Soy Nutrióloga de corazón y profesión, preocupada por toda la desinformación, mitos y leyendas r
following the path to my happiness 😊
I can't wait for the next adventure and meet the new people that will be on this journey.
New things are coming soon... 🥰
I love traveling...
-Designing your nutritional journey -
By Liz Merlos
Food is my passion haha
Small things that made me laugh 😅
Small things that made me enjoy life
In this profile, we LOVE to eat and we support traditional food.
We LOVE to travel and here are some from Michoacán, México.
Enchiladas Placeras, it's a traditional dish from my area in Michaocan. The enchiladas are tortillas deep in chile guajillo sauce, with cheese and onion inside, fried potatoes and carrots with sour cream and Cotija cheese on top (and a chicken piece optional). 😋
Type of enchiladas:
1. Green enchiladas: prepared with a sauce based on cooked green tomatoes.
2. Red enchiladas: the base of your sauce can be tomato or dried chilies, such as guajillo.
3. Swiss enchiladas: prepared with green sauce based on milk cream and covered with gratin cheese. In some restaurants they are usually prepared with a non-spicy tomato-based red sauce.
4. Mole enchiladas: covered with mole poblano and occasionally seasoned with sesame.
5. Bean enchiladas: also called enfrijoladas, they are covered in beans.
6. Chilorio enchiladas: with pork.
7. Enchiladas potosinas: made with small tortillas, stuffed with cottage cheese or mashed beans and hot sauce.
8. Mexican enchiladas: prepared with green sauce, cream and red sauce, in the order of the colors of the Mexican flag.
9. Enchiladas norteñas: the base of the sauce is tomato and chipotle chili, with gratin cheese and usually stuffed with chicken or potato.
¿Quién es Liz Merlos?
Soy Nutrióloga de corazón y profesión, preocupada por toda la desinformación, mitos y leyendas relacionadas con la comida, la alimentación y la nutrición. Es por eso que estoy creando este blog para nosotros, para traer información verídica, nutricional, sobre estilo de vida, viajes, bienestar, entrenamientos físicos y más.