

Certified Yoga therapist (Svyasa, Bangalore)
Pre post natal yoga instructor
Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga instructor
Dm for online classes


You know, so often i hear people comparing themselves to each others. Talking about how someone’s looking amazing or why can’t i do this? Look at that person!
But honestly, comparing is the worst thing you can do for yourself! It really gets you nowhere. Especially because, we all do have 24 hours in a day, but everyone’s 24 hours are different. Mine is different from yours and yours is different from everyone else’s. And that’s absolutely fine! My lifestyle, my job entails me being active by taking classes, making my clients satisfied and that makes it a lot easier. However everyone’s day is different, you may have 9-5 jobs or kids to take care of, a household to run, and there are so many things going on. And that’s absolutely fine! What’s important is to make the most of your day. They are your 24 hours, make the most of it! Yes stay active, yes you may see amazing videos of people exercising and doing amazing things but take inspiration from that and don’t compare yourself to that. Trust me, everyone has their own struggles. You are you, focus on yourself, do the best you can give your 100% and do not compare yourself. You know what makes you unique that you are being yourself and making the most of your day and your life. You can do that!
And remember, why try to fit in when you can stand out.😁


Be addicted to ‘bettering yourself’😊


1. Don’t wanna sound like a pep talker but intrinsic motivation is the best thing ever. If you find something you truly enjoy doing, you’re more likely to stay consistent and it doesn’t feels like work, it feels like a reward. This is why I always tell people to find something they truly love doing. (Applied to realm of fitness and mental health, the bottom line is that you’re much likely to stick to a program if it includes a type of movement you truly enjoy.)

2. “Habits are key.” We don’t even think about strong habits, eg. brushing our teeth, we just execute them. So if you make something a habit that you don’t even have to think twice, you’ve won. It usually takes somewhere between three weeks to six months to form a habit like that, so hang in there. In the meantime, move to number 3.

3. At the end of the day, self discipline is what’s left. Self discipline is lot more reliable than motivation and self discipline stays longer after motivation is gone.

Important disclaimer: I am absolutely not always motivated. That’s why made sure in the beginning it’s not a pep talk. Rest days are equally important as i feel it requires more self control and discipline than any other days because there’s a fine line between taking rest and getting lazy. No one can always be motivated unless of course they are enlightened😅 So the last thing you need to do is beat yourself up for being human.❤️



“She wasn’t looking for a Knight, she was looking for a sword.”
— Atticus

May the sword of your inner strength, love, courage, compassion, empathy and peace be the weapon that you’ve always been looking for. And it brings you balance, equity, freedom and joy.😊

Namaste 🙏🏻


We are human beings, making mistakes are a part of our lives. It’s completely okay! ( until we learn from them). There’s no harm in making a mistake as long as you have learned from it coz learning has no end to it.

And as far as Achievement is concerned, it is nothing but the reward for learning from a lot of mistakes. Generally said, mistake and achievement can be the two sides of the same coin.

So if by doing something great, a person becomes arrogant or way too proud, all his achievement becomes worthless. He’s gone on the path of IGNORANCE. And true knowledge can only be acquired by the destruction of Ignorance.

So a doer always makes mistakes and learn from his doings till the things are done for good.😊

Namaste 🙏🏻


Darling, Shine. That’s all.✨✨


Well yes! Balance is not something you find, it’s something you create and CREATE EVERYDAY.

It’s not some magic that you wave a wand and all of a sudden it’s all rainbows and unicorns.

Don’t wish for balance coz it’s already in your hands completely. Just start by being disciplined and consistent. Make time for what’s important in your life and what needs to be done no matter what and just be consistent with it.

For me “The same time and The same place” formula works the best. Just make a routine and try doing a particular thing at the same time and the same place everyday and you’ll start getting consistent with it. For eg. I workout at the same time and at the same place everyday without a miss which creates a positive vibe around that place to keep me motivated just like we go to a temple to say our prayers, even when God is everywhere. The temple has many strong vibrations from the people regularly visiting there with complete faith. So the energies and the vibe of the place matters.😊

Start today. You don’t have to go all in. You just have to be consistent!😁



When someone asks me “why do you workout?”

I simply say, coz of how it makes me feel afterwards. The STRENGTH i feel after doing any sort of workout keeps me going. It helps to maintain that consistency throughout. No matter what, it’s an inevitable part of my life. I can take a break from my practice for a while just to be back at it with another level of zeal.😁

Anyways, Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.😊




Adiyogi is the originator of yoga. From Sanskrit, adi means "first" and yogi refers to a practitioner of yoga. According to yogic philosophy, Shiva is not only a Hindu god, but the first yogi and the first guru. Hence, he is also called Adiyogi or Adiguru.

