Woman Be Wild

Woman Be Wild

Exploring the dyer consequences of cultural conditioning and feminine suppression, Woman Be Wild tak

Photos from Woman Be Wild's post 24/12/2021


Together we…

RELEASE unprocessed trauma
REWIRE nervous system responses
REFRAME limiting beliefs
REWRITE old stories
RESTORE inner peace
REWILD the body, mind, and spirit

Rewilding is the process of returning yourself and your life to what is natural, original, whole, and complete.

It is the process of reconnecting to your original SOURCE of creation, inspiration, and TRUTH.

The realm of REWILD ME a realm of direct experience. There is no substance, middle-man, course, or training that can bring you into this space. Only YOU— YOUR attention, YOUR presence, YOUR loving awareness can release, rewire, reframe, rewrite, and restore your internal world which creates your external experience.

The women who step into this container change their own lives. They expand. They excel. They evolve.

We meet for 6 guided movement/embodiment workshops and 3 group integration calls via Zoom. Swipe through the photos to see the schedule and reviews ❣️

If you miss the lives, no problem. Everything is recorded and the content is yours forever.

January sign-ups are open and close on the 6th. Click the link in my bio

You have two weeks to get on my list. Don’t let cultural holidays be yet another reason you put yourself last. Enough of that. We’re not doing that anymore.

See you soon 😘


Photos from Woman Be Wild's post 11/11/2021

Happy ✨11/11✨!

If I had any wish, it would be for every woman to connect back to her most natural, wild state of being,

to feel liberated from repressive conditioning, cultural programming, and harmful mental patterns,

and to be free to embody and express her personal truth.

I wrote this book so I could share with you my embodiment and expression of truth, in the moments you may need it most.

I wrote this book to record the journey of my wild heART and all it has felt and seen as I’ve opened to the natural guidance of my feminine intuition.

I wrote this book to remind all women, myself included, that the power to create anything has always been ours. We are the carriers, the birthers, the mothers, and the caretakers of new and better worlds.

We create Life from the inside-out.

Let me be your guide on a journey back to the deepest caverns of your heart. Let me sit with you in your darkest corners. Let me love you in your most untamed places.

Woman, let me remind you just how wild and free you really are.

Make a wish when you exchange the $11.11 for Her.

She’ll hear you.
And She’ll answer.

*Paperback available on Amazon⭐️
L!nk below!

Photos from Woman Be Wild's post 22/04/2021

WOMAN BE WILD, 2nd Edition is available today!

It is important to me that this book be a true manifestation of the Wild Feminine. This means that the content will shift, change, and evolve right along with us. Every year, I add new stories of the Wild Women I meet, new perspectives and experiences, as well as featured artists like this year’s , who epically portrays our natural, wild essence.

This year, as grew, I was able to collect and include powerful stories and poems from the wildest of women (watch my story for details).

I was also blessed to continue working with Master who not only tattoos my body with sacred yantras that fuel my manifestation process, he has also designed my book covers using my first yantra (swipe through post to see more). This symbol represents my commitment to express and share my truth in this world. Tattooing your throat is no joke. I have become a channel of Source, and am here to ground my piece of heaven to earth through full soul expression.

I believe you are too.

Woman Be Wild is the simplest way that I can transfer the codes of feminine embodiment, expression, and empowerment that I have been endowed with— TO YOU.

It is my prayer that you will open yourself to receiving this piece of my heART. You deserve to Live Wild and Free.

“Woman Be Wild is for every woman who has, even for a moment, lost sight of her true nature, forgotten her power, and dimmed her light — and I don’t know a single woman who hasn’t. Years of masculine-dominated cultural programming and divine feminine suppression will do that, even to the most powerful women on Earth. Indigo takes you on a journey back home to yourself. You don’t have to change a single thing about yourself; you simply get to remember who you really are and always have been - a Wild, natural, sensual, creator of a Woman. In reading Indigo’s words and personal story, I was taken aback by how many times I thought “I could have written that myself.” It’s as if the book was written by me and for me at the same time. I believe many readers will feel the same."

It is our to rise. There is nothing left to hide.

Photos from Woman Be Wild's post 12/04/2021

Message me with questions. Spots are filling 🐅🌿

Photos from Woman Be Wild's post 22/02/2021

Mmmmm 🥰❤️

Timeline photos 29/01/2021


Timeline photos 28/01/2021
Photos from Woman Be Wild's post 28/01/2021

Your commitment to yourself, to growing and sharing your gifts, to shining your light and sharing the information and inspiration that can only flow through your unique energetic imprint—

This light within you,
This power,
It isn’t hippie girl nonsense.

It’s real,
And it works.

