Fix Our Streets Portland

Fix Our Streets Portland

The way we move across our city is defined by our roads, sidewalks, and intersections. Right now, th


Portland’s 10-cent gas tax heading back to voters

Over the past four years, the fuel tax has raised $76 million dedicated to the Fixing Our Streets program, which repaved 38 lane miles of city streets, repairs to over 400 sections of failing road, sidewalks in East Portland, and 170 additional safety improvements across Portland.

Vote YES to Fix Our Streets by May 19, 2020! 🗳️ The decision was no surprise but it officially sets in motion the plan to ask voters to approve another four-year gas tax.


“Fix Our Streets” Community Campaign Launches: Portlanders Can Renew Local Gas Tax at the Same Rate on May 19 Ballot | Fix Our Streets Portland

Today, Portland City Commissioners voted unanimously to refer a renewal of the city’s 10-cent-per-gallon gas tax to voters to the May 19 ballot.

Learn more at PORTLAND, Or. — Today, Portland City Commissioners voted unanimously to refer a renewal of the city’s 10-cent-per-gallon gas tax to voters to the May 19 ballot. If renewed by voters at the same tax…


Fix Our Streets Portland's cover photo


Fix Our Streets Portland


Thanks, Portland. Let's get to work.


Fingers crossed.


Straight Talk: Gas tax discussion

Did you catch us on KGW-TV's Straight Talk this weekend? The full debate is available online: Straight Talk: Gas tax discussion


Thanks to Bike Walk Vote for helping us as Intersection Superheros at Sunday Parkways today! Rain or Shine supporters for safer streets! ☔️🚲⚡️


Straight Talk

Fix Our Streets Portland will be on KGW-TV's Straight Talk this evening Channel 8 at 6:30. Close Politics Straight Talk: Ore. secretary of state candidate… Watch Video Straight-Talk Straight Talk: Jason Collins Part 2 Straight-Talk Straight Talk: Portland mayoral debate (part 1) Headlines Updated 9:10 AM. PST Grid List Straight-Talk Straight Talk: Portland mayoral debate (part 2) Straight...


Five myths and a fact about the gas tax on Tuesday's ballot

Our opponents have been spending $75,000 from the Western States Petroleum Center to confuse Portlanders about Measure 26-173. reviews their claims and sets the record straight.

We can't afford to wait. It's time to vote YES to Fix Our Streets. Vote YES on Measure 26-173. You might find this helpful in discussing it with friends and family.


Who Are We?

Willamette Week, Portland Tribune, Portland Mercury,, Sightline Institute agree: we can't afford to wait. It's time to Fix Our Streets.

Vote YES on Measure 26-173. The following Portland-based organizations, community advocates and businesses have endorsed the Fix Our Streets proposal to raise the gas tax for road repair and street safety projects across the City of Portland.


I'm Voting for Safe Streets — Disability Rights Oregon

"For me, safe roads, sidewalks and crosswalks are public health needs like clean air and water. If we can’t safely go out of our houses, we can never be fully engaged and integrated into our communities, be it for work, shopping, play or to take a ballot to the mailbox."

- Bob Joondeph, Executive Director of Disability Rights Oregon, on why he's voting YES on Measure 26-173. I asked all my friends who use wheelchairs if they had problems with crossing streets. Every one of them (every one!) told me they had been hit by a car while legally crossing a street. Continue Reading I’m Voting for Safe Streets


Portland Passes New Tax On Local Heavy Truck Companies

Trucks will pay their fair share! Portland City Council has unanimously passed a new tax on heavy truck companies. It’s seen as an integral part of the gas tax ballot measure that voters will decide next week.


Poll: Portland's Gas Tax Ballot Measure Looks Likely To Pass

“We do need to invest in street repairs. We do need to invest in traffic safety measures so that kids can safely walk and bike to school and seniors can safely walk to bus stops.” Commissioner Steve Novick, on Oregon Public Broadcasting- OPB.

