

Hold the vision in sight no matter how drousy your eyes are for what's insight is lost if blinded👁️‍


Enmity of Miss Monica the maniac mistress 〽️

Insert 36

Monica:Look sugar plum my lazy retarte master is on his way now ,how about a contact number...oh wait no I don't have a cellphone and I'm afraid I'll be punished for my actions today.How about something to remember you with like a symbol or maybe a place to meet you at .

The man smiled showing his gold teeth written GKS in diamond bling and no I wasn't given anything and so perusation was the only thing left to do.

Monica:Ohh it's fine...I guess Mr Gou can't handle the me then maybe your companion will when I looked at him he had a Tatoo on his neck written in small "lol".it seemed tho my persuasion wasn't working till I spotted the same girl from the bathroom.

Monica:Fellow ladies why don't we grant this man here a splendid dance for him.I ask only the farest and thick huniez for this man.(To my surprise my discuise worked well because they didn't recognise I wasn't part of the staff and so many girls about 12 cane and danced when they were all touching him and offering drinks and he couldn't focus on what or who was on him I tore the button on his suit for less suspicion but I memorized the ring on his finger.Before I knew it a bodyguard came and dragged me out of the club

Monica:Let me go!I can walk myself you know!

I was tossed in the back of the car where Mr Rooith sat.

Kérn:Had fun Monica?

I dared not to meet his gaze

Part 37🦋


Enmity of Miss Monica the maniac mistress 〽️

Insert 35

Monica:No,no not at all .I just need to take it down on the wine consumption

Kérn:We haven't planned on children yet atleast but her health must be in good condition to carry sons of the Rooith legacy.

Monica's POV:What is this man saying it's bad enough as if I'm acting as his wife and playing along with it,even worse for carrying children for him.Id never do such a crime.

As they chattered business and flattered about affairs ,I could not help but stare about where I found a woman with similar features as Ginger sitter on a man an old one not to mention.I observed carefully as she talked and was able to lip read her asking for permission to go to the bathroom.

Monica:Please excuse (as I left)

Kérn to his earpiece;keep an eye on her,make sure she doesn't get into trouble.

Mr Flendarz:Seems like you can't take eyes off her for even a second (and they laughed about it)

I entered the bathroom after her and there she was fixing her make up

Monica:Uhmm Dan...(I froze seeing the woman I thought was Daniela)I'm sorry I thought you were someone else.My bad

??:Such a beautiful lady ,tell me what put you here at Yeelders Feelers.This ain't no place for a Richy noble like you

Monica:Well actually I came here with...

??:If you left your man alone out there ,you better pray they ain't takin him .No loyal man comes here for business it's about fun or they leave they're wives here to be sold off.Thays the only business that goes down here so you better watch out and watch your man.Now go girl before dey take him.

I left as soon as possible strange how I found my table but it was empty.It was as if no one was ever there did he come and leave me here to sell me.I got uncomfortable with the many men staring and some even whistling but there was this man at table 237 who caught my attention .He looked very familiar.I saw the same girl from the restroom leave behind a curtain I followed her.


Enmity of Miss Monica the maniac mistress 〽️


Monicas pov:Week went by and we didn't talk to each other.Till on this Friday where he asked me if I wanted to go out with him,well it wasn't my choice if I wanted to or not bcz Mr Zen the tailor cam and dropped a dress off at my bedroom that evening.I just soaked myself in the bathtub with bubble soap in it and had a glass or two or maybe three...Who am I kidding I had about 4 glasses of red wine and there after soaking myself a knock came to my bathroom door.
:I'm still busy.

??:My lady it's time to dress up

No matter how tipsy I might be I recognised that voice and so I dried up and went to check.

Ginger/Daniela:Uhmm yes it's me.I have been assigned to be your personal maid from today onwards.

Monica'Thats great now I can see you everyday ad I hugged her.

Ginger/Daniela:It's time to get you dressed.

She did my make up and hair ,man this girl knew what she was doing and so as I was done she accompanied me downstairs where at the last step stood Mr Rooith.