Self exploration, expansion, and expression is the path to human awakening, empowerment, and freedom.

It works and it matters.

It matters,
Because it’s Love.

Your full soul expression is the physical representation of LOVE.

It is Art.

You are the art the world needs to see.

Be the art by making love to your life.

Return to your nature.

Journey INTO THE WILD and bring your expression and offerings to life as you open yourself to spirit through a full awakening the senses.
All of them.

You must choose your light.
3 spots left 🐅🐅🐅

Timeline photos 27/01/2021

It can be hard to know your own beauty or perceive a sense of your own worth if it has not been reflected back to you in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.

The people we surround ourselves with matter. The people we work with matter. The people we laugh with, cry with, play with, and create with are the mirrors we look in as we learn to see ourselves.

Surround yourself with the people dreaming the same dream and learn to dream it together. Harmonious, collective co-creation is how we ground in New Earth consciousness.


I created INTO THE WILD so that I can serve as a loving, caring mirror for you. I created this course to serve as a container that will surround you with people who will reflect back the highest vision you hold in your heart. I choose this as my work because I get to surround myself with people who are listening to their hearts and answering the call of the Wild. I am creating my reality, and so are you. We are so much stronger if we create together.


I am overflowing with gratitude for the 16 people who have made the commitment to show up for themselves and explore the infinite nature of connection and inspiration. I am so excited for each of you to reflect back to each other the vision of sovereignty.

Where you place your energy matters. Where you spend your time, effort, and resources clearly shows what you are really paying attention to.

Your attention is your power. It is your presence and your life force.

🌊 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

Let this be an urgent invitation to invest your energy back into yourself. Into the things, people, and places that fan your flames, and that not only support but help to build your heaven on earth.

I have 4 spots left.
Reach out. You have absolutely nothing to lose. Leap 🌈

Photos from Woman Be Wild's post 19/12/2020

Reviews 🌟

Timeline photos 26/11/2020

Symbols are the language of the Mysteries. With symbols, we communicate to each other the thoughts, feelings, ideas, and truths that transcend the limitations of speech.
We communicate through color, texture, trinkets, and metaphors. Our Souls speak through vibration; the truest essence of things.
Pay attention to the colors you wear, the jewelry, your hair. What has meant so much that you’ve tattooed it onto your body? What is it that you say to the world every day without ever opening your mouth?
Your Soul is speaking all the time in more profound ways than you can imagine.

Timeline photos 19/11/2020

Fly free wild one 🕊

Woman Be Wild
🌿link in bio🌿

Timeline photos 19/11/2020

Fly free wild one 🕊

🌿link in comments🌿

Photos from Woman Be Wild's post 19/11/2020

I wonder
I wonder
What you would do
If you had the power
To dream any dream you wanted to

Because you do

I hope you dream awake with me
I hope you co-create with me

I hope you go Wild for a while

🐅link in bio🐅

Timeline photos 16/11/2020

You are forever pure
You are forever true
And the dream of this world
Can never touch you

So give up your attachment
Give up your confusion
And fly to that space
That's beyond all illusion

🎶 Suddhosi Buddhosi

Timeline photos 19/09/2020

Alpha & Omega

Timeline photos 07/09/2020


Timeline photos 01/09/2020

How bewitching it is,
that moment
when you realize
you are your own
twin flame, protector,
soul mate, beloved,
sacred spiral of hope,
mantra of freedom, prophet,
Buddha, spirit guide,
divine counterpart,
hero, and healer.

Timeline photos 29/08/2020

We are Gaia. This is not a metaphor.

Timeline photos 22/08/2020

To all my earth angels, star seeds, light beings, medicine women, and liberated souls,

We are the light warriors willing to travel to every depth.

Able to stare darkness in the face and say,


Even here,

There is Love.

Thank you for Being here at this time.
Your work and power do not go unnoticed.

Timeline photos 10/08/2020

Suffering is felt through false meaning. It is rooted in be-LIE-fs.

Suffering ceases to be suffering the moment it finds new meaning. The moment it transcends belief and melts into Love.

Clear all past meaning. Write a new story.

You do not have to suffer to heal.
You do not have to suffer to change.
You do not have to suffer to grow.
You do not have to suffer to live.
You do not have to suffer to Love.

You do not have to suffer at all.

Timeline photos 09/07/2020

To let go
To really let go
Is not to throw away what is old
Letting go is acceptance
It is the full acceptance of what already is
Letting go is surrendering to flow
To Life
And death
It is the relinquishing of control
The full admittance that you are never in control anyway
Letting go is the first step to returning home
Because when we can accept all that is
We merge into balance
We integrate
We become whole
Letting go is surrendering to your nature
It is an act of will that sparks the remembrance—

Love is all there is.