Get those ballots to Multnomah County Elections, Portland. Portland’s gas tax ballot measure looks likely to pass, according to a new OPB poll. The four-year, temporary tax would add 10 cents to every gallon of gas sold in Portland.


Portland gas tax will boost pedestrian safety (OPINION)

Ask AARP Oregon and Portland Association of Teachers: Portlanders of all ages can't afford to wait to Fix Our Streets.

Vote YES on Measure 26-173. By Gwen Sullivan and Elaine Friesen-Strang On the afternoon of April 2, 13-year-old Mauricio was struck by an automobile while he was in a crosswalk at SE 142nd and Division. He suffered a severe concussion and broken shoulder. No one...


Ted Wheeler, Jules Bailey, and Sarah Iannarone for Portland Mayor all agree: We can't afford to wait to Fix Our Streets.

Join Portland's civic leaders, educators, environmentalists, small businesses, East Portland advocates, and traffic safety supporters and vote YES on Measure 26-173.


Over 40 Portland-based community organizations are endorsing a YES vote on Measure 26-173 to Fix Our Streets. Join AARP Oregon, Portland Business Alliance, City Club of Portland, Oregon Walks, Portland Association of Teachers, Disability Rights Oregon, Neighbors for Clean Air, OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon and many other community partners in voting YES on Measure 26-173 to Fix Our Streets.



“It’s a fiscally responsible thing to raise this money now and make this investment because it’ll cost 10 times as much to fix” if we continue to defer on this necessary road maintenance.

Should Portlanders pay an extra 10-cents per gallon for gas?


City Club of Portland: Vote Yes on Measure 26-173

"A YES vote on Measure 26-173 is not just a vote for safer streets, paving potholes, and safer routes to school for Portland students; it's a vote in support of a community-led, collaborative approach between politicians, stakeholders and City Club to invest in the infrastructure that preserves our economic vitality and our quality of life."

Thanks, City Club of Portland! We're honored to have the support of the City Club of Portland. The nonpartisan organization, founded in 1916 and boasting over 1,800 members throughout the city, has been heavily engaged in the conversation about how best to address Portland's potholes and unsafe streets. Last week, City Club of Po...


Why You Might Like the Temporary Portland Gas Tax

"To rescue PDX’s sustainable identity, the city needs to repair potholes and improve safety."

Read Sightline Institute's full article on why Portland should vote YES on Measure 26-173 this May. Fixing streets and making them safe would be a win for Portlanders.


Who Are We?

Over forty Portland-based organizations, community advocates and businesses are urging a YES vote on Measure 26-173. Our supporters include 1000 Friends of Oregon, Portland Business Alliance, Neighbors for Clean Air, Disability Rights Oregon, The Bicycle Transportation Alliance, OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon, Portland Association of Teachers, Oregon Environmental Council, Portland Firefighters Association, IAFF Local 43, The Community Alliance of Tenants, City Club of Portland, and many, many others.

Our opposition is funded by out of state gasoline and oil companies.
Vote YES to Fix Our Streets. The following Portland-based organizations, community advocates and businesses have endorsed the Fix Our Streets proposal to raise the gas tax for road repair and street safety projects across the City of Portland.


WW’s 2016 Endorsements: Local Measures

"Voting against this measure to protest city spending decisions would be cutting off our roads to spite our face. The question is simple: Is 10 cents a gallon added to gas sales a fair price for fixing potholes and adding sidewalks? The answer is yes."
Willamette Week agrees. Vote YES on Measure 26-173. It's time to Fix Our Streets. WW’s endorsements for local Portland measures.


"After working in Beaverton, I chose to locate my business here in North Portland because I wanted my office to be centrally located for the convenience and accessibility for my employees, clients, and family. FMYI depends on our streets to be in good condition so our employees can get to work safely on foot, bike, bus, and car, pick up our kids from school, and so that Portland remains a desirable place to live so that we can continue to attract top talent to work at our company.”