Kérns POV:Speechless was I seeing her in a ruby silk dress with a part of her thigh out ,red rudge and make up not much but just some touches to glitter her face to expose her beauty and her hair straightened down with curly bangs.
:Your late let's go!

Monica:Ughh this man , didn't even compliment me.

We left with so many guards and vehicles accompaning us ,I'm sure where we were going had to involve enemies.When we got there he escorted me by allowing me to hold on to his arm.Im sure I had to be playing a part in some of his schemes and there a couple dressed in white came our way.

??: Ahh I'm guessing this is the lovely new bride ?(as he led out his hand, I gave in and he kissed it)I'm Mr Flendarz and this is my lovely dear wife .(as the woman came and kissed the air of the side of my cheeks)

Kérn:Shall we go sit?
We soon moved but to a quiet place

Wine was served but my partner here wanted me to have juice.

Mrs Flendarz:Pregnant?


Enmity of Miss Monica the maniac mistress 〽️

Insert 33

Monica:I can't believe I'm about to do this.Yes I am walking up the stares to apologise to this emotional old man 😞,how I pity myself but I really need this proposal declared.I didn't even knock and as I entered all I could hear was the shower tap dripping water .I waited for him bcz I really wanted this to happen with Ginger by my side I'd contact Khun even if I won't atleast I'll have someone who cares.

There he came out wrapped in a grey towl

Kérn:What do you want woman??

Monica:I wasn't done talking to you...

Kérn:Well I'm done ,you may leave.

Monica:How could you (he went into his walk in closet and ignored me,oh how my blood boiled that I followed him I was getting impatient and there he wore he wore white sweat pants.Does this man not have pijamas?)I'm talking and you just turned your back on me ,I ...

He pinned me against the wall and in a low grunt tone
Kérn:Who is it you want?huh?
His hot breath right on my neck ,feeling the tention and hot steam from his upper exposed body forming on the space between us.I froze as the flashback in my mind imaged Khun back at his stay house when he was mad at me for the club scene.There I murmured "I want you" in a low soft tone .Our gaze met and stayed looking at each other tensely

Kérn: Merelin

Monica's POV:Merelin?What ?!I snapped out of it and came back to reality.
:Sir I want the new maid to be my personal maid and mine alone.

His pupils moved and then blinked,he moved back and said I should leave as much as I wouldn't obey him my instinct told me to leave still puzzled to the name he murmed.i left the room trying to remember the name.

Monica:Merelin??He addressed or mistook me as Merelin.Who could that be?

Who's Merelin?Find out more on the upcoming inserts.〽️📑🃏


Enmity of Miss Monica the maniac mistress 〽️

Insert 32


Khun:Ughh these notifications have been irritating me the whole time,it's like this week won't come to an end quickly.I have to go back home for business now these companies won't stop bugging (as he set on Notice free mode ,which removed all the notifications)As much as I'll look for Monica i can only get her when I'm ontop so for now business.

*With Monica

As the food arrived I called the new maid to my room where we ate and had a nice talk about our lives but of course I didn't tell her I was taken from my home where 2 crazy brothers are fighting over me and the man of this house literally hates my guts.Her story touched me so much that I cried since then we instantly became friends not to mention how she even landed on my porch without even being informed.

Kérn came home🐝

He entered with everything neat,clean ,no furniture missing and for the it was quiet maybe too quiet.

Kérn: Everything is in to place.,nothing missing,but the house is too quiet .Monica!!Monica!!?(he ran upstairs and went to her room and there Monica was found on the bed sound asleep).This woman finally behaved,maybe food punishment is the best solution for her .

He went downstairs and into his study for work.Some hour or w later Monica woke up and decided to look for Kérn and then finally went to his study and knocked on the door.

Kérn:I'm busy

She knocked again

Kérn:I am bus...

He couldn't even finish his statement as she barged inside

Kérn:What part of bust do you not understand?

Monica:It's just a minute or so.