From my soul to yours 🙏

Timeline photos 25/06/2020

Higher powers do not exist above us.
They exist within us.

Timeline photos 22/06/2020

The more I searched for someone to love, the more Love lead me back to myself.

Timeline photos 20/06/2020

Happy Summer SOULstice, New Moon, Solar Eclipse! 🌎🌚🌞
That’s a lot of cosmic power. I hope you use it.💫

🌟This is a great time to turn inward. Ask yourself, what is the most tender part of me that wants to be seen, felt, and touched? What have I kept in the dark that I must bring to light? What is the deepest place I can travel to and shine on today? 🌟

Photos from Woman Be Wild's post 17/06/2020

“I just want to get high with my friends.” This is the purest intention I have ever set. Here’s why— Here is what that means to me;
Getting high means returning to your senses— it is reaching a state of HIGHtened sensation, which means you are in a HIGHtened state of being and living.
Plant medicines were my catalyst into a HIGHtened life experience because they reminded me what it means to live a soulful, sensual life; a life full of feeling.
Anything that encourages us to enjoy our sensuality will lift us into a HIGHtened state.
We experience this when we dance together, when we share our stories, when we play, love, create, when we spend time in nature, and of course, when we’re making love.
When we are in a HIGHtened state, we are connected. When we are high, we are literally making love to our life.
That’s how I want to help you live your life. I want to help you strip down and clear out anything that stands in the way of you connecting to your center— your truth— your HIGHtened state of being.
My work is to help you make love to this life. There’s no ride that flies higher than that. 🌈🦋
Now say it with me, “I just want to get high with my friends.”

Timeline photos 13/06/2020

We need to change our definition of medicine. Our culture prescribes and encourages all sorts of substances; prescription drugs, alcohol, sugar, and a diet high in meat and animal products— all of which are substances that stop pain, numb discomfort, stuff emotions, and mask the truth of how we really feel.

The irony is, the same culture who encourages us to “numb out,” drove us into these places of pain and discomfort. The same culture whose norms, structure, and limitations led you into anger, depression, anxiety, and poor health, encourages you to mask and ignore those feelings by any means necessary.

Any substance that masks real feeling— physical or otherwise— is a drug. And it will kill you slowly but surely. Because as they suppress your pain and discomfort, they also severely limit your ability to feel joy, excitement, love, and ease.

A true medicine does not do this. A medicine softens the body and the mind so that the heart can open. When the heart is open, and the mind and body are relaxed, we are able to lean into the tight, dark, uncomfortable, and often scary places and feelings we experience.

A medicine assists us in opening our hearts so that we can fully process our life experience, move emotion, and free ourselves from the fear of feeling.

This is medicine.
This will give you life.

I encourage you to notice the substances you turn to in times of mental, emotional, or physical distress. Instead of judging them, just ask,

Do they feel natural?
Do they open me up or do they shut me down?
Do they lead to a fuller life experience or do they steal it away?
Do they encourage feeling or do they rob me of it?
Do they bind me to a reality of fear and suffering, or do they lead me home in love?
Am I utilizing a natural medicine, or am I escaping into a numbing drug?

Timeline photos 04/06/2020

It is time to strip down. It has literally become your moral obligation to shed the conditioning your culture has imposed onto your life and your mind.
Our history classes fell short. Our education was limited. Even Sunday schools offer fragmented truths.
I hope today is the day you commit to take responsibility for your own heart, mind, and life experience. I hope you commit to take responsibility for the world you live in— no matter what was handed down to you.
Strip, shed, discard, reject, and clear every thought, belief, pattern, and behavior that limits your ability to live in truth and love.
Do the work.
Click the link in my bio and do the work.
Ebook or paperback— doesn’t matter. Just do the work.
There is no hate, shame, violence, or neglect when we stand together in naked truth. We have to be willing to shed it all.

Timeline photos 02/06/2020

I see you.
I love you.
I am you.

Photos from Woman Be Wild's post 31/05/2020

I am disappointed that as a collective majority, we have not learned to value life.

We have not learned to honor the life of every growing plant, to respect the life of all crawling bugs, or to savor the life of each wild animal.
It is of little wonder to me that we do not value life equally within our own species. We have learned to create hierarchy before community and have chosen control over connection.

We can only experience what we believe is truth. As long as we carry the belief that life in one form or expression is superior to life in another, we will be at war with each other.

The most powerful and effective thing we can do for ourselves and for our world, is to strip bare. Abandon cultural norms. Reject harmful social structures. It is time to shed and discard outdated and limiting beliefs about what it means to be successful, about what it means to be human, about what it means to Live.