Namaste 🙏🏻



Salutations to the glorious primal(original) guru, Sri Adinath who instructed the knowledge of HATHA YOGA which shines forth as a stairway for those who wish to ascend to the highest state of yoga, RAJA YOGA.

Sri Adinath is one of the names given to Lord SHIVA, who is supreme cosmic consciousness.

Hatha yoga is combination of ‘Ha’ and ‘Tha’ ( two bija mantras).
Ha- prana( the life force) SUN
Tha- mind( the mental force) MOON

When Union between Pranic and Mental force takes place, then a great event (Realisation) occurs in man. This is the awakening of Higher Consciousness.

There are different names given to these forces in different Philosophies:-

In Hatha Yoga- IDA & PINGALA

These two forces normally remain in an unbalanced and unharmonised form. Hatha Yoga aims to create a Union between these two forces.

Either the Prana shakti is predominant and the Mental Shakti is subservient, or the Mental shakti is predominant and the Prana shakti is subservient. Due to this imbalance, either physical diseases occur or mental diseases manifest.

When prana is subservient to mental shakti, then people are driven to bouts of insanity. They are admitted to mental hospitals and lunatic asylums. This is because they have too much mental shakti and too little Prana shakti to balance it.

When prana shakti is predominant and mental shakti is subservient, then you’ll find people becoming angry, quarrelling, creating wars, causing murders, committing crimes and all sorts of violent behaviour. This is the unbalanced effect of Prana shakti.

YOGA means Union of SHIVA & SHAKTI.

SHAKTI- Kundalini energy (seated in MOOLADHARA CHAKRA at the base of Spine)
SHIVA- Supreme Consciousness (seated in SAHASRARA CHAKRA at the crown of the Head)

When awakening takes place in Mooladhara at the base of the spine, the Kundalini starts ascending. She ascends through Sushumna Nadi and passes through various Chakras. It then reaches Sahasrara Chakra where it unites with Supreme Consciousness, Shiva. That is called YOGA, which means Ultimate Union.


I know people like to argue what’s the best.

Here is the reality…

There is no best diet for fat loss!

It doesn’t matter if you are doing keto, paleo, weight watchers, intermittent fasting or one of the many other diets.

If the diet is working it’s working for just one reason…
That you are in CALORIE DEFICIT!
That is you are consuming less than you burn on a daily basis.

It’s that simple!

It’s not because you aren’t eating carbs or you are taking up clean diets.

The diet should be a BALANCED ONE with an efficient mix of good macro and micro nutrients.It should be SATIABLE, you should be satisfied to your 100% after having the meal and it should be SUSTAINABLE.
If it isn’t something you can see yourself doing for a long period of time, then it isn’t going to work for you over the long haul.

Maintain a healthy relationship with your food, have a good 8 hours sleep, do effective workouts(cardio+ strength training) and have patience. It’s all going to work out for you in the long run.🤗

So the Mantra for fat loss:-
Calorie deficit + Sustainability = Success



Let’s just be grateful for another chance, another day and a hope for a better future.
May what comes our way be full of blessings.



To live is to BREATHE. We inhale life force.🧘‍♀️

Have you ever noticed how you breathe when you feel relaxed? The next time you are relaxed, take a moment to notice how your body feels. Or think about how you breathe when you first wake up in the morning or just before you fall asleep. Breathing exercises can help you relax, because they make your body feel like it does when you are already relaxed.

Deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body. This is because when you breathe deeply, it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. The brain then sends this message to your body. Those things that happen when you are stressed, such as increased heart rate, fast breathing, and high blood pressure, all decrease as you breathe deeply to relax.

•The way you breathe affects your whole body. Breathing exercises are a good way to relax, reduce tension, and relieve stress.

•Breathing exercises are easy to learn. You can do them whenever you want, and you don't need any special tools or equipment to do them.

•You can do different exercises to see which work best for you.

Breathing exercises don’t have to take a lot of time out of your day. It’s really just about setting aside some time to pay attention to your breathing. Here are a few ideas to get started:

•Begin with just 5 minutes a day, and increase your time as the exercise becomes easier and more comfortable.

•If 5 minutes feels too long, start with just 2 minutes.

•Practice multiple times a day. Schedule set times or practice conscious breathing as you feel the need.

