

Just 1 custom made remedy is all you need to start the healing process.


🌿Hear is the recap of remedies I talked about this week. Take sometime today to look back through the remedies and take some notes. Hopefully you went out and bought yourself Nux Vomica before your New Year's celebration!! 😜Great for hangovers.

Write down ask any questions you have and I will be happy to answer them.

Look out for a homeopathic class I will be offering.

What are you going to learn in the New Year?

How are you going to grow this year?

🌿Natalie and I used these homeopathic remedies to get back on our feet from our illness we had over the holiday. Using these remedies helped uproot the cause.

Homeopatic remedies work fast and are very effective when using them with the right symptoms

I challenge you to learn about homeopathy for you and your family. When it comes to an acute illness we have the power to treat ourselves and take control of our health.


🥳 Happy New Year 🥳

What is this year going to bring you?

Pick one word that will explain you in 2022?

Share below starting with I AM........


🌿Herbal Remedy🌿

Elderberry is a must in any household. Elderberry has natural quercetin and powerful antioxidents. We have been using elderberry since my kids were little ones. Liquid form is the best. It gets into your system quicker and your body absorbes the nutrients better. No fillers or binders to worry about.

🌿A great tip when using elderberry is to start using it around the cold & flu season and all through the winter months. Use more frequently when illness strikes. Take breaks during non winter months. Start up again right before cold & flu season starts.


🌿Homeopathic Remedy🌿

When the symptoms change so does the remedy. Both Natalie and I used the remedy Bryonia. Natalie felt worse when she moved or got up out of bed. Just sitting up caused her to feel sick to her stomach.
My sinus pressure also felt worse with any head motion, even walking around caused pain. When symptoms fit the remedy, worse with motion and the need to lie perfectly still, try Bryonia.

🌿Each day this week I've been sharing homepathic medicines Natalie and I used to get through our illnesses over the holiday week that got us back on our feet. If you missed any days, check posts earlier in the week.
Take notes for you to keep on hand.


🌿 Homeopathic Tip 🌿


🌿Homeopathic Remedy🌿
Sinus Calm & Cold Calm

I had a cold with a lot of sinus pressure. Pressure to the point where I had a bad headache in my temples. Pain and pressure down the left side of my head into my upper jaw and down to my left cheek. I used Sinus Calm for the first day. This is also great to have on hand for allergy season.
Cold calm is another great remedy to have on hand to help uproot your cold. I used Cold calm once the sinus pressure was relieved with a few doses to help with the cold symptoms. Two great remdies to have in your medicine cabinet.

🌿Each day this week I will be sharing homepathic medicines Natalie and I used to get through our illnesses over the holiday week that helped us get back on our feet.

🌿Check this page often and take notes for you to keep on hand.


🌿Homeopathic Remedy 🌿
Nux Vomica

We added this remedy for Natalie due to her nausea from her stomach distress.

As the illness changes so does the remedy. Sometimes symptoms call for more than one remedy.

When the onset of symptoms start you take 1 dose every 15 min for up to 4 doses until symptoms are better. When symptoms return you take it again.

This remedy is also called the hang over remedy. Great to have on hand for those nights when you had a little to much to drink.

All these remedies I post this week you can get at your local health food store.

🌿Each day this week I will be sharing homeopathic medicines Natalie and I used to get through our illnesses over the holiday week that helped us get back on our feet.

🌿Check this page often and take notes for you to keep on hand for your next illness.


🌿 The first remedy of the week is 🌿
Arsenicum Album - Fearful Belly

Natalie symptoms started with upset stomach, headache and nausea.
This remedy was not clear to give her until she woke up in the middle of the night with violent gastrointestinal distress.

All homeopathic remedies have specific symptoms that match the illness.
This remedy is great for food poisoning or an illness that is violent and comes on fearless.
Can also be used for anxiety attacked that are fearful in nature.

🌿 Each Day this week I will be sharing homeopathic medicines Natalie and I used to get through our illness over the holiday week that helped us get back on our feet.

🌿Check this page often and take notes for you to keep on hand for your next illness.

Photos from Heal The Source's post 26/12/2021

🌲Hope everyone had a very Happy Holiday!!

🌲A few of us were under the weather but we still had a great Christmas with the help of natural medicine to get us back on our feet.

🌲Last year we ended up under the weather the day after Christmas day with the you know what illness. We also used homeopathic medicine to help us get through it all. That was my first time using homeopathy with the whole family to get everyone through many weeks of all of us getting sick at different times. It was tiring to say the least but we all weathered through it and did very well.

🌲In the upcoming week, be on the lookout for my post about what homeopathy we used to get through our illness. Each day I will post one homeopathic medicine, natural remedies and vitamins we used, what symptoms we had and why we used them.

🌲Take notes and keep stock of these natural medicines to use anytime your family needs them.


🌱Wellness Wednesday

Homeopathy Nux Vomica. Just a few small pellets thats all you need for over indulgence of food or drink. Keep this on hand this holiday season.


🌻My word is appreciative

Add your word to the Jar.....


🌾Mindful Monday

🌾 With the start of our holiday week, remember to take some time for you.

🌾I saw a client yesterday who is having a hard time sleeping for a few weeks now. This time of year carries alot of stress for many people along with deadlines before the new year. TBA helps balance the body and support in times of need. I try to have an open schedule in times like this to support in time of need.

🌾 I have availablility this week. Come see me before Christmas.

🌾My Christmas gift to you:
Appointments this week, Dec 20-24th will get a $25 TBA consultation for first time and existing clients.
You will also receive a coupon for a free Pilates class at Kula Yoga Studio.

🌾I do Phone consults for anyone who can't come into the office or lives out of the area.


🌱Mindful Monday

🌱You don't realize how true this is until you go through it and look beyond the season you are currently in.

🌱Keep going forward. Stay strong