We are carrying generations of learned hate and separation and it is killing us. Internal viral belief systems create external viral out-breaks.

Heal yourself.

Examine what you have been taught. Does it feel like truth? Or does it feel like the empty husk of past power-play?

Heal yourself.
Heal yourself, and the world will change.
Heal yourself so we can all Live and let Live.

The goal cannot be, “I don’t see color.”
The goal must be, “I see you, I see your color, I see your life, and I honor it as if it were my own.”
The goal must be, “I see you. I see your form, I see your life, and I love you as if you were my own.”

Let’s be the ones that finally choose to see, honor, respect, value, and love ALL of life.

This ends with us.

Timeline photos 30/05/2020

Behind your eyes, there is a space. A space to explore worlds, dimensions, realities— a loving YOUniverse with no end. ✨

Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Inhale all the way through the crown of your head, and exhale completely. Slowly sink into the depths of your heart. ✨

Breathe into this new depth and expand— expand your heart in all directions. ✨

Can you feel your center?
Can you feel how everything swells from this one single point? ✨

It is from here—
Behind your eyes and deep inside—
That we access true peace, divine sight, and instantaneous healing.
There is Love without end. ✨


Meet me there.



‎WEST: Women Empowered Stronger Together on Apple Podcasts 17/05/2020

Featured on West Podcast!

Learn the story behind this book, my process, and more! 🌿

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/west-women-empowered-stronger-together/id1454427400 =5c6dcb299d41496a1dd574ea%3A5c74aec51905f4c9aedbbd32%3A5ec038159974cb409fdf7fcc

‎WEST: Women Empowered Stronger Together on Apple Podcasts ‎Personal Journals · 2020

Timeline photos 15/05/2020

The universe did not conspire to create you from stardust, planets, moonbeams, and liquid gold for you to spend your life bound by someone else’s shallow, limited, reality.
Shine Wild star child.
Show us your magic✨🌔💫🪐🌟⚡️



Timeline photos 14/05/2020

Breaking free from the cocoon of cultural conditioning will allow the butterfly (your Wild self) to emerge and take wing. The butterfly is nature’s most beautiful and powerful symbol of the process of transformation and awakening, which is a metaphor for the evolution of the soul as it emerges into new magnificent forms. Like the caterpillar, we come to a point in our progress where we feel the need to change. Our life is no longer fulfilling, and we sense that we are capable of something far greater. Just like the little caterpillar, we realize we must let go of our current understanding and limitations in order to embrace a higher form of existence. The old form must dissolve so the new form can emerge.
—Woman Be Wild, Shedding Skin

Timeline photos 11/05/2020

There is a sacred relationship between women and the Earth. Earth is the original Wild, feminine, life-force. When you connect to the Earth you are connecting to divine feminine power both physically and energetically.
There is a direct correlation between forming a connection with the Earth and reconnecting to your female body and your divine s*xuality. Our physical bodies are chemically and biologically made of Earth. In a very real sense, she is our mother. We are not born into this world haphazardly, we are born out of the Earth. We are made of the Earth and belong to Her. Our very existence depends on the Earth and Her elements.
—Woman Be Wild, Earth: The Original Wild Woman 🌿
🌿I hope you choose to read this book over the summer and use it as a tool to reconnect with our Wild mother. She will remind you what it means to be free. 🌿

Photos from Woman Be Wild's post 10/05/2020

Happy Mother’s Day ❤️
I hope we pause to remember the mother that births and cares for us all 🙏🌍

Woman Be Wild

Exploring the dire consequences of cultural conditioning and feminine suppression, Woman Be Wild takes readers on a healing journey to wholeness by reconnecting women to their natural s*xuality and true Wild nature. Indigo examines the demands and effects of our culture and how it has severed our fundamental connection to the Earth, the feminine, our s*xuality, and our spirituality. Detailing the process of shedding limiting beliefs and oppressive conditioning, she provides encouragement, support, and a gentle push for her readers to return to their Wild, natural state of being.

Readers will learn how to cultivate a deeper relationship with their physical bodies and s*xuality, their subtle senses and intuition, the Earth and their spiritual connection to all of life. Indigo reveals how by healing this connection and restoring balance in ourselves, we unlock our individual keys and become vessels for creating a New Earth.

Woman Be Wild is a journey of feminine awakening, empowerment, and freedom. It dissolves the shaming of s*x and commands that we put an end to patriarchal rule and feminine suppression. The text explains that to do this, we must un-define what it means to be a woman and free women to express themselves fully, diversely, and authentically so they can embrace who they really are and reclaim their Wild, feminine power.