Kérn:Ok 40 seconds left

Monica :Thank you it's just a tiny windy favour ,it won't even waste your time

Kérn:26 seconds

Monica:Be decent come on.


Monica:Can I get a minute to start over

Kérn:what do you want and how much?

Monica:It's more like who I want?

Kérnaans face looked flustered and turned red.

Kérn:Is he all you ever think of?Do you seriously want that womanizer over(he


Enmity of Miss Monica the maniac mistress 〽️

Insert 31

Monica's POV:Ughh this man finished the whole space,even if I would sleep with ...no Monica you can't think about that(as she took the pillow and sat down by the dressing table and put the pillow where her knees at and dosed off)

Kérn:Hmmm rebellious girl.You even refuse to sleep in the same bed as me .(as he fiddled with the blankets )Goodnight Merelin .

The next morning 🐝

Monica: Hmmm my neck is sore I feel warm and cosy(as she felt the warm white blanket on too of her).Cold man you are Mr Rooith!!

Kérn:Excuse you??(as he came in holding a cup written "morning" on it)

Monica:You left me on the floor.Hwat a gentle man you are.(as he placed out his hand to give me the cup)
I don't want it.

Kérn:Why is that?

Monica:It won't make a difference that your cold and not a gentlman

Kérn:I was a gentleman enough to not let you freeze to death.

Monica:that doesn't make difference since you came to my room and slept in my bed.I guess you aren't a gentle man like Khun,he would've cari...

Before I could even finish my sentence he dropped the plastic cup and spilled the coffee,left with slamming my door.

Monica:What a drama king,he deserves an Oscar for drama and being heartless.I need a proper nap first (her stomach growled)eating can wait (she couldn't even get some sleep bcz she tossed and turned on that bed bcz of hunger and after some minutes she decided to go downstairs)

There she found the cupboards empty and the fridge locked,she searched the whole house for him but no luck till she met a maid,native with ginger curled hair and asked her where he was but she said he left not long ago.

Monica:I'm furious and starving.Do you have a phone with you?(to my surprise she did and when I asked she gave me the phone to call)Of course she watched me so all I could do was order food on the ap she had and luckily where we were you could pay using card details so knowing Khuns password details I payed with it.



Attention all readers!!

Enmity of Miss Monica the maniac mistress 🃏📑


Monica's POV:this jerk!!How the hell did he,ughh nevermind that let me find the keys

Tossed and turned the whole room upside down and when deciding to go search his pocket pants but couldn't keep her eyes off his upper exposed body.There she stumbled and held her grip to stand her ground on his a rough but squishy surface .When her fingers went down she turned tomato red.

Monica's POV:OMG!!Son of a god, Hercules you would be...no what!!What am I thinking!!Eeekk!!

Coming... insert 〽️📢📢📢


Enmity of Miss Monica the maniac mistress

Insert 30〽️

Monica's POV

He went to rescue me,well he attempted to rescue me and stayed in the cold with a knife wound ?What on earth is this man made off?

(He went up the stairs and into his room to shower soon after some minutes there he saw he stood infront of the mirror facing the floor for he was towel drying his hair. There he felt something sting on his back and he quickly looked up and saw Nanny Zen.

Nanny Zen:Oh Mr Rooith I hope you don't mind but the hound mistress called me and said you were wounded and since I know how to deal with these things I'd thought I'd help since she didn't.I'll be out when I'm done


Nanny Zen:Yes Mr Rooith

Kérn:Can you please leave everything here I'll do it myself.

Nanny Zen:Yes sir I'll be on my way.

(Soon she left and closed the door behind her,he then wore some grey sweatpants,socks and trimmed his beard.There she sat on her bed seemingly lifeless ,bored ,with a thought of trauma.Startled to the sudden barging in of a man she looked upon him as if she saw her guardian angel and couldn't even hear a word uttered.)

Kérn:Why the hell did you call Zen?(he said with a stern face)

Monica:I saw your wound and I was a bit worried.Nothing big but I can't attend to wounds so I called her to do it.

