Burton's and Linda's Wedding

Burton's and Linda's Wedding

Next Year thinking around June 12, 2022 but it might change. No Reception (its not in the budget)
Still deciding where it will be held.


If anyone would like to know we were able to make a wedding registry with Amazon and here is the link to it. https://www.amazon.com/wedding/linda-bright-burton-smith--june-2022/registry/P9WQFFPYJI25

Amazon Wedding "),e.close(),a)){var r=e.createElement("script");r&&(r.type="text/javascript",r.text=a,e.body.appendChild(r))}}catch(q){n(q,"JS exception while injecting iframe")}return d},n=function(a,c){t.ueLogError(a,{logLevel:"ERROR",attribution:"A9TQForensics", message:c})},X=function(a,c,b){a={vfrd:1===c?"8":...


Hi everyone, I made this page a long time ago but didn't know how to work it until, but I hope you all will come and help Burton and I celebrating of us coming together forever. Please pm your address so I can send wedding invites once they are finished. Thank you again and being by our sides through thick and thin.☺️