Portland Teachers Endorse Gas Tax for Safer Routes to School

"Portland teachers strongly believe that safer routes to school makes for healthier children, and healthier communities. The Portland Association of Teachers is excited to vote YES on Measure 26-173 to Fix Our Streets, including over $8 million to make walking and biking to school safer for all Portland students.” Right now in Portland, many neighborhoods are lacking even the most basic sidewalks, crosswalks, and safe streets to allow Portland students to walk and bike to school. Lack of safe routes to school burdens parents with unnecessary car trips and endangers many young students who lack alternative way...


Police, Firefighters: Gas Tax a Vote for a Safer Portland

“No one should have to grieve the loss of a loved one because we weren’t able to afford a safer intersection, a crosswalk near an elementary school, a sidewalk near a grocery store.” said Alan Fershweiler, President of the Portland Firefighters Association, IAFF Local 43. "This year alone, 19 Portlanders have died in traffic collisions, and as first responders, firefighters see the impact of this traffic violence on our communities every day." Portland’s public safety advocates expressed their strong support for Measure 26-173 today, citing the urgent need for traffic safety improvements and an end to the epidemic of traffic violence on our streets. “No one should have to grieve the loss of a loved one because we weren’t able to afford a…


Why You Might Like the Temporary Portland Gas Tax

"To be clear, a temporary 10-cent gas tax won’t solve all of Portland’s street woes. But sixty-four million dollars over four years will let the city tackle the most urgent paving and safety projects. Perhaps, too, it will remind Portlanders why investing in city streets is well worth our tax dollars. As neighbors see potholes getting filled and intersections operating without injury, they might feel a sense of satisfaction that local taxes are improving local livability. Our streets, our safety, and our sustainability depend on investments like this."

-Sightline Institute. Fixing streets and making them safe would be a win for Portlanders.


City Club of Portland

"A YES vote on Measure 26-173 is not just a vote for safer streets, paving potholes, and safer routes to school for Portland students; it's a vote in support of a community-led, collaborative approach between politicians, stakeholders and City Club to invest in the infrastructure that preserves our economic vitality and our quality of life."

Thanks for the kind words, City Club of Portland!

Ballot in hand? Vote YES on the temporary gas tax.

The City Club of Portland urges Portlanders to vote YES on Measure 26-173. Having closely studied the issue over the last two years, City Club believes that this temporary gas tax represents an important first step at raising revenue to fix our deteriorating streets.

A YES vote on Measure 26-173 is not just a vote for safer streets, paving potholes, and safer routes to school for Portland students; it's a vote in support of a community-led, collaborative approach between politicians, stakeholders and City Club to invest in the infrastructure that preserves our economic vitality and our quality of life.

City Club's advocacy and engagement with the issue has led to a coalition of business leaders, local politicians, affordable housing advocates, traffic safety supporters, environmentalists, social justice champions, educators and more who all agree: Please vote YES on Measure 26-173, and encourage your peers, colleagues and friends to do the same.

Ballots are due by May 17; learn more about the campaign at, and read City Club's Street Funding Report at


A YES vote on Measure 26-173 provides funding for safety projects in the neighborhoods that need it most. That means that Portlanders walking, biking, catching buses and driving on dangerous streets like 122nd Avenue will have safer intersections, fewer collisions, better crosswalks, and safer streets.


Novick: Tax heavy truck companies for roads

This week Portland's City Council will vote to ensure that heavy trucks will pay for their fair share of wear and tear to our streets.

The Portland Tribune discusses the proposed Weight Mile Tax, as well as the most recent endorsements of the Fix Our Streets Portland campaign. Novick: Tax heavy truck companies for roads, Local News, Portland local News, Breaking News alerts for Portland city.


Portland, you've got two weeks to turn in your ballot and vote YES on Measure 26-173. Join Charlie Hales and over forty community organizations in voting for road maintenance and safer streets.


Portland gas tax for road fixes draws broad support, determined opposition (project map)

Our campaign has been endorsed by 40 community organizations including educators, local business leaders, environmentalists, public safety advocates, affordable housing supporters, all prominent mayoral candidates.

Our opposition is funded almost exclusively by out of state gasoline interests.