Kérn:Oh really (he dropped the first aid kit on the bed)You know how to sow and you did first aid in your first year ,no?As punishment you shall tend to my wounds.

Monica's POV:[Better then sleeping with rats]She started to stitch his wound ,got done and applied ointment and bandaged him .

Kérn's POV:[She stitched my skin fast and careful as she could a part of me flat nurtured as a mother would to her own child ,grazed in the playground.Soft and warm as a mother.

Monica:Done!...Kérn...huh guess his asleep.I'll just leave then .(To my surprise when I got to the door it was locked )What!!?

Kérn formed a slight smirk on his face knowing fully well where the key was.



Enmity of Miss Monica the maniac mistress
Insert 29🦓

Monica:Well unlike you Mr Kérnaan Rooith, Khun was my safe space ,yes I might have caused trouble but...

Kérn:Just shut up already I don't want to hear it.

Monica:You are the exact opposite, sometimes I wonder if you both are actual brothers!!

Kérn:If I could I'd disown him as such ...

Monica:atleast you have a brother ,my sisters were taken by theat horrible man I was to call my husband.Oh when I find him,may the Lord have mercy on his soul.

Kérn:Don't worry once we get out of here we will.

(Silence struck as they held on for their lives depended on it and there a vehicle was heard coming from their yard .)

Ilza:Boss do you copy!!

Kérn:I'll have you all executed if I don't get out of here in the next minute!!

Ilza:Yes sir.Spread out!! Mavin how's it going up there,what is it you see??

Mavin:Sky Halker reporting for duty.Uhm we have a Gator situation down there and seemingly both the boss and this woman are on a washing pole with 2 gators on guard.Copy?

Ilza:Great.Now team let's move!!
(12 troops in two teams of 5 and one with Ilza.Ilza and the other marched up to the roof on watch and guard)
:Sky Halker send the buck in ,I got a plan .

Mavin:No I do not copy!Where are we supposed to get a buck??!Hello!!Captain!!

(There Mavin went in the house and searched all over till he found the basement and got some meat.He then asked for backup to carry the meat and as soon as they tossed it both gators started feasting and there Ilza ordered)

Ilza:Ok sniper do your thing.(As sniper observed carefully and shot both gators with instant sleep latex)
:Ok team now go in!

(After some minutes of rescuing and safely placing the gators in another truck they cleaned and left the place as if nothing happened.)

Kérn:What were you doing in the neighbours yard?

Monica:Ugh ok dad I wanted to go make a phone call to get out of here dad?(she said sarcastically but Kérn just looked at her but she only saw his wound .



Previously on Enmity of Miss Monica the maniac mistress...🐇

Kérnaan:What are you doing in the neighbours yard?!!

Monica:They have a bloody man eater!!

Insert 28🐇

Kérnaan:(pacing up and down)::why are they taking so long .(He took a deep breath and sighed)I got it. It hasn't eaten for day ,yes, I'ma grab some meat from the fridge,yeah.
(He went inside and turned the kitchen upside down but nothing)
*Outside he he was)

Kérnaan:Monica what happened to all the meat?!!

Monica:uhm about that..myou never let me leave so I eat and cook a lot

Kérnaan:[Women and food]I have no choice then but to do this.(He walked down to the to the base room which was an only meat being 25g and moreover. )

Kérnaan:Can you hear me?


Kérnaan:I want you direct me where the Gator is ,alright?

Monica:and what if I guide you to your death ?

Kérnaan:then my guards will kill you instantly

Monica:fare enough ...

He jumped over the fence with this 250 grand meat and there he landed.

Kérnaan:Hey big fella come to papa .(as he waved the meat around and soon after tossed it in the pool but the Gator did not move but stare at him.)
[Whispering]:Monica...I need you to run as soon as I say Duck,ok.Now one two thre...Holy sh*t!!(he ran)

Kérn:Why aren't you running women!!?

Monica:You didn't say the safe word.

Kérn:What just bloody run !!