So take a moment to breathe with intent.😊Coz if you don’t stop to notice your own breath, your own vitality, your own power you might forget how truly alive you are.



Open your heart to love and know good things are coming your way. Happy Valentines day❤️



If you let your perception of what people may think of you dictate your behaviour, you will never grow as person but if you leave yourself open to experience despite what you think others think of you then you’ll learn and grow.

PS: लोग हमारे बारे में क्या सोचते हैं, अब अगर ये भी हम सोचेंगे तो लोग क्या सोचेंगे..? 😄


Photos from vitalizing_yoga's post 12/02/2022

Rishikesh makes my soul glow.✨💫



Believe that your wishes will come true and they will.💫

When you truly want something and go after it without limiting yourself with disbelief, The Universe will make it happen.


Give yourself the gift of good health today. Join now🤗🤗


Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed.

The art of life is to be in the present moment. So just breathe and let go of everything.

Surrender yourself to that universe and observe how everything’s unfolding magically.

And why worry, the future depends on what you DO TODAY and not just think and worry about tomorrow.



All the lows will make you grow.💙

Let that sink in deeply.



Be shamelessly you!

Love yourself like there’s no tomorrow.❤️


Extremes are easy, Strive for balance.💙



When someone tells me that they’re not flexible enough for yoga.

Me- That’s the whole point.💁🏻‍♀️

You can’t have the flexibility or strength unless you work for it.

There’s no such thing as being BAD at yoga and there’s no such thing as being GOOD at yoga. Everyone has different bodies and everyone is going through their own journey. How can you compare them? It’s just so silly to do that.
What we can do is to embrace that journey to have the maximum benefit and to reach our goal with ease.😊

PS: I feel you should have a flexible mind and not a flexible body to start something new.

Yoga is not for the flexible. It’s for the willing.



Is there a Correct Alignment? Absolutely no. Look around a room of yoga students and you’ll see a whole range of different body shapes and proportions… and that’s just what you can see. You can’t see the angles of people’s joints, the shape of their spine, how big their acetabulum is in relation to their femur head etc.

So how can we say that there’s a correct alignment that applies to all of these people? We can’t. We shouldn’t. But their are alignment principles that we can apply to unique bodies. We can encourage students to consider what we’re trying to lengthen, what we are trying to engage and what we’re trying to stabilise.. Not what shape are we trying to make. If you focus on shape, you often actually loose the pose?

Just give it a thought.




Favourite inspirational quote these days.

The habits should be followed with complete faith, discipline and consistency.

Trust the process.🐢


Well certainly!
There’s no end. It’s always about going and growing without expecting anything. It’s about consistency, the will power to outgrow ourselves every time. While we are always concerned about outgrowing people and things, our prime focus should be to outgrow ourselves, our work, our way of being and showing up, challenging ourselves and growing through those tough situations and shedding the old and making the space for new.

It’s when the journey itself becomes the goal, we can move without expectations, we can be in a balanced state of mind where there’s integration of light and dark, activeness and passiveness, individual consciousness and universal consciousness.

Embracing the journey with complete faith and gratitude is the only way.😊


Photos from vitalizing_yoga's post 19/12/2021

Happy yogis😁😁

Throwback to 2 months of Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh which felt like a lifetime experience.

From exploring a new city to meeting new yogis to learning from the best teachers and realising that there’s so much more to us than what we think. The whole universe is within us (Yat pinde tat brahmande). Yoga is the means to look into that universe, to feel the beauty of it and to have that true contentment and happiness( Sat chit ananda).

2021 was all about travelling, making new bonds, absorbing new ideas, loving everyone and everything without expectation, being grateful for no reason and for every possible reason and believing in myself a lot more than before.😇


Photos from vitalizing_yoga's post 29/11/2021

📍Triveni Ghat, Rishikesh

They say “When you leave a beautiful place, you carry it with you wherever you go.”

Well Rishikesh is indeed one such place which shall remain with you forever. The moments, feelings and vibes of this place makes you feel the most alive.❤️

Taking up Yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh has been the best decision of my life so far. ‘Forever grateful’ 😇😇


Let’s admit we workout for every body part taking each at a time. We have separate days for legs, chest, bi-tri, back, shoulders and even abs.

But what about those sides(obliques)? What about those stubborn love handles?

Well if not a separate day, try doing these exercises with abs or even on a shoulder day. It will work wonders on those difficult sides.😁

Thankyou sir sir🤗

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