Vote YES on Measure 26-173. That would give Portland the highest city gas tax in the state. The highest for now is Eugene, at 5 cents a gallon.


Portland gas tax for road fixes draws broad support, determined opposition (project map)

"The streets of Portland have been neglected for almost 30 years," Novick said. "Every year we wait, the street repair problem gets bigger, because the longer you take to repair a street, the more expensive it is." That would give Portland the highest city gas tax in the state. The highest for now is Eugene, at 5 cents a gallon.


Sad white people want you to vote for the oil industry

"The oil industry is a lonely but well-funded voice opposing this gas tax."

The Oregon Fuels Association just received $50,000 from the Western States Petroleum Association to oppose Measure 26-173. One Portlander has some thoughts about that. Portland is voting on a local gas tax. Ballots arrive tomorrow.


Housing Affordability Advocates: Vote Yes on Measure 26-173

Affordable Housing advocates PCRI, The Community Alliance of Tenants, Oregon Opportunity Network, Orange Splot LLC, ROSE Community Development, and OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon agree: a temporary gas tax helps address Portland's affordability crunch and provides funding for street safety in the neighborhoods that need it the most. Vote YES on Measure 26-173. Worried about Portland's affordable housing crisis? Yeah, us too. It's hard not to be these days. That's why we're proud to announce that the Fix Our Streets Portland campaign has received the endorsement of Portland's affordable housing advocates including Oregon Opportunity Network, Community A…


Commentary: An investment in our streets, an investment in community | Street Roots

"The Fix Our Streets Portland proposal directly addresses these concerns by making cost-efficient, equitable investments on the streets and in the neighborhoods that need them the most."

Check out this editorial by Portland's housing advocates in Street Roots in support of Measure 26-173. by Nick Sauvie, Maxine Fitzpatrick, Eli Spevak | 29 Apr 2016 Click to view larger Imagine you’re a single parent in Portland. You’re stringing together paychecks to keep up with your exorbitant rent in the apartment complex on the edge of town, the only one you can afford. Despite your best efforts…


“Portland’s tenants are struggling, and this temporary gas tax directs resources to build safer and more reliable streets in neighborhoods where tenants are struggling with Portland’s affordability crisis. We support the gas tax as an investment in economic stability for vulnerable residents to safely get around town.” - Justin Buri, Executive Director of The Community Alliance of Tenants


Oregonian editorial board, gas stations almost alone in opposing Portland gas tax (OPINION)

"Portland's leaders are finally addressing this issue head-on. Rejecting the tax now would punish Portlanders, not chasten elected officials."

City Club of Portland's op-ed in the Oregonian today is a must read. By Jennifer Rollins, Kristin Eberhard and Brian Landoe The Oregonian/OregonLive editorial board's opposition to Portland's proposed gas tax is misplaced. The city can't continue to wait to address its crumbling and unsafe streets. When the city put its street funding plans...


In Their Words: Mercury, Tribune, BikePortland support YES Vote to Fix Our Streets

Portland Mercury, Portland Tribune and all agree: Portland, it's time to Fix Our Streets. Ballots are on their way, and Portland's newspapers are stepping forward to endorse a YES vote on Measure 26-173 to Fix Our Streets. ...Because proponents are right when they say it’s the best temporary, albeit partial, solution they can come up with while they work on a long-term, comprehensive pla…


Almost everyone who bikes also drives, so almost everyone who bikes would pay. We should jump at the chance.

Portland streets need improvement.

The way we move across our city is defined by our roads, sidewalks, and intersections. Right now, they need some work. We have a 30+ years of deferred maintenance to tackle. Small investments now can save us big in the future—making roads safer and more accessible for all.

In May 2020, Portland voters will have the opportunity to renew Portland’s 10-cent-per-gallon gas tax. Because this is a proposed renewal, the tax rate would remain the same as it is today. The average Portlander would continue to pay just a few dollars a month to ensure our streets are well maintained and that we make them safer for people driving, biking, and walking.