(As she proceeded there an even bigger Gator approached and feasted on the meat in the pool.Monica just froze.Kérn couldn't take the running anymore)

Kérnaan:This us all your fault troublesome woman!!(as he held on to the other side of the washing pole )I swear you will sleep with the rats again or even even earth worms.

Monica:Shut up will you ,we wouldn't be here if you didn't kidnap me from Khun.

Kérn:Khun? That's all you think about now while facing death!!Delusional is your mind ,this is no fairy tale.

〽️I-Misty DSG🃏📑


Enmity of Miss Monica the maniac mistress 〽️

Insert 26

Khuns Pov:Stranded in an unknown country,might as well book in for some sleep and leave tomorrow.

Khun walked around the airport till he found a cab got in and asked to be dropped at the nearest hotel.As the cab went by he was surprised to mostly find children fending for themselves on the street but he wouldn't dare make attention seeking movements in an unknown country and so he just sat by and watched the road and took a look through the area.As he arrived at the hotel which
looked rather simple but luxurious in its simple form, everything there was perfect people were kind formal and the food was amazing he felt like he was sent on a private vacation center he knew nothing about and the best part was his room that viewed half of the city .

Khun:Gotta hand it to these fella's they know how to swag ,let me call my agency and team to say I'll be off for a week because I sure damn well need a break.

He soon was served dinner as he set and watched romantic love stories and even Rom-coms.Later on that at about 10:30 pm red wine came along with some chocolate drizzled strawberry fruits with whipped cream on the side ,he ate drink and got tipsy.Laughed and cryed throughout the star stricken love affairs doomed by fate.

Khuns Pov:What is with these emotions ,maybe it's the wine or its this soft sopy side Monica weared off me.You know what lemme just go to bed.

He dissed of off with the heavy scent of alcohol.Hus mind drifting him far away from his brothership problems,his long gone mother and seemingly...

Khun:Monica..(he said in a low soft tone)I'll keep you safe from that bastard brother Kérn...Wait for me Monica and whatever you do ,don't trust him ..or you'll end up like all the others...

The next day he woke up and decided to roam the city ,went shopping and made some companions at a fancy dinner...of course Khun was more of a social butterfly then Kérn who structured his face stern and serious



Enmity of miss Monica the maniac mistress

Insert 25 Continuation 🦊

Kérnaan:What is it you'd do to show your ready to do and obey?You can't be trusted just by your word because that has cost us money,lives and much more.Hmm?Maybe these 2 beautiful girls will remind you why your here(he showed a slide of signed foster documents and a foster couples picture)or maybe your sisters would make you rethink of why you need to be here(as another slide of her sisters photos and graves came up).Now what will it be?

(Monica was silent only hisses,slithers and her snuffling was heard)

Kérnaan:Silent are you?Ok then you will undergo this punishment only I will let you out of this shack when sunrise has struck.So your actions better prove your obedience.

Monica{}:how heartless can you be to give away 2 innocent children to those monstrous offspring of those evil people who fostered these 2 girl's parents.

Kérnaan'You should have thought about that when your mistakes and arrogance cost us more then what those girls could be worth in foster care.Now have some good rest for you'll need it for tomorrow ,if you can survive hours with a gator and you will survive more hours with harmless snakes.

The screen went blank

Monica{in a soft low tone}:How heartless can you be to do this to innocent children??Where are you Khun? Why'd you leave me for this monsters care??I hate you for this Khun Rooith.(she sat in an upright position and sobbed herself to sleep)

??: Dammit!!Sir it seems the location tag had been backed or something.

Khun:What!!So your telling me I came all the way down here for noth...hello?hello?Fuuck!! Dammit son of a bastard if it is wat you want ,it is wat you will get and I will obtain the empire while at it when I win this victory.

Kérnaan:It seems the mouse has caught itself in a mouse trap chasing the cheese.
(On call)
Send the men and get rid of him,we can't have him sabotaging this mission again(he hung up).Let's see who shall win this game of chess.




