Targeted Assistance for Ukraine - Цільова допомога для України

Targeted Assistance for Ukraine - Цільова допомога для України

We are fundraising, processing and sending targeted help to Ukraine. Our mission is to deliver necessary help directly to where it is needed the most.

We collaborate only with trusted people and organizations. All donations are accounted and transparent.


Dear friends, some of our toys arrived in Hadiach, Poltava Region.
The ancient Capital of Ukrainian Hetmans thanks for your support.

Друзі, частина ваших гостинців вже прибула в м.Гадяч, Полтавська обл. Гетьманська столиця дякує вам і обіцяє продовжувати «Гадяцьке сафарі» 💪

Хлопці та дівчата з Канади, ваші гостинці вже приїхали до нас! Хлопці дякують і передають привіт !
Щиро дякуємо за пристрій нічного бачення та тактичні навушники! «Гадяцьке сафарі» триває!

Targeted Assistance for Ukraine - Цільова допомога для України Targeted Assistance for Ukraine - Цільова допомога для України


Dear friends of Ukraine!
Please help us to raise $1000 for two-way radios.

[email protected]

All donations and purchases report:


One more picture of our Heroes with their new gadgets 💪


All our packages successfully delivered to the Army of Ukraine. Our soldiers sending you many thanks!💪

Please donate to the Targeted Assistance for Ukraine. We need to buy two-way radios, more thermal imagers, night vision scopes and muffs. Every dollar makes difference.

[email protected]
Olena Slyva

Всі наші гостинці вже приїхали на передову! Хлопці дякують і передають привіт !

Будь ласка, підтримайте доларом Армію України. Всі кошти йдуть на цільову підтримку. Всі куплені речі передаються прямо в руки солдатам. Нам потрібно купити рації, тепловізори, прибори нічного бачення, тактичні навушники.

Електронні трансфери:
[email protected]
Olena Slyva

Photos from Targeted Assistance for Ukraine - Цільова допомога для України's post 12/03/2022

Dear Friends!
We have some great news!

In the last two days we have sent 2 more Thermal Imagers, 3 Night Vision Scopes and 4 Muffs (Tactical Headphones)
In total we have raised around $10,000.

1 Thermal Imager is delivered to Artillery defending Kyiv.
1 Thermal Imager is already in Lviv, soon in Kyiv.
3 Night Vision Scopes are on the way to Ukraine.
2 more Thermal Imagers on the way to Ukraine.
4 Muffs - on the way to Ukraine.

Thankfully to you we made a huge progress.
Every dollar of yours is a protection for Ukrainian Heroes.

Please continue to contribute. If you can't - share, speak out.

[email protected]

Olena Slyva


Grow the Sunflower - Niagara Division, is raising money for new toys.
We received a request for 3-4 pairs of Active Tactical Headsets.
This devices will go to Artillery.
Electronic hearing protection, ability to hear ambient sounds.
Price range is $140-250/each (depends on availability)
We will purchase once we have the amount.
e-transfers to :
[email protected]
cash to :
Olena Slyva
Проект "Вирости Соняшник" - Ніагарська Дивізія.
Наші хлопці артилеристи просять прислати їм спеціальні тактичні навушники з активним приглушенням вибухів та пострілів. Такі навушники керуються електронікою і здатні розпізнавати рівень звуку в реальному часі.
Вартість однієї пари $140-250 залежно від наявності.
Нам потрібно відправити хоча б 3-4 штуки.
Ми закупимо як тільки надійде необхідна сума.
e-transfers to :
[email protected]
cash to :
Olena Slyva


Окремо хочу виділити Героїню сьогоднішньго дня. Знайомтесь Valentyna Varava з Ініціатива Е+. Це вона та чарівниця яка надала перший Тепловізор хлопцям на передову. Дякуємо і вітаємо Вас зі святом 🌷

Photos from Targeted Assistance for Ukraine - Цільова допомога для України's post 08/03/2022



Dear Friends!
I have some GREAT news to share with you!
In just TWO days, we raised more than $6000. This amount was enough to purchase a first Thermal Imager and 3(!) Night Vision Monoculars.
Thanks to the collaborative company who sold it to us, I collected the Thermal Imager within just one hour after purchase. One more hour later, it was in the hands of Peter A Dudka, who works on the logistic corridors to Ukraine. He will send this shipment in the nearest days. Together with Peter, we ordered 3 Night Vision monoculars. Monoculars will arrive in Mississauga warehouse somewhere between 4-9 days from today.
We were lucky to get the last thermal imager available in the store. Also, it was the exact model we needed, and it was waiting for us.

Also, while we had a meeting with Peter, people from Kiyv contacted us and informed us about the availability of thermal imagers right there in Kyiv. So, one more thermal imager is ALREADY there - in the hands of our heroes on the frontline.

Isn't it Providence?
I can't find any other explanation for this miracle.

Thus said, I want all of you to understand. The war and the need are not going to end overnight.

I am grateful to every one of you.
We can make a valuable contribution to the victory even from Canada or any other country other than Ukraine.
Your superpower is in your WORDS. So if you feel useless, don't -- every share on social media, every dollar, every small talk with your friends who are not aware of the situation in Ukraine brings us closer to the liberation of Ukraine from the wild animals from russian swamps.
I know most of you have already donated, but
please realize that this war will not end overnight. We are the pillars of the frontline, we are the strong base, and we should do anything to help the Light defeat the darkness.

Please continue your contributions to the targeted assistance of our Heroes on the front line.

e-tansfers accepted to:
Sergio Riazanov
[email protected]

cash to:
Olena Slyva

If you have anything else that might help us or you want to share/get information, please reach
Serge Riazanov:

As I promised, we account for all donations and spending. Everything is transparent, and we report for every penny.
I created a cloud folder to find all receipts, photo-proofs, and donation breakdowns for your public control.
Raised: $6395
Spent: $6394.06


Today was a long and very productive day.
We have a GREAT Progress.

Ok. Some spoilers:
Thermal Imager ✅
Night Vision ⏳ (more than one)

More updates tomorrow.
Be strong! Stay with Ukraine.

Donations for targetted assistance accepted
interact transfer:
Sergio Riazanovnov
[email protected]
Olena Slyva
