Hon Maxwell Okoye - Ife Nise

Hon Maxwell Okoye - Ife Nise

Maxwell Okoye is the All Progressive Congress candidate for federal house of representative, Awka no



Considering the political acceptability of APC in Awka North and South Federal Constituency, despite some
insignificant sentiments the future of Constituency is very bright. By the grace of God and general acceptance of APC in Awka North and South Federal Constituency, especially, the party's Candidate Comrade Maxwell S C Okoye, (Ife Nise)
“We're hopeful and confident that the future is very bright. In next few days, things will be even better.
“It will not be business as usual. We will ensure that the National Assembly will be people-oriented and will make laws that will make impact on Nigerians, “We will make it by the grace of God. We are on the right path.” Awka North and South Federal Constituency is now on the road to progress and prosperity.
We have finally discovered that we are on the wrong road. We have finally moved to the road that leads to progress, hope, employment, prosperity and that will lead to Nigeria, finally attaining that greatness that God destined it for. We are on the way,”


Have I told you lately how much I love you? You are an incredible woman, and I love you more than I can ever express. I cannot imagine surviving all the hardships of my life without your pure love and undying support. Keep holding my hands tightly like this forever. I love you.


Friends, have you collected your voters card?



Political statement across the board has required that politicians should be cautioned against actions, statements and moves that could truncate democracy and political process in the country, Nigerians must be vigilant and speak against anti-democratic political statements and actions, which are capable of subverting the rule of law and destroy democratic processes, especially from Presidential Candidates. We must not take for granted the continued democratic dispensation the country has been enjoying for the past 23 years. Strict adherence to the principles of peaceful co-existence, one indivisible Nigeria through our campaign speeches, “Our constitutional institutions must be preserved and protected. We must avoid campaign speech that may trigger civil disobedience or sectionalism. Authorities should be watchful in every fora to strengthen this beautiful edifice called democracy. Democratic leadership to the conviction of like minded people remain a system of government that is the best so far invented.
“However, it goes beyond the conduct of elections to put leaders in office. “It is about respect for due process and following laid down procedures and it is about respect for the institutions and continue peaceful co-existence of Nigeria Nation.



We may respectful recall that yesterday 20th September 2022, INEC published the final list of National Assembly Candidate & we're fortunately part of that list, therefore I wish to express my gratitude to all my followers and supporters in Awka North and South Federal Constituency for standing by me throughout the primary election proud. As we're looking forward to start campaigns we will fight a clean electoral tough battle with every confidence that you VICTORY is certain. I know you'll never doubt our collective strength & capabilities to win this election “It will be a long journey for us, but TOGETHER WE UPLIFT THE POOR, STRENGTHEN THE RICH AND UNITE OUR PEOPLE, “I want to thank all those who did not at any time waver. They believed in project and supported it throughout primary, it's time for vote mobilisation, I need your prayers, total commitment and the necessary support to enable us win this election, above all let remember that all us are brother and sisters and friends, irrespective of political party affliction. Together we make difference. All we need is simply to win 🏆 the election.

Comrade Maxwell S C Okoye APC Candidate Awka North and South Federal Constituency.



It's my pleasure, my beautiful wife and good people of Awka North and South Federal Constituency, to heartily congratulate your Majesty, Igwe R.N. ILOH ( ISE NISE ) Igwe in council, Nise Town union and the entire Nise Community on this year's New yam festival.
The event is an age Long Tradition which show cases the rich & cultural heritage our great Town, and of not only the Nise Community but Ndi igbo in general,
We sincerely appreciate you, your Majesty, for preserving the peaceful co-existence of NiseTown. Your Majesty may God Continue to endow you with wisdom as your reigns continues brings peace and development in our community and beyond in good health.

Comrade Maxwell S C Okoye APC Candidate of Awka North and South federal constituency.




Yesterday attack on Senator Ifeanyi Uba and murder of innocent young citizens has placed some well-meaning Ndi Igbo to reason critical regarding balancing our general reasoning and avoiding self-betrayal.
When we’re self-betraying, we don’t love and accept ourselves for who we are. We’re betraying ourselves in all kinds of ways, both big and small, doing things to hurt ourselves that we’re consciously aware of and other subconscious things that we don’t even notice. We don’t have self-compassion or self-forgiveness. We don’t treat ourselves with patience and understanding. This energy of self-betrayal can cause us to hinder our progress in recovery and sabotage our efforts to get well. How does self-betrayal manifest in our lives?
When we do things that we know are harmful for us, we are betraying ourselves. Our addictions are a clear act of self-betrayal, but other examples are staying in toxic relationships where we’re being mistreated or disrespected, clinging to bad habits that hold us back in our lives, and avoiding getting the help we need for our mental health issues. We might procrastinate on finding a treatment center, for example, thinking we’re just being lazy, not realizing that self-betrayal might be one of the underlying causes of our resistance.
We often come to develop patterns of betraying ourselves because deep down we believe we’re inadequate and unworthy. We might feel bad about ourselves because we’re addicts. We might feel insecure and self-hating because of past traumatic experiences. We might have endured abuse, internalizing it to mean it was our fault. Our feelings of unworthiness and self-hatred can make us turn against ourselves and do things that are harmful to us. Our instincts to protect and nurture ourselves become corrupted, and we become self-betraying in our daily lives.


We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty, You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot build character and courage by taking away people’s initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves. TOGETHER WE UPLIFT THE POOR, STRENGTHEN THE RICH AND UNITE THE PEOPLE, TOGETHER TO HOUSE OF REP, AWKA NORTH AND SOUTH FEDERAL CONSTITUENCY, APC


Hon Maxwell Okoye is the man for the job to represent Awka north and south federal constituency in the federal house of representative.