Enmity of Miss Monica the maniac mistress

Insert 25🦊

Monica:Sna-a-a-k-k-k-eeeee!!Someone please help !!Hello!!Is anyone there please!(tears rolled down her cheeks as she walked about)

She could here them slither and hiss about in the room some even on her feet cold and moist moving about.She wakes and cried about.Please I'll do anything ,please I'm sorry ,I won't do it again.I just want to get out of here!!she screamed. No response she sat there chained,crying and shivering in fear till she passed out from cry.As she woke up again thinking its a dream she heard hisses and felt cold moist movement on her.

Monica{whispering:What did I do to deserve this.I had a lot on my plate and now I'm here suffering.}
What do you want from me?huh?!!(she continued to weep).Silence struck in the room with hisses and tongue flickers on the cold cement floor.

(It switched on)
I will only say this for the last time miss Monica.You are needed for a top secret mission that requires discipline and hardcore training and I will offer you help in both your poor little nieces (as it showed a slide of a signed foster care contract)and I'm sure this family here would love these 2 so much (as a picture of a couple )

Monica:No!!You can't send them away ,as their godmother I'm still alive and not especially to those offspring of monsters who fostered their parents!!How heartless can you be!

Kérnaan:I tried being nice to you but you just had to push me.This is what you get...oh and I'm sure your sister wouldnt like that you failed them as their mother figure,their rock in rough storms and their sister (as he showed the slides of her sisters remains,graves,news headlines and photo when she was there crying.

Monica{In a soft voice}Ok..fine I'll do it.

Kérnaan:What will you do?huh?(raised his voice)What is it that you'd do!!

Monica:I'll stop with my nonsense and do my part of the deal as long as you'd help me and save my nieces ,please.Just let me out of here.



Enmity of Miss Monica the maniac mistress

Insert 24🦄

Kérnaan POV:Damnit this woman!!These men better show up at this moment!!(as he started pacingaround the compound)

After some minutes afew men about 7 came in with guns in their hands ,fully armed and suited.

???:ready on your commandSir!!

Kérnaan:Get her out of that yard now and bring her to me in the spare room when you are done.Dont make me wait.

??:Sir how are we suppose to shoot an alligator with rock skin without harming it?

Kérnaan:I don't pay you to be merciful do I now get to it .

??:Yes Sir!!

With their laser guns,machine guns and proceeded on with their task.Fortunately for them in the van was a andoloxen shot for animals and they successfully saved her but the gator had still some power left in it and showered one of the men that were on rescuing her from the yard as the other man lifted her up to be pulled into Kerns yard the gator grabbed hold of his leg ,as Monica got there safely due to cold temperatures and hours without food and sudden anxiety she passed out.

Monica's POV

My wrists hurt she thought as she began to open her eyes only to find herself wrist chained on the floor with a flat screen TV infront of her eyes.It switched on and there she saw about 20 snakes in a dark room on the tv and then the door opened of which the snakes slithered out then a full view to another room with a lady in it when she took on a good look at the lady it was her and there she saw one by the door the lights went off.

Part 25🐍

〽️I-misty DSG♀️


Enmity of Miss Monica the maniac mistress

Insert 23
Continuation 🦄

Monica's POV

Effortlessly the gator just sat down by the pole and just waited till what I supposed was to fall of which was something I was not going to let happen so i waited for what would be 6 o clock for Kern to come back home but seemingly it went darker and I started to fear what that he might come back home to find me as gator dinner at his neighbours yard.

Kérnaan POV

The lights are off thats odd she normally waits for me to come home but I do have to say I came back at 9:48 pm so she's probably sleeping .That's odd the door is open .

Kérn:Monica are you ele...(he couldn't even finish his sentence to the sudden view of missing furniture )Monica!!he went searching the house but no sign

??:Hello sir??

Kérnaan:Where are the guards sent for ??

??:Sir you didn't send for any guards and the guards you fired since last month ,there's no one available for the no...

Kérn:Nooo!!Don't tell me nonsense !!If it was last month who were the guards sent for a few days ago??!Answer me Denny??!

Denny:Sir please calm down..

