Krystal Creative Consulting

Krystal Creative Consulting

I help entrepreneurs and small businesses build authentic brands.


✨ Client Testimonial✨

Surprise treasure hunt for a birthday 💝


✨Client Testimonial✨

You can order your own custom story by clicking the link in my bio.

Photos from Krystal Creative Consulting's post 09/08/2023

It’s important that your clients feel they can trust you, and sometimes our usual go to words, like trust, security, and care, just don’t have the authentic feeling they used to.

Do any of these 5 words feel like a warm hug to you? 🫂✨


Listen, I get it. Algorithms favor accounts that post and interact consistently. But it doesn’t mean you whip anything out of your ass for the sake of posting. People feel that.

You may create a strong brand, but if you can’t relay your TRUTH ✨EVERY ✨time you speak, well now you’re watering down the message.

If you want to stay active and still provide authentic content, pump out a few posts in one sitting while you’re on fire 🔥 and save for a rainy day.

If you’re feeling blocked or drained, honor that- it’s ok to take a break (hello, it’s been two wks for me 😁). You’re a person with things outside of your business and your clients & followers will honor that, when you honor it first. 💚


Good writing is all about voice, and let’s get real, formal writing has no life.

Unless your corporate job pays you specifically to write in a professional tone, it’s likely not going to captivate your audience.

In fact, it wasn’t until I found my casual and fun tone that I was hired professionally.

Now brands work with me specifically because of it!

So if your writing a bio or other content for your socials, make sure to sound like yourself, with words you actually say in your daily life. It’s what we connect to you! ✨

Photos from Krystal Creative Consulting's post 25/07/2023

Forget power words, let’s talk about energetically charged words! ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️


New logo alert!

I am feeling so magical lately that it felt like it was time to harness it in my logo ✨

Like a nesting doll or Easter egg, there are many layers, seen and unseen, in my work as a creative.

Easter eggs traditionally represent resurrection, as I “bring to life” my clients vision and intention for their brands.

Are you enchanted? 🤩

Photos from Krystal Creative Consulting's post 21/07/2023

I always attract clients that are feeling at a crossroads in their business, and a lot of time, this crossroads is also reflected in their personal life.

Branding itself is really asking the questions, “Who are you?” “What do you want?” And “How do you want to present yourself?”

So working with a consultant will naturally challenge you to get clear about what you want.

However, as I stand in my integrity as a creative consultant, I will not create something that’s not clear- I don’t only want decisions- I want you to own them.

“Let’s add this but also want to leave the door open for that, so let’s add it too.”

Good branding isn’t “a little bit of this and little bit of that,” it’s a clear, concise, and emphatic certainty.

“Well what do you think about this decision?” I’ll get. My response is always, “It doesn’t matter to me what you choose, just make a decision and stand in it fully.”

My professional advice can only go so far, because TRUE authenticity means you make the decisions for yourself- and I will hold space for you as your consultant.

Make a decision, then lock into the vibration of that decision. ⚡️

Photos from Krystal Creative Consulting's post 18/07/2023

My favorite question I like to ask new clients is, “how do you describe what you do in one sentence?”

For most people answering that question is quite difficult.

This sentence is essentially your mission statement.

A good mission statement does the following:

✨Evokes Feeling
✨ Is specific
✨ Uses concise, intentional language
✨ Has a fresh and unique POV
✨ Is memorable

Let’s get Krystal clear on who you are, and your integrity as a professional/business 😉

Photos from Krystal Creative Consulting's post 05/07/2023

Are you offering multiple services in order to capture a wider audience? You could be emitting CHAOTIC energy.

Are you sharing your work on socials without thoughtful, targeted information? Are you lacking creativity in the way you connect to your audience? You could be emitting CONFUSED energy.

Are you pumping out quality content and pulling out all the stops, but the brand just isn’t YOU? You could be emitting LOST energy.

Whether your clients can understand this or
Not, they’ll subconsciously feel it and respond to that underlying tone.

My specialty is helping you lock into a vibration that is CLEAR and UNDENIABLE.


Do you believe that your energy is powerful enough to attract business?

Do you feel worthy of that business?

Whatever your answer is, your audience will feel it. It’s not enough to fake it till you make it. It’s not enough to throw things together and offer whatever you think a client might want.

It’s the other way around - build it and they will come! The ones that are meant to be impacted by you.

Photos from Krystal Creative Consulting's post 08/06/2023

Any time I am working with a representative of any kind who is assisting me with something, they are always troubled with urgency, with protective energy.

Lots of apologies, when there’s nothing to apologize for- you are helping me just fine.

Even when my interactions are absolutely pleasant and I’m satisfied with their attentiveness, I’ll hear “thanks for being so patient I appreciate it.”

I am in no rush - ever- so I naturally hold space in these interactions. I say with full honesty, “no worries, take your time.”

And every time, I am met with gratitude and shock that I allowed that space.

We are so busy running on fumes, living in survival mode, stuck in the programmed bubbles of our lives to see that everyone is human, and everyone deserves a moment to exhale.

Now as a consultant, I’m seeing this translate the same - a rush and urgency to not waste my time or to not feel like a burden.

I’m not here to overcharge you and send you off just as quick as you come in.

Stay awhile - but not too long :)

I will let you exhale. Let’s breathe in all the ingredients of you business and breathe out an authentic, and thoughtful brand, together.


The first thing a consumer notices when looking at images or designs is color. It's important to remember that choosing your brand colors is a creative and thoughtful process.

Things like industry, services, and personality should all be taken into account when choosing your palette, because it's simply not enough to choose what you like.

That's why companies like Netflix, Red Bull, and Coca-Cola chose to brand with bright red - because this is a powerful color that evokes excitement and passion.

From a psychological perspective, the color blue is perceived as a reassuring color. It can ignite feelings of trust, security, and safety. This is why brands like Facebook and Visa use it as their primary color.

I work with entrepreneurs to help them choose palettes for their brand that make sense - What feelings are you trying to awaken in your brand?


That’s it! When people envision their site, their first request is to create a robust and inundated website, which is actually overwhelming to the user.

The average span for a user scrolling online? 8 seconds.

Think of your site as a house - don’t fill your sacred space with clutter.

I focus on clean aesthetic, with very intentional structure. You can have tons of information packaged in a way that’s digestible, and relative to your business.


✨Major 🔑 alert✨

Aligned action is the deliberate practice of moving through your day with the goal of only experiencing things that feel good to you – Decisions that feel expansive and light in your body.

We are going deeper with this practice to see how you can heighten your manifestations in our newest post!

Click the link in our bio to read 📖

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- The Unconventional Mom✨