Online Deliverance Clinic

Online Deliverance Clinic

This page is created to help set the captives free from all sorts of bondages that the devil dumped into the body of the children of God. Matthew 10:8

Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy,[a] drive out demons.


The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the com- mands of the LORD your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom. Deuteronomy 28:13 NIV


Six Basic Steps To Your Deliverance
1. Identify your problems.
2. Forgive, pray and get yourself right with God.
3. Break the curses and soul ties on you and your descendents.
4. Cast out your demons.
5. Pray for healing of your soul and body.
6. Discipline your life by changing your way of thinking and acting.


Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits
whether they are of God.
I John 4:1

Photos from Online Deliverance Clinic's post 29/06/2022

As christians and citizens of Heaven, one should know how to identify the evil spirts; for us to shut them off from our lives and form our brothers and sisters who are suffering for demonic oppression, that we may truly be warriors who evict the devil from our territory in the mighty Name of Jesus and apply the blood of Jesus among those God has set free. THank YOu Jesus for the freedom.


1. A person can spent a lifetime, including instant of conception and time in womb, in accumulating demons.
2. Deliverance is a way of life, a process, not a grand event. It is a lifetime walk on the way to Heaven.
3. It is easy to cast out demons but hard to discipline the soul and body. GOD will not do it for you and no one else can either.


God took us into the promised land when He translated us into the kingdom of His beloved Son. He has given us the sword of the Spirit and gifted us with the discernment of spirits through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. We have been given the use of the name of Jesus. Thus equipped we are to go forth to clear the land of the giants. The command is to go, casting out demons.


Spiritual Death Sentence Of Occultism
Witchcraft, enchanter, song spell, augur, soothsayer, sorcerer, divination, fortune teller, witch, wizard, clairvoyant, physic, charmer, serpent charmer, consulter with familiar spirits, medium, sorceress, pharmakia, necromancy, seance, observer of times, star gazing, occult decorations and television, and children to pass through the fire.




Common Symptoms
Some of the most common symptoms of indwelling demons are as follows:
1. Disturbances in the emotions which persist or recur.
2. Disturbances in the mind or thought life.
3. Outbursts or uncontrolled use of the tongue.
4. Recurring unclean thoughts and acts regarding s*x.
5. Addictions to ni****ne, alcohol, drugs, medicines, caffeine, food, etc.
6. Many diseases and physical afflictions are due to spirits of infirmity (Luke 13:11).


Discernment And Detection
The presence and nature of evil spirits can be known by two principle methods:

1. Discernment: I Cor. 12:10 lists discerning of spirits as one of the nine supernatural gifts of THE HOLY SPIRIT.

2. Detection: the second method of knowing the presence and nature of evil spirits. Detection is
simply observing what spirits are doing to a person (Mark 7:24-30).


People are being demonized by the following flow of events in their lives without them knowing:

1. Sins of the Ancestors (three - four - ten generation curses)
2. Conception in Sin (fornication - adultery - lust - bastard - in**st - other)
3. Rejection in Womb (unwanted - threat of abortion - death curse)
4. Birth (anesthesia - cutting of flesh - surgery - trauma - other)
5. Before the Age of Accountability (sin against innocent child)
6. After the Age of Accountability (sin by accountable adult)

It is important to sit down and write the spiritual history. Once the spiritual history has been developed, you have identified the problems. get right with GOD and break demonic ties for each event. Now you are ready to cast out demons and pray for
healing. Then discipline your life, change your way of thinking and acting, go and sin no more.


How to know that you and family are being demonize?
A spiritual history lists could help you determine- the spiritual events that have taken place in a person's life that cause
problems in the spirit, soul and body. These include traumatic events, sins, problems and anything that would open the door for a demon to come into the person's soul or body. Each
event has to be dealt with spiritually.


Ezekiel 18 shows the equity of God's dealings with us. The sin of idol worship is defined as eating upon the mountains (in the groves), lifting up the eyes to the idols (worship), and not
walking in God's statutes and judgments (disobedience).

Sins of ancestors to ask forgivenesss from to break the legal stronghold of the enemy over the family and its next generation.
Ask the blood of Jesus to wiped it out and ask forgiveness too.


Exodus 20 lists the Ten Commandments which are still applicable today. The scriptures about worshipping other gods are verses 3, 4 and 5. This outlines the curse for idol worship which lasts three or four generations according to God's purposes.

This was a revelation of the sins of the ancestors that God gave to Earl


Forgiveness is the key for your healing of arthritis and cancer and other sicknesses attach to being bitter. Forgive and you will live happily with the joy of the Spirit evident in you.


Bitterness is a hurt that will not heal, a wound in the spirit
(Prov. 18:14). It comes into a life
because of a failure to appropriate God's grace (Heb. 12:15); by refusing to forgive others (Matt.
6:14-15; 7:1-2; 18:21-35); or refusing to thank God for all things (Eph. 5:20; Phil. 4:6).
Forgiveness is the most important thing that God has taught us about deliverance!


The core of the schizophrenic is Rejection and Rebellion. Schizophrenia always begins with Rejection! Be set free from this in Jesus name!


Todya we discussed the demons of rejections for the people of God to come to the awereness so you can combat and cast it out fromoo your family and friends and many others.

Over and over people have reported life-long trouble by seemingly groundless but crippling rejection and various kinds of fears.

In some individuals, such spirits only produce discomfort and uneasiness.

A knowledge of the binding and casting out of evil spirits, and loosing the spirits of God (to
counter and cancel the evil ones) is essential (Matt. 18:18; Mark 16:17-18).

Timeline photos 13/04/2022

The Word of God has an answer for every area of life. These are but a few practical examples.


Be set Free from all demons possessing your soul!

Anyone needs help in spiritual , emotional and physical aspect you
can Visit this link to book for live appointment through online zoom room.


If you need inner healing, physical healing spiritual healing and over all restoration by the Mighty Power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name in order to align your divine destiny, choose your schedule of appointment from the available slots. Thank you..


Are you sick? Are you tired? Are you hurt? Jesus is calling you. Book an appointment now to relieve your burden unto the Lord.


Welcome to Online Deliverance CLinic. Please see schedule to book an appointment.

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Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 11:00
Tuesday 14:00 - 15:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 11:15
Thursday 17:00 - 18:00
Friday 17:00 - 19:00
Saturday 15:00 - 16:00
Sunday 17:00 - 18:00