Kérnaan :If you don't send armed men to my house now then I will come and kill you myself !!

Denny:ye...yes si.. sir


Monica POV:I slightly opened my eyes to find myself on the ropes of the poles.I screamed so loud that the whole neighbourhood could hear. "Khun where are you ,why aren't you here to save me?"as I sobbed thinking of how i failed my nieces without even trying.

Kérnaan:That was surely Monica's shrugg so she's still in the house.This girl better not be playing for severe punishment shall follow..If I were Monica where would I go with the furniture??(he started roaming around the yard and there he found stacks of chairs near the fence)This girl!Monica!!

Monica:Khun!Help me please!!

Kérnaan:No its Kérnaan!!What are you doing in the neighbour yard?!!why are you still in it?

Monica:Alligator!!They have a bloody man eater.



Enmity of miss Monica the maniac mistress

Insert 23🦄

Monica:You not going to say good bye??(as she walked towards him outside)

Kérnaan:Hmm(he gave a cold smirk and left for his car)

Monica:Rude much,who knew filthy rich educated men are rude and arrogant.Well despite the fact he left i might as well go on with my plan.

[Monica searched the house for the land line but no result of till she thought of the forbidden back house .She got there but no luck of opening the the landlocked door ]

Monica:What is it that he hides in this well built shack ,as rich as he looks what is it.Well too bad bad its not what I'm looking for but I'll check on it another time.

She found it in his library downstairs but no luck so she set a plan on how to get help from the neighbour..

Monica:Ok now operation neighbours SOS .Help is anybody There!!Help!!I'm pregnant and I feel pains in my abdomen and he just went out for some errands .Do you have a phone for me to call ?Hello!!Ahhh,Help someone please!!

No answer so she decided to go in and out moving and stacking chairs onto of one another till she could get on and jump the fence and successfully she did but sprained her ankle but she didn't give up so she knocked on the doors no answer and when she turned around the corner she felt herself freeze and and a chill down her spine .Slowly she retreated but the alligator had already opened its eyes and saw her, slowly it moved from the poolside towards her direction and there she climbed the the laundry poles and ratherly embraced it for her life depended on it.She shrugged as shesaw the gator coming at full speed to the pole.

What will happen next?
Is the gator friendly or Hungary for breakfast?
Catch up on the next insert
〽️I-misty DSG ✍️


Enmity of Miss Monica the maniac mistress

Insert 22 🧚

Monica:what are you talking about?

Kérnaan:give me the phone

Monica's POV{well I might not have finished the call but I can call him on the landline so he can track it down...}

Kérnaan:Hand it over now Monica!( She flinched as he interrupted her thinking)

Monica stood up and handed him the cellphone as she walked out the room

Kérnaan:and where do you think your going?!

Monica:I'm going to grab a snack all of this taunting of yours has gotten me a bit hungry

Kérnaan:Ohh no darling there will be no snack for you not to mention the starvation you will undergo for your disobedience (he gave her the cold look)

Monica:well you just watch me big guy (as she ran down the stairs)

Kérnaan:Not today missy!!Excuse me who do you think you are not to follow rules,my house and most definitely my rules.

Monica:Well if I must say i may not not follow your rules bcz I only follow my rules and of not mine my husband's of which if I can recall in this situation we're in I'd say I'm your sister-in-law.So now be good and let me eat at my fine brother-in-law's house alright good chap.(she got out some strawberries to rinse)

Kérnaans POV:{Khun is always doing the most of which is not needed of him}he took out his phone and looked at it intensely.

Monica(while chewing strawberries in her mouth):You good you big bum?

Kérnaan just rolled his eyes then proceeded to make a call

Kérnaan:Yeah Uhm I need you to do a job but before that get Rico on the line...Ric I need you to hack on my phone's system and change its location from St Loané City to St Wikker Duplein

Rico:On the winterward countries near the North Pole?

Kérnaan:exactly now do it immediately and cut off my landline while you're at it,I'm on my way.

Prt 23
〽️I-Misty DSG 👁️‍